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16015454 No.16015454 [Reply] [Original]

It contains literature.
In this literature there are arguments.
Among these arguments there is not one the left has refuted.

>> No.16015455

oh gawwd!

>> No.16015480

its been refuted you just ignore the refutations or move the goalposts

you're more intellectually dishonest than the jews you hate

>> No.16015483

post em

>> No.16015484
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Jew man bad?

>> No.16015494
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>> No.16015520

Not bad to you, because you're a dehumanized flesh bot.
Without a jewish system that values your life simply for being an obstacle to real people, it's doubtful that anyone would want to support your existence and you would probably wither up and die.

>> No.16015532

Jewish Involvement in Communism and the Radical Left

p. xli: “During the period when the famine claimed a total of 6 million lives throughout [the Ukraine], the [Soviet] government exported eighteen million hundredweight of grain to obtain money for industrialization.” (On page xxxvii, MacDonald mentions Courtois et al. 1999, The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression.)

p. xliii: “. . . Jews . . . dominated the Bolshevik governments of the Soviet Union and Hungary and . . . Jews in other countries were sympathetic to Bolshevism.”

p. xliv: “The 20th century in Europe and the Western world . . . was a Jewish century. . . .”

p. xlvi: “Jewish involvement in the horrors of Communism was . . . an important ingredient in Hitler’s desire to destroy the USSR and in the anti-Jewish actions of the German National Socialist government.”

p. xlvii: “Peter Novick’s The Holocaust in American Life . . . notes that the Holocaust has assumed a preeminent status as a symbol of ethnic conflict. He argues that the importance of the Holocaust is not a spontaneous phenomenon but stems from highly focused, well-funded efforts of Jewish organizations and individual Jews with access to the major media. . . ."

>> No.16015538

No, not really. CoC is rock solid. MacDonald really had their number

>> No.16015545

>no proof or argument
the lifeblood of the left

>> No.16015555
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inb4 "INFOGRAPHICS" trigger the retarded mods to delete this thread

The Evolutionary Origins of Jewish Collectivism and Ethnocentrism

p. xxxiii: “[There is] a long mainstream Jewish tradition which considers Jews and non-Jews as completely different species. . . .”

p. xxxv: “[A] pervasive double standard was noticed by writer Vincent Sheen in his observations of Zionists in Palestine in 1930: ‘how idealism goes hand in hand with the most terrific cynicism; . . . how they are Fascists with their own affairs, with regard to Palestine, and internationalists in everything else.’”

>> No.16015565

The left has abandoned any kind of intellectual thought.
You will not find almost any modern leftist who has had read something even as basic as the Greeks. They have no interest in actual thought. In fact they actively oppose it. That’s not to say leftism is inherently anti-intellectual, but the current left is brain dead

>> No.16015588

Did you read my post? There's no point posting refutations because you always ignore them or claim.

If CoC was so solid more people would have bought into it. The only number he has is retarded nazis that line his pockets.

>> No.16015593

>If CoC was so solid more people would have bought into it.
i cant imagine why people who be reluctant to openly espouse antisemitic ideas in our society

>> No.16015595

I'm not the left. I'm the right. I like having intelligent enemies and hope the Jews continue to strive against the West so we can evolve mutually.

>> No.16015645

you're a whining retarded subhuman
the concepts in your mind have no logical connections
they are indexed by emotion

we won't reflect your emotions, so you say we won't recognize your "logic"
you are such an emotionally and intellectually disabled retard you actually do not know the difference

>will show up and whine and cry
>won't spend the same time to copy/paste an argument
see how much you value your time?

>If CoC was so solid more people would have bought into it.
holy shit you actually said this

anyway, thanks for reminding everyone that we have to kill you all

>> No.16015653

>I have cancer but I like it so I'm not going to pursue treatment. Meanwhile I'm making a lot of plans for what I'll do in my old age.

>> No.16015666
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>> No.16015694
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Chapter 7: Jewish Involvement in Shaping U.S. Immigration Policy

pp. 241-42: Jews support liberal immigration because it means a pluralistic society, not a homogeneous one. Hence there is little chance of a unified opposition to Judaism.

p. 242: “Ethnic and religious pluralism . . . serves Jewish interests because Jews become just one of many ethnic groups. . . . Jewish activism on immigration is merely one strand of a multipronged movement directed at preventing the development of a mass movement of anti-Semitism in Western societies.”

p. 249: “In The Passing of the Great Race (1921) [Madison] Grant argued that the American colonial stock was derived from superior Nordic racial elements and that immigration of other races would lower the competence level of the society as a whole as well as threaten democratic and republican institutions.”

p. 251: “. . . It is probable that the decline in evolutionary and biological theories of race and ethnicity facilitated the sea change in immigration policy brought about by the 1965 [Immigration and Nationality Act].”

pp. 254-55: “Jews played a very prominent role in organizing blacks beginning with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. . . . Jews organized African Americans for their own interests rather than in the best interests of African Americans.”

