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/lit/ - Literature

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1601073 No.1601073 [Reply] [Original]

Are you an e/lit/ist who enjoys the pursuit of writing? Are you convinced that your work is worth reading? Do you publish some of it online?

Well: this thread is for you!

We want to read what you've written. Be it a blog, a PDF, a short story posted online... we only ask that you feel it's worth reading, and that it be good.

>> No.1601074

fuck off faggot

>> No.1601077

I have a better idea
Everyone summarize something they have written

>> No.1601079

I have fanfiction if you want to read.

No guarantees it's good. Weeaboo crossover shit.

>> No.1601084


A blog about sex and wistfulness
that somehow ended up being
prhln and his travelogues

>> No.1601086

I have a better idea.

Why don't 5 people report this thread and get it the fuck off the board?

I'll start.

>> No.1601092


i reported it as well, illegal content

just a couple more guys

>> No.1601104

uh oh...I accidentally killed our dog
and my parents are on their way home. they went to dinner and told me to feed the dog at 8 o clock which i did. i decided after that that i hadn't spent enough time with it though and decided to take it for a walk. it was already dark though, and i tripped on a rock and fell into a tree. there was a little city of caterpillars inside and when i fell i killed their king. naturally, they were upset. they swarmed me and i was forced to fight for my life. i climbed up to the top of the tree but the caterpillars got their first as they had more legs than me. when i got to the top they had already formed a kind of kite shape and latched on to me and started to fly me into the air over the trees. we must have ascended at least a thousand feet before they let me drop. my faithful dog, running along beneath us, broke my fall. and its back, unfortunately. now i have to explain this to my mom. i would just tell her about the caterpillars but her grandmother was a caterpillar and she grew up in a predominately caterpillar neighborhood. plus we haven't been getting along lately, not since i popped a couple of her eyes while she slept. i'm pretty scared guys, she really loved that dog. do any of you know spells of binding and healing?
will update when parents get home

>> No.1601108

it's worse now, my parents just called and they didn't go to dinner after all. they're buying me a trampoline for new years and they want to know what color i want. how am i supposed to tell them i killed their loving dog who has licked their wounds and bodies on so many occasions now? and worse, what if they don't give me the trampoline? i've been wanting one forever so i can start a trampoline band.

>> No.1601110

they just got home. i guess they heard something was wrong in my voice over the phone and decided to leave immediately. when they opened the door i presented the dogs body to them in the sacrificial manner. i didn't want to hide anything, that is to say i didn't know how. my mom collapsed and started sobbing in my dads arms. his eyes became flinty and fiery and he started pelvic thrusting at me. i think you can guess what happened now...it was over in less than 30 seconds but it felt like an eternity. i got a couple good bites in but that probably will only make things worse in the long run. now they have locked me in my room and have promised to put one caterpillar under the door every hour until i ritualistically kill myself. i am thinking of doing it...it will only be four or five years early and if my parents tell me to who am i to disobey?

>> No.1601115

wow i have had a huge change of heart since the last post. even if my parents no longer care for or feed me i will carry on living in the neon slums feasting with the street urchins and cucumbers on the dregs of societies teas. i will start my first grand adventure today. i'm not sure how to escape though. my room is on the second floor, the door's locked, they are installing bars on my windows as i type, and there is a writhing layer of cockroaches between all the walls. if i claw through them i will be forced to take at least two dozen cockroaches along for the ride because they rarely allow travelers to pass through their territory without some form of ransom. at this point it seems to be the only feasible option though. i have heard that there are secret symbols one can drawn on metal bars that will vaporize them like so many jews in the crematoriums of the camps? if someone knows them i would love to hear, otherwise has anyone passed through the cockroach lands safely? were you able to shake off the cockroaches quickly or did they freeload for a while?

>> No.1601117
File: 8 KB, 493x402, 1283567268810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I certainly am developing some kind of elitist attitude for my story. It's meant for 6 full-length novels, but damn it, I'm stuck on the outline. Has anyone skimped on their outline before? Fuck the outline? I'm also taking an absurd amount of time role playing with my characters, because they still feel unnatural.

