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/lit/ - Literature

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16003590 No.16003590 [Reply] [Original]

Why is r/books and reddit in general so infantile? How is it grown men decide to read childrens books and then come to get approval for it, but only on reddit
>/lit/ posts about harry potter too!
Every time someone posts it they get called a fag and told to fuck off and read an actual book. That or people shitpost pretending to be reddit

>> No.16003603

oh also for anyone wondering why its locked trannies started getting ass blasted in the comments and faggot mods can't have their future suicide statistics expire too soon

>> No.16003628

the majority of redditors don't like harry potter(you even see them complaining here) but the popularity of the post is the result of how reddit works

>> No.16003635

I got banned for racism because I suggested that the BLM protests were anti-white. They're idiots.

>> No.16003638

Because they’re being policed for politeness, simple as

>> No.16003705

Don't mistake gatekeeping for intelligence. A real book discussion around these parts is so rare because of the insane amount of interest in gatekeeping and investment in hostility as a replacement for identity. /lit/ is like a girl with bpd. The hostility is not hiding anything of value it is the essence of the creature. Reddit may discuss normie books ad infinitum, but at least they discuss books. Both spaces are frustrating to interact with for different reasons. Both reasons converge around the rarity of individual reasoned response compared to prolific groupthink memes. The meta conversation eats up 95% of the attention on either platform without saying anything.

>> No.16003755

Normies are stuck in "everyone is valuable" mode so every community tends toward the lowest common denominator

This was always normal for women and extremely tepid public forums, but it only became the norm for all social groups recently. For a while "nerd culture" held out, for no reason other than that they were spaces women didn't want to colonize, so male social norms of hierarchy, elitism, and healthy hazing continued to exist. But when women and feminized men controlled the whole of society, they saw no reason not to colonize the few remaining spaces that resisted them. Those places stood out and mocked them because of their resistance.

Normie minds are basically a haze of unfiltered junk data flowing directly into the pleasure centres of their brains, and then overtop this endless stream of filth there are a few governing principles of maximum generality, so that the normie can "check" his flow if anything goes wrong. A normie has no intrinsic standards, dignity, morals, ambitions, or inner life, so he will do literally anything the junkstream tells him to do as long as it makes him feel good, that is UNTIL he causes such a violation of homeostatic social normalcy that another normie criticises him. Then he will enter into a temporary emergency panic mode and begin scrambling for the nearest governing principle of maximum generality, some shit he heard on television or the internet, like "Ummmm I don't see YOU doing anything better?" or "Who made you the boss of (location we're in)?" or "Uhhh pretty sure I saw (social media personality) do this lollllll ummmm yikes??"

So even during severe breaches of the informal and always fluctuating normie code, they have powerful defensive mechanisms. But in their normal everyday functioning, like a reddit forum nominally about consuming a form of media, normie communities maintain that equilibrium of negative liberty that makes them uniquely efficient at being childlike hedonists with no standards and patting eachother on the back for it endlessly

>> No.16003832

There is a board for literature and he classics too

>> No.16003857

why don't you stupid fuckers stop being so obsessed with some other shitty website and start living your own lives

>> No.16003869

Dumb nazi

>> No.16003875

It's always really depressing going back to old forums I browsed and seeing how much thoroughly pozzed they became

>> No.16003877

Literally hitler

>> No.16003879


>> No.16003880

or maybe they stayed the same and you just became some kind of mentaloid

>> No.16003881

Reddit does not discuss books. They discuss how they hamfist their leftwing dogmas into books. Right now there are discussions of "problematic language in the past" and how to reconcile with the fact that to kill a mockingbird uses the word nigger repeatedly. There is not a single comment about the plot of the book, of the characters or lessons in the book. The discussion solely revolves whether or not they think their children should be exposed to the word nigger in what I presume is a high school English class. They're modern day puritans, wanting to vanquish all sin and uncleanliness from their lives. Except instead of worshiping God, they worship the dogmas of the democrat church and want to remove the sins of being white and living in a world where being white is sinful. I truly feel sorry for these people, to carry that burden of self hatred and shame to such a degree.

>> No.16003882

not literature, fuck off

>> No.16003892

shut your fucking mouth tranny, nobody asked for your opinion

>> No.16003912

mentaloid detected

>> No.16004039

chan culture is anonymous, harsh and mostly uncensorred, reddit culture is the very opposite, so of course you get man babies.