>> No.16016043
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>> No.16016109

Someone's back from his vacation I see

>> No.16016182
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>> No.16016361
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>> No.16016478
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>> No.16016527

Imagine being dumb enough to make those

>> No.16016549

>no argument
>no reasoning
classic NPC

>> No.16016556
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The suggestion that scholars "can't ignore bad ideas" is a nonstarter. In science there are a thousand bad ideas for every good one. "Doing battle" against all of them is not an option for mere mortals, and doing battle against some of them is a tacit acknowledgment that those have enough merit to exceed the onerous threshold of attention-worthiness. MacDonald's ideas, as presented in summaries that would serve as a basis for further examination, do not pass that threshold, for many reasons:

1. By stating that Jews promulgate scientific hypotheses because they are Jewish, he is engaging in ad hominem argumentation that is outside the bounds of normal scientific discourse and an obvious waste of time to engage. MacDonald has already announced that I will reject his ideas because I am Jewish, so what's the point of replying to them?

2. MacDonald's main axioms – group selection of behavioral adaptations, and behaviorally relevant genetic cohesiveness of ethnic groups – are opposed by powerful bodies of data and theory, which Tooby, Cosmides, and many other evolutionary psychologists have written about in detail. Of course any assumption can be questioned, but there are no signs that MacDonald has taken on the burden of proof of showing that the majority view is wrong.

3. MacDonald's various theses, even if worthy of scientific debate individually, collectively add up to a consistently invidious portrayal of Jews, couched in value-laden, disparaging language. It is impossible to avoid the impression that this is not an ordinary scientific hypothesis.

4. The argument, as presented in the summaries, fails two basic tests of scientific credibility: a control group (in this case, other minority ethnic groups), and a comparison with alternative hypotheses (such as Thomas Sowell's convincing analysis of "middlemen minorities" such as the Jews, presented in his magisterial study of migration, race, conquest, and culture).

>> No.16016598

>green frog

this copypaste from that retard pinker is no refutal

>group selection of behavioral adaptations
>the main pressures on reproduction in humans have no effect on frequency of genes because __________ and races and ethnicities just evolved due to totally random chance

pinker is nothing but a propaganda officer and a genuine retard

>> No.16016599

that's mean :(

>> No.16016622

poor bait

>> No.16016639
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Dutton (2018) claims that MacDonald’s thesis in CofC is more “plausible” than the default hypothesis because “[f]rom the perspective of evolutionary psychology,” we should assume that “people tend to act in their ethnic interests,” and “there is evidence that Jews are higher in positive ethnocentrism.” However, evidence supporting the notion that “people tend to act in their ethnic interests” is scant and unconvincing, and there are both theoretical and empirical reasons to reject it. The evidence that Jews are higher in ethnocentrism is based on a measure of their self-reported commitment to their religious group and their self-reported commitment to marrying within their group.Footnote 4 But we saw that liberal Jews (the ones who participated in the movements discussed in CofC) have an extremely high intermarriage rate—the highest of any religious group in the United States—and the leaders of liberal branches of Judaism (e.g., Reform) celebrate and promote intermarriage and multiracial conversion.

Dutton (2018) does not challenge my argument in Cofnas (2018b), which suggests that the general pattern of Jewish behavior is inconsistent with MacDonald’s theory but consistent with the default hypothesis. If that argument is correct, then there are both theoretical and empirical reasons to reject the thesis of CofC.

>> No.16016642
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I've met plenty of nice Jewish people. They haven't somehow "evolved" be evil. How can you post on a literature board and ignore the positive contributions Jews have made to European culture? When you conjure up this devious conspiracy theory to explain everything wrong with the West, you blind yourself to our own culpability and our own fallibility. We have been, for the most part, the authors of our own demise, and blaming everything on ze Jews is not going to fix anything. If you want to know why our culture is in decline then look in the fucking mirror.

>> No.16016664

jews have contributed literally nothing to culture
everything they take credit for was plagiarized or garbage

meanwhile their influence was crucial for ALL of the negative cultural movements

>> No.16016674

not an argument

>The evidence that Jews are higher in ethnocentrism is based

>green frog

>> No.16016682

>extremely high intermarriage rate
not true
not relevant if it was

try making an argument

>> No.16016686

It’s not even popular in far right circles let alone actual nazi groups. It’s an obscure work that parrots previous arguments instead of actually adding to them, not much of a surprise why almost no one heard or read about it.

>> No.16016708

Typical deflection stemming from failing to even address the subject.

>> No.16016714

>I've met plenty of nice Jewish people.
>They haven't somehow "evolved" be evil.
Strawman non-argument.
>How can you post on a literature board and ignore the positive contributions Jews have made to European culture?
Like what?
>When you conjure up this devious conspiracy theory
Calling it a "conspiracy theory" is not an argument, and the evidence is undeniable. You're trying to convince people water isn't wet.
>blaming everything on ze Jews is not going to fix anything.
Strawman, and excluding jews, who have tremendous power over us now, will allows us to deal with our own people and know to what extent they are at fault.
>If you want to know why our culture is in decline then look in the fucking mirror.
Fuck you, kike.

>> No.16016722

We live in the Zionist Jews' world. You were most likely all spoonfed a false reality of liberal equality and meritocracy. You could all do whatever you wanted and be shining stars. But that was not true. All the best opportunities are relegated to the elite, their children and those they choose to support for their own aims.

