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File: 286 KB, 2220x1248, 538466.marx2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16003091 No.16003091 [Reply] [Original]

>gib me dat for free

>> No.16003103

Was M*rx a nigger?

>> No.16003111

vs capitalism’s “let me pay you for what you are not giving me”

>> No.16003122

>gibs me dat

>> No.16003129

post skin colour

>> No.16003136

>Hello mother, Gib me dat mone.

>> No.16003142

>Gib me dat 4 free

>> No.16003159

It's true enough for anyone who calls themselves a Marxist, but it isn't for Marx himself.

>> No.16003185

why are americans willfully ignorant?

>> No.16003212

This, marxists should learn to code.

>> No.16003228
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>gibs you dat
>*starves to death*
>nooo not like that you were supposed to keep farming for free REEEE
lmao communists are retards

>> No.16003244

Why are Marxists poor?

>> No.16003249

>gib me dat for free
>fuck off with that negro nonsense

>engaging in stock manipulation using money you took from the government
>omg so amazing!

>> No.16003264
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>Having anti-capitalist sentiment is so cringe bro
>But being a willful slave and a bootlicker of the status quo is BASED

>> No.16003278

9 million people a year under capitalism die from starvation

>> No.16003295
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>engaging in stock manipulation

>> No.16003308

A succinct summary of the capitalist's attitude toward the expropriation of the surplus value of labor!

>> No.16003316

>I'm not a slave because I shill for a dead ideology on the internet

>> No.16003322

It's easier to count the deaths of communist regime, because you can blame it on specific nations, or even leaders. No one even counts how many people died as a result of capitalism, because if you tried to it would be substituted with something else
>"oh this corporation uses slave for labour? definitely not a capitalism! america killed 10 millions of koreans in 50's? not a capitalism!!! people raise higher the idea of profit that he need to preserve the nature that is going to potentially result in a catastroph? its just corporatism bro!

>> No.16003333

reminder engels told marx in a letter his wife died and marx's response was to ask for money.

>> No.16003347

marxism is a theory that lets you understand how the current system manipulates people into giving their own beings to masters who shit on their head. Dont throw the baby with the bathtub water.

>> No.16003354

that's pretty based

>> No.16003361

Being conscious that you're a slave to the system is only valuable if it doesn't reduce you to a whiny imbecile, but 99% of the time that's all Marx does to people.

>> No.16003379

Kind of irrelevant to anything but source?

>> No.16003384
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I myself dont like the current whining paradigm of leftism, just as marx himself didnt like it. There was a strain of what he called bourgeois socialists in his lifetime that readressed real societal problems with "social justice". Pic related is basically the status of leftism today with few exceptions.

>> No.16003393

quote continued:
>To this section belong economists, philanthropists, humanitarians, improvers of the condition of the working class, organisers of charity, members of societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals, temperance fanatics, hole-and-corner reformers of every imaginable kind. This form of socialism has, moreover, been worked out into complete systems.

>> No.16003394
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>Hello guys, what's going on in this thread?

>> No.16003408
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>he doesn't know about Paul Cockshott or Richard Stallmans political views

>> No.16003427

>"all marxists predictions came true!1!"
>oh yeah what ones?
>*cricket noises*

>> No.16003443

Reminder that he was right about everything.

>> No.16003452

>Minimum wage filth

>> No.16003475

No, that’s under Africa

>> No.16003496

>b-but thats not real capitalism

>> No.16003498

An unnecessary restatement of
“Gib me dat 4 free”

>> No.16003508

No its very much real capitalism.

>> No.16003525
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>Having disposed of the theological aspects of the matter, St. Thomas simply argues that property is not against natural law but an invention of the human reason, which is justifiable because people will take better care of what they possess for themselves than of what belongs to many or all; because they will exert themselves more strenuously on their own account than on account of others; because the social order will be better preserved if possessions are distinct, so that there is no occasion for quarreling about the use of things possessed in common.


