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/lit/ - Literature

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16018041 No.16018041[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have any philosophers ever refuted this?

>> No.16018047
File: 1.42 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20200721_220726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no because it's impossible to do. some people are just fucked, myself included

>> No.16018048
File: 9 KB, 180x281, Jesus of Nazareth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, one.

>> No.16018050
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Uh, no

>> No.16018052


>> No.16018054

at least you're not balding right?

>> No.16018055

>the last will be the first

at what? to die alone?

>> No.16018059

>Blessed be the incels for they shall inherit the chans.

>> No.16018062

Yeah my philosophy says your a fuckin stupid ass faggot if you actually fall for that defeatist pussy ass mentality eat shit OP and suck the dick off your femboys on r9k

>> No.16018063

We have to do something.

>> No.16018064

I think he was talking about the afterlife (Heaven)

>> No.16018066

Another /r9k/ thread that globohomo jannies won’t remove. Sad!

>> No.16018070

Yeah, me, you loser

>> No.16018072
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>we have an actual for real faceprint of real Christ
>retards still draw him as an amerimutt

>> No.16018077

not really a refute

>> No.16018078


>> No.16018092

I know you don't need any more of this but if I saw you at night I'd steer clear; you look like some kind of alien hybrid.

>> No.16018098

not really an argument to refute.

>> No.16018109
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>have any philosophers ever refuted my incel meme or is it 100% true

>> No.16018111
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>> No.16018114

I'm not convinced. Life was shit when I was 12, while other guys were partying and hanging out with friends and girls. It's been that way since. The meme seems pretty accurate.

>> No.16018116

You sound like the lardmericans who say "I can't lost weight, diets don't work, it's just genetics in the end so i'm gonna continue to force down 6 mcdonals down my throat every week"

>> No.16018117

braindead iphone poster

>> No.16018122

Yes, you are an Ameritard. Only mutts think like this

>> No.16018124

Go fuck yourself then, are you waiting for me to convince your little pathetic soul to not believe in defeatist bullshit? It warms my heart how hard faggots like you are mocked on this board, go to your /r9k/ or something.

>> No.16018125
File: 52 KB, 416x356, F0A3E38E-3E87-4512-B4C5-A21A15DE893E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should definitely keep posting defeatist threads on 4chan, I’m sure that will give you a solid perspective from which to view this problem
I actually bought this so I can facetime my mom while she’s isolated in the hospital due to covid.

>> No.16018131

is there a gay version of this?

>> No.16018136

it could be us waiting to happen

>> No.16018140
File: 290 KB, 1710x2560, 81OMW3oA+sL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>force down 6 mcdonals
nobody does this, satiety is real.
obesity is a problem of insulin, and hormones. If the diets pushed by food lobbyist funded research worked, people wouldn't be obese. Read a book for once.

>> No.16018141


>> No.16018146
File: 137 KB, 473x756, 703a455e4a29e9bb43145a33a1149433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, you lose no matter what you do in life because you die in the end. Life is just eating, shitting, sleeping, fucking, working.

>> No.16018147

This is jut highschool drama bullshit and you're a pathetic cuck. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.16018149

>grow the fuck up
I didn't get a chance to grow up because I spent all of high school sitting at home playing video games. I likely have the mental age of a 12 year old

>> No.16018152

You were always destined to suffer more but so what? You think there are not people who have suffered more in the past, the present, and no doubt the future too? Why not compare you existence to theirs instead of to the people in your immediate vicinity?
Just accept that the human condition comes in countless shapes and expressions and none of them are invalid. Enjoy the experience, it's unique to you, and stop comparing yourself to those around you.

>> No.16018153

yeah yeah, suck your dick harder you self-pitying cunt. You are weak and you deserve whatever you get, thanks for confirming this.

>> No.16018154

>because you die in the end.
Yes and? That's like saying 1+1=2, it
means nothing, that's no refutation

Maybe try reading literature

>> No.16018161

There are tons of good books on fasting and you had to post that one? That book is well-marketed garbage that exaggerates claims. Fung is a snake oil salesman, you don't need any of his insulin lies.

Fasting is simple: reduce your eating window, once in a while do a 24-48 hour fast. Don't eat sugary stuff.

>> No.16018167

If this is what you sincerely believe then go live in a homeless shelter. I agree with you that you need to interact with humans to some degree in order to mature. But believe me when I tell you there are people far less socially capable than you that have no choice but to deal with other humans everyday in order to survive. Mingle with those people. They will not reject you since they don't have the choice, and they are weirder than you are anyway.
There are always options and always things to do. New situations you can put yourself in. You don't have to join a fucking club or something. Avoid normies if they are too intimidating for you. Go find some real freaks to hang out with.