The sooner you come to terms with this, that you are lucky to be alive and given anything in their world, the sooner you will be able to let go of the anger and rage at your fake ideology and can focus on enjoying the resources and opportunities you do have. And if you are living in a Western country there are many, despite the fact you are an enslaved people; God forbid you were born in Africa. But even then.. some do find happiness.

>> No.16016743
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Look at it yourself retards, it's from the Evolutionary Psychological Science journal and the title is 'Is Kevin MacDonald’s Theory of Judaism “Plausible”? A Response to Dutton (2018)'
I can't link it because this fucking trash site thinks my message is spam. Fucking hiro moot.

>> No.16016795
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One in the pink, two in the stink

>> No.16016907

"linking it" is not an argument

you are all schizo retards that have no identity in real life so you submit to a fake identity fed to you by your jewish masters as you brainlessly consume retarded internet content
you are a counterfeit human
a completely retarded drone that is addicted to artificial stimulus
you can't sustain a single thought or emotion without being stimulated by memes or some other retarded form of media

>> No.16016926

>group selection of behavioral adaptations
>the main pressures on reproduction in humans have no effect on frequency of genes because __________ and races and ethnicities just evolved due to totally random chance

you can't just wave your hand and say you disproved group selection theory

there isn't even an argument in that whole ramble
>studies show I'm right, sorry I can't explain

the most absurd part is how McDonald engages jewish sources throughout the work and stinker's whining is based on "you wont pay attention to me cuz im a kike"

>> No.16016936

>you are lucky to be alive and given anything in their world
just kill them

and you end it by joining your lips to your anus

>> No.16016937
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>you are all schizo retards that have no identity in real life so you submit to a fake identity fed to you by your jewish masters as you brainlessly consume retarded internet content

>> No.16016946

copypasta is not an argument either

>> No.16016950

If you think a bunch of underemployed, poor (relative to the elite) unconnected, unorganised people who vent on social media like Twitter and 4chan all day are going to "just kill" anyone or make any kind of radical, meaningful change, you will be in for a big disappointment.

>> No.16016986

>jewish narration
you're a demoralized retard
you project your emotions in place of objectivity
the simple fact is you have no other choice anyway and nothing you're addressing matters in the slightest

>> No.16017001

The opposite actually. I am happy and productive creating my own goals and putting efforts into things I know I can change and affect. If anything you are the one who seems emotional and your belief that nothing matters at all seems quite defeatist. Be more aware of your environment, what opportunities you actually have and what you can do sustainably and I think you will be a lot happier.

>> No.16017048

no, you're insane and deluded thinking you can ride higher than the ethnic group that created you
you think you can escape the jewish endgame by doing nothing but submit

you have no sense of purpose, you can't explain anything, you are totally retarded
you accept an individual identity that was brainwashed into you by the jews and totally ignore your actual identity, your ethnicity, and ignore your race's needs

you can't survive working under some one that wants to kill you

>> No.16017064

>If CoC was so solid more people would have bought into it.
The first two books in his trilogy actually got very well received. It was only when he took an openly critical tone in the third book that the opinion of his work turned negative. The basic arguments however are the same in the first two books.

>> No.16017066

this nigga is loaded up on psychiatric drugs

>> No.16017094

Google Laura Farmer and what she said Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell believe about the goyim. She was banned from eating when they kept her at their club because they wouldn't let a goy eat if a Jew had to give them food. She said the whole ring literally believes that the goyim should serve the Jews. Ghislaine made sure to tell her explicitly that she was a white slave, emphasis on white, or non-Jew, and that was why she was serving the Jewish members of the ring.
Just watch the last american vagabond interview with Laura Farmer. It's early on in the interview so it won't take you long to hear what these people really believe.

>> No.16017191
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>> No.16017195 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16017205

>you're more intellectually dishonest than the jews

>> No.16017264
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>it's real

>> No.16017296

>no, you're insane and deluded thinking you can ride higher than the ethnic group that created you
I didn't say that. I said the exact opposite. You were the one saying you can "do something" that will impact on Zionist rule over the West.

>you think you can escape the jewish endgame by doing nothing but submit
Again, never said either.

>you have no sense of purpose, you can't explain anything, you are totally retarded
I actually do, I make my own sustainable goals and feel happy when I accomplish them.

>you accept an individual identity that was brainwashed into you by the jews and totally ignore your actual identity, your ethnicity, and ignore your race's needs
Again, projecting. I understand what was created by Zionists post-WW2 and am highly aware of my ethnicity and both its opportunities and its limitations. I just suggested to you to quit wasting time venting on social media and start enjoying your life and actually accomplishing things that matter to you. Venting on 4chan all day (I may be assuming this but you write like someone who is mentally addicted to this place) is not going to get you anywhere.

>you can't survive working under some one that wants to kill you
Again, an assumption. I am 100% independent and self employed. And Zionists don't want to kill you. Not now anyway. They want to use you. Understanding this and putting your rage aside because you cannot get over that you are not a special snowflake will help you to forge a path that is more realistic and rewarding for yourself.

>> No.16017314

>Leftists are pro jew

Phew, looks like you need to learn a bit more about leftism.

>> No.16017499

Not true at all; he's a popular guest on streams, and CoC is very well known among White identitarians/dissident right (which is why amazon has banned it).

Even if it was just a catalogue of previous arguments and corresponding evidence, that would still be valuable.