>> No.16003539


>> No.16003575
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>> No.16003579

reminder that if you're against free speech you are just as bad as the commies

>> No.16003580

>gib me dat for free
is literally what capitalists say when they exploit the workers

>> No.16003595

>Corporations would never dump tons of waste into rivers, streams, and lakes, because they own their property and will take care of it!
We are way past the quaint idea of farmers owning their own land, we live in a corporate controlled system

>> No.16003614

>shit daily marx thread no. 92423524 made 1 hour ago and already has over 40 posts
this board should just be deleted at this point

>> No.16003629

>Mods are sleeping, quick, post a thread on marx
I think there should be a certificate that you have read wiki on marxism before you post a thread on marx, because those threads mostly consist of cultural war retards (mainly pol faggots) spewing constant nonsense

>> No.16003632

>>gib me dat for free
Said Marx. Oh no, wait, that’s the bankers in 2008, and the security firms after the illegal war in Iraq, and the rich, who got tax cut after tax cut, and still want more, and of course Elon Musk himself, who collected tons of government subsidies. Really makes the old headclock tick in a funny way

>> No.16003636


>> No.16003642

This article owns Musk
>>gib me dat for free
Indeed, a brilliant insight! We can forgive Musk for the use of an informal vernacular, for he has summed up an important truth—that the profits accumulated by the capitalist class come from the fact that the value produced by workers is in excess of what they are paid in wages—that is, it is “unpaid labor.” ...
...All of this boils down to the fact that the profit and wealth of the capitalist is not the result of his own labor, but the labor of others, the workers. “The surplus value,” Marx explained in his earlier work, Value, Price and Profit, “or that part of the total value of a commodity in which the surplus labor or unpaid labor is realized, I call Profit.”
Or, in the somewhat oversimplified version laid out by Musk: “Gib me dat for free.”

>> No.16003667


>> No.16003672

This also.

>> No.16003676

China has no pretense and keeps their citizens under an iron boot. It is in the West where you have all this mystification and spin which itself is an economy of its own because then we can jack off and call ourselves the guardians of democracy.

>> No.16003684

That few?!?

>> No.16003687

But they still pay the workers

>> No.16003716

Marx ideas never worked in real life

>> No.16003725

>Don’t try

>> No.16003728

yes, but lets say you create a profit of 8k per day working in a factory. 5k goes for material that you used and other shit that goes out of capitalists pocket. You get lets say 100 dollar wage per day. Where the other 2.9k go? Into the pocket of the capitalist. Who created that surplus? You did. Why he can take it away? Because he owns the factory. Literally an leech. Marx doesnt say everything will be free. Marx says that the workers will decide what to do with that surplus.

>> No.16003732

Capitalism got more people out of poverty than socialism ever did
Botswana and Singapore are some of the most economically free countries in the world

>> No.16003747

>Who created that surplus? You did.
Who created the factory? Who assembled the workers? Not you. So you didn't really create the surplus, now did you?

>> No.16003750

Offering perhaps Marx's most detailed pronouncement on programmatic matters of revolutionary strategy, the document discusses the "dictatorship of the proletariat", the period of transition from capitalism to communism, proletarian internationalism and the party of the working class. It is notable also for elucidating the principles of "To each according to his contribution" as the basis for a "lower phase" of communist society directly following the transition from capitalism and "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" as the basis for a future "higher phase" of communist society. In describing the lower phase, he states that "the individual receives from society exactly what he gives to it" and advocates remuneration in the form of labour vouchers as opposed to money.

>> No.16003761
File: 48 KB, 891x615, uwu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16003776

>Who created the factory?
workers did. Assembling workers isnt hard. No workers - no surplus.

>> No.16003779

Workers took orders, that's all. They didn't create anything. These are two separate impulses you're talking about.

>> No.16003805

Oh yes, the capitalists are all architects and engineers! They modelled the factory, accumulated the material and whuuuuu, ASSEMBLED the worker! No no no, this all really couldnt be done without an useless capitalist!

>> No.16003806

get a job

>> No.16003814

>"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"
Yeah? What if I am a very needy person? A needmonster, perhaps? Then gib me dat, gib me dat for free, gib me all the things, I need them, I'm needing, oh god I'm neeeeeeding, gib gib gib, I need

>> No.16003828

>I'd rather not get the full reward for my work, because I'm too scared to speak up to my master
I have a job, its easy to see that people fear Marxism because they dont want to cope with the fact that they are being exploited. If they ackowledged that, it would put them in an uncomfortable situation, you would have to do something about it. Keep coping lmao.

>> No.16003830

Correct, besides the word "useless."

>> No.16003839

>get a job
i followed your advice, and even one-upped u and got 2 jobs
now im a marxist because i realized how fucked my ass was getting by the capitalists

>> No.16003844

yes, poverty isnt the same as exploitation. And Marx praised capitalism. Read wiki on marx please.

>> No.16003846

Learn to code retard.

>> No.16003876

Code what though? you need some kind of good idea that hasn't been done before to come up with software, otherwise you're just some pajeet peddling some bullshit that no one gives a fuck about

>> No.16003883
File: 60 KB, 499x498, commies will prevail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16003884

what proportion of your earnings is taken off you by the state?

