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File: 881 KB, 1700x2151, Hegel_by_Schlesinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16001040 No.16001040 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point of reading old philosophers who never knew how bad things really are?

18th Century
>idk king was a meanie
>maybe died young or just lived to 90 it was kinda random
>everyone smelled
>no iphones

>the news is fake
>the food is fake
>media hates you
>academia brainwashes you
>immigrants invade your homeland
>politicians hate you
>art has degraded to meaningless abstraction
>people are under some sort of mass hysteria
>can't afford a home
>can't afford a family (if you can even get laid to begin with)>can't be proud of your ancestors
>can't be proud of your county
>can't be proud of your race
>society is crawling towards an identityless, cultureless, genderless future and nobody cares

Why should I care about what some 18th century philosopher has to say? The worst thing going on his life was what? an unruly King? boo hoo. This is literally the worst time in history to be alive. Why should I waste my time listening to some German philosopher who's greatest plight in life is thinking about if God is real or not.

>> No.16001055

Because you're too retarded to have a more meaningful insight

>> No.16001059

low IQ post

>> No.16001065

Not OP but that was uncalled for.

>> No.16001070

>why do we care about newton or leibniz?
Probably because you didn't invent calculus and we need it

>> No.16001080

A thread died for this.

>> No.16001085

not an argument

>> No.16001110

turn off the Internet and news and live however you want

>> No.16001148
File: 111 KB, 400x400, A20FFDA6-3404-4703-9B00-C9ACB588DB4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16001161

Not possible. The spectacle is unavoidable unless you seclude innawoods

>> No.16001176

It is avoidable you fucking mongoloid. Shut off TV, stop reading newspapers physically and digitally, don't engage into any nonsense political conversation be it online or offline. Stop being a defeatist and pretending you have to sit trough all the bullshit the media's spouts.

>> No.16001198
File: 103 KB, 593x1000, gibbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look up the average height of people in the 1800s
the enlightenment and industrialization made people malnourished as fuck

>> No.16001271

>the news is fake
don't watch it or find real news
>the food is fake
don't eat it, just go to some farmer market and buy stuff there
>media hates you
>academia brainwashes you
true, but once you know it no longer can affect you
>immigrants invade your homeland
true but that isn't the first time in history so it kinda misses your point
>politicians hate you
true, but does that not equal the meanie king?
>art has degraded to meaningless abstraction
abstract art is a money laundering scheme and products of capitalism are seldom art but you know "products". The best visual artists in the world draw furry porn and make some fat cash, because everything else is unsustainable and porn is the only way. Everybody is a fucking coomer, that actually is a issue unique to the 21st century, but you did not mention it, how foolish. Similar to the feminisation of men
>people are under some sort of mass hysteria
always has been this way
>can't afford a home
>can't afford a family (if you can even get laid to begin with)
Alright now listen here you moron, people had like 4 kids during a famine where food is rare and you cannot afford a family because you NEED to live in a giant house and they all NEED to consume disgusting "products". Lower your fucking standards.
>can't be proud of your ancestors
you can, even publicly, only retard lefties will bother and they are destroying themselves right now so - problem solved I guess?
>can't be proud of your county
you can, I am. openly.
>can't be proud of your race
you are right. this sucks.
>society is crawling towards an identityless, cultureless, genderless future and nobody cares
I care, you care. And it will collapse.

Society has not changed that much over the last 2000 years (heh). Ancient greek philosophy is absolutely worthwhile too read. I don't get your point and you are wrong about most the things you said.

>> No.16001298

>What's the point of reading philosophers
There is none. The whole shit each and every one of them is trying to sell you is based on a premise that their subjective psychological image of the world is somehow correct. Every philosophical sentence shatters against the question "Oh yeah, says fucking who?".

>> No.16001305

B-but I'm the one who's addicted to porn!

>> No.16001309

It is possible, you're just an incredibly weak-willed pussy who can't give up on their addictions.

>> No.16001322

Hegel had to fight the book deadline while foreign soldiers were in the city raiding houses.

>> No.16001334

>The whole shit each and every one of them is trying to sell you
Oh yeah, lemme buy that fucking Hegel merch.
If you read any books and not just summaries, be it on a Wiki or (god forbid) here, you'd see how actually fleshed out those systems are. Read Kant, you fucking retard.

>> No.16001388

They are about as "fleshed" as anything else of the kind, like de Balzac non-ironically preaching chiromancy as emerging science or Melville exploring the "nature" of the colour white.
>Oh yeah, lemme buy that fucking Hegel merch.
It's a phraseological unit, triggered moron.

>> No.16001396

Are you NEETs? It's not about me. Have any job or any non-individual hobbies and you will see why it's unavoidable.

>> No.16001793

Idc wat u do u moron and I haven't cared for a good year or two stop putting words in my mouth. Between you and Ellen DeGeneres, I have no idea wat goes through y'alls heads and I really dc to know. If you need porn do it if you want sex have it do drugs etc irdc

>> No.16001823

Ignorance is bliss

>> No.16001991

Hegel's a retard. If Marx hadn't stolen his ideas he would have been forgotten

>> No.16002023

>Not a retard who couldn't understand Hegel