Seethe more.

>> No.16019131
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So... are you gonna keep whining about it? Its what you get for being a dumb, lazy, self righteous, arrogant and spiritually blind fool.

>> No.16019187

/pol/cels can't even reply to this because they have no counter argument

>> No.16019290

He's arguing in bad faith because he is an anti-semite. That alone makes his work useless from a scientific standpoint. He can't even give a clear definition of what makes someone Jewish

>> No.16019381

2 seconds on Google.

>> No.16019426

I'm pretty sure I've talked to you before and exposed you for not even reading the book.

>> No.16019482

It'd probably be needed something of the size of 8 encyclopedias to refute all of the arguments of this book.
There's no guarantee that by doing that you would convince people to not be anti-semites. So, yeah, fuck off.
Keep spamming that shit as much as you like, people aren't going to refute you because even if they can it'd be incredibly long and ultimately not worth it cause, deep inside, you don't give a shit about facts, you just want to tell yourself a story that sounds good to you.
So, yeah anon, no one is going to refute this book EVER, cause nobody wants to dig for years into history books to proof that a bunch of autistic simps without institutional power are wrong. Have a good day, anon.

>> No.16019510

(continuing) at least nobody is going to do it right now, I think that some of the arguments have already been debunked, even before the book was written, but no one is going to make a compilation for all the reasons already exposed.
Maybe some /lit/ard with lots of free and tired of /pol/ colonizing this board, idk desu.

>> No.16019632

Our immune system needs disease to improve itself. If Jews are a cancer to you, though, then you're just admitting that you're too weak to handle them.

>> No.16019639


>> No.16019652

>MacDonald has already announced that I will reject his ideas because I am Jewish, so what's the point of replying to them?
False. Read the book, you dumbass popularizer

>> No.16019747

Not an argument

>> No.16020130

>Zionists don't want to kill you. Not now anyway.
>oh yeah I totally concede to the crux of your argument but just ignore the fact like I do
you are a totally retarded slave
everything you said is insane
you substitute a fake individual identity for a true conception of self

>> No.16020133

Really can't stress enough how wrong the 'ad hominem!' objection is. Can groups really not influence discourse?

How many books are there about how Jews contributed positively? Hell, the field of Jewish Studies produces little else. The subjects always have a 'unique perspective' or an 'ethical tradition.'

This boils down to "Some Jews thought x because they were Jewish and it was good." How many such theses would Pinker agree with? But "Some Jews thought x because they were Jewish and it was bad" is an inadmissible ad hominem. Time to twist up those panties and declare it outside the norms of discourse!

>> No.16020138

Slave morality the book

>> No.16020142

Oh, wow— this thread again.

>> No.16020144

>>16019290 you dumbfuck kike nigger

from MacDonald:
This is ridiculous. In Culture of Critique I make it clear that in order to be considered as a Jew who is participating in a Jewish intellectual movement, the person must have a Jewish identification and must regard their involvement in the movement as advancing specific Jewish interests. More specifically, my procedure is as follows:

1.) Find influential movements dominated by Jews, with no implication that all or most Jews are involved in these movements and no restrictions on what the movements are. For example, I touch on Jewish neo-conservatism which is a departure in some ways from the other movements I discuss. In general, relatively few Jews were involved in most of these movements and significant numbers of Jews may have been unaware of their existence. Even Jewish leftist radicalism — surely the most widespread and influential Jewish subculture of the 20th century — may have been a minority movement within Jewish communities in the United States and other Western societies for most periods. As a result, when I criticize these movements I am not necessarily criticizing most Jews. Nevertheless, these movements were influential and they were Jewishly motivated.

(2.) Determine whether the Jewish participants in those movements identified as Jews AND thought of their involvement in the movement as advancing specific Jewish interests. Involvement may be unconscious or involve self-deception, but for the most part it was quite easy and straightforward to find evidence for these propositions. If I thought that self-deception was important (as in the case of many Jewish radicals), I provided evidence that in fact they did identify as Jews and were deeply concerned about Jewish issues despite surface appearances to the contrary. (See also Ch. 1 of CofC.)

(3.) Try to gauge the influence of these movements on non-Jewish society. Keep in mind that the influence of an intellectual or political movement dominated by Jews is independent of the percentage of the Jewish community that is involved in the movement or supports the movement.

(4.) Try to show how non-Jews responded to these movements — for example, were they a source of anti-Semitism?

Obviously, it's not enough to simply be a Jew, and in Chapter 2 of The Culture of Critique, I list a number of Jews who have contributed to evolutionary/genetic perspectives on human behavior. There is no evidence that they were involved in a Jewish intellectual movement as I have defined this. However, no evolutionist should be shocked at the possibility that scientists pursue their ethnic interests via their research. Indeed, this should be the default assumption. But it must be proved, not assumed.

>> No.16020186

There is no way to "handle them", there is no reason to try, and everyone who has tried before has failed.
There is no true analogy, you are deluded and irrational.

Kill them or die.
You're just making up excuses to sublimate your realization of your total cowardice.