>> No.16003886

The problem is, I think, most of the people are still caught up in cultural war against "sjw leftists" so they would literally prefer to die than to change the current system. People praise Trump even though he is capitalist's ideologue, he didnt do shit about corona which is gonna kill a couple hundred of people etc. The same is with Marx. Most of americans live in shitty conditions, working shitty jobs, feeling alienated. But they prefer it to revolutionary mindset, because they are cucked to the bottom of their souls. They get a few jabs at lefties and they are content with their miserable situation bc of it.

>> No.16003893
File: 72 KB, 766x339, 0E12C358-9210-4A08-92A0-3EB43DF23FB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish you died already.

>> No.16003895

minimal compared to what I produce and what the capitalist takes away. Also, a lot of that state's grab off goes to capitalists again.

>> No.16003915

why the fuck would some company hire someone with a background in retail who knows how to program but no job experience, compared to autists who've been programming since they were 11? Do you have any idea how long it takes to get good at programming?

>> No.16003940

>Most of americans live in shitty conditions, working shitty jobs, feeling alienated. But they prefer it to revolutionary mindset

You should realize that the vast majority of people like to attain a scheduled life; revolution not only upsets this schedule, but would upset the system they partake in -- and considering many of them live paycheck-to-paycheck, I don't see them wanting to disrupt the system further that would be even further detrimental to them -- there's no guarantee the "revolution" will improve their situation now or in the long-term.

You can call them cucked, etc. but the vast majority of people aren't revolutionaries -- and this is outright obvious to anyone with a functioning brain and eyes.

>> No.16003949

It’s called taking a boot camp or going to school.
>some company hire someone with a no background
Gotta start somewhere, I know I did so quit being such a bitch.
> Do you have any idea how long it takes to get good at programming?
Great mindset you faggot.

>> No.16003959

>Do you have any idea how long it takes to get good at programming?
>Great mindset you faggot.
you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.16003960

Well yes, so what you're saying is that people are domesticated and prefer safety over liberty. No one knows what could happened if an nerd snapped and did something to the bully. It is a matter of values: if you want to live a cowardly life, you will lick all the boots that come to your way.

>> No.16003966

Should parents make their children pay rent?
Should schooling all require an admission fee?
Should you have to pay to go to the hospital and get treatment?

If you say no to any of these you are a hypocrite who wants "gibs me dats for frees"

>> No.16003970

cringe and cope-pilled

>> No.16003978

>Things take work WOW
Unless you’re mentally handicapped than yes, it will take a little longer.

>> No.16003983

you disagree with the fact that the state helps capitalists? where is the cope?

>> No.16003987

>It’s called taking a boot camp or going to school.
Sure, let me just live out of my car for 10 years while I work for a company for free for a couple years, while also working at Starbucks to pay all my car bills, food, and school so I can get some experience in a field that's only gonna pay 60k a year

>> No.16003995

>10 years
see, this is how I know you just don’t give a shit.

>> No.16004020

im not him, but getting a job in programming will not touch the illness of the society and is at best the sign of egoistical escapism. Its only okay if you're egoist and do not care about other people. Not saying anything is bad with it, but youll just be blind to the problem.

>> No.16004028

Yes, ten years, if you're lucky in that situation

>> No.16004047

Holy Christ what happened to your thumb man

>> No.16004052

>In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the American ruling class, through the US Federal Reserve, has turned over trillions of dollars to Wall Street, driving up share values to an extraordinary degree.
where do people think the money came from?

>> No.16004093

shut up you dumb faggot. those guys on Wall Street poured so much blood sweat and tears into getting those trillions, stop being an ungrateful DICK and get back to work!

heh, damn commies, when will they learn, right guys?

>> No.16004110

>commies btfo
>leftists literally shaking
>the eagle flies over
>boots licked

>> No.16004125
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>people who risk their money and livelihood shouldn't be rewarded for it because they might make money without working in a mine.
Commies are so fucking stupid holy shit.

>> No.16004191
File: 5 KB, 250x216, 1561831368963s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting 3 trillions from workers is
>a reward
its literally a gibs me dat you dumb nigger

>> No.16004231
File: 276 KB, 1054x1218, unknown_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it funny how most people today advocating for equality and wealth redistribution are middle class people ahead of the curve?
It's almost as if they are just acting in their own self-interest

>> No.16004262

>not understanding the concept that wall street creates jobs

>> No.16004277

t. Capitalist to his employees

>> No.16004280
File: 510 KB, 728x734, scjfpttr6k331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My grandpa used to say "everyone is a socialist until they get their first paycheck" and to this day I stand by that he was correct

>> No.16004302

>not understanding the concept that workers create surplus value
I can create jobs too, just gib me dats for free and I will create many many great jobs. But who will run the circulation of capital? The workers will.

