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File: 34 KB, 729x450, Despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16010177 No.16010177 [Reply] [Original]

Rec Books that depict NEETdom and Loneliness accurately, please? Would be great if it has both, but please do recommend it, if it has either one of them too. Thank you.

>> No.16010187

why don't you read something that could help you get out of your pathetic situation instead of wallowing in self-pity like a little faggot

>> No.16010192


>> No.16010194

Are you an idiot or simply illiterate?

>> No.16010223

Sometimes relating to a situation in a book is the first step towards making a change. It's a shame that you don't understand simple things like this. Such an angry young man.

>> No.16010233


>> No.16010298

You have to go out everyday
just leave your den and go to a library or take a walk around the city
rotting away in front of the screen for several hours is terrible for your mind and stay the fuck away from the 4chins. This place is super fucking cancerous to your brain (on every possible level), despite what the ebin redpill memes will have you believe.
Go out for a 40 min walk DAILY

>> No.16010319


>> No.16010446


Then suggest something uplifting or that would help a person out of their situation, you dipshit.

>> No.16010496


Maybe Robinson Crusoe since the guy is marooned on an island and by himself. It may not count since he has to work for himself by hunting animals for food, building stuff, growing food, I think he even domesticates some animals, I can't remember, etc.

>> No.16010500

i have social anxiety and i walk and look funny
i am scared of kids making fun of me in the streets

>> No.16012029

Nausea- Sartre

>> No.16012059

I simply cannot fathom how NEETdom would cause despair, it is the ultimate freedom in a society of slaves.

>> No.16012386

How do you earn money? What about insurance incase of medical emergency?

>> No.16012394

I live in the UK so I don't need to worry about being thrown in a dumpster and handed a $3k ambulance fee for having cancer. As for money, I am truly an aristocrat.

>> No.16012402

Dangling Man by Saul Bellow

>> No.16012404

Notes from underground, Woe from wit. Also this >>16010319

>> No.16012412

>As for money, I am truly an aristocrat.
>refusing to earn a living
Wodehouse, m8

>> No.16012767

Shoveling aphorisms and toxic positivity up your ass doesn't help anything. You need advice from someone with personal experience.

>> No.16012856
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The Wisdom of Life and Counsels and Maxims by Schopenhauer

Comfy as fuck

>> No.16012942
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Man. I hate to let my bloodline end, but living frugally in total solitude, no phone, no internet, just reading and working out and contacting family and a few close friends via snail mail would be awesome.

Use interlibrary loan or live near a university library and get a community borrower card.

*Maybe* have a laptop for word processing. You can catch up on online habbenings at coffee shops.

Or typewrite great manuscripts and physically submit them to publishers. How based would that be.

People are ugly. Work is ugly. Sunrises are beautiful. Watching the day pass is peaceful. Opt out, lads.

>> No.16012954

Also this >>16010319

>> No.16012967

Oblomov but it doesn't fit with loneliness

>> No.16013423

fuck this is true but man i hate where I live, im in an isolated place right on the edge of the city on the far side of a big industrial area so its all but impossible to just go walk around

>> No.16013492

How does that work? Does the government pay all the expenses for the cancer treatment?

>> No.16013502


>> No.16013511

Fucking hell, you're lucky. I've to decide between killing myself now or die of a shitty treatment.

>> No.16013523

>why YES, i do want to live in a hut so the chinese can pillage my country economically

>> No.16013541

As long as they gas the kikes I don't care

>> No.16013560

>work for the jews
No thanks, you can slave away if you want shabbos goy.

>> No.16013683

Dazai? I dunno. Personally I prefer a more surreal and subtle description of loneliness though. I felt that in Calvino's IOAWNAT to an extent.

>> No.16013700

meme tier advice from normal faggot

>> No.16013734
File: 111 KB, 802x1000, welcome to the nhk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know any books about that. There is the anime "Welcome to the NHK" which is ok. I had three years of my live as a NEET and now around 5 as a non NEET. God I wish I could go back every fucking day.

There is nothing in this world if you aren't born rich, a chad, or 150+iq. The rich does not need to work. The chad is served by normalfags in everyday life. The genius has purpose in doing what only he can. Then there is you... You are a 0-7/10 attractive level, you are not rich, and your IQ is only 90-130. Your only purpose of existence is to serve the before mentioned people. You are the worker ant/bee, pointless and insignificant to time. Yet even worse than all that, you have the capacity to notice how pointless you are. Worker ants/bees lived a better life than me or you ever will.

My advice is to realize how good you have it and live as a NEET forever. If that is not a valid option then you must work. Work till you have enough so you can live off the stock interest. It's not much, just enough to pay for phone internet, car insurance, and food. Then you live in your car and browse 4chan/read books till you die. Accept mediocrity and ride the pony till death calls.

>> No.16013782 [DELETED] 

I really, really don't like being alive.