>> No.16020207







all you retards do is narrate about "reading", you don't even understand what you read, there is no real discussion here
you are literally illiterate retard authoritarian drones with SEVERE mental illness, a trained dog has more free will than you
all you do is posture as an 'intellectual' because you have no character or qualities - especially masculinity

>> No.16020321

The main issue with this method is confirmation bias, i. e. Selecting and interpreting the evidence in light of of the initial hypothesis and thus getting the expected results, which is a major problem in Humanities btw.

>> No.16020347

Reminder that everyone in this thread is debating this 15 year old self hating jew https://kiwifarms.net/threads/smiley-fringe-wizard-kenneth-schueler-and-fringechan.4428/

>> No.16020367

whites literally succeeded until Napoleon

>> No.16020396

Dutton had small paper published that has shown that jews are more intelligent and much more ethnocentric than non Jewish whites in whatever sample he had, which lines up with Macdonald's predictions.

>> No.16020434

No it isn't. That excerpt does not show a "method", you are imagining points you should be arguing.
The main problem with the idea of "confirmation bias" is that you will always narrate that anyone who gets a result you don't like is "Selecting and interpreting the evidence in light of of the initial hypothesis and thus getting the expected results".
It's fundamental doublethink brainwashed retardation.
You literally admit it's evidence and are making excuses not to interpret it.
There is such a thing as proof by induction you sack of shit mental defective, and in any case you criticizing blindly without any standard of evidence.

>> No.16020462

"and has spoken at conferences for Holocaust deniers"

He's arguing in bad faith and so are you. There has literally never been someone who isn't a nazi who has supported his views

>> No.16020465


>> No.16020473

Redit meme

>> No.16020477


>> No.16020550

except for the journals that published his work you retard nigger kike jew donkey rapist

>> No.16020552

Here come the discord trannies samefagging
thanks for the bumps

Not an argument

>> No.16020570
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you sad aboit the purnning of your old thread, jew boy?

>> No.16020572

>uses racial slurs
you are just proving me right. you are just a nazi

>yes he has a biased point of view and only wrote the book with his mind made up already but that isn't an argument

>> No.16020571

It's pretty ironic how the confirmation bias criers are thereby enacting confirmation bias as their own terms describe.
I suppose a coherent train of thought is a lot to expect from an dehumanized propaganda casualty though.

>> No.16020599

>a nazi

>> No.16020605

classic leftist
>I can ignore your argument and say you never made one because you were mean to me!
no, you ignore the argument because you have no rational mind with which to comprehend any logic at all
you simply associate emotion to keywords and superficially emulate the behavior of an authority figure to react

their minds work near exactly like artificial intelligence programs
they truly are not human

>> No.16020611

Pic related is OP btw. more info on him can be found here https://kiwifarms.net/threads/smiley-fringe-wizard-kenneth-schueler-and-fringechan.4428/
He makes this kind of self hating threads all of the time.

>> No.16020640 [DELETED] 

Anything other than killing jews is a waste of time.

>> No.16020669

fucken baaaaaased

>> No.16020913

Not an argument. Enjoy masturbating in here and on pol for another few years in impotent rage. I'm sure it will work out well for you and save the white race.

>> No.16021460

this kid's a Jew

>> No.16021640

>hurr durrr joos joos look at the joos hurr
Nigga I can destroy your ass whenever I feel like it. If I were to decide, right in this moment, to put my pants down, take out my tera-giga-ding-dong, and penetrate your little hairy asshole until it bleeds, I could do it very easily, without you being able to out ANY resisting force.
Chill the fuck out, when I decide to rape someone I think without hesitation. My cock likely doubles the length of yours and and quadruples your girth. As soon I take it out, not the cock, but my balls filled with pungent man juice, you would fall on your knees like the fucking little bitch you are.

>> No.16021665

It is an argument
You contradicted yourself explicitly
you are a totally retarded slave
everything you said is insane
you substitute a fake individual identity for a true conception of self

>> No.16021677

*crosses self*
santa maria que basado

>> No.16021826

>has no argument in the face of mountains of evidence
>schizophrenically accuses random internet users of being some idol of their insane obsession
the total collapse of their minds is easily explained, but too disgusting to bother with
kill all leftists

>> No.16021844

You know what I have to say about that?


>> No.16021893


>> No.16021961

Chapter 1: Jews and the Radical Critique of Gentile Culture: Introduction and Theory

p. 8: Jews are always negative about gentile cultures.

p. 13: The goal of socialism was not social leveling, but the destruction of the gentile power structure.

Chapter 2: The Boasian School of Anthropology and the Decline of Darwinism in the Social Sciences

pp. 20-23: The great assault on the Darwinian evolutionary approach to human societies means that now all cultures are regarded as equal. The concept of race is now said to be meaningless. We are no longer allowed to speak of three stages: savagery, barbarism, and civilization.

p. 25: Franz Boas dominated US anthropology for 40 years. He had many influential students, all of whom were Jews except Alfred Kroeber, Ruth Benedict, and Margaret Mead.

pp. 29-30: Boas and others claimed Americans were too sexually repressed and should study romantic primitivism, as shown in Mead’s Coming of Age in Samoa. H. Turner-High, J. Keegan, and L. H. Keeley, on the other hand, claimed that earlier times were not quite so idyllic, and that warfare was very common in primitive societies.

>> No.16022090
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>self hating jew
Don't make me say it...

>> No.16022137 [DELETED] 

Anything other than killing jews is a waste of time.