>> No.16004310

Expect you wont

>> No.16004312

Such soft looking hands

>> No.16004314

>some of the money
capitalist apologists are really stupid lmao

>> No.16004324

>circulating not-even-paper-anymore
>actual real-world business

That's funny, I was a for capitalism UNTIL I got my first paycheck. That was the moment I started to think on the relationship between me, my work, and my employer.

>> No.16004326

I would, if you gibs me dat for free, which is the topic of the thread you nigger. Socialism in america is only good as long as it helps capitalists. Socialism for the working class? Nah.

>> No.16004340

What are you implying? Workers get paid.

>> No.16004368

Africa is nearly all capitalist bitch boi.

>> No.16004369

Not really. Not in America at least. Wages have barely grown at all with inflation. Too many people are on subsistence wages, or even worse. The funniest thing about this is that it is actually bad for the economy. You need the proles to buy stupid shit with their excess income to keep things running, but capitalists are such retarded nickel-and-diming snakes that they can't see anything past "give more money = bad"

>> No.16004377

Get paid to maintain their (most of the time awful) conditions of life so they can keep producing the profit for the capitalist. Most of the surplus goes to the capitalist. I suggest reading up Value, Price and Profit, which is 30 pages of labor theory.

>> No.16004381

'You will never be told that 90 per cent of the land is owned by the government, 85 per cent of housing is provided by government owned housing corporation, and a staggering 22 per cent of GDP is produced by state owned enterprise when the equivalent ratio on average worldwide is around 9 per cent.'


>> No.16004389

>most of the time awful
because they sink all their money into drugs and other stupid shit, because they're retards.

>> No.16004390

unbased capitalist cannot distinguish needs from wants

>> No.16004398

so true. when will unbased captards learn that the state is the main driver of tech r&d?

>> No.16004404

no, because they get paid less, even though production grows with time. Drugs and religion are mainly a reaction to minimal wages, bad working conditions, political alienation and etc.

>> No.16004405

did you get taxed yet?

>> No.16004406

getting paid more wouldn't result in anything other than them getting stoned more often

>> No.16004435

this. I kinda hate how a lot of the programmers I know seem to be the most oblivious guys

>> No.16004438

>Drugs and religion are mainly a reaction to minimal wages, bad working conditions, political alienation and etc.
do rich people do drugs and engage with jewish cults for some other reason?

>> No.16004457

What’s wrong with it?
Yes, I know. I am hoping to do some farm work next year after I graduate to remedy that, though

>> No.16004473


yes, but it wouldn't be deadly escapism that haunts poor social strata. Look at scandinavia, they are very relaxed and use drugs only to enhance their happiness. That's because they dont have to worry about living conditions. Of course there are also cultural, racial differences, but higher wages and better welfare system on large is only better for the nation. I've lived in Norway and have been to NY, the difference is like between those trad videos about blonde girls running around in fields around mountains and between living in a fucking crackhouse where everyone tries their best to appear better off.

>> No.16004475

He's talking about property in general not blatantly unnatural property rights enforced by a state (which is modern) and big corps irreparably raping the world physically and socially.

>> No.16004495

>pol retards create a thread to meme about marx
>people who have actually read marx show up and reply to 80 iq posts
>pol retards stop replying because its clear they have no idea what they are talking about
every time.

>> No.16004499

Americans live in destitute living conditions precisely because they have your attitude towards capitalism, and towards everything abstract for that matter. Previous generations were lazy idiots who milked the state for all its worth and never bothered improving the conditions for future generations.

>> No.16004512

More like no one wants to engage with schizos wild abstractions that have nothing to do with how the real world works

>> No.16004523

>its not the monopolistic corporations that are fucking our asses bro
>trust me, its our parents
yeah sure, whatever helps you sleep at night

>> No.16004533

how does the real world work? you slave away you life for the cabidalisd :D?

>> No.16004534

You think admitting more responsibility to myself is for helping me sleep at night?

>> No.16004553

OK so are we gonna all ignore now how this thread was created by some musk sniffer??

>> No.16004600

Since when is this board just /pol/lite?

