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15997613 No.15997613[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I should have been a lawyer.

>> No.15997621
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It's not too late, friend.

>> No.15997683 [DELETED] 

No trust me as someone in law school. There is not a more soul crushing profession than law. Law may seem like a romantic field if you've read old novels of the aristocracy but the real world couldn't be further from the truth

>> No.15997716 [DELETED] 

Law seems like a /lit/ profession but couldn't be further from the truth. It's for the most anal autists who've never had an original thought in their lives and your coworkers are all materialistic sociopaths who can only find happiness at the end of a bottle or the next thrill they try to buy

>> No.15997727

is it really that bad? going to law school in september. should i just drop out and learn to code or smth

>> No.15997741 [DELETED] 

If you don't have connections you're never going to make it in law. It's not a meritocracy

>> No.15997758

Don't become a bugman.

>> No.15997759
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Take the public defender pill.

>> No.15997786 [DELETED] 

My advice to you would be to just join a fucking trade. Ideally join the merchant navy it's a life of adventure

>> No.15997791

Getting a CDL and being able owner operator is literally more profitable than coding even at FAANG entry level. Don't fall for the coding meme.

>> No.15997800

Law is horrific field that has an entrenched culture of abuse and which is getting gutted and worse as technology improves and governments simplify forms and licensing - making it a race to the bottom.

Imagine having all the stress of people involved in high finance and sales, while being held to a vastly higher legal standard and with skills which are non transferable.

Actually talk to lawyers, look how many hours they have to work look at the abusive KPIs they have and the people they deal with. After that have a think and ask yourself if you want their life or you just want money but don’t want to study as hard as a doctor or engineer

>> No.15997804

Are you really recommending a career that is already obsolete? This is like advising someone to learn how to forge iron.

>> No.15997835

>merchant navy
Tell me more. I was under the assumption such a profession was about cleaning ships.

>> No.15997860 [DELETED] 

There are 2 divisions, deck officer(nautical school) and engineering(engineering school obviously). You get paid a shit ton of money and get to travel the world 24/7. You're posting on 4chan for advice I assume you're pretty introverted so it work to your advantage. Law is a lot of schmoozing.
If you like adventure novels like Tolkien and moby dick you'll basically be living the life. Sailing to foreign lands like the heroes of old

>> No.15997865
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CDL will be fine for at least a decade.

If you own your own rig and get a glider kit or run an older rig, you can take home over $8000 a week if you do nothing but truck. You can easily net 300k a year if you're intelligent, even more if you have a girlfriend that's willing to team drive. Save for 10 years and you'll be set for life.

>> No.15997869 [DELETED] 


>> No.15997939

I don't care about "romance," I want a stable, respectable, well-paying profession.

>> No.15997966 [DELETED] 

>stable nope
>respectable nope
>well paying only if you're actually autistic rainman type of a schmoozing sociopath
And once you're in you're in. You have no transferable skills

>> No.15997973

So why did you even think if law and not just go straight to medicine?

>> No.15997983

The triumph of a heart.
That gives all
That gives all...

>> No.15998054

>bro truck will drive themselves

You are going to be waiting a long while before this is even operational. Then, you have to wait for government to allow it. LOL. Self driving vehicles are not even sort of good right now.

>> No.15998088

moment trucking becomes illegal, is the moment the next revolution happens.

>> No.15998099

>Meth addicted trailer park mutants are going to lead the next revolution
Big if true

>> No.15998122

are you by any chance a hebraic fellow

>> No.15998230

I got my degree in mathematics and computer science and did a minor in philosophy, can I apply for law school?

>> No.15998255
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>am doing patent law work (patent agent trainee)
>I'm literally 1 month in, hate my work, hate that my job is just helping big corporations hoard IP
>but get to argue against examiners so actually a bit /lit/ since I have to write compelling arguments

Fuck lads, I don't know what to do. I hated engineering work, now I hate this work, where do I even go from here. I kinda want to get a law degree and be a lawyer for the "little people" but I know if I do that I'll get paid nothing.

>> No.15998273

Sabotage. Civil Disobedience and creating infinite amounts of bureaucratic red tape secures your job and also pours money down a bottomless pit that you don't have to worry about.

>> No.15998281


I'm doing prosecution work, not working in the USPTO

>> No.15998294 [DELETED] 
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Everyone in this thread who is a lawyer or thinking of becoming one needs to read pic related to understand the lifestyle they're getting into

>> No.15998298

Sorry, didn't realize I was responding to a brainlet.

>> No.15998306

oh I got what you were trying to say, but you can't do "sabotage" through prosecution, the examiners will just reject your retardation and be done with it

>> No.15998316

Nah, you are still too stupid to understand... Wait a couple of years for your brain to fully develop

>> No.15998319

ok you sound like a retarded 16 year old now, guess I got baited

>> No.15998331
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ok retard

>> No.15998341
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>ok retard

>> No.15998353

I'm 33. What trade can I learn? I have zero useful skills and have no motivation to search for work

>> No.15998364 [DELETED] 

>what trade can I learn
Literally any one of them. Get of your ass and go look for a school

>> No.15998366

You already traded all of your potential for eternal virginity. What else is there to learn?

>> No.15998374

Shouldn't he also "do sum research" and "stop being a sheeple"? That's your line, right?

>> No.15998382

>join trades
There are only two trades worth getting into, HVAC or Electrician. Coding niggers make 2x your paycheck, no manual labor, while being in an AC office and browsing reddit for half the day. ENJOY THE TRADES BRO.

>> No.15998388

Dude is already working on prosecution. He spent his entire formulating years on Fortnite and Onlyfans. It's too late for any form of introspection.

>> No.15998394

Books on how to wizard?

