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16017545 No.16017545[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be coomer on pornhub
>fap to thot swallowing cum
>see thot Instagram being shilled
>look it up
>thot i just saw gagging on cum it's quoting Descartes

>> No.16017695

Have she read Descartes.

Also. stop coooooooooming you you fag dont ya know is super bad for you healt is it soo bad stooooop. But unirroniclia.

>> No.16017707

Don't get too impressed, they teach Descartes in the first year of undergrad degrees.

>> No.16017725

based thot descartes would approve he was a degenerate hedonist

>> No.16017745

Be my disciple,
Follow your instincts, jump and laugh and think nothing is sin!

>> No.16017762

all the most successful people have been coomers. caesar, Genghis khan...
they just did it inside women