>> No.16004088

nah, if you go back ten years they were a lot more normal, not much political discussion

>> No.16004123

Not just the N-word but also because supposedly there is no stronk black characters...which I think is missing the point of the book.

>> No.16004126

The internet as a whole is not the same entity it was even 4 years ago. The change has been constant, but Trump's election was a virtual 9/11. The shift in discourse immediately in the aftermath of that event was tangible and disquieting.

>> No.16004129

that's why I love lit and despise booktubers, at some point in life you need someone who says "no, shut the fuck up about that childish meaningless bullshit, grow up, broaden your horizons and learn to refine your pleasures" if you weren't able to understand it on your own, the brick-wall-like impact people like litbros have is what all these soft brained retards would have needed

>> No.16004145

If the book does not espouse their flavor of the moment worldview it effectively has no points of significance.

>> No.16004155

because everyone here is on both sites all day every day

>> No.16004158

They know their mouthbreathers but don't want to feel bad about it so they validate and enable this shit.

>> No.16004164


>> No.16004166

Gamergate was enough big event, lots of forums and discussion websites responded with just banning anyone who supported it, they gave up on discourse

>> No.16004172

another big event*

>> No.16004179

Okay chud

>> No.16004193

Yeah it wasn’t until they started banning subs in like 2015 that it really got crazy and it’s just gotten worse and worse

>> No.16004230

Boomers were raised on television. They raised people raised by divorce, peers, and social media dopamine reinforcement schedules. That's the result.

>> No.16004234

Based parents wanting to protect their children from satanic literature.

>> No.16004248

Pathetic fascists shitting up the board again... It is clear that this post was written by someone who didn’t get the chance to read when he was younger due to his conservative upbringing.

It’s a post about a sad situation, someone who is glad he can relive a youth he never had due to a shitty conservative household. The white religious household is exactly what brought about this pathetic piece of shit posting about Harry Potter as an adult.

Its a post about a sad situation from someone who is glad he can relive a youth he never had due to a shitty conservative household, the same household alot of you mouthbreathers are advocating for brought about this pathetic.

>> No.16004260

Fascinating mental gymnastics considering you are mentally retarded. Like watching a two legged dog leap over a fence.

>> No.16004261

>random internet poster
>grown men
How do you know he isn't 12? You know, the target demographic for Harry Potter books?

>> No.16004270

ebin, simply ebin

>> No.16004285

You repeated the same thing 3 times you brainlet

>> No.16004327

Take your meds schizoid, the excessive seething has blurred your vision and it seems you can't remember what you just wrote 10 seconds ago

>> No.16004396

>Noooo you can't raise your children in the way you want to conform to the morals and values that were passed down to you by your parents.
>That's racist.

>> No.16004402
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Why was the thread locked?

>> No.16004407

Next time the very least you could do is read the op image before you look like an illiterate mongoloid

>> No.16004415

the eternal jannie

>> No.16004432

Probably because of comments like OP calling it out

>> No.16004437
File: 36 KB, 902x497, 08ddea313e08352d24c93c170cb28a67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trannies seething, not enough reddit fags coming to their defense, reddit's dissonance with this is very interesting, you can clearly see there is still some people who are intrinsically disgusted by trannies and say their earnest opinions, until of course they are banned by the mods. There is a grain of based in reddit, but usually its either outright censored by the mods or downvoted to hell, such as this post

>> No.16004439

pretty much every screencap I see of a reddit thread is locked. might just the sort of threads that get capped are more likely to be locked but still

>> No.16004467

the real big change was that smartphones made it easy and cheap for normies to join internet spaces

>> No.16004492

I think:
Reddit and 4chan, from a design perspective, are inversions of each other. Support & opposition on the former can be anonymous OR vocal

anonymity and character limits prevent these bullshit emotive spiels. ironically this more closely simulates a "death of the author"

>> No.16004546

The thread has been nuked for having too many based people calling out trannies. It wasn't even a majority either. For those who want to see what discourse came from this post before the eternal tranny jannies removed it
Side note, this is for a different thread talking about a woman who wrote a basic romance novel with a mexican love interest. The book is low level garbage but right about reddit's reading level, and they got mad because a white woman wrote it and filled it with cliches.

