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File: 665 KB, 1200x839, peterson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16004737 No.16004737 [Reply] [Original]

His lectures are constantly being proven right and your cope only makes him stronger.

>> No.16004749

If he doesn't talk about Jews or White replacement, he is irrelevant.

>> No.16004752
File: 54 KB, 858x424, Juden Peterstein.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16004762

go back

>> No.16004770


>> No.16004782

Take your benzos

>> No.16004785

>tfw will never be called an evil coward by jordan peterson
i cannot take it

>> No.16004807


>> No.16004821
File: 23 KB, 320x399, 1536491193598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16004831


>> No.16004852

is this somehow a critique of his ideas?
are you retarded?

>> No.16004860


>> No.16004866

see >>16004782

>> No.16004873


>> No.16004884


>> No.16004890

see >>16004866

>> No.16004894

The absolute state of Jordan Peterson threads.

>> No.16004896

What ideas? I already knew that I was supposed to take showers, nerd.

>> No.16004898

Nobody expected /pol/ to be right about anything. They are just trannies in denial.

>> No.16004903


>> No.16004908

So why don't you, faggot?

>> No.16004917

I do. Was that really the best you could come up with? Is this the average Jordan Peterson fanboy? Fucking hell.

>> No.16004954
File: 116 KB, 1000x541, heydad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But how do we feel about the daughter?

>> No.16004966

She looks very Jewish desu.

>> No.16004976


>> No.16004985

It's funny, no?


Based and cute grifter

>> No.16004986

manly chin, non existent tits

>> No.16004993
File: 82 KB, 960x640, 1525588234987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


After I coom in her I would lean in close, and whisper in her ear "wash your vagina"

>> No.16005084

Clearly you don't, or you wouldn't act like such an insecure little bitch about it. I dont follow Jordan Peterson, just curious about your obsession with him.

>> No.16005097

This is a thread about Jordan Peterson

>> No.16005158

He’s decent, I don’t think he’s a shitty mind like others do, I just think he’s a tad overrated.

>> No.16005206

this. good guy, but by no means thw greatest intellectual of oue generation or some shit like that.

>> No.16005225

stop making this thread

>> No.16005281
File: 217 KB, 1920x777, Being.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mostly agree. Normalfags jerk off to him and I really hate that this is the case cause I feel as if he dumbs his shit down a lot to continue to appeal to his fanbase. Even in his lectures he merely references Heidegger and the Dreyfus AI thing, even though it's clear he's well read about it.

You could object to that by saying he misunderstands Heidegger but I don't think this could reasonably be said to be the case. I think he has to bog his thought down because he's a psychologist first, a public self-help figure and political thinker second, a philosopher only third. Essentially third-rate because he's managing other roles as well. Using colloquial language to describe complex concepts makes him essentially unbearable and awkward to read from the perspective of a scholar.

Pic related -- it's not "wrong" if you read it as somebody trying to communicate to the common mind, but it is at the level of philosophy. The remark about "being with a capital B" isn't there cause JBP is simplistic in nature, but clearly because no fucking body buying 12 Rules for Life has a clue who Heidegger is and need to be spoon-fed the thought. Results in the awkward and frankly blunted JBP we see nowadays. I think Maps of Meaning and his personality lectures are the closest we'll get to seeing him do something of real intellectual worth.

>> No.16005631

didn't she leave her husband and the father of her kid for a literal pimp?

>> No.16006188

he will never be your father

>> No.16006514

The amount of butthurt he incites from literal faggots and incels alike really validates his position, whatever that is.

>> No.16006543

Seems like this. The people who hate him the most are always unintelligent, unlikable, poorly adjusted, and unhappy. Communist and Nazi LARPing degenerates and dregs.

>> No.16006869
File: 68 KB, 542x1077, 164af36d5a9e80c6413b305e4c29e522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He makes self-help books for young male brainlets.
Don't have a problem with that.

They'll end up obsessed with ordering their live instead of commiting school shootings because of no sex.
Also, for us, it accelerates the process of destruction of western culture, cause they are more docile,

>> No.16007503

jewish halfbreed who looks like shes gonna hit the wall hard. Her mother looks like a literal goblin.

>> No.16008615

>anon pretends he has sex on 4chan

>> No.16008870

>no one participates in the most fundamental form of human intimacy

Shiggy diggy

>> No.16009056

>is this somehow a critique of his ideas?
Yes. Outlining his subjectivity that drives his hypocrisy is a critique. He holds one set of rules for Jews and another set for everyone else.