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/lit/ - Literature

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16014737 No.16014737 [Reply] [Original]

What are the most /lit/ anime?

>> No.16014741

Mobile suit gundam >mobile suit Zeta gundam.

>> No.16014754


>> No.16014757


>> No.16014772

I like Zeta more but I respect that opinion.

>> No.16014969
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>> No.16014981
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>> No.16014984

idk, personaly i felt there was not much going on plot wise and the pacing was horrible. even though msg has filler, it still feels like the character turns and plot points proceeded competently.there was multiple times in zeta where deaths that i think were meant to be important and impact were not among other things.

>> No.16014990
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>> No.16014991

.........IS THIS NARUTO!?!?!

>> No.16015018

Tatamy Galaxy.

>> No.16015027


>> No.16015032

what is this anime op

>> No.16015040
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>> No.16015042


>> No.16015069

there's a chart of the most /lit/ anime and manga

>> No.16015079

Based af, I cried at the end of it

>> No.16015080

I enjoy gundam but it’s full of empty sermonising like all j*panese shows... those losers on /m/ who take the “messages” of toy commercials seriously are worthless... Japanese shows constantly signal Their “themes” in the most superficial ways while failing to express them at all in the actual medium or content of the show.. “this is about connection” “this is about war” thanks for telling me what the show is about, but actually, it isn’t about that

>> No.16015089

Aoi Bungaku

>> No.16015106


>> No.16015116

Turn A is probably the best I've watched from Gundam I do like the franchise but a lot of it is rather shallow

>> No.16015117


>> No.16015119
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>> No.16015162

>I do like the franchise but a lot of it is rather shallow
very much agreed. i like the sense and universe(s), but the theme they go for is usually pretty surface level. i think the og did a good job of not trying to shove in a specific hit you over the head message and imply tried to tell the story of different people and their different contextual feeling in a war. in a way, they vagueness lends itself much more to an interesting thematic sense then the overbaring WAR IS BAD or something in other gundam series.

>> No.16015219
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This is the only manga I have ever read that reminded of me "real" /lit/. I'm not even really sure why. It's a fascinating read in any case, Tezuka's most underrated work.

>> No.16015265

Katanagatari and Shiki are both good
This is /lit/, /his/, and /k/

>> No.16015282

I've thought about watching Monster. Is it good?

>> No.16015302

I cried when I watched Whisper of the Heart. Both times.

If only I had the passion of that little girl. If only.

>> No.16015320
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>What’s the most lot sandwich spread?

>> No.16015329

Zeta Gundam. Sequel to Mobile Suit Gundam 79

>> No.16015331

Rose of Versailles.

>> No.16015336

/m/ is unironically the best board

>> No.16015349

Dougram is better. LOGH is a polsci 101 textbook.

>> No.16015363
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Where are my /m/en at

>> No.16015384

what is the most manly dildo?

>> No.16015394
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Fancy Lala
Cardcaptor Sakura.
Creamy Mami
Full Moon

>> No.16015438

I miss these lil niggas like you wouldn't believe

>> No.16015470

'Legends of the Galactic Heroes' is. It's a show about the struggle of two galactic entities, one Monarchical and the other Democratic.

>> No.16015496


>> No.16015601

How so?

>> No.16015631


>> No.16015649

>one Monarchical and the other Democratic
are there any marxist anime?

>> No.16015665

>marxist anime
The Leader

>> No.16015675

Only correct answers so far.

I'd add Lucky Star but you'd have to see it under 5 or 6 layers of PoMo irony and have a personal preference for DFW.

>> No.16015688


>> No.16015715

Definitiley Stein's Gate

>> No.16015717
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came here to post this

>> No.16015733

Bernard-jou Iwaku
Complete with pseuds, genre fiction, materialism and high school tier titles. If /lit/ had any chicks it would be this anime.

>> No.16015740
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The one and only Evangelion. Honestly I really don't know how others can compare:
>stellar characters, relationships and interactions
>amazing art, animation
>one of the best anime OSTs ever composed, so damn good

If not I'd recommend Natsume Yuujinchou for zen feels as well (the superior Mushishi ;) )

>> No.16015748

What is this and why is it being praised

>> No.16015753

I like anime but this website has an entire board for anime, why does this thread exist?

>> No.16015765

There can be no other.