>> No.16014265

>There is nothing in this world if you aren't born rich, a chad, or 150+iq
genuinely delusional

>> No.16014291



You're just small minded. You adopted a personality that overemphasizes the value of petty bullshit because society deemed you to be a weakling and actual power is inaccessible to you. So this is how you cope and try to stay sane, most normies undergo the same personality castration that you did

>> No.16014364

fucking tired of this shit
go to r9k

>> No.16014448

>genuinely delusional
What he said is cold reality, cope all you want but deep down you know it is truth.

>> No.16014472

what's your advice then retard?

>> No.16014514

Tiny Habits

>> No.16014545
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>ITT: normalfags seethe and demand others join them in wageslave normalfag hell

>> No.16014567

Just watch Welcome to the NHK. I think its the best depiction of these things.

>> No.16014598
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I think that The Tartar Steppe by Dino Buzzati is the closest thing when it comes to NEETdom and loneliness. The main character isn't exactly a NEET but when he finally decides to live his life, it's kinda too late for him and he start missing a lot of stuff on his life and everyone around him are already having families, kids, advancing on their careers... The ending is heart breaking and very haunting.

>> No.16015047

Based. Time is not money, money is time.

>> No.16015695

I already read that. I know what kind of a character Misaki truly is, but I still do want a novel without women. I think the chance of a cute girl spending time with you, even the fucked up ones, are really low.

>> No.16015711

Being a NEET is awesome, I love getting money from wageslaves

>> No.16015769

>I know what kind of a character Misaki truly is, but I still do want a novel without women.
Yea its basically a Jesus figure that will never actually exist in your life. The author is a neet himself which is why the MC is so relatable, and also why the savior character is there (typical fantasy neet thinking.). Just like all neets he went back to being a neet as soon as he had the money (from royalties) to do so https://frogkun.com/2016/04/24/whats-the-author-of-welcome-to-the-nhk-doing-these-days/.. Truly he was and still is one of us.

>> No.16016094

Fatherly put down

>> No.16016194
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>> No.16016219


>> No.16016235

>Shoveling aphorisms and toxic positivity up your ass
If that's the lense through which you see any form of self help literature, ngmi friend.

>> No.16016241

Being NEET and lonely is better than being a wagie and lonely

>> No.16016695

I agree if the government at least pays you something that allows you to live independently (or your family is rich). Living with my parents in my shithole town kind of sucks.

>> No.16016718


>> No.16016759


Oh, well, I suggested >>16010496 to the OP.

>> No.16016961
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>> No.16017239

Mars by Fritz Zorn

>> No.16017532
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I hate you hope we die

>> No.16017557


>> No.16017874

Without job or wealth man doesn't exist for other people and especially for woman. The most fucked up thing of this world.

>> No.16018060

someone already said it but Notes from Underground is a masterpiece. you should read it, it's very short and good

>> No.16018075

The Pigeon by Patrick Suskind.

>> No.16018801


>> No.16018897

How do you get out of a socially isolated hole? Seems impossible desu

>> No.16018921
File: 36 KB, 357x499, 51JhYEqwZ7L._SX355_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the N.H.K. by Tatsuhiko Takimoto
WataMote is the most accurate portrayal of a loner's youth that I ever read, disregarding the later chapters. Give it a read and also watch the anime.

>> No.16018933
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>when he finally decides to live his life, it's kinda too late for him and he start missing a lot of stuff on his life and everyone around him are already having families, kids, advancing on their careers...

>> No.16018988

Wanted to recommend this, but this anon already got it covered.

>> No.16019008

this one is also core wageslave lit.

>> No.16019031

Some really cool recommendations here, saving this thread

>> No.16019568

sartre's nausea actually does describe loneliness, it's just the mc gets out of the house and goes for walks in the city and things like that.

Also there's some of it in crime and punishment, raskolnikov is basically a neet in the begining,

>> No.16019591

Only book I've ever cried after reading

>> No.16020257

Wonder what's he doing right now, last I heard his gf made him join a cult.

>> No.16021002

Stoicism. Completely different from your regular self help books, and will also help in the long run.

>> No.16022718

The foreword where he admits he's still a NEET even after becoming a successful author is sad.

>> No.16023278

Medical cost isn’t the prohibitive cost of NEETdom. The trouble with NEETs is what they’ll do once their parents die and they no longer have any place to live rent free. Even if they inherit the house they’ll have to pay taxes after all, plus living expenses.
People who stand to inherit enough to cover themselves in this eventuality aren’t really NEETs they’re just lazy and rich enough to not have to work

>> No.16024189


>> No.16024480

that's the best, integrate back, not stay a fucking 4chin faggot.

>> No.16024520

Yeah man I get it but honestly fuck what any of these assholes think. The only people who spew hateful shit on these boards are the ones that hate themselves the most. Find something semi-productive that interests you and start from there. Self help books are pretty much useless outside of making your brain feel a little better for a short period of time. Everyone feels down at some point so don't feel bad about feeling bad; its a vicious cycle. Best of luck to you

>> No.16024626

>I know what kind of a character Misaki truly is

>> No.16024639
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>he thinks reading a book will get you out of the NEET-Incel matrix

>> No.16024651
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>sad and lonely
>go for walk every day
>now tired and sweaty on top of being sad and lonely

>> No.16024669

I've literally never felt this before, despite everyone claiming it exists. I've literally spend moneys only leaving my home once a week for groceries. Am I even human?

