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16019240 No.16019240 [Reply] [Original]

>takes 10 fucking years to write a single YA book

>> No.16019244
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>> No.16019247


>> No.16019255

Write about dysenteric poop in better prose than that

>> No.16019271

I'm not going to, but I'm sure someone here will accept your challenge.

>> No.16019281

Or just don't write about poop at all ?

>> No.16019293

URRRRRRRHH *plop* *squish*

>> No.16019323

>fat guy who lived on welfare most of his life and dodged the vietnam draft is a lazy fuck
wow... i am just so surprised

>> No.16019334


>> No.16019354

>this is what a daily quota of x amount of words looks like

>> No.16019358

He is by far the best fantasy writer around today
Which tells you what a shit genre fantasy is

>> No.16019386

You don't read fantasy fiction.

>> No.16019392

Hugo roasties and sois are very upset with Georgey boy on Twitter

>> No.16019401

Smart move

>> No.16019405

I experienced pic related working in the middle eastern desert

>> No.16019488


>> No.16019658

He hosted the Hugos. Mostly talked about dead white men who influenced him (I think he even gave a shout out to Lovecraft) neglected to mention any of the legbeard and people of color nominees and winners and managed to butcher the pronunciation of a few bat-eating slanteye nominees and winners

>> No.16019663
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Amerimutts will never cease to amuse me.

>> No.16019686

>> https://www.pretty-terrible.com/george-r-r-martin-2020-hugo-awards/

>> No.16019700
File: 21 KB, 440x478, 1756245672765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The host for this year’s festivities was George R.R. Martin and he spent an awful lot of time talking about John W. Campbell, noted fascist and racist. Pretty sure that between Martin and Bob Silverberg, Campbell (noted fascist and racist!) was mentioned more than the aggregate of the folks being honored. I aged approximately 67 years during Silverberg’s segment.

>> No.16019896
File: 1.19 MB, 1732x2423, Steven_Erikson_-_Lucca_Comics_&_Games_2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enter chadikson

>> No.16019967

Write for reddit , get reddit'ed

>> No.16019979
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>takes 30 years to write gibberish

>> No.16019980

what a garbage community holy christ

>> No.16020023

Is Malazan really that good? I have a friend who can't fucking talk to me once without shilling this series and explain some passages (without context). He's a cool guy but i don't trust his recomendations because he's not well read.

>> No.16020065

And is still richer and vastly more influential than you'll ever be. So, where's the problem?

>> No.16020086

When will George RR Martin (and a lot of other White male SFF writers and readers) finally acknowledge and praise all the kickass women and people of color writing in the SFF community?

>> No.16020097

I'm not old or obese, so i'm still better than him.

>> No.16020100
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>> No.16020113

No, its not. It's a D&D campaign that was meant for TV, but was so shitty no one would use the script so he turned it into a stupidly massive series.

>> No.16020435

I had the impression that the whole thing was about fantasy warfare.

>> No.16022091


Sounds like you're seething. Besides I heard that the Malazan writer was more influenced by The Black Company books and that's why he started writing Malazan. However, I heard that some of the Malazan books were D&D campaigns.

>> No.16022151

>What transpires next is indescribably debased, and in the interests of good taste I have declined to include a thorough description of it in this volume. Readers so inclined may use their most colorful imagination to fill in the details of the degradations and struggles that ensue between here and the paragraph to follow.

>> No.16022166

>be retarded
>become a millionaire for it
fuck the world

>> No.16022173

no you didn't

>> No.16022218

>muh Twitter drama!

pls end ur existence

>> No.16022271

It's going to end with Daneerys warging into Drogon and Jon stabbing Drogon with Dawn thus fulfilling the Azor Ahai prophecy.

>> No.16022283

i personalyh like *squirt!* myself since it implies such a velocity and presure that it anus acts as a liquidy hydrant.

>> No.16022355

huge dosto vibes with this one

>> No.16022447

I'd like it to end just the way the TV show did, so we can all enjoy the angry tantrums again.

>> No.16022478
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>tfw I have written messing fiction for /trash/ in the past and am actually more than capable of writing an extremely literary description of a woman taking a shit

>> No.16022723

yes he did

>> No.16022730

No he didn’t

>> No.16022733

Give us a taste of your shit lassie

>> No.16022739

I'm worried if I write it out in a post I'll get banned. I guess I could put something up on Pastebin.

>> No.16023489

Diarrea was a killer in medieval times

>> No.16023495

Was Tolkien a better writer, bros?

>> No.16024510

Am I reading this right? The faglet who wrote this is calling people out for mispronouncing names that they cannot possibly pronounce correctly?
Wish you'd backed the right horse during the Puppies drama, don't you, George.

>> No.16024655

what's puppies drama?

>> No.16024733

Let's see it

>> No.16024801

Everything in Finnegan's Wake makes sense.

>> No.16025117

Here, I wrote this out in about five minutes or so. It's not my best:


>> No.16025246

It took Hitler 30 years to write Mein kampf?

>> No.16025271

The fist one was quite interesting. Worth a read to see if you like it yourself.

>> No.16025274

>but you can by my upcoming 1100 page volume, entitled "The Dirty, Dastardly Diarrhea Dump", that describes the character shitting themselves to death in complete physiological, anatomical, even biochemical detail.

>> No.16025281


>> No.16025487

Absolutely degenerate, really worthy of the being GRRM tier.

>> No.16025884

2 first books i read were very nice. It's both down to ground and epic at times
could you like stop talking about it for 5 minutes?

>> No.16025892

>he got filtered by the best book there is