>> No.16015773

yuri kuma arashi
aku no hana
princess tutu

>> No.16015781

>yuri kuma arashi

>> No.16015791

Himegoto, unironically

>> No.16015870

Oniisama e

>> No.16015884
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Serial Experiments Lain.

>> No.16015900
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The only good anime ever made, too bad the fan sites are all overan by disgusting trannies and anarkiddies.

>> No.16015905

Off-topic thread but I'm surprised Berserk hasn't been mentioned yet. The 97 anime and the three movies are pretty good.

>> No.16015912

The Flower of Evil, Mononoke

>> No.16015940
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This one.

>> No.16015992

Why won't the goddamn mods do their goddamn job?

>> No.16016015

Yea what we need is more threads about Jordan Peterson, and more threads where no books get discussed! EPIC!

>> No.16016031

Just like all the books being discussed in this thread

>> No.16016048

I love anime so much

>> No.16016059

Exactly, so why are you crying about mods when most threads are doing the same?

>> No.16016069

Requires a lot of /lit/ to get it.

>> No.16016074

there are none. anime are cartoons for children.

>> No.16016076

Goblin Slayer

>> No.16016084

I think Berserk's Golden Age arc has /lit/ level story telling chops. The rest of the manga is okay, but GA is on another level.

>> No.16016095
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>The rest of the manga is okay

>> No.16016096

Covered in the 1997 anime for those interested. The movie adaptations just don't catch the alien feel of Berserk, despite being higher production value, and the director on the 1997 adaptation is infinitely more talented.

>> No.16016110

Jordan Peterson is on topic you fucking cretin. Go back to /a/.

>> No.16016111
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>> No.16016115

Legend of the Galactic Heroes

>> No.16016122

Monster was my favorite until I watched LotGH, but it still impacted me greatly. It's a very slow show though, so be warned.

>> No.16016123

The rest of the manga is phenomenal in different ways, don't get me wrong, but GA succeeds much more on the pure story telling/character development/conveying of themes and irony, side of things. It almost plays out like a really old bit of literature. It's slow, tension building and complicated.

>> No.16016130
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>> No.16016140

>The rest of the manga is phenomenal in different ways
The point of that image was that its a literal battle shounenshit after GA. If you liked after GA then your basically admitting you thin DBZ/Naruto and all the rest is good writing.

>> No.16016151

>unironic JP follower
Wash your penis.

>> No.16016301

Naruto is good writing. Itachi is a brilliantly crafted character.

>> No.16016333


>> No.16016355

This series is great but the ending of S2 with the weird pseudo-incest shit destroyed it. You don't raise a little girl from adolescence and then fuck her, even if she's not related to you. Ruined it.

>> No.16016375

>The movie adaptations just don't catch the alien feel of Berserk
I don't think that feeling was Miura's intention, honestly. It only exists in the 97 anime. The movies capture its Romano-Germanic roots better.

>> No.16016414

fuck bros I love LOGTH so much

>> No.16016437

Me too
I wish the novel translation was better though. It feels kind of dry. You can only read 'lances of ice dancing in space' so many times

>> No.16016562

This kind of thread (what's the most anime book, what's the most literary film) would last minutes in either /a/ or /tv/.
Guess they don't care.

>> No.16016603
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Anime is Degenerate

There can be fine anime entertainment, LoGH is the best possible example for its case, but we must accept that the majority of anime is degenerate, 99% of it. And we must acknowledge the common ridiculousness of it too, as a sort of degeneracy. For to make a man ignore such a thing, just general stupidity or sometimes perverseness(as common with anime), and "try to like it" is degenerating effect.

Such common ridiculousness, and its lonely cult of immature men;-- We all remember our cherished childhood investments, and this is fine when it is a cherished childhood, and not lived into adulthood. For make no mistake, the man that got into anime as a teenager and has grown up with it no less faltering in his often obsession, and love of it, is no different from the boy who grew up with his comic books and cartoons and never outgrew it. Perhaps there is the level of degree in which the weab is above the soiboy, but small matters of degree. Where the more "seriousness, violence" of anime(, has also in itself its common perverseness) , may allow a greater ease to which an adult can enjoy it, but it's still a ridiculousness, or embarrassment(of fatherly virtue), no less when he considers himself a committed watcher of anime, and we are speaking even irrespective of the perversity.