>> No.16024673

who cares

>> No.16024684

>Am I even human?

I don't know you. Are you happy?
I think your life is miserable.

>> No.16024709

Meant to type months*, gud brain stuff
Me I guess.
>Are you happy?
I can't say I am, but neither can I say I feel depressed. I guess I'm just feeling neutral most of the time. I used to hang out with people all the time, but it got boring and I grew tired of pretending to be interested. Can't say I ever missed it or felt bad about not being around people.

>> No.16024743

I can very much relate to you lol

>> No.16024805

I actually tricked myself into thinking I was lonely or wanted to go see my friends again a few times, only to be bored and regret going out. I like them as human beings on an abstract level, but idk its ogre I guess. Then I tried going to meet new people, but again it was just boring. Maybe my brain broke, I guess I just want isolation now

>> No.16024818

>I guess I'm just feeling neutral most of the time.

I can't relate.

>> No.16024827

put your trip on butterfly

>> No.16024834

Do a sport, start weight training, or do a martial art. It will help with self confidence and overall movement and balance.

>> No.16024862

same, but I still feel lonely sometimes.

>> No.16024930

That's probably for the best. I think that I went down some sort of mental path I wasn't suppose to, like Buddhism but instead of enlightenment I just sit here and shitpost in peaceful solitude.

>> No.16024994


>> No.16025078
File: 23 KB, 270x475, 67140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alberto Moravia - Boredom. You need to tone down self love and create empty space for others inside you.

>> No.16025127

>You need to tone down self love and create empty space for others inside you.

In my fucking life I would think I will find somebody this selfaware and kind in the chins.

>> No.16025169

>meaningless "life coach" advise
>wow so self aware and kind

>> No.16025190


Texbook example of a jerk.

>> No.16025199

Or how about you get glazed in cum by a futa cum bomb attack?

>> No.16025203

>t. female
Post tits.

>> No.16025204


>> No.16025293

wot drivel

>> No.16025300

>I love getting money from wageslaves
Hey, don't talk about your mother like that. She works very hard to put tendies on the table.

>> No.16025806


>> No.16025847

exactly. leave the house everyday. dont think about online. it doesnt matter

>> No.16025855

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

>> No.16026945


>> No.16027011

>I hate to let my bloodline end
well you shouldn't, you are not special

>> No.16027246


Walk outside 30 minutes a day. (no phone)
Drink water - cut out sugar shit.
Get cardio exercise 3x week 30 min.
Meditate 5-10 minutes a day
Take vitamin D daily
Try a normal sleep schedule.
Attempt 1 human interaction daily.
Get off 4chan.

Take advice from a normal fag, things get better.

>> No.16027250

oh lastly, try eating and cooking whole foods, nothing that comes out of a box.

>> No.16027271


NEETs are worthless subhuman leeches. Oblomov was a Russian aristocrat. He was never lonely either.

Though this book is often recommended on this board I have a feeling it is seldom read.

>> No.16027302

My Friends by Emmanuel Bove

>> No.16027314

What's lazy about not wanting to wageslave?

>> No.16027940

>NEETs are worthless subhuman leeches.
Wagie cope.

>> No.16028063

>tfw NEET for almost ten years
>tfw almost 30 and a virgin

I feel too on the fringes to ever go back and I've gone too long without to want. Strange kind of content.

>> No.16028308

Don't lose those around you, don't push them away. You will regret it eventually.
I had friends, girls in my early life. I started withdrawing from society throughout college and haven't been around others for close to a decade now, burying myself in work and pursuit of pointless shit like money. I feel like a feral animal at this point, can't be around people anymore. Depriving yourself from human needs may seem like a masochistic cool in the short run, but it can lead to irreparable damage in the long run.

>> No.16028477

>Don't lose those around you, don't push them away. You will regret it eventually.
Same. I'm really lonely right now and only have recently realised that all the time I spend with my friends, which I didn't give a fuck back then, were the happiest moments of my life. I dearly miss them.

>> No.16028636

Same. I had a life until about age 25 or 26 and then for some reason I withdrew into work. The more I stay away from social life and the more I feel like I will never return. I don't know what to do as an adult with no friends.