>> No.16022143


>> No.16022154


>> No.16023069

Based post

>> No.16023094

so do you guys want every single jewish person wiped out off the face of the planet or just those that are holding power and doing damage without bothering the average everyday normal jewish people that don't have anything to do with all this sort of stuff?

>> No.16023126

The second, but the normal Jews should just move to Israel or Madagascar

>> No.16023322

As an Israeli Jew, I can testify that fear, combined with a sense of superiority, towards gentiles runs deep in our culture. The Taboo of not being able to discuss this issue outside of the established narrative only makes it worse. A Jew can't stand hearing a negative statement about his group. If you tell a white person "fuck white people", he'll ignore you. If you tell a black person "fuck niggers", he will get upset and start treating you. If you tell a Jewish person "fuck Jews", he'll panic and call the police.

>> No.16023342

>yes lets have goys do the damage instead
Are you a fucking retard? When has replacing the people in charge EVER fixed any problems

>> No.16023406

Very much this. Separation and it’s discontents is borderline pro Jewish. A people that shall dwell alone took a more critical tone but nothing too worrisome for them as most of the book takes a look at older civilizations that are somewhat disconnected from today. It is in CoC that he really delves into modern Jewry and strikes a chord. The reason it’s “unpopular” is because of the damage control associated with keeping it under wraps.

As for the refutations of his work; most of it is really kvetching about anti Semitic undertones and nothing really attacks the meat of his arguments. Go figure it’s mostly jews trying to discredit him and run him out of academia as they’re scared of what he’s capable of doing by deconstructing their strategies in a composed and irrefutable manner.

>> No.16023462

The problem with the book is that he never gives ANY evidence that left wing movements encouraged ethnocentrism for jews and not for gentiles. Every left wing movement that had jews encouraged multiculturalism and open borders for israel like they would do with any nation

>> No.16024130 [DELETED] 

Anything other than killing jews is a waste of time.

>> No.16024141

this is what jews are bred for
they are a twisted race of inbred freaks engineered by the rabbis at the command of the elite cabal
their shattered minds only maintain a semblance of function and balance by leaning on their brethren for their every need
they are obligate fanatics and there is no reasoning with them


>> No.16024149

The problem with your statement is that it pretends you read the book, it's completely wrong, and you don't give ANY evidence

>> No.16024150

>there is not one the left has refuted
Sure there is. Quote Wikipedia:
>The overwhelming majority of academic and journalistic reviews of MacDonald's work have dismissed it as pseudoscience grounded in conspiracy theories, and replete with misrepresentations and cherry-picking of sources. The work is regarded as having been motivated by MacDonald's antisemitic bias, rather than being an honest product of academic research.[1][2][3][4][5]
>The Anti-Defamation League has included MacDonald in its list of American extremists, Extremism in America, and has written a report[15] on his views and ties. According to the ADL, MacDonald's views on Jews mimic those of antisemites from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
>Daniel Kriegman, an evolutionary psychologist, produced a 50-page analysis criticizing MacDonald's work as "pseudo-scientific theorizing", although it does not appear that he ever published it:[20] he did send it to MacDonald, who has since responded.[21] He wrote that MacDonald "believes his own nonsense". Kriegman remarked in an email, "MacDonald is not the first person to avoid the narcissistic injury of having his ideas rejected by concluding that there was a conspiracy against him rather than becoming aware of the substandard nature [as evidenced in his trilogy] of his thinking."[22]
/lit/ should know better than to doubt the word of Jews as it concerns Jews.

>> No.16024171

>dismissed it as pseudoscience grounded in conspiracy theories, and replete with misrepresentations and cherry-picking of sources. The work is regarded as having been motivated by
if you carefully examine this you will find no indication at all of refutation

>> No.16024206

>the mob votes and decides reality
I know this is confusing for you because your world view is just an amalgam of opinions you copied from random people in a desperate attempt to be socially included, but objective reality is actually independent of your delusions.

Listen kid, you don't have long. You either need to pull up and ask hard questions, asking 'why' and 'why' again until you have solid interconnected conception of the world with which you can provide object explanations, or you will continue to act like an animal and become devoid of all humanity.

>> No.16024213


>> No.16024254


>> No.16024266

basado y rojoempastillado

>> No.16024317

mother of Fuck
this is the holy grail of BASED

>> No.16024381

>all the left can do is troll
Take note, they do not deserve human rights, they are bred and born slaves and they should be sterilized.

>Anything other than killing jews is a waste of time.

>> No.16024517

>Anything other than killing jews is a waste of time.

>> No.16024550

Without Kevin MacDonald writing his new book about how Jews also infiltrate the neocon movement and other fringes of the far-right, it feels woefully incomplete. Jews play both sides for their interests. They are masters of subversion.

>> No.16024609


>> No.16024951

So true

>> No.16025004

Yeah, I am aware of this. Kevin MacDonald said he will write a book on this phenomenon too.
Jews are very good at creating prisons for the goy. If only they were a benevolent people that sough creating gardens rather than prisons for others...

>> No.16025279

oh well

>Anything other than killing jews is a waste of time.
I can't believe how based this is

>> No.16025283

>Did you read my post? There's no point posting refutations because you always ignore them or claim.
Post them you faggot.