>> No.15998415 [DELETED] 

My honest advice to you would be to join a political party. Start campaigning its an election year and they'll take anyone. You'll eventually get paid and you can work your way up. You don't need any skills for politics. Ultimate parasite profession

>> No.15998530

Have you considered committing suicide?

>> No.15998539

said no lawyer ever

>> No.15998541

Law hasn't been a stable profession for over a decade

>> No.15998552

>learn a trade
What fucking year is this, 1955? How is this meme still around?

>> No.15998787

You want to be poor and hate yourself?

>> No.15999263

Ahh, looks comfy, got a coffee and everything,

>> No.15999271

>If you like adventure novels like Tolkien and moby dick you'll basically be living the life. Sailing to foreign lands like the heroes of old
I've thought about this but wouldn't it be a bit far out, like a bit of a LARP to family?

>hey mum i'm dropping out of college and becoming a sailor

>> No.15999325

>>but get to argue against examiners so actually a bit /lit/ since I have to write compelling arguments
>Fuck lads, I don't know what to do. I hated engineering work, now I hate this work, where do I even go from here. I kinda want to get a law degree and be a lawyer for the "little people" but I know if I do that I'll get paid nothing.
You likely wont get to do that too often, but for the time being why don't you look at it with the opportunity to develop your orations and LARP as a Greek orator like Demosthenes or read the great speeches of the world by Napoleon, Friedrich, Bismark, Hitler etc.

>> No.15999344

why not potus anon? you hate yourself so much?

>> No.15999348
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Guys, what's the best job to get if you want two things from it: Enough money to be somewhat successful in life and not worry about money, and focused on or at least allowing for typically /lit/ things? Sailing seems like a possibility, plenty of pay, travel and time to read and get /fit/. But then from the video this anon posted>>15997869
it seems like it may be a bit destructive to long term plans, like getting or settled down job/income.

>> No.15999676

Jordan B Peterson

>> No.15999707

Are you going to a regional school? A T25/T14? That distinction matters a lot in terms of career outlook and where you want to work/live. Also, ignore what the anon said about connections, obviously they matter but plenty of good students get into big law firms without them.

>> No.16000093

electrician is easy as fuck and pays good

>> No.16000752

real men dont give a flying fuck about their place in society

>> No.16000776
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surrogate activity

>> No.16000804

If you aren't a good looking woman, you have no future in law.

>> No.16000823

You can apply to law school with literally any undergrad major, in fact math and physics majors tend to be among the highest LSAT scorers

>> No.16000830

>real men dont give a flying fuck about their place in society
>uses a computer

>> No.16000832

I interned at a law firm in my local town (in reality, I just worked in the mail room) and I witnessed many counts of harassment and verbal abuse. It was particularly tough for the head of the mail room. One of the partners was running for senator at the time, and when he lost, he berated the shit out of the guy for being fat and bald. That lawyer was a total asshole whose dad was famous in my town, so he had it easy his whole life and was just pissed he lost at something. FUCK YOU MR. WHITE

>> No.16000846


>> No.16000868
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>in Law school
>volunteer in theatre, play sport, edit the uni magazine
>great student, teachers comment on the quality of my work
>got in on the basis of an aptitude test because my graduation score was shit-tier
Every day I feel like a fraud. I'm surrounded by people who were the cream of the crop in secondary school, people whom I resented until the penny dropped a month before graduating and I realised I didn't want to throw my life away. I feel like Tom Ripley including the latent homoeroticism

>> No.16000881

>has money obviously because he has a computer
>doesn't just throw his computer out the window anyway and live like a bum

>> No.16000917

if you think having a computer means being a participant in society much less caring about what that participation is then you need to cease posting activities right now

>> No.16001106

Naw, lawyers are almost as bad as cops.

>> No.16001275
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5th year law student here

It's a good area to educate yourself in if you actually wanna get smarter and learn how to analyse things.

As a market, it varies from country to country, in here it's honestly at least 10 years of education and work if you wanna earn more than a Lidl accountant. I guess the ceiling is pretty high tho, can't imagine a large salary if you start as retail worker.

In general it's good, but you have to like it.

>> No.16001288
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>> No.16001297

You don't want to program or be a quant either? What other options have you been considering?

I did math and don't like my present job nor do I like many of the immediate options available to me. Trying to pick brains.

>> No.16001446

You do have money don't you? Me getting a job is caring about my place in society, retard, what you meant to say is that one shouldn't care about what society thinks of you. But that is only so true.

>> No.16001556

What's an aptitude test exactly? Is it an American thing?

I graduated two years ago with a first in English and can't help fantasising about doing my MPhil at Cambridge, would I need to do one?

>> No.16001839

>can't help fantasising about doing my MPhil at Cambridge, would I need to do one?
The money. Just apply and pay the fees. PGs aren't nearly as selective as UGs.

>> No.16001872


>> No.16001911

HVAC or Electrician

>> No.16002055

Never met a law student who wasn't an alcoholic or suicidal. But those who make it into their forties usually do okay, but they're jaded and burnt out people.

>> No.16002143

Is an MPhil worth doing without following it up with PhD? Looking for a job in TV, seems a no-brainer but I'm not sure

>> No.16002175

Only problem is the money, how do you pay off your debt?

>> No.16002195

Another problem might be that you only have time to make plea bargains even with innocent clients.

>> No.16002220
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Why does every retard on earth think this shit will happen overnight? Semis are a million times more dangerous than something like a sedan. There's going to be at least a 10 year transition period where the semi's will be autonomous but still have experienced and qualified truckers behind the wheel ready to take over at a moment's notice.

Hell with insurance liability the way it is, that kind of symbiotic cooperation might be the norm indefinitely

>> No.16002225

I agree. There's a lot of valor in being the lone good guy but you get blackpilled very quickly operating in a blatantly immoral system. Not trying