>> No.16028638

thats because you lost 99% of memories of irrelevant boring life you had and only think about the 1% happy shit
if they were any good you wouldn't lose them
you only regret because of nostalgia

>> No.16028666

The passage where he equates being a writer to being a failure in life really struck me. The book is a bit repetitive overall but it has these gem paragraphs that made it worth it. It's an existential warning, a bitterly angry existential horror almost, but not without a sense of humor. Can't believe this book exists

>> No.16028754

it felt so natural back then, summer days with friends. Connections with girls. There is this innocence in youth that allowed for genuine relations with others.
I don't want to sound like like a coming of age stereotype but it really rings true to how contrived and superficial relationships are for adults.
I have a single friend remaining, and we are friends because we enjoy each other's company. There is no status or taking advantage of one another or any of the other fakeness. We could sit on a beach, drink cheap liquor and enjoy each other's company for an entire day without any the sugary shit frosting that is the normal social layer. Where did people like this go? Why are the majority of women only interested in applying layers of degeneracy and looking for walking breathing wallets? Do I only see negative or is the positive so hard to find these days?

>> No.16028798

Can someone post the r9k copy-pasta (its really long) that talks about how badly NEETs are fucked and why 90% of the advice people give them (like the clowns in this thread) are completely retarded? Like this motherfucker >>16027246
and any other jackasses that recommend "JUST EAT HEALTHY AND HIT THE GYM" or any other basic activities as if they are a magic cure all.

You're basically speaking to someone who by analogy is homeless with no marketable skills and telling them your X-step process to become middle class wealthy. Just "EAT HEALTHY, HIT THE GYM, LOOK EM IN THE EYE, FIRM HANDSHAKE". Utterly useless and just totally ignorant advice. Social capital is the exact same. You're a NEET and want out? You want to be a normie? You want friends? Good luck finding any without a few already. You want a girl? Good luck finding one without a social circle. You want a good job? You know most people find work through references right?

People will just ignore the substantial problems NEETs/incels/whatever you want to call them (human 'garbage') face when trying to lift themselves out. Its the same as someone living in poverty trying to lift themselves out, except you aren't talking about money but social relationships. There is no "just pick yourself up son, and get out there!". People who give this kind of advice are just dismissive and heartless and you should ignore them completely.

>> No.16028865

just don't play a game you cannot win, use your life for what you like and not for what society thinks its best for you

>> No.16028882

pretty much all of bukowskis books, particularly ham on rye and women

>> No.16028895

>use your life for what you like
If you don't like being a NEET you're fucked. That's the point. I doubt people severely lacking 'resources' (for lack of better term) whether they be social or financial who *want* those things to be happy are fucked (and this represents the vast majority of NEETs). The "just be happy with what you have" argument is silly my man.

>> No.16028911

pump some iron pussy

>> No.16028927

for most "incels", social outcasts, etc. basic hygiene, proper diet, and some exercise is literally the minimum you should do. believe it or not it affords you the most basic level of respect in civil society. it makes it so you're, at the very least, not repulsive to the average nomie even if you're autistic, very ugly, and so on.

>> No.16028934

>The "just be happy with what you have" argument is silly my man.
this or lifelong depression

>> No.16028959

What if I only like being a NEET though

>> No.16029007

then you are blessed

>> No.16029031

I mean its just a dismissive retort. Do you think that if the person could just be happy with what they have they wouldn't? Can they lobotomize the part of their brain that says "this isn't right, you should be a part of society to be happy" just because some cheeky cuntsicle said so online?

The things you mention are all superficial and don't make a difference. A fit loser is still a fucking loser. They may feel slightly better about themselves, and get the associated health benefits of good exercise and eating right, but it doesn't solve the fundamental basic problem they have. Again, compare it to needing/wanting $$. Someone who is dreadfully poor but eats and exercises within their means cannot magically get more money and opportunity because they look a bit less slovenly than someone who doesn't shower and shave at all.

>> No.16029088

>Can they lobotomize the part of their brain that says "this isn't right, you should be a part of society to be happy" just because some cheeky cuntsicle said so online?
I don't care, just gave you the options

>> No.16029170

They do make a difference though because you'd be doing the bare minimum to integrate into normie society. Hell, you don't even need to exercise. Basic hygiene and a few nice clothes is literally all it takes to be given the benefit of the doubt, i.e. people will assume you're a normie even if you're not.

im not talking about getting rich, or becoming a chad. its just the bare minimum to make your social interactions less painful.

>> No.16029187

>I don't care
They why reply and state the obvious? A man asks for help with problems and you say "fuck your problems just be happy". Congrats?

>> No.16029192

Are most NEETs really lonely and friendless? I have the same dozen or so friends I’ve had since childhood and hang out with them regularly. I’ve seen them all get gfs and start their careers, but I’ve never once felt envious. I’m content spending my days reading, writing, and drawing, and then taking long night walks with my buddies

>> No.16029234

>the bare minimum to integrate into normie society
You're making some really bad assumptions. You don't need to have basic hygiene or be somewhat healthy to 'fit in' to society. Absurdly nasty and obese people are in healthy relationships and have lots of friends too. Your disconnect is that you think doing some small set of behavior will magically allow someone to 'reintegrate'. The problem is you need friends to get friends unless you're like a 5 year old in elementary school. People build their social capital their entire lives and build up experience in social interactions that let them create and maintain strong relationships over a lifetime. You can't get any of that unless you're just absurdly lucky once you're out of the game.

