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16010682 No.16010682[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the most /lit/ news sources? For me it's Andy Ngo.

>> No.16010719


>> No.16010721

Michael Tracey, the most powerful contrarian alive.

>> No.16010724

My imagination

>> No.16010741

whatever is relevant enough to make it onto off-topic /lit/ threads, also the financial times

>> No.16010751

Ha ha even if your agree with his politics Andy Ngo is a pussy faggot who cries at the drop of a hat. Who could possibly admire such a man? He has the constitution of a child.

>> No.16010765

>left-wing journalists: getting disappeared into unmarked vans by unidentified federal agents
>right-wing journalists: "they threw a milkshake at me"
what a fucking hack

>> No.16010775

>>left-wing journalists:
>implying they exist for any other purpose than to provide cover for and and protect rioters
Every aspect of a leftist riot is coordinated to maximize effectiveness. Nothing about them is accidental.

>> No.16010781


>> No.16010806

>thinking that rioting is a bad thing.

I don't care what you're politics are ISHYGDT
Imagine being scared of a riot. Imagine thinking there are things in America worth protecting. Oh no my PF Changs!

>> No.16010822

I'm not scared. I just think that individuals willing to engage in organized lawlessness are worth less than property.

>> No.16010849

Being arrested for crimes is a good thing

>> No.16010860


The level of bootlicking on this website I swear to god. What happened to this place? Have you guys always been here or are the Gen Z summer fags really just that pathetic?

>> No.16010873

You have to understand that 50% of the site now are teenagers from right-wing subreddits

>> No.16010877

For me it’s mainly /pol/bait screencaps on /lit/ and /tv/

>> No.16010883

Why shouldn't the feds come in when domestic terrorists are destroying my community and the cucked mayor lets it happen?

>> No.16010890

>I'm not scared. I just think that individuals willing to engage in organized lawlessness are worth less than property.

I just read this poem by Allen Ginsburg:

I hope my good old asshole holds out
60 years it's been mostly OK
Tho in Bolivia a fissure operation
survived the altiplano hospital--
a little blood, no polyps, occasionally
a small hemorrhoid
active, eager, receptive to phallus
coke bottle, candle, carrot
banana & fingers -
Now AIDS makes it shy, but still
eager to serve -
out with the dumps, in with the condom'd
orgasmic friend -
still rubbery muscular,
unashamed wide open for joy
But another 20 years who knows,
old folks got troubles everywhere -
necks, prostates, stomachs, joints--
Hope the old hole stays young
till death, relax

But still, your post is the gayest thing I've read today.

>> No.16010892

>reads Ginsberg
>calls others gay

>> No.16010894

how odd that unsupervised teenagers seek out a controlling state. Truly pathetic, but the rebels aren't the ones on anonymous boards

>> No.16010903

Go cry about it harder somewhere else. Do you realise where you are? Go post on Facebook with your uncle if you give a shit about it.

>> No.16010910

The very purpose of the state is to provide security and defend private property.

>> No.16010913

based and correct marxist analysis

>> No.16010920

>assault federal building
>get arrested by federal officer
Why are leftists such hysterical faggots? You can get away with any kind of street criminality at this point with the sole exception of attacking federal property, and you still go ahead and do it then cry foul afterwards.

>> No.16010921

>responds to a post
>with his own post
well well well, aren't you a hypocrite

>> No.16010925

>defending the state

How cucked do you have to be?

>> No.16010928
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Yeah, but I'm on the side of the state

>> No.16010933

Why are you avoiding my question? Why do you think there should be no reprecussions for domestic terrorists that destroy communities? If they went over to your house and vandalized it how would you feel?

>> No.16010936

>tfw america will surely fall in your lifetime because it is an individualist masonic experiment gone horribly wrong with zero social cohesion whatsoever and no shared cultural heritage to speak of
I'm not fucking ready for chinese supremacy, god damn it