>> No.16018169

the innsmouth look

>> No.16018170

I've read the biggest cope of all, stoicism. Now I don't care about anything.
>enjoy the experience, it's unique to you
I sit alone in front of the computer 16 hours a day, go to sleep at 6 AM

>> No.16018171

Did you even read the book
>snake oil salesman
that isn't even selling any snake oil. As he said in the book, nobody profits when people are fasting
>Fasting is simple: reduce your eating window, once in a while do a 24-48 hour fast. Don't eat sugary stuff.
exactly what Fung said. Except he explains why it's effective, in that insulin sensitivity is restored by fasting, as insulin resistance causes obesity, obvious based on how insulin therapy causes weight gain regardless of eating habits

>> No.16018191

If this were true then culture would simply remain static. If change on a personal level were impossible, then change on a cultural level would be too.

>> No.16018193

That's your fault, now suffer your consequences, you cannot complain

>> No.16018197

>I sit alone in front of the computer 16 hours a day, go to sleep at 6 AM
So what?
Most of your ancestors spent 16 hours a day toiling in fields.
Some people spend 23 hours a day locked in cell.
Yeah your life objectively sucks. The only thing that sucks harder is your perception of it.

>> No.16018200

why do you do that then if you don’t enjoy it

>> No.16018203

Yes I read the book I have masters in biochemistry. Fung is very click baity. There was one study where mice were fed sugar throughout the day and compared to mice that were fed a normal restricted eating diet. The sugar mice had slightly fewer calories but ended up gaining more weight. Fung took this and said 'EATING LESS MAKES YOU FATTER!'. This has zero practical relevance because the effect is insignificant and people don't eat like that. The insulin explanation is an oversimplication because it ignores so many others aspects of about nutrition and physiology that Fung completely ignores.

Really hate this one-sided nutrition books that turn the entire field into a single focus point. There's no to nutrition than insulin but yes, the advice is sound. Cut down to 1-2 meals a day and don't eat shit. Pretty simple.

>> No.16018206

But you can change being fat. In fact I was far and lost weight and it wasn't particularly hard. I can't change being ugly, cant make myself more intelligent ect

>> No.16018208

Societal change is spearheaded by a few individuals, not the masses which remain stagnant. Most people grow up a certain way, and don't change. The brain is literally most malleable at specific periods during childhood and adolescence
Nope, it's not. Luckily I don't think this way anymore.

>> No.16018215

This CANNOT be fucking real

>> No.16018226

That's a matter of empirical data, why would a philosopher try to "refute" this?

>> No.16018229


>> No.16018235

You get your masters, but the world keeps getting fatter. I doubt you read the book or at least processed it. The book can be simplified because it's for a general audience. Still it presents a comprehensive theory
>the advice is sound
so you agree with the book's conclusion, what are you shitposting about?
>pretty simple
except the human body is anything but simple and regulated by hormones

>> No.16018237

>Nope, it's not.
So who's sitting behind a screen wasting their life away and complaining because they're suffering? Not you I'm guessing

You're just trying to take agency away from your own actions but that can't be justified with any sort of logic you try with

>> No.16018241

reverse image search. It's a real guy

>> No.16018247

There are numerous types of intelligence, you realise this right? Intelligence does not mean IQ

>> No.16018256

>wasting their life away
define wasting. We're all gonna be dead one day, and I find sitting at a computer more enjoyable than most things, hence me going at it for 16 hours a day.

>> No.16018260

>you realise this right
Realize what? A theory made by Howard Gardner with which many disagree with?

>> No.16018261

And so what if were dead one day? Why do you keep repeating this? You seem obsessed with it

>> No.16018262
File: 94 KB, 702x486, 1595502094951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pro tip: if you are a defeatist and "you lose anyway cause you die lmao" go kys yourself to get rid of all problems you suffer from and help our world at once.

Until then you are just a little whiny faggot coping HARD with not being able to put any effort in life and blaming the world, the genes, the God, the nature and the Universe for this. A parasite on the face of society waiting for someone to pity him and fulfill his desires for free, self-pitying and choking on sucking his own cock, a manchild not being able to grow up and take the responsibility for his own life.

You are weak and you are to blame for this. You can't refute this.