>> No.16029625
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>> No.16029828


>> No.16030611
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Welcome to the NHK.

>> No.16031126


Yeah, you are exactly right. I had some mental health issues and was NEET for 3.5 years. It's extremely difficult to get people to trust you if you have 0 social media, 0 contacts, etc. My parents are not well connected either. I'm pretty attractive looking, and am not very awkward either. I see literal spergs at my uni enjoying much more rich social lives while I'm left in solitude

>> No.16032488

That's because you're probably a Schizoid.

>> No.16032547

I always became more dejected after advice like this.

>> No.16033305

Honestly, the FeMC ruins NHK.

>> No.16034106

Kind of true, but nothing else comes close to a real outlook of neetdom. I want a neet story that just ends with suicide after working for a few years because he ran out of neetbux or something. That would be nice.

>> No.16034111

This thread again? Like I said before, if you find NEETdom a painful and lonely experience, you are a low-sentience slave.

>> No.16034590

That sounds unpublishable

>> No.16034715
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>started going to the gym
>making gains, learning form, getting strong and motivated
>gyms closed

>> No.16034735

But i'm fit and go out but it's impossible to meet people. Once you hit zero social connections it's over.

>> No.16034761

It's over, just give up already

>> No.16034762

tfw happy with having nothing, but you cannot have nothing.

>> No.16035387
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>> No.16035402

Indeed, when I went to university literally every one of my flatmates knew people there already (we were all first year students and all but one of us were a fair distance from home).

>> No.16036033

Probably, normalfags can't handle anything stuff like that.

>> No.16036213

This doesn't do anything though, a few times i've done this it makes me feel worse because I realise all I can do is walk around while I can see people with their friends or whatever. What is the point of just going for a walk. The problem is not that neets are afraid of going outside, it's that they have no reason to do it.

>> No.16036227

Because you're trapped inside with no money and no friends while all day long on social media you can see tons of people who are probably younger than you actively pursuing and enjoying their life.

>> No.16036408
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>Neets complain about being neets
I would unironically kill someone in minecraft to be able to go back to being a neet. Wage slavery is for npc normalniggers.

>> No.16036478

What about money, though?

>> No.16036500

yeah having money and therefore the ability to do pretty much anything you want really sucks!!! way better to stay trapped in your parents house dependent on them forever distracting yourself from the wasted years by playing minecraft like a spastic child

>> No.16036541

>what about muh money and muh hedonism
No thanks. Reading books and working out is enough to please the soul.

>> No.16036663


>> No.16036799

Better 1% than 0%
Having no memories is the worst.
t. homeschooled fag

>> No.16037274

Anon, I'm talking about day to day expenses and for emergencies.

>> No.16037328

Oh, well that's why even true neets stop being neets. Eventually you will have to work. Best to establish passive income from stocks and then go back to being a neet.

The thing is that once a Neet runs out of money, they will find work within a week. Happens every time. Anyone who says "muh autism/anxiety" is just coping, one week with no money and somehow the autism disappears.

>> No.16037434
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Most accurate for me.

>> No.16037459

>You're a NEET and want out? You want to be a normie? You want friends? Good luck finding any without a few already. You want a girl? Good luck finding one without a social circle. You want a good job? You know most people find work through references right?
You can circumvent this by attending uni which is a scam but still, a good way out to tackle all your social problems unless you sabotage yourself.
In the end you get a piece of paper that shows you are a good little slave willing to sacrifice your time for some bullshit job.
Being a neet is not a social dead sentence.

>> No.16037461

young werther

>> No.16037538

>having money and therefore the ability to do pretty much anything you want really sucks!!!

Lol implying wagecucks have the time to do anything they want outside of weekends and 1 month holidays.
Either you have time and no money or money and no time. There are ways to not fall into that trap but very few people know how.

>> No.16038098

Himizu is kind of like that, but he's not a neet for that long.
Even after he reached a point where he could've potentially gotten better he still chooses to kill himself.

>> No.16038637

NEETs are completely dependent upon others to survive.

>> No.16038660
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>> No.16038689

So are slaveowners

Bro you're not gonna believe the twist in The Time Machine

>> No.16038719

Man this thread has been going on forever. I am waiting for this to get archived so I can save the entire thread. But okay keep those suggestions coming.

>> No.16038734

Not checking the whole thread but A Confederacy of Dunces is about a NEET who has to get a job