>> No.16004573

A lot of /lit/ is currently dedicated to how inferior blacks and women are though

>> No.16004591

/lit/ has always been about the truth

>> No.16004602

Sounds like something reddit would say about their leftist dogma desu senpai

>> No.16004603


>> No.16004608
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Well said. I wonder what they would 'think' about this. When you see a normie confronted by unapproved thoughts, they tend to either shut down or break down. I want to see them put in a situation, face to face with wrongthink, challenged to counter it with actual reasoning. No shrugging their shoulders and saying "It's just wrong" or "because it feels wrong" and no hysterical crying, imprecise anger, or other emotional compromises normie brains use to distract themselves from cognitive dissonance.

What would that shit look like? There are a lot of reddit users that take day tours here, maybe one of them will carry this over there and get something vaguely akin to an answer or two before he gets banned for potentially making people uncomfortable.

>> No.16004620

I can't imagine many people would say otherwise. Who do you know knowingly and purposely pursues falsehood?

>> No.16004628
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>> No.16004639

why did you make a post about reddit
why dont you just fuck off back to where you came from
I dont have a problem with reddit but fucking why m8 fuck off

>> No.16004654


Everyone I don't like is a fascist.

>> No.16004662

I checked the guy's profile. He had a comment saying to check the first word of each sentence, and that he fully expected to get banned.
is what I got when I did so.

>> No.16004678

This is incredibly reddit

>> No.16004694 [DELETED] 

this thread is dead, and sffg is full of trannies and faggots. i hope it dies 2bh
nothing of value will be lost

>> No.16004729
File: 324 KB, 1024x1024, 1583023709009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No it's not, fuck the books

>> No.16004829
File: 194 KB, 451x452, mi25619159744_59e92c7d8a_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This upsets me way more than it should.
Fuck being polite.

>> No.16004905

Reddit would be a hotbed of normie Conservatism were it not for the heavy censorship.

>> No.16004909

>Why are all atheists bitter manchildren raised in Evangelical homes?

>> No.16005215

>Reddit does not discuss books.

>> No.16005257

>hotbed of normie Conservatism
But it is as well

>> No.16006865

>"everyone is valuable"
Until it comes to people they find unsightly.

>> No.16006999

/Lit/ is for discussing literature.

>> No.16007121

The christians were right to ban these books

>> No.16007133

>simple as
I hate this expression so fucking much.

>> No.16007154

Your anger over people having harmless fun seems far more infantile.

>> No.16007168

More like anal goy. Go fuck your self on your way back to r/criticaltheory

>> No.16007353
File: 107 KB, 960x554, FrontTowardsEnemy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A common trait the average r/books poster user shares with the average /lit/ poster is they both believe themselves to be a lot more intelligent than they actually are.

The difference between the two is that, while /lit/ posters may seek to salve this defect -- and perhaps in rare cases, cure it -- by reading from the canon or whatever, the average reddit user now has in-built excuses to not read any literature that doesn't come in the modern flavor.

For example:

>boring, doesn't apply to modern day

And so on.

Put another way, /lit/ posters seem to gravitate towards older literature because they feel excluded from modernity, for the most part; reddit users seem to feel, or are unable to, digest anything that wasn't written in the past twenty years.

This creates a vast insecurity in the average reddit user. A lot of the excuses listed above, while in certain historical contexts may be accurate, seem to instead be Trojan Horses for the simple fact that the individual reddit reader, on average, finds older literature uncomfortable and perhaps more difficult. Rather than admit to this, and either leave older literature alone, or learn how better to read it -- two approaches that require individual responsibility and personal management of expectations -- the reddit user must instead latch to a collective network of the similarly discouraged and find a way to obliterate the source of discomfort, often through mass discrediting via conventional political and ideological channels, which favor collective, salient thought over individual choice.

One last interesting point that lends to the apparent discomfort of the reddit masses:

Whereas /lit/ posters have the freedom to eviscerate and haze any pseuds, reddit users are not allowed the same venom and filtering techniques. Instead, they bat at each other with passive-aggressive diatribes, which rarely deter anyone, or cause any real lessons to be learned, because instead of shocking someone for a moment with either blunt honesty or snapping toxicity into thinking they may have apprehended a subject incorrectly, these reddit dialogues seem to simply leave both sides tepid and grumbling, and wholly unsatisfied.

In closing, while neither reddit or /lit/ are really appropriate channels for the discussion or dissection of literature, reddit is far more bound to the whims of popular culture and the masses by the sheer virtue and average character of its individual users, whereas /lit/, while rarely academic or intelligent or even reasonably coherent, at least harbors a potential for genuine, honest discussion.