And the actual topic of appreciating it, any supposed depression from anime, or a depressive character about it; that is, an impact from anime, is more the result of a mind zapped of its intellectual rigour, by his over devotion of his energies onto this emptiness -- wherein he must create something or lower himself to it -- , from focusing on unsymbolic forms for too long, an adjusted state to its type of language, mostly meaningless shapes which we must "learn" to understand. We must "get past" the silliness and stupidity to "appreciate it". The drawing style itself, with its big eyes, is stupid and made for little girls, arising out of the sedated and in many ways feminised post-war Japan, these are the shows that children watched. And there is nothing wrong with that, the original cartoons, like an Astro Boy(though of a racially different motivation to us, and as result in many ways emotionally incomprehensible as like many other cases from its country), which is similar to a Mickey Mouse. But we have as of yet, and do not intend to, actually go into detail of that 99% of anime, wherein there is an active force of perversity, consciously directed in such a way, and not by subconscious structures.


>> No.16016610
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And the soiboy problem always comes back to the feminine, there is no blame for a man being physiologically feminine, but there is a blame for him to not try to self improve. And for him to willingly neglect himself to such a lowering thing. I remember the completely foreign character it had on my understanding in its every look and pronunciation when I first watched it, but I went through all the supposed "good" anime and after trying it all, I have only recapitulated my original beliefs of its oddness and pointlessness, though as I have said some may be fine entertainment. Cinema is a lazy modern medium, and limited by this, even after it has been championed by the midwit during the twentieth century as something better or more unique than it is; Anime is the even more so lazy medium.

So what do we do about its disturbing influence on the minds of so many a ungrown youth?

>> No.16016624


>> No.16016629


>> No.16016658
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Overrated garbage, it's well made only insofar as the few moment for a cartoon, but primarily as when one ignores(accepts) the utter stupidity of the whole thing, and details of that oh so often spoken of "intellectual substructure" too. The Greeks are much better.

S *spit*, not worth my time soiboy.

>> No.16016797

It's overrated but it's still pretty good. Art direction (designs, photography, storyboarding, animation) and sound direction (ost, voice acting, timing) are top tier.

m-muh plot brainlets need to be euthanized.

>> No.16016811

incredibly based and LOTGH pilled

>> No.16016826

>but it's still pretty good. Art direction (designs, photography, storyboarding, animation) and sound direction (ost, voice acting, timing) are top tier.
For a cartoon anon, while also accepting the utter stupidity of it and having to "give-in" to that in a sense to appreciate or imagine any depth about it. In this way it supersedes the typical limits of anime while falling exactly into its degenerating effect and far-reaching mentality. It's virtually useless for anything other than a young teenagers entertainment.

>> No.16016827

Very good choice

>> No.16016830

So it's clear the Micea faggot was banned for 72 hs or so and now he's back.

>> No.16016836

What makes it stupid? You're taking your argument for granted and not explaining why cartoons are degenerate or utterly stupid beyond "because they're cartoons".

>> No.16016842
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Looks like hot garbage.

>le little girl explores REALLY deeper pheelosophy goys
Pic related.

>> No.16016849

>he doesn't know why "they're cartoons" perfectly illustrates the definitions and obvious limits of the medium when in contrast to fine art

>> No.16016857

So there is no actual objective reason, got it.

>> No.16016865

Alright let me put it this way, I've explained it perfectly well already; but see this, do you think cartoons are as good as drama?

>> No.16016876
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>Literally filtered before he even watched the first second

>> No.16016884

Cartoons are not the opposite of drama, they're a medium which can convey drama.

>> No.16016923

That's not called filtered, that's called not wasting your time.

>cartoons are not the opposite of drama
Did I say that? But they are not "Drama" in its definition of say a Play, an Opera or a movie. That is what the definition of Drama as an art actually is, and not an gay children's drawing style.

However let me put it to you in the most simple and reductive way because it shows you as a weab are unable to come to intuitive conclusions, can it "convey" drama to the same extent as its traditional definition?

>> No.16016953
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>That's not called filtered
Cope and filtered.