>> No.16038757
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>therefore the ability to do pretty much anything you
I want to be at least middle class 14 years old healthy Chad with silky-smooth skin, wide shoulder girdle, straight back, tiny waist and horse sized cock. Those attributes would easily open up possibilities and I would make tons of cash almost instantly with constant approval from society of braindead normies. They'd happily call me """resourceful""" or """hard-working""", I would have easily succeed at sports and dating could actually become a fun hobby and all of that seems like just a nice bonus of being privileged looker. I'd imagine that waking up happy and fulfilled is the greatest pleasure of them all. That is my choice of life. That is what I desire. Unfortunately the reality that I live within decided to disregard my needs, dreams and did the complete opposite. It shaped me into weak, sick, little peasant maggot surrounded by even dumber but a little bit stronger bunch of despicable yokels. So no, no amount of money nor wisdom can just help me "do what I want".
>Eventually you will have to work.
Suicide is always an available option
>You can circumvent this by attending uni
>"just go to college bro! It will be fun I promise! Yeah, I'm from Stanford and my pops who is a lawyer founded my education there. Yeah, I'll played college ball, always was kind of a big guy hee hee I don't know what's your problem man"
It's not something that you are doing for a day or two. It's a way of living. And I don't know if you are aware my normie friend but not all people live in big urban areas where you have a bunch of good, reputable universities to choose from and attend to, some relatively intelligent people live in total shitholes. Put yourself in shoes of a NEET who has no connections( maybe at best some acquaintances but no close friends) no health, no beauty, no realistic ambitions, no actually developed useful skills(reading and analysing poems or being decent at maths or drawing stickmen and playing badly two songs on a broken guitar are not real skills), no car or money(because let's not kid ourselves anon, his irresponsible, selfish parents never had any savings), what that homestuck loser outcast has instead are probably mountains of problems, mostly negative life experiences, anxiety and probably some extra PTSD. You're expecting this type of nervous loner to be able to manage a job alongside his lectures in completely new environment. At the top of education, work, controlling resourcess you can add trying to "fit in" despite your deeply hidden hate, spiteful jealousy of seeing better, successful, attractive, rich people who are your unfair, not always very kind competition alongside worst of all, constant doubts and feelings of hollow futileness. How long do you think typical pariah will last?
t.A fucking failure university dropout who endured only half a year of that gehenna.

>> No.16038818

>Suicide is always an available option
Death before servitude is the definition of nobility.

Everyone with a job deserves it. You set your own value in this life when you decide what you will and will not take.

>> No.16038884

It's bad

>> No.16038897

It's good just very short and Schopie is most of it

>> No.16040169

Just finished reading it based on your suggestion. Wasn't really neet at all, I do like the ending though. God it's fresh to have a totally bleak ending. What do you make of the monster? Just visual representation of his ever growing despair?

>> No.16041720

What would be the point in that?

>> No.16041722

I hope you aren't talking about fiction. What kind of story would you even get out of a lonely NEET?

>> No.16041726

The numbers of posters is also increasing, so what's the harm in it?

>> No.16041739

1. Paid for ludic activity
2. Crime
3. Suicide
4. Wagecucking

find a flaw.
>protip: you can't

>> No.16041838

>feeling neutral most of the time. I used to hang out with people all the time, but it got boring and I grew tired of pretending to be interested.
Are you me? I just can't talk to my friends anymore. It's like I can guess and figure out how conversations are going to go. It's boring and all of them basically compliment me saying I'm good at listening, giving advice, that I should be a therapist. But, they're so boring. It's like I like the idea of hanging out, but once you get there and they start talking about their jobs just like they do every other time, my mind fades out almost like I have tinnitus and enter my own world just to tune it out and wait until it's time to leave. I just don't have any room in my head for people anymore. I don't feel lonely ever, but once in a while it gets to me after a ton of people tell me to get married, how come you don't get a girlfriend, I have a good interaction with a kid, etc. I know I could find a partner, but what are the chances it's someone on the same wavelength as you?

>> No.16041886

I mentally let go of my friend. He'd only hang out with me to get advice from me and I'd never hear from him until he needed more. I envy your friendship.

>> No.16041933
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>> No.16041978

>enter my own world just to tune it out and wait until it's time to leave.
Yea I usually sit there thinking "this isn't awful, but it's not enjoyable or interesting so why am I even here?" while people talk to or around me. I feel like every conversation is just a series of slightly different looping tracks. Like we all know what to say, what the response will be, yet still go through the motions anyways. Artificial conversation about shit no one cares about (yet still discuss) with jokes no one really finds that funny (yet still laugh).
>what are the chances it's someone on the same wavelength as you?
Now its time for me to ask if you are me. I'm already a bit "strange" so I've been told, and dislike 99% of the people I come in contact with. The chance I find someone I do enjoy being with is already so low, then factor in this same person also liking me? It was over before it began. At best I could fake a personality and find some generic person to marry. A whole life of being fake though... Seems like hell.

>> No.16042012

Also fuck conversations about money, god I'm so sick of those. How to earn more, save more, who has this much, spend this much, pls god no more. Capitalism is truly the greatest mistake of mankind, turning people into worker insects. Even one of my goofiest friends from high school is mostly a bugman at this point.

>> No.16042085

>Yea I usually sit there thinking "this isn't awful, but it's not enjoyable or interesting so why am I even here?" while people talk to or around me. I feel like every conversation is just a series of slightly different looping tracks.
I feel the same. I've also gotten tired of talking - as in if I've said something before, even many months before, I can't get myself to repeat things. As if everything I say must be unique - don't tell the same story, don't make the same joke, don't say the same sentence. I do anyway, but the repetition feels like it hurts me somehow.