>> No.16025753


>> No.16026012

OP got rekt'd

>> No.16026319

badly underrated post

>> No.16026401


>> No.16026494

Why is >>16026243 getting saged?

>> No.16026570

some threads get autosaged here, idk why

>> No.16026578

Maria Farmer, but yeah

>> No.16026792

I try not too bash da joos too much but this is a brilliant picture
president harvey is my favourite one

>> No.16026951
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>if i psychologize the truth speakers i can safely ignore the truth

>> No.16027074

Why do gentiles accept the idea you should never criticize Jews as a group but it's okay to criticize whites as a group?

>> No.16027329

Give me a quote.

>> No.16027522

Because it's the correct idea to hold which makes you an empathetic person?
Jews have been persecuted throughout history and purged from 110 countries. Gentiles have not. Therefore, criticism of Jews is further genocide of an already genocided group.
Gentiles, on the other hand, have historically organized as groups to the detriment of minorities and LGBTQIA2SP+, and so it's only natural that you should be able to criticize them as a group.
It's sad that this has to be spelled out, d e s u.

>> No.16027557

>onions green: the post
I think you’re putting the cart before th horse here. Nobody is genocided or forcefully removed from a country for being great citizens. The only reason they latch onto these movements is to undermine the white Christian hegemony of any country they decide to subvert. Nobody is free from criticism and there are no sacred cows. It’s sad this has to be spelled out.

>> No.16027582


>MacDonald's main axioms – group selection of behavioral adaptations, and behaviorally relevant genetic cohesiveness of ethnic groups – are opposed by powerful bodies of data and theory, which Tooby, Cosmides, and many other evolutionary psychologists have written about in detail. Of course any assumption can be questioned, but there are no signs that MacDonald has taken on the burden of proof of showing that the majority view is wrong.

>The argument, as presented in the summaries, fails two basic tests of scientific credibility: a control group (in this case, other minority ethnic groups), and a comparison with alternative hypotheses (such as Thomas Sowell's convincing analysis of "middlemen minorities" such as the Jews, presented in his magisterial study of migration, race, conquest, and culture).

>> No.16027600

jews always love to preach about empathy while possessing none. I think it’s time to go study your torah, Chaim.

>> No.16027612

>a control group (in this case, other minority ethnic groups)
This is precious. They're basically admitting "sure, these are valid criticisms, but do you have data to prove that this is any different from other minority ethnic groups?"

>> No.16027628

So why did the first two books receive praise when the same argument is presented in them?

>> No.16027644

They are valid criticisms. They are admitting that.

Why are they only directed at Jews?
Why is there no comparative analysis?

>> No.16027658

>man does a study that proves that all nightshades are poisonous to some degree
>nonces come out of the fucking woodwork demanding to know why dogbanes and buttercups were excluded from the story
>nonces then walk away smugly, convinced that they have proven that nightshades are not poisonous

>> No.16027664
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>> No.16027703

To use your analogy.

>man does a study that supports a theory that all nightshades are poisonous to some degree
>receives criticism for not really delving into the mechanism of the poison and how it compares to other poisons

its less useful to simply say the nightshade is poisonous than to understand how its poisonous and whether the function of that poison is mechanically distinct from other plants

in understanding the mechanics of that poison, you can, in fact, use nightshade as medicine

>> No.16027725

>neo-nazis cling onto any pseudo-scientific work they can get because they are that desperate to justify their beliefs

>> No.16027733

Who are you quoting

>> No.16027768

Would you say that all anthropology is pseudoscience or just the parts you don’t agree with?

>> No.16027773

fair enough, chinkoids are quite Jewish as well now that you mention it

>> No.16027775
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For the last hundred years anthropology has supported left wing conclusions

>> No.16027797

No, just the last fifty years.

>> No.16027821

It has to be held up to science. Literally no one touches Kevins work for reasons stated above like

>> No.16028015

Go figure the group being criticized is upset that they’ve been found out. I’d like you to, instead of blanket statements from damage control groups (literally founded to protect a Jewish child murderer) criticize particular parts of his work and exactly what about it makes it pseudoscience. He makes an hypothesis through particular historical examples of Jewish ethnocentrism, he’s not claiming all Jews are working towards this goal but innately gravitate towards in group preference while demonizing this practice amongst other groups. Have you read his work or are you just pulling the first example off of wikipedia that you could find?

Anthropology is a very widespread discipline. For the last hundred years it has definitely been perverted by the likes of Franz Boas and his many understudies but that doesn’t poison the well that is anthropology as a whole. People like Macdonald are directing the study away from left-wing bemiring that has gained popularity in the last century.

>> No.16028054

I trust wikipedia more than neo-nazis. You went into the book with your mind already made up on the subject.

>> No.16028078

>sorry I'm a fucking retarded drone
>my "reasoning" is only motivated by appeal to authority
>looks like I win again

>> No.16028085

Edward Dutton is a memetuber who lives in the middle of nowhere in Finland because he isn’t a serious academic.

