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File: 66 KB, 350x483, evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16016362 No.16016362 [Reply] [Original]

>was a complete clown in fascist italy, everyone thought he was a mental sperg
>mussolini only kept him and the anti-clerical pagans around to scare the catholic church into complying with his demands
>when mussolini was done with him he discarded him
>pagan imperialism was found to be complete plagerism
>literally had to go to nazi germany cuz he was disgraced in italy
>now is published by a literal israeli jew in vermont

Info taken from The Catholic Review Vol. 74

The fact Evola's work has been resurrected yet every other writer from that period has been suppressed is obviously a shill operation

>> No.16016365
File: 714 KB, 884x874, E8EA64DF-92CF-49D9-89CF-CA3DA006537A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another thinly veiled Ebola thread

>> No.16016367

>pagan imperialism was found to be complete plagerism

>> No.16016372


It was a scandle when it was released, first for being written like shit and second for being 100% plagiarized

>> No.16016387

>attacks everything BUT the source material
How about you read his work and decide which ideas to keep and which to discard?

>> No.16016398

I don't have to taste shit to know it's toxic.

>> No.16016399

>How about you read his work
Which one? The ones he copied from someone else or his shitty derivatives?

>> No.16016405

What the fuck does his source material have to do with my post

I own four of his books. My opinion is that he's a pagan/luciferian theologian, interesting stuff for source reference or jumping off points

>> No.16016494

I dont know how you come to the conclusion hes Luciferian considerian the real Luciferians are into shit like mind control and sacrificing kids.

My interpretation is that Evola is a hermetic alchemist with interest in history and spirituality in a broad sense of trying to create an integrated universal spirituality that combined aspects of all religions/mythos into a working structure for also analyzing and comprehending how the world shifts with human behaviour on a meta level.

I'd literally describe the guy as like a hermit magician who was very much anti-materialism anti-zionist and a radical traditionalist who saw that technology and excess were destroying the spirit that made Europe great because they were forgeting their culture. He in no small part blamed the jews/americans for this as exporting their cancer upon the world

I'd literally describe him as the exact opposite as Luciferian as he likely enjoyed empowering and teaching enlightened people who appreciated his wisdom.

>> No.16016496

I'm italian and literally nothing you said is true or relevant.
Btw italians hate the Catholic church

>> No.16016513
File: 32 KB, 759x420, Screen_Shot_2019-09-05_at_4.08.58_PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the real Luciferians are into shit like mind control and sacrificing kids.
Another schizo /pol/tard browsing /lit/ to defend his daddy Ebola, great!

>> No.16016522


>> No.16016736

Yep, he's a pure meme with no thinkers of note drawing influence from him.

>> No.16016804

>I dont know how you come to the conclusion hes Luciferian considerian the real Luciferians are into shit like mind control and sacrificing kids
Not true, that's a cartoon created by mass media of what a "Luciferian" is. Evola promotes a morality (or non-morality) which leads to luciferianism

>My interpretation is that Evola is a hermetic alchemist with interest in history and spirituality in a broad sense of trying to create an integrated universal spirituality that combined aspects of all religions/mythos into a working structure for also analyzing and comprehending how the world shifts with human behaviour on a meta level.
Yes, luciferianism

>I'd literally describe the guy as like a hermit magician who was very much anti-materialism anti-zionist and a radical traditionalist who saw that technology and excess were destroying the spirit that made Europe great because they were forgeting their culture. He in no small part blamed the jews/americans for this as exporting their cancer upon the world
Except this is not all he believed, he believed the core of European culture was not what they had believed and practiced explicitly for the last 1500 years, he believed it was the IMPLICIT primordial aryan pagan spirit (luciferianism) which lived behind the facade of Christianity in the european man. I also initially agreed with his writings because of what he was AGAINST, it took a while to fully understand the picture he was painting

>I'd literally describe him as the exact opposite as Luciferian as he likely enjoyed empowering and teaching enlightened people who appreciated his wisdom.
This is prometheus, which is lucifer

>> No.16017820

>>I'd literally describe him as the exact opposite as Luciferian as he likely enjoyed empowering and teaching enlightened people who appreciated his wisdom.
This is prometheus, which is lucifer
Factually wrong. You didn't understand Evola. He describes Prometheus (and why he was wrong) in details

>> No.16018053

>This is prometheus, which is lucifer

Based, and dare I say Lucifer-pilled.