>At best I could fake a personality and find some generic person to marry. A whole life of being fake though... Seems like hell.
I tried dating for the first time in my life a year ago. Everyone I met in person was disturbed in some way. All of them attempted to ask questions about themselves in very weird ways. I.e would you be OK if I one hundred partners? Then getting upset because I said no. Basically, random shit tests to filter whether you can put up with their bullshit. And that's not including the many people that lack personality of any sort and expect you to be a 24/7 jester that entertains them without offering any kind of wit or decent conversation in return. I just gave up - literally what is the purpose of having a leech that sucks your brain power and time around you? And I tried being generic... It reminded me of the time I worked at the US census as a teenager reviewing census reports: absolutely soul crushing.

>fuck conversations about money, god I'm so sick of those. How to earn more, save more, who has this much, spend this much, pls god no more.
That shit only gets worse with age. My friends are constantly talking about getting better jobs, sharing work stories, telling each other to buy houses to rent out, etc. One little prick even tried to get me to join his mutual fund which was fucking garbage since it was basically a pyramid scheme that he took "classes" for and the profits are shared in a tiered way. Like, one, you can just get Vanguard funds. Two, fuck you for thinking of be dumb enough to fall for it. Three, where the fuck is your morality? You're literally preying on people and making false promises. My dumb sister keeps working free overtime at her company. They haven't given her a raise yet and they give her more work and she says yes. She complains everyday about the amount of work and I tell her that her company doesn't give a fuck and you should just decline and balance your life and work. But, young workers are too fucking stupid to realize they're being taken advantaged of. :/

>> No.16042119

No longer human - Osamu Dazai except the narrator gets laid a lot so maybe Welcome to the nhk

>> No.16042318

>I do anyway, but the repetition feels like it hurts me somehow.
Same here, at some point I just gave up and accepted how generic every conversation is. I basically don't even think about what I'm saying anymore, it's precanned artificial conversation. I don't even remember what I've said mere seconds after I've spoke it. Automatic responses, basically a human dial tone yet people think I'm paying attention and talk to me. I still search for real conversation, but it's getting so rare now.
> Basically, random shit tests to filter whether you can put up with their bullshit.
At least you tried, I never even bothered desu. Sounds as cancerous as I had imagined it. How did you go about it? Online """dating""" just seems like it's for pump and dump. I once thought of going to book stores and hitting on chicks that look like social outcasts. Seemed like an awful idea so I never went through with it.
>That shit only gets worse with age.
Tell me about it... "Haha bro did you know you can LEVERAGE A LEVERAGED MORTAGE? DEBT IS EPIC. Housing prices only go up!". Try to steer conversation away from bugmen related stuff with "Really should land and housing should be something that is a part of such heavy speculation? ETF's are stable investments as are bonds, so why is housing for the younger generations preyed upon like it is.". Of course they take it personally and give you the "hey this is MY life, don't judge me" look. Clearly they themselves think its wrong, but have been ground down into insect people devoid of morals or thought.

As for your sister I wouldn't judge too harshly, for every worker willing to stand up for themselves there are 20 bugs waiting to replace them. Let her gain experience so at least she can be confident she will find anything job quickly if she leaves or is fired.

>> No.16042331

> anything job

>> No.16042368

Okay Jordan.

>> No.16042823

Cool cover

>> No.16042894
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do you man, do you

just know that if you ever want a way out there is a whole mongolian basket weaving forum behind you

>> No.16043032

>I once thought of going to book stores and hitting on chicks that look like social outcasts
No such thing as female social outcasts, for the simple reason that every woman out there can find a horde of desperate male admirers.

>> No.16043095

It's not so much being a NEET we hate, it's the feelings and situations that brought us to this situation.

Most people don't become NEETs willingly, it's usually the result of a mental breakdown after too much pain in life and you can no longer force yourself to participate in society.

>> No.16043114

Is it still ok to attend university at 24 years old. I'm so tired of this. I wake up every day feeling anxious and sad that I'm still alive. I know it's a scam but what else can I do. Everyone else did it and now a lot of them have jobs.

>> No.16043120

yes it's fine

>> No.16043122

Of course it's fine. I knew a guy who did a biology degree in his 30s and ended up working for the university.

>> No.16043754


>> No.16043760

I'm 25 years old and just completed my undergrad after a long period of antecedent neetdom, you'll be fine m8

>> No.16043917

Being a NEET is enjoyable sure, but it's a big sin to not have kids if you're more intelligent than average, and you need a job for that

>> No.16044350

You need a partner who's equally intelligent for that.

>> No.16044366

And you need to be able to FIND a partner in the first place, which is almost impossible

>> No.16044718

>And, as a rule, it will be found that a man is sociable just in the degree in which he is intellectually poor and generally vulgar. For one's choice in this world does not go much beyond solitude on one side and vulgarity on the other. It is said that the most sociable of all people are the negroes; and they are at the bottom of the scale in intellect.