>> No.1601121
File: 14 KB, 768x429, symbolonmywindow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none of you seemed to know so i googled patterns that will melt the bars on my window away and found a few options. i drew the most likely but my red krayola marker beads up when i write on metal. instead i draw the pattern on a piece of paper and then taped it to the bar. i can't find whether or not this is a suitable method of smoking away the bars or not. it hasn't worked so far though and in the faqs i read the bars smoked away almost instantaneously. anyway here is a rough diagram of my window and the pattern i drew, if any of you could help me troubleshoot i would much appreciate it:

>> No.1601123

disaster has struck i am afraid. my father opened the door to put in the first caterpillar and saw the symbol on my window. he is very vague when talks about his youth but i think he was probably a warlock or some kind of necromancer so he knows what this kind of thing means. his chest puffed out and he got very angry. i think he would have used his tentacles again if he hadn't already satisfied himself tonight(see earlier post). well to make a long story short he bludgeoned me all around the room and then got my mom to pin me down while he drew red krayola all over me, especially around my eyes. i am completely demoralized. thoughts of escape and running away are completely dissipated. now i can only think of facing my classmates with these absurd patterns drawn all across my face and arms and chest. they'll think me a clown! here is what he did to my face:

i am too ashamed to show all of you what he did to the rest of me but i am sure that if you did see it you would never want anything to do with me. to be so dishonored by my own father! i suppose i should have seen this coming when i killed the dog.

>> No.1601124

i am trying to pull the pieces of my broken life together. it's useless to try to wash off the marker off course, but i tried anyway. it burned like battery acid. my parents have basically sworn me off forever by doing this. i don't know if it was the symbol or the dogs death which finally set them off but this is the end of our mutualistic relationship. i have locked my door. if they put more caterpillars in i will kill them. i dismembered the first one and pushed it under the door to show them how deeply they have hurt me. if they don't know yet what they've done they soon will when they see that. like i said, my mother was raised in a caterpillar community and she is literally disabled for hours at the side of caterpillar mutilation. it's a weakness i intend to make use of in what is becoming a pitched battle. anyway, the only way out of this room seems to be...well, i think i'm going to go under the bed. this is drastic, i know but honestly, what other alternative do i have? i figure if i can cut through the foliage i might be able to reach the civilization down there, or whatever passes for civilization under the bed. probably it isn't much of a city, or country, i don't know, but if it's worth anything i'm going to live there. maybe they won't care about red krayola marker stains or caterpillar hate crime. my parents gave me a machete for my last birthday which should help me penetrate the treeline. i'm going to make a few other preparations and then i will make one more post before i set off.

>> No.1601125

i think i'm set.
i have my machete strapped to my back, a horn full of watered down wine, and three sweaters. i know this isn't enough but i don't have access to anything else seeing as how i am trapped in my room. but really, how can anyone prepare themselves for going under their bed? i had a brother once who said he put his legs under the bed during a particularly pitched game of hide and seek. six months after that game, he died of leg cancer. i'm not saying these things were connected and logically, they weren't. if i thought they were i definitely wouldn't be going under the bed. but there is danger there. why else is it such a taboo? enough rambling. i can't waste any more time. they put another caterpillar under the door only a few minutes ago and i had to quickly hide all of my gear or they might have taken away my bed. i wouldn't put it past them. i killed the caterpillar immediately, ignoring its bargaining and begging. i used to be merciful with the lesser beings. this is what my parents have turned me into. if they see this someday i hope they are filled with remorse and contemplate suicide.
i think i'm just stalling now. i'm excited but i'm also afraid, so afraid. it's so dark down there.
i just have to get over my qualms. my qualms are holding me in this house. they are tools of my parents to keep me here.
i've taken out my machete now. this is it. goodbye. thank you for the support. i'm going now.

>> No.1601129

illegal content wat wat


>> No.1601210

Oh hey this seems like a good place to link to all the disgusting porn I write


My 30,000 word BDSM fapfic is actually the result of some silly "write me a story about a girl having her nipples pierced" thread that was posted here late last year. I wrote something for the OP on a whim and then sort of carried on. So, thanks /lit/, I guess...?

>> No.1601235

not as good as http://buffy.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600091845&chapter=1