>> No.16018271

I am obsessed, I'm quite morbid. Nothing means anything to me because of it.
I don't want to kms because i prefer the suffering of life to nonexistence
>You are weak and you are to blame for this
fuck off boomer, shaming is not a good thing to do and every psychologist will concur

>> No.16018275

honestly imagine spending time writing this diarrhea, thinking you're clever, tough, superior, boosting your ego. Posting it.

>> No.16018278
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This is the mode of thought spending hours upon hours consuming 'redpills' and 4chan /r9k/ culture produces.

>> No.16018282

So you are just coping with yourself being a little faggot. Nothing new.
In what safespace such a word even exists? May be in your retarded land of America, the land of self-hating whites and degenerates. Go fuck yourself and go cry on the other board you cocksucking faggot, this board is for literature.

>> No.16018286

You are a human with self-awareness, spatial recognition, you have the ability to learn, think abstractly, retain information, communicate with language, apply logic and reason and make decisions. That is what intelligence is, nothing else, and you have it because of the fact you have a conciousness and a will. All methods of measuring this are critiqued and disagreed with and none is perfect. You have an intelligence

>> No.16018289

Being weird is probably the only thing that actually fucks your life relentlessly. There are plenty of ugly fucks (chinlets, horsefaces, people with weirdly shaped skulls, etc.) who get into relationships, hell even fatfucks and cripples do. And having a low IQ just means you won't land some STEMshit "dream job", you can still live a perfectly fine life with a lower wage job unless you live in some garbage state and get fucked by America's meme economy and its meme medical bills.
Being weird and introverted is the worst thing that can happen though because it ensures you will never a social circle, never get attention from girls (both because you have negative charisma and because you'll be too cowardly to seek it out), never get any job because everyone can smell the autism coming from you, etc.

Even extroverted weirdos can still be salvaged because although they come off extremely obnoxious to the majority of people they'll still get into social circles through a combination of some being too stupid to sense their autism and others holding it in because of politeness. This is where you get the "wow this guy would literally die if not for his enablers carrying his entire life" types like Boogie2988. They're not capable of living like normal humans but they're just capable enough to manipulate chumps into pitying them and giving them money.
If you're weird AND introverted however it is game over unless you get extremely lucky.

>> No.16018291

>In what safespace such a word even exists
A safespace for educated people who actually read books, faggot.

>> No.16018292

He cute.

>> No.16018295

And you are going to imply you don't feel yourself superior over me by taking the higher moral ground. Sure buddy, you are not a hypocrite not in any way.

>> No.16018298

This. Mods please nuke this thread


>> No.16018304

If you stop worrying about your looks life wont be bad.

>> No.16018305

Why do you speak in absolute truths? You know that's not how science works, right? I can have an intelligence, but intelligence is on a bell curve.

>> No.16018309

So you mean twitter? Or reddit? May be go cry over there and read your actual books and leave this board for good and allow people to post topics on a fucking literature instead of incel threads where you can't stop crying and begging for attention, you utter moron?

>> No.16018312

>You know that's not how science works, right?
Fuck off to >>>/sci/ with your science bullshit. /lit/ despises scientism

>> No.16018313
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>> No.16018326

>and leave this board for good
Chimp wants its safespace for groupthink and circlejerking, further group polarization. wishes for opposing opinion to leave. How predictable. Good thing I'm educated.
Don't bring up science if you don't know how it works, retard. There's literally no absolute truths or facts in science, merely guesses, predictions, claims of what appears to be true. But never certainty. Certainty is for the stupid.

>> No.16018331

Not me, this board. Literally their job

>> No.16018340

Fuck. Off. To. >>>/sci/ and take the rest of the materialist retards with you

>> No.16018343
File: 57 KB, 686x526, 090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a job if you don't get paid for it

>> No.16018348

He brings up science and then demands I fuck off to /sci/ when I educate his ass on how it actually works. Fucking kek. Imagine not being invested in both literature and science

>> No.16018351

Jannies are the ones who don't get paid, not mods

>> No.16018355

>opposing opinion
there is no opinion. Rotten people like OP don't bring any good in whatever social group they participate in, nothing but retarded takes from a person with a teenager mind, and therefore people like this must be expelled. Non-functioning people don't have opinions, even OP picture is taken from someone's else "redpill" and other psyop degenerates like you consume 24/7.

Which actually explains why every corner on the Internet has r9k and pol refugees, because they are so obnoxious and disgusting even their own homeboard can't accept them anymore.