>> No.16044960

>No such thing as female social outcasts, for the simple reason that every woman out there can find a horde of desperate male admirers.
This is true, but there has to be at least one woman out there too autistic to see that or doesn't want the horde of desperate male admirers. Yet how to find this person seems.... difficult to say the least.

>> No.16044962

holy fuck thass based

>> No.16045105

I’ve only recently become a NEET due to graduating and feeling as though I’m too lost and lacking in future prospects to actually accomplish anything. I can’t help but get this overwhelming sensation that this is my life now and I’m just doomed to a state of feeling mediocre.

Finding genuine people to socialise with is also difficult. I have a very small group of genuine friends, but we don’t meet often and while I’m good at being charismatic and hitting on people, dating is incredibly boring to me because it feels like I’m the one who’s having to make all the effort. Experience has taught me that I’d rather be alone than around fake people, but I do still get lonely sometimes and the genuine people do a good job making themselves difficult to find.

I got a gf who was like that.

They’re hard work to deal with because these women who actively resist men coming on to them usually have other mental issues that can be equally as bad or sometimes worse than what men with mental issues deal with. There’s also the fact that she thought I was out of her league, so I had to make the first move.
I guess it’s just sucks for me because I’m quite a confident and outspoken person and I’d also like a confident outspoken woman who can carry a conversation, but aside from that one gf, the only girls I seem to be able to attract are doormats who put me to sleep.

>> No.16045120

>I’ve only recently become a NEET
>I got a gf who was like that.
kys my man, you're not one of us

>> No.16045196

Buddy you don't call yourself a neet if it's been a few months after graduating.

>> No.16045225

I’m just scared it’s going to be this way forever since I’m not particularly social and I’m not confident in my ability to get a job right now.

>> No.16045255

do we have a wageslave lit chart?
something happened should be on it

>> No.16045415

In which domain do you seek employment?

>> No.16046002

Nowhere. That’s the problem. I don’t have any aspirations and there’s nothing I actually care about at the moment.

>> No.16046158

Thats not advice, that is slander designed to exactly induce this emotion in the target and only the lowest common plebs resort to that attack on his fellow man instead of helping him with constructive advice.

>> No.16046173

If you don’t want a job, what is the problem?

>> No.16046175

boo hoo go work out instead of telling randos on the internet that you feel dejected
youre such a fucking faggot jesus christ

>> No.16046395

>they have no reason to do it.
tried to explain this to people multiple times and don't get it.
too real. This is why I quit social media.
based doomer NEET
I am like that too.
this thread is too relatable

>> No.16046597
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I got dumped by the girl whom I considered my "first and final love", when I was 14. My weak ass never got back in the dating scene. I just hung out with two of my friends smoking dope and shit, had no self confidence, never talked to any other guy other than my most intimate friends, let alone girls. And I used to be totally a normal outgoing kid and teenager. I remember when I was going out with my girl I actually felt happy waking up in the morning, had something to look forward to. After her I just kinda stopped giving a fuck about social life and people.It might sound funny that I took such a teenage break up to heart, but it all just happened by itself. I am 21 now and the biggest khhv you can find.

I think all the time that if only I had a harder spirit I would probably be a happy normie today with a gf, but I am really weak spirted man, ever since childhood. Its too late now, gotta live my life like this now.

>> No.16046655

You need to let go. Having a gf is not that special. The honeymoon period when you initially get together makes you feel like the happiest man in the world, but what follows is a mixed bag and the love becomes less intense even in the best of relationships—I’m speaking from experience with this. On top of that, I have no regrets on having completely missed out on teenage love since teenagers are hormonal and immature most of the time. My only regret from that age is that I wasn’t a little bit more of a rebel.

You’re only a year younger than me. You can still turn it around if that’s what you really want. It will take a lot of effort on your part to play catch up though.

>> No.16046790
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>You need to let go. Having a gf is not that special.
In my mind I feel like that would be one of the greatest sources of happiness in the life of any man. I agree with Elliot Rodger in this, that no matter what I do it always feels like I would be happier if I had a qt gf by my side. I feel having a gf would have motivated me to take care of myself and put my life in order.

I like to believe what you are telling me, but I really am incapable of believing that. I feel that i would be happy if only I could get a gf somehow, I know how idiotic and simp-esque that sounds. But right now I have nothing in my life, I am just alternating between being a coomer and a consoomer.

I know these are the few last remaining years when I can turn my life around, after that it would be too late, once I turn 25. Then there would be nothing for me except lifelong NEETdom or becoming an hero.

Thanks though for reading what I had to say, I feel heard. Can't talk about any of this to people IRL or they will get bored and leave you for being a depressing loser.

>> No.16048205
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>nearly lifelong homeschooling
>parents weren't even good at teaching
>instead of being smart and awkwardly autistic i'm just the latter
>they want me to go to college after chinkflu is over
I guess I'll just get over it.

>> No.16048269

>smoking dope and shit
there's your problem
don't do drugs kids...