>> No.16016967

It's my personal view that the visual freedom and break from physical limitations of reality that drawn art a medium possesses can enhance the work's ability to convey drama among other things. I certainly wouldn't argue that most animated works live up to this potential, but this isn't a reason to view the literal aspect that it is drawn and not physically performed by actors in a set as a net negative. I don't see a reason to view cartoons as so inferior except that this is the dominant social perception and it is supposed to be wrong and stupid to disagree, and your way of expressing your argument seems mostly based on shaming for failing to accept the "obvious" without any substance as to why it is this way.

I also don't see a real line between animated and live action movies, functionally speaking, beyond the different creation processes and medium limitations of each one.

>> No.16017101



>> No.16017170

Unironically it's is easily Evangelion

>> No.16017250

none. they're different mediums, now read a book

>> No.16017272

Dunno but CGDCT seems to be the most /lit/ category.

>> No.16017323

>literal giant wobot toy commercial
Definitely not that.

>> No.16017334

angel's egg
ghost in the shell 1995
perfect blue

that's about it the rest are trash

>> No.16017340
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Dies Irae but only if you read VN

>> No.16017346

Incredibly overrated anime.

>> No.16017359

Manga is and will always be a superior medium to Anime.

>> No.16017370
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Not an anime, but Umineko is probably the most /lit/ out of everything itt.

>> No.16017380

Watch more anime.

>> No.16017388

pseud af

>> No.16017407
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I read first chapter of higanbana and it was pretty nice. Is it any similar to this?

>> No.16017418


>> No.16017422

It's less horror, and more mystery. But still a horror mystery. It's ryukishi's best.

>> No.16017430

it's /pol/ though two powerful empires fighting the literal jew planet plays both sides for its benefit

>> No.16017441

Meaningless didactic drivel. Definitely should not be 100+ episodes of poorly animated space laser fights either.

>> No.16017598
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>> No.16017605

I couldn't make it farther than 6 episodes, it started out interesting but some element about it I couldn't stand at all, I don't even really know.

>> No.16017613

It's good but suffers from having too many arcs

>> No.16017701

>this level of retarded pragmatism
Let me put it this way then, you know when you're arguing with a smug retard that has such a little understanding or ground to claim anything that you have to persist in proving every detail even when priorly said? That's you, it's not social "pressuring", you just lack the thought to understand what I'm saying. Anime is specific type of cartoon, and it undoubtedly is limited in both its smallness and its silliness, for this japanese style is of both. But this does of course go into cartoons on large, and it is not content "freed from limited" form as you so dumbly propose, but a highly primitive(and without the religious boons of the primitive man) and childish state, which has a unique value, but is by far the most limited and unimportant of all the "mediums" so to speak. It should not even be considered within art. And as for the character of Drama, you seem to forget that it in its true sense is defined by the human acting and moving, as Play for example, as well as originated from this and achieved any sense of an apotheosis naturally in its own definition. Cartoons can never reach that phenomenological "catharsis of the emotions" in which Aristotle speaks of that one finds in Drama, acted or read. Everything necessary to explain all this has already been said, I spoke on the dumbness of cartoons, and the effect it produces on the brain when watching them as thoroughly as soiboy capeshit brainlets like you do. None of them are deep, they lack all possibility to be deep, and your only escape now is to teeter on the relativist card as you have been and so many others do too, yet of course we know things are not relative, so many still delude themselves into their fantasy's to rationalise a purely socially conditioned taste, even if it isn't too destructive but one shows it's stupidity, they cannot accept it out of some often identity built around it, and feel the need to defend themselves as they are defending their own respectability, in their eyes. This is you, and you need to grow up. To put it clear, imagine a soiboy saying "ughh that's just adhoms" when someone called him a soiboy for obsessing over capeshit. The truth is in the argument, and one unable to understand that is one without the real values which can easily see the silliness of such a thing.

>> No.16017723

Nah, each arc had it's purpose and contributed to the narrative.

>> No.16017773

Is it a navy seal pasta?

>> No.16017788

Stopped at around 17 episodes, and is cucked and MAJORLY bluepilled. Don't even bother.

>> No.16017790

>mentioning capeshit when it's literally the superior "drama" (a movie, true "art" according to you) in the form that most drooling retards consume it in
It's almost as if you realize that the corrosive element in these works is the content and not the medium, and yet you still whine on about "muh cartoons" without any actual reasoning except "it's obvious that I'm right"