>> No.16018358

Newfag alert newfag alert

Its obvious you come here once a month to make an off topic thread and then leave

>> No.16018363

>don't bring any good in whatever social group they participate in
lol yeah because while I think big ideas, they think about what shakira is doing and the latest superbowl, who's dating who, and other dumb shit. Been there, done that.

>> No.16018366

It is literally impossible to be a bitch if train hard and eat meat every day

>> No.16018370

meat is murder

>> No.16018379

Based. If people had to kill the animals themselves, there would be less meat eating, obese gluttons. The abstraction of the murder, done in some filthy factory miles away, makes it palatable.

>> No.16018380

Chad life
>multiple sibilings beat him up growing up
>his parents beat him up too
>make him play sports
>make him train do that he can play sports
>Chad is now tough and can work hard

Loser life
>nobody around to beat him
>parents are nice or indifferent
>spare time went to imagination and video games
>now bones and ligaments are little girl tier as an adult male and you cant deal with social pressure because your parents and sibilings never challenged you

Beta males come from parents that dont give a fuck, parents that think the TV can raise their kids. Alpha males come from parents that engage them and force them into action.

>> No.16018385

what an interesting take, based on zero evidence whatsoever

>> No.16018386

Having such a shit tier grasp of what life is and how life manifests itself is proof of your lack of meat consumption

>> No.16018393

how is the esoteric order of dagon treating you

>> No.16018398

Lmfao cope

Face it. Nerds wanted to go home and read books. They didnt want to stay at school an extra 4 hours to train with the football team. That would be hard. You just wanted to get home and watch cartoons and your parents never took issue with it because THEY DIDNT CARE WHAT YOU BECAME.

>> No.16018404

Nothing says developing character like childhood trauma.

>> No.16018408


Could say the same thing about op :)

>> No.16018411

there's no proof of anything in life. My physics teacher taught me that. Did you ever go to school?
what an interesting take, based on zero evidence whatsoever

>> No.16018413


>> No.16018416

The childhood trauma could be interchanged with non-abusive discipline if you're the kind of person to split hairs in arguments instead of understand the actual purpose

>> No.16018423

Your physics teacher sucks and you're just utterly butthurt that there is a generally simple way to draw performance out of people and turn it into a habit that results in future outcomes later in life, such as bone density and willingness to engage in a challenging task.

>> No.16018426

sartre was all three and had sex

>> No.16018428

Physical activities require more mental discipline than mental activities

Proof: any time youve ever exercised in your life

>> No.16018432

How am I splitting hairs lol
You said "parents and siblings beat them" like that's a fucking good thing
As a society we kind of determined it's not at this point

>> No.16018433

You can still work on your personality and try to change to become more 'normal', as long as you put yourself out there and don't give up

>> No.16018446

>has never done anything intellectually demanding
>muh discipline

>> No.16018449

>say he can ignore or replace part of an argument
>continues to not ignore or replace that part of argument

Look. You are literally splitting hairs. "Beating" in many parts of the world is not at all compared to child abuse. Do not draw the most absurd assumption. People beat each other every day without any harm or fear entering the situation from either party. I didnt say torture.

>> No.16018454

Correct, I am unchallenged by the world. Sux2bu

>> No.16018458

Other 12 year old guys were "partying"?

>> No.16018459
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oo ee oo aa aa ting tang walla walla bing bang

>> No.16018461

>most people are thoughtless NPCs just going along with their basic impulses
>you're the one who sucks

>> No.16018467

Yes kids hat have have learned more about life than their peers, via experience are "cooler" than those that have not. Your parents didnt care what your life was like so your only experience is cartoons and video games. Chad can pop wheelies on his bike though, because his parents told him he NEEDED to play outside. The other kids want to hangout with wheelie boy. It should be fucking obvious. Your parents just didnt care if you competed or had something to offer others, likely because they are crap tier themselves.

>> No.16018474

>m'lady, I offer you this wheelie

>> No.16018478

Stupidest post ITT.

>> No.16018489

It'll work 10/10 times, while you're inside not producing hormones related to athletic activity, while your bones and ligaments aren't becoming stronger at the same rate as someone that isn't an indoor kid. It will be obvious to everyone that you're an indoor kid. You'll be meeker, more frail. Probably have glasses too. Then you can't socialize because you only interact with sonic the fucking hedgehog and pikachu. All of the sudden nobody likes you and you decide you were always pathetic.

>> No.16018493

You know nothing about life