I take you guys any day over the alternative.

>> No.16007377

>/lit/ is like a girl with bpd. The hostility is not hiding anything of value it is the essence of the creature
How fucking new are you? If any board stops being hostile to newfags discussion stops, because then fucking idiots can just come in from reddit or even gaia or wherever and we have the same introductory level threads over and over and over because nobody tells them to fuck off. Hostility to faggots is absolutely essential to any functioning imageboard.

>> No.16007384

The mere fact that you take people from a community telling newcomers to do something more than the bare minimum as a bad thing is peak reddit

>> No.16007390

Better to be a fascist than a faggot. Cry more loser.

>> No.16007391

>didn’t get the chance to read when he was younger due to his conservative upbringing.
This is such strange logic. I had a super conservative home and reading books was encouraged so much playing any kind of vidya was banned until we read enough books.

>> No.16007424

Six different cocksuckers replied like this was a serious response. It’s fucking bait. It’s even reddit spaced, you idiots.

MySpace was the warning shot. Facebook, etc were the mortal blow. The 2016 election cycle was nothing but kicking the internet while it was down.

>> No.16007469

That's not redditspacing

>> No.16007509

Reddit's system of upvotes, downvotes, and karma lead to it invariably becoming a race to the bottom, with lowest-common-denominator opinions getting promoted because of the massive number of likes from the hoi polloi. The creates a feedback loop in which things that are popular receiving even more promotion that keeps them popular.

Something that is easy is going to get far more exposure on reddit that something that is hard. Things that are infantile are by definition easy. Reddit has become what it was always structurally inclined to become - a site for children, by children (or man-children).

4chan's (you) system was a step towards that upvote direction, but at least it stopped there. Conversation was generally a bit better before (you)s, though they did make conversations somewhat easier to follow.

>> No.16007522

Love these internet anthropology of the redditor posts.

>> No.16007523

You might have an argument if not for the fact that it is very easy to look back at the time when you posted to compare.

>> No.16007534

Hostility to newfags shouldn't stop but it's not really effective if they overwhelm with sheer numbers, as has been happening to most of 4chan for awhile now.

>> No.16007536
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 143026601893344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Right now there are discussions of "problematic language in the past" and how to reconcile with the fact that to kill a mockingbird uses the word nigger repeatedly.

Do they not know what the point of the book is?

>> No.16007539

Hence why slow boards tend to be higher quality. The hostility is still able to contain the smaller amounts of newfags.

>> No.16007566

Yes, it is. You dumb motherfucker.

I don’t know what happened here but I’m guessing quarantine hit harder than other boards. It’s fucking disgusting. The quality fucking plummeted. One big eternal summer.

>> No.16007584

Lit is still a slow board with manageable numbers. Why don't the fucking mods do their jobs and purge low effort posting?

>> No.16007608


Anime is the 2nd least polite thing in existence, right behind gore videos

>> No.16007620

You get a one day ban for replying to an off topic comment let alone create an off topic thread on /g/. I’m pretty sure we got a discord tranny batch of mods here. Mind you, there are mods, because good threads do get deleted.

>> No.16007628

Why do you look down on picture books? They can be high-art.

>> No.16007633

>Mind you, there are mods, because good threads do get deleted
This annoys me to no end. At least once a week (often more frequently) a thread that is related to literature and that has decent discussion of literature in it ends up being pruned/deleted. Meanwhile we can have 10 different shelf threads up, gueinan threads, jordan peterson threads, etc all up with nothing happening to them.

>> No.16007641

>but I’m guessing quarantine hit harder than other boards.
It's still much better here than other boards. The quality may not be great, but at least /lit/ is still 4chan. Faster boards feel like suburbs of major social media websites. Every single thread follows the exact same rote, unfulfilling patterns. No opinion ever feels like it's been arrived at without outside help. Topics are almost always about some recent event that allows for further rote, least insightful, opinions to be brought forth, and it's such that coom threads are honestly more substantive.

>> No.16007649

There's nothing wrong with picture books. He means YA shit

>> No.16007734

They unironically believe the message of the book CAN'T be what it is while using "nigger" in the text. On one level they know what the book is about, but their new religion demands selective blindness.