>> No.16004618

That may have been a slight overreaction on my part but it looks like your thumb is very generously curved. Maybe due to the lighting or the angle or something? Or maybe I just have relatively upright thumbs in comparison

>> No.16004626

anon, I just got here and it’s obvious you’re just a fucking faggot who lost some retarded argument in this thread. grow the fuck up.

>> No.16004666

>everyone's useless except me
wow marx you sure showed them bro

>> No.16004680

so? does that mean that it isn't capitalist? literally the fucking "communism = goverment doing stuff" meme

>> No.16004695

Is it just me or have leftoids been extra salty ever since based Elon destroyed their worldview

>> No.16004803


>> No.16004804

Why is there never any actual discussion of Marxism in these threads? They are just filled with name calling and vague unrelated arguments.

>> No.16004813

There is no risk, they can literally destroy the entire housing market and get bailed out by the tax payer

>> No.16004825

It could be that I’m double-jointed. My mom has that and I’ve noticed that my thumb can bend farther than I’ve seen most people’s. Then again, I have never actively compared the dexterity of people’s thumbs to mine, so I might just be talking out my ass

>> No.16004830

I actually read some Marx recently, a few chapters around the end of Capital vol 1 about the expropriation of land from the serfs to the capitalists. He completely fails to mention the role of money-lending and banks in this transition.

>> No.16004833

I fucking dare every single marxist in this thread to tell me why couldn't we just fix the shit of capitalism with social democracy and an UBI.
Just try.

>> No.16004834

Do you reckon that might be because the number of people living under capitalism is substantially bigger than the one under communism?

>> No.16004843

Oh fuck off
It’s honestly more annoying than any ill informed ideologue to see you fucks who show up completely ignorant and call it a high-ground
Literally shove a fist up your ass

>> No.16004881

stfu, your only intention is that of nitpicking, you are lost if you engage any book like that. what have you read/heard/seen before capital? if nothing is the answer, then do it, going into any philosopher without context will make you end up like that fucking shitposter that says he read plato and its trash.

>> No.16004922

Lisez Marx, Engels, Hegel, Debord et Bordigua. Ils agrègent une radicalité du redéploiement cosmique naturaliste. Leur dialectique universelle de la jouissance sacrale offre une schématique ontologique de distanciation insurrectionnelle régénérant la discussion du vrai-jouir dévoilé. Toutes les facticités du monothéisme réificateur fallacieux hédoniste aliène la conscience humaine dans le narcissisme pathogène de la rente nomadiste. Nous sommes choses bestialisées dans la grande cinématographie industrielle du faux médiatique. Nous sommes tous des âmes perdues dans la démocratie pornographique du pulsionnel imagé. La bureaucratie policière du factice frauduleux divise nos esprits dans une périodicité servile de néant névrotique. Le cosmopolitisme de la marchandise produit une déliquescence dictatoriale du jacassé boulimique de toutes les psychiatries déambulatoires. La logique formelle du capitalisme régente nos quotidiennetés banalisées dans le piège médiatique du supermarché nombriliste. La théâtralité spectaculaire de la marchandise abreuve nos consciences égarées dans la nébuleuse étatique de la fétichisation mortifere.
Divorcons d'avec le totalitarisme de la marchandise ! Ressuscitons la dialectique hegelienne de la totalité cosmique générique universelle sacrale face aux impostures constitutionnelles de la cathédrale idéologique de l'imposture chosificatoire du marché.

>> No.16004925

to not loose my time with garbage such as you, with semingly no love for culture and no eyes to see how capitalism turns into a porcine cash-grabbing machine.
1 empirically, it failed one time, the only reason it stood for those decades being the influence of the ussr.
2 for a given social democracy to exist, shitty third world countries are needed in order to gather cheap labor, resources and etc that said SD doesnt have.

>> No.16004952

Not the argument

>> No.16004978

translate, frenchie

>> No.16004990

>empirically, it failed one time, the only reason it stood for those decades being the influence of the ussr
What are you even talking about? How did it fail "empirically"?
>for a given social democracy to exist, shitty third world countries are needed in order to gather cheap labor, resources and etc that said SD doesnt have
And why would that be, exactly? What's wrong with buying cheap shit from other countries?

>> No.16005065

I just love the fact that he is wrong but 99% of marxtoids can't explain why.

>> No.16005113

Are you feeling alright?

>> No.16005137

your comment gave me the realization, capitalism stems from education and what lessons have been learned, but the opposite extreme from this has only stemmed from feelings and emotions and what i "feel is right"