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16013921 No.16013921[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

non ironically thinking about converting to islam
seems far more coherent than christianity
any muslim bros care to point me in the right direction?

>> No.16013933

The Quran

>> No.16013944

Its literally practically the same thing, they share more than half of everything with each other, its just that one believes in a Trinity and the other doesn't

>> No.16013965

Western Sufism by Sedgwick

Consider Orthodoxy instead, Islam is a dead end filled with horrible inbreeding (wish I were joking)

>> No.16013968

but anon, you forgot the most important thing! the difference in aesthetics!

>> No.16014428
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I suggest you read christopher hitchens and richard dawkins

>> No.16014433

just dont

>> No.16014446

Pigslam has shit aesthetics

>> No.16014606

Quran says that man turns to ape but there is no evolution and that elephants turn into chewed grass by stones dropped from birds

>> No.16014630

Quran has 2/3 + 1/2 = 1

>> No.16015370
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If you want to be islamic, don't read the Quran. It's not a book to be read. It's just a token. Allah wrote that thing to Muhammad so that it wouldn't make any sense. It's there as a book while it shouldn't be. You need to read everything else, and for that I would recommend the 40 Hadith first, then the words, letters and aphorisms of Ali. This is core Islam. Later, move to Rabia, Ansari and Omar Khayyam. This is the second phase, that will create the mystic cosmology of Islam in your head. Now, go for epistemic knowledge with Averrois, Tufayl and Attar. They'll expand your wisdom. Now you can try some poetry because the aesthetics of Islam is mostly derived from rhymes. Read Rumi. Now you're a worthy man and must become a sufi. Read the Hikam from Ata'iyya and Sirdar Ali Shah. Ok. You're a sufi. This is the ultimate goal. But there're external doubts regarding the rule of government. Read Al Farabi. You're a wise man and leader. There's nothing else to learn until you discovered Ibn Arabi's text. Read all. This is the appex. There's nothing else to learn but you can try to learn more of the history of Islam. Read Martin Ling's book about Muhammad. That's it. This is the end. You can die happy as an islamic sage. But you're curious. Then you decide to read the Quran. Well... now you the fatal truth. You can't go back and unread It. You'll have to deal with the fact that all of the great wisdom of Islam started with an unworthy book written by Allah Himself and truly bellow any of the entirety of the wisest texts of islamic knowledge that you read during you whole life. The Quran is a token, is symbolic, it's not made to be read. Treat it as such.

>> No.16015397

Absolutely false. Large portions of the koran are literally just dedicated to the special privileges Muhammad should be getting.

It's literally like the typically amerilard cult from Texas where half the cults tenets are how the "prophet" has expanded sexual rights.

I genuinely do not understand how people can follow a religion that the cult leader prophet outlines how he gets to bang extra chicks as a major tent of the religion. Un fucking real

>> No.16015452

There's no limit mentioned on concubines, "those your right hands posses" (because women outnumber warring men), only on marrying 4 wives. If anything, it's more noble that he took them as wives.

>> No.16015475
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Read and listen to the Quran


Theres some difference in the Biblical stories

>> No.16015504

You'll regret it.

>> No.16015505


It's an

>anon got tired of being made fun of for posting Guenon threads


>> No.16015525

haha islam has the shittest aesthetics

>posts faggy mosque in shithole country
lmao it all looks like shit and m*slims have monkey-tier intelligence

>> No.16015526

What about unitarians?

>> No.16015850

Read and understand the Quran, that's the most important thing. And if you should ever waver in your faith understand that Islam and Muslims are different things. Muslims are human beings, fallible and imperfect like everyone else. But Islam is the truth and the light. Go to a masjid when they're open, and talk to an imam if you can. Talking to someone in person is much better than anything you can find online. I would suggest trying to find a larger masjid, because some of the smaller ones just have community members that are't scholars or trained leading the prayers. A larger masjid should have a dedicated imam who's trained and can help you. Find some Muslims in real life, try to talk to them. Associating with them is a good way to maintain your faith and understand how others practice. But the most important thing is your own internal faith. Just keep persevering and stay on the path you're on now. Inshallah you will find the way.

Also 4chan isn't a great place to find information on Islam, just a heads up

>> No.16016761

so, you want to move from one mental ward to another. looking for vagina?

>> No.16016788
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>God literally has two right hands because it would be demeaning for him to have a left hand
>this is more coherent than Christianity

>> No.16016796

just abuse some vulnerable children then blow yourself up
same difference

>> No.16017068

Islam is based on the assumption that the previous religions were corrupted and needed to return to form. The historical record though shows that the Bible is far better attested to than the Quran, we have mountains of fragments to compare. We also on the other hand have no evidence that Islam was the "original" or even as many Muslims say the first religion. It's not hard to understand how a peninsula illiterate might believe in this nonsense but a 21st century person following this ahistorical crud is really reaching.

>> No.16017210

go to your local masjid and ask questions. read the Qur'an and learn about the life of the the Prophet saw. look over the five pillars and six articles of faith and see if you truly believe in them. when you are ready to convert inform your masjid that you want to take the shahada. it's the statement "lā ʾilāha ʾillā -llāh muḥammadun rasūlu -llāh" which means "There is no deity but Allah and Muhammad is his Messenger." the honest declaration of this in front of witnesses is the only formal requirement to convert to Islam.
side note that in my opinion a religion's so-called "coherency" is not really a reason to convert in itself. you should convert if and only if you feel in your heart that it is the truth, not if it conforms to preconceived notions of coherency. for example, is a religion that conforms to Occam's razor more coherent than one that doesn't? if you're working under a scientific/parsimonious epistemology you'd say yes, if you're aristotelian you'd say no, etc. basically if you want to convert have certainty of the soul not certainty of the mind.

>> No.16017231

The right direction is atheism, anon

>> No.16017253

you could consider it more restrictive since he would have to have a room for each of them, rotate which one he sleeps in, etc. in theory a random Muslim could have sex with many more women than the Prophet saw ever did, and it would be considered lawful if it met certain conditions. one example was the King of Fez (I think he holds the world record or something). he had over 1000 kids with 500 concubines, none of which he had to give a separate room for. not saying this is the ideal life lmao. the narrative that the Prophet saw was a lustful man doesn't hold up that well, but the claim that he had sexual privileges that other Muslims don't get is absurd.

>> No.16017285

Hey OP if you're serious about this I have one very important piece of advice:

Avoid this kind of schizo garbage and stick to mainstream Islam. There's a lot of misguidance out there and sadly the internet has given it visibility and a platform to spread.

>> No.16017299

All religions are schizo

>> No.16017333
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>seems far more coherent than christianity

>> No.16017358
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>> No.16017369

this but unironically

>> No.16017460


>> No.16017561

the trinity is a disgusting insult to God, and one of the major differences between Islam and Jew Worship.
also, OP, dont listen to this munafiq/kafir
if you want to learn some of the basics of islamic creed, as well as the proofs of the religion, you can read the works of ustadh Hamza Andreas Tzortzis to start. its good intro stuff, and it presents traditional islamic belief most muslims agree with, instead of the shitty esoteric stuff larpers on fourchan pretend to have read.

>> No.16017596
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aesthetics is a battlefield on which no religion can compete with Christianity desu famalam

>> No.16017616


>> No.16017626

this, islam is just a christological heresy
aesthetics are shit, mosques are a copy of orthodox churches

>> No.16017632

Avoid muslims like the plague. I know jummah and all that but Muhammed (pbuh) was dealing with Sahaba not fucking kashmiri's or whatever brand of retard muslim you have near you.

>> No.16018294