>> No.16018096

>thinly veiled

>> No.16018156

JIDF shills in full force today. White people are reading Evola, deal with it.

>> No.16018253

lol love this luciferianism is muh light nonsense
like the same people who think o9a are a non political non nazi non satantic honey pot and domestic terror cell

>> No.16018276

Obese LARPing Satanic Temple freaks aren't real Luciferians

>> No.16018622

>create an integrated universal spirituality that combined aspects of all religions/mythos into a working structure for also analyzing and comprehending how the world shifts with human behaviour on a meta level.
yes this is anti-traditional, counter-initiatic.
more proof evola was just another modernist

>> No.16019371

Luciferean, not Luciferan, laveyan satanism, 'real' Satanism, who gives a shit? Its all meaningless terms for referring to various sub-categories of iron age Jewish mythology. Its all bullshit, so none of it really matters because Lucifer/Satan/the Devil isn't real.

Ebola on the other hand was a real man and a great scholar who has contributed to an esoteric European tradition dating back to Plato and Homer. The Christian bible is gay, and while I respect the historical and cultural legacy of both the Catholic and Orthodox church and their great philosophers and scholars, Christianity as both an ideology and cultural institution is so worthless and gay that (1) many priests are quite literally child raping subhuman perverts, (2) most of them are israel-worshipping globalists, and (3) they have retarded beliefs about natural science and metaphysics and if they don't explicitly deny modern science, they still promote dualism and hedonism.

>> No.16019592

astoundingly based analysis

>> No.16019740

First of all, no. It is not merely sub-categories of whatever obsession you have with an ethnoreligious group on a /pol/ level. Have you read Guénon? Hindu writings? They all write about this inclination, this tamasik deviation, satanic, luciferian extends far more than your narrow understanding of them.

Second, Plato didn't derive his ideas from any european tradition, not even the Greeks themselves. In the case of Plato he was original in the form he presented those doctrines (which are of eastern origins, as he himself and many other greeks avow), but in their content. Are you not familiar how Plato and other platonists write letter for letter about the greeks deriving many of their theologies,, myth and sciences from the egyptians?

You are obviously someone very far from having even a superficial understanding of what is written there and in any sacred Scripture, in general. You grasp only the concrete words if you don't see anything apart from their literal expressions.

>Condemning a whole tradition for a few deviated ones
So what about all wickednesses from pagans that were not only practiced by a few ones, but were written as doctrinal?
The process of modernization of the Church brought about an openness to infiltrated corruptions. There are plenty of books explaining this. But this again confirms what I said about the state of your particular mentality, it differs nothing and actually is shaped from the most widespread misinformation, and this is satanic in its most etymological sense.
Point 2 is nonsensical. Christians don't worship anti-christians. Simple, but not to someone ridden with /pol/infections.
3 once again shines ignorance about sacred science and metaphysics. Could write a lot about it but this post of yours clearly proves me not to be worth it.

In sum, you should leave your computer a little bit.

>> No.16019793

>but not* in their content.
Anyway, this is what Evola attracts mostly, mundane people seeking establishment of their own mundane concerns.

>> No.16019868

Who'd he plagiarize?

>> No.16019899

Why are there 5 threads about Evola? He's just a Nietzsche wannabe. Stop this nonsense.

>> No.16019919

Evola was a faggot LARPER whose entire literary worldview basically boils down to a right-wing version of the “fuck you, dad” sentiment.

>> No.16019991

>This is prometheus, which is lucifer
The equivocation made is the Luciferian sleight of hand, and the same for "Hermeticism is primarily/intrinsically 'gnostic'."
>You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him.

>> No.16020401

not sure about evola but certainly those here who appreciate his writings are larpers.