>> No.16028096

because the mods are literal kikes

HARK! The basedness thunders through the hills

>> No.16028129

Not an argument. The book was written with a bias and thus can not be taken seriously as a science

>> No.16028142

I read the whole series front to back and gained an appreciation for Jewish culture but also found there to be some innate foul play on the parts of the jews for personal gain. I’m quite well rounded in ideology realizing there are flaws on all sides of the spectrum and couldn’t care less about any ad hominem you might feel the need to spew. At the end of the day there is no denying that jewish in group preference and rampant ethnocentrism exist and if that’s ‘antisemitic’ to think then so be it, as that is my free thoughts conclusion. If you have any literature you’d like me to look at proving otherwise I’d love to humour you.

>> No.16028148
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>Kevin Macdonald fans are all just elderly Qanon Boomers

>> No.16028175

>I try to be a good little boy but sometimes I am naughty XD

>work for me for free, sure I'm retarded and lazy but it will be worth it for you

>I only let myself think official Correct Ideas(tm) that have the full authorization of the mob and/or prominent figures, this makes me a Good Boy(tm). I've achieved by official Empathetic Good Boy(tm) certification. I've been brainwashed with a lot of lines to say that have a lot of Good Buzzwords(tm) and this is better than reasoning.

>I'll just keep harping on the same appeal to authority with no reasoning and ignore the refutal that's already been given


>I don't actually understand anything I believe or "know", I just copy things into my brain with no filter because I'm a good little boy and I trust the best Official Good Sources (tm) that I know are good because my peabrain was hyperstimulated by media and social stimulus

these kids are all literally fucking retarded
they have no humanity

>> No.16028211

>minorities stand to gain a lot by influencing their host societies to be more minority-friendly
>somehow this is a controversial take

>> No.16028223

Not an argument. You are just spouting buzzwords and regurgitating phrases with no reasoning or explanation.
You don't have any logical standard of evidence - just "does the OFFICIAL source agree???".

You are literally mentally retarded. Everything you think is insane. You don't know what anything you say means, you can't put anything you say in other terms.

>> No.16028233

>I'm so magnanimous
No you're just a coward wallowing around in knowledge you don't have the balls to act on.

>> No.16028242

What are you on about? No amount of ad homs and kvetching will bring your foreskin back. Please say something with substance, for the love of god.

>> No.16028251

>the group that benefits from "influencing" and manipulating takes it too far and attacks their host hoping to completely disable their ability to defend themselves and replace their genepool with easier to control genes
>somehow this is a controversial take

>> No.16028281

>jewish in group preference and rampant ethnocentrism
You are beating around the bush.
They are trying to genocide their host. They are actively genociding your people.
Meanwhile you fag around posturing as some reasonable sage, entertaining the notions of literally mentally retarded madmen instead of resolving to defend yourself.

>> No.16028287

I can easily undermine antisemitism, its basically christianity who gave jews the space to enter our society.

If jews had tried to enter a pagan society, they would have been declared slaves and property and their culture would have died out.

>> No.16028326

I try to take the moral high ground and respectably debate someone who has reason. If I went full gtkrwn it destroys credibility through biases. I just enjoy the intellectual masturbation because it makes people seethe and reaffirms my beliefs through their mindless/futile retorts. This is /lit/ after all.

>> No.16028339

You're not really entering the discussion in good faith or with any sort of argumentative humility.

>> No.16028412

>be polite to the worst scum that has ever been generated
you are mired in a feminine mindset
you only want to maximize positive social stimulus
your emotions have overtaken your rational mind
there is no reasoning with these "people", they don't have free will, nothing they think or do matters and there is no one to impress by showing them respect
either a person viewing this debate has a rational standard of belief or not, you can't persuade them to have one

you can't talk your way out of this problem, you have to fight or fail

>> No.16028455

Read the wikipedia article

>> No.16028578

Make an argument

>> No.16029271

His way of deciding who is Jewish is very leniant and arbitrary. Its the reason Europeans laugh at Americans for saying "oh im Dutch" for having one grandparent born in Holland. Imagine if we applied the same logic for Irish Americans, youd start seeing them poping up everywhere in positions of power

>> No.16029442

I swear to fuck these retards are bots.
This was already addressed in this thread.

>> No.16029477

Again that is very arbitrary

>> No.16029739

Not an argument. You don't even know what an argument is.

>> No.16029750

Fuck off you self hating kike, go and post your schizo threads on /pol/

>> No.16030010

Not an argument. You don't even know what an argument is. You are an insane animal with a brain like a bot.

>> No.16030035

It is only dismissed so that antisemitism remains an irrational position in the eyes of the public.

>> No.16030583

Holy fuck this board is really dominated by discord tranny kikes that are also mods
They've literally made lit the most retarded board

>> No.16030855

>Anything other than killing jews is a waste of time.
based as FUCKKK

>> No.16031107

He sets it up so he can define anyone he wants as Jewish. If you flipped it around to the Irish he would probably group Obama as someone who "advances specific Irish interests" because its such an arbitrary definition that you can hamfist whoever or whatever you want into

>> No.16031135

>first two books in his trilogy actually got very well received
lmao no, just the first
>Separation and it’s discontents is borderline pro Jewish
lmao no, its thesis is literally that anti-Semitism is rational and adaptive

He released it at the same time as CoC for a reason. He knew he was dropping da bomb. Guy learned a lot in those four years between APTSDA and those. Where are you two getting this stuff?

t. own and have read all of KMac's books