>> No.16007771

>suburbs of social media
Especially poignant considering most OPs are literally screenshots of social media posts

>> No.16007845

Just remember for every 1 OP like that on /lit/ there are 10 on a fast board.

>> No.16007861

Jesus christ

I sometimes forget that as shitty as /lit/ is, the rest of 4chan are literal subhuman fucking retards who don't read and just consume junk food media all day long. /tv/ excepted, they are cool.

>> No.16007973


Very well said. It really comes down to discomfort, doesn’t it? Conditioned to shun discomfort, struggle, the unfamiliar unless enough normies partake to make it more palpable or move the goal posts entirely (eg reading to UNDERSTAND the racism)

>> No.16007987

Love when reddit faggots throw in a good
The ding didley do f word!

>> No.16007995
File: 6 KB, 250x147, download (4).jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good book hangover

>> No.16007998

>not junk food media
Time to get your brain checked

>> No.16008308

And then you have people like >>16004123 who are browbeaten and emasculated to a point where they check their language on a site like this to not offend anyone.

>> No.16008332


>> No.16009520

Anything to keep redditors at bay

>> No.16009539

The fact is, it is what it is.

>> No.16010937

>/lit/ is like a girl with bpd


>> No.16010950

>implying those who want to constantly talk about blacks and women aren't plebbit gaymergate and the donald plebfugees

>> No.16010975

Same. It's obviously a development of weak mental faculties. They're stopping just shy of saying "simple as a really simple thing", but we know they wouldn't be able to come up with a better comparison.

>> No.16010977


I never go to fucking reddit, I don't give a flying fuck about it. WHY DO I GOT TO HEAR SO MUCH ABOUT REDDIT, ON THIS FUCKING SITE!?!?!?

>> No.16011100
File: 29 KB, 480x474, buyingfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't you all missing the fact that the user in OP's image most likely only just read the first book in the Harry Potter series, and subsequently created this whole scenario around his reading so as to accumulate more internet points and feel validated in his choice to reading a "modern classic" he didn't even enjoy all that much? And that he most likely doesn't have much of a social circle to validate said choices so he falls back on reddit to do it?

>> No.16011150

Because the users on this site want to feel just as validated in their choices as the people on reddit, and somehow feel hip and cool through being accepted for their mediocre choices. Literature being a lengthier pursuit of that goal, creating a common enemy is only natural, e.g. reddit. This chips away some of that pain and loneliness that we all feel by creating an "in-gang" but ultimately doesn't fix anything, and posters like OP just turn off their computer at the end of the day, after teary-eyed masturbation, and return back into the void that their life connotes.

>> No.16011334

>genuine discussion on /lit/ are often
come on guys, this is ridiculous

>> No.16011830
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>> No.16011860

"simple as" is just short for "simple as that" retard

>> No.16011870

Okay number one you need to learn how to write nigger

>> No.16011906

Bravo fellow four channeler. Verily, redditoids dabb'd pon!

>> No.16011919

The fact of the matter is that facts don't matter

>> No.16011932

well said anon, I got sick of that echo chamber years ago.
The most annoying thing about redditors is the absolute certainty with which they speak combined with their pseudo intellectualism.
There are a quite a lot of pseuds in /lit/ but they get called out and are mocked or ignored.

>> No.16012090

Children literature is literature, you know

>> No.16012533

I don't give a shit about offending that much, I'm just specifying that word since the word nigger is used so much on this website.

>> No.16012572


Dude, they teach J.K. Rowling's Hrry Potter books at universities, students even read them on their own if it isn't assigned. There isn't anything wrong with reading children's books, I think. Even C.S. Lewis was afraid of reading fairy tales during his youth because people would make fun of him; when he got older, he reads fairy tales out in the open.

>> No.16012591


So if a person is born a white person, does that mean they are born into sin? Because that sounds like something from the Bible.

>> No.16012632

>then come to get approval for it, but only on reddit
You came here to get approval for everything you thing you just said. People come here only for validation and a false sense of elitism.

>> No.16012870
File: 98 KB, 1157x475, complete_leftism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO they actually deleted the post. JK rowling is now so controversial for leftists that even any mention of her work gets deleted. Imagine actually being a leftist in current year.

>> No.16012888

The upvote/karma system. When you appeal to the masses, you get the mass media reflected right back. Reddit is a dog shaking hands.

>> No.16013030

There's zero point in even attempting to go against the narrative on reddit