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/lit/ - Literature

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16003809 No.16003809 [Reply] [Original]

I don't read poetry because is too high IQ for me. I don't understand what's going 90% of the time.

>> No.16004622
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When it comes to ancient epic poetry or even something like Shakespeare, I've gotten in the habit of reading a scene/"book (1 of 12)" by first going to cliffsnotes and reading the summary and analysis then reading the actual text so I understand better what's going on.
Also pretty much the only reason I read the text is to look for cool quotes.

>> No.16004811

I burn each and every book that I hate, as in my mind the fact that I hate it means it should be purged from existence.

>> No.16004934

I skim and then use goodreads reviews to form my opinion and arguments.

>> No.16004942

I read Shakespeare and unironically enjoy it because I have the mind of a Tudor era peasant.

>> No.16005195

Me too. Also I don't care about Joyce

>> No.16005245

lmao, if anything you're probably too high IQ for poetry. poetry is for retards

>> No.16005286
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I like poetry and find some of it beautiful, but I just can't be bothered reading it.

>> No.16005335

I joined the military not for any love for my country, but because many writers served their country and i thought the experience would make something click

>> No.16005345

I did something similar. I studied law just because Kafka, Proust and Mishima did.

>> No.16006615

Mind sharing which books have you burned?

>> No.16006628

As infantry and enlisted I hope

>> No.16006658

just make sure you either challenge or are challenged to a duel and youre good.

>> No.16006662

i don't take fiction seriously, i think most fiction is stupid bullshit

>> No.16006699

Even during the corona situation I haven’t been reading in months and only recently started again. I seriously can’t focus reading as much if its in my own house since there’s no study or office and Im currently living with my uncle. Also things like the heat in the summer make me utterly lazy and my room doesn’t have A/C so these couple months ive been mostly a lazy bastard and barely even study anymore. Also OP Im also the same I usually don’t understand poetry but its because I cant be assed to read any and when I do dont care for deciphering it

>> No.16007113

Poetry is peak pseuds. OP you're low IQ but not because you don't "get" poetry.

>> No.16007570

where does one start with English language poetry? is sylvia plath worth reading?

>> No.16007644

I read Prometheus Rising, and even though I was rolling my eyes the whole time I still bought Finnegan's Wake on the book's recommendation. Which, like any sane human, I gave up reading on page one

>> No.16007657

I will add this to my mental collection of people who say 'pseud' being illiterate retards

>> No.16007659

don't like goethe

>> No.16007668

I don't have much interest in reading Joyce.

>> No.16007708


The summer just makes everyone dumb and lazy. The pandemic makes everyone dumber and lazier.

>> No.16007738

I confess, anon, that sometimes I'll flip to the end of a novel and read the last few words or paragraph or two.

>> No.16007855

i would still read books that are below my standard if there's a likeable or interesting priest character. i have a crippling clergy fetish and no tasteless porn can fuel it, only appropriate literary texts imagery.
my favorite is Diary of a country priest, the narrator is morally pure and platonically to my liking. i somehow feel this is more perverted than just jerking off to dressed-up porn actors.

>> No.16007886
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*texts and imagery
i go to church almost solely to stare too

>> No.16007909

I think the distinction made between literature and genre fiction is meaningless elitism and anybody that looks down on genre fiction doesn't actually read.

>> No.16007925


I like being comfy in the winter somewhere that isn't home to do the majority of my reading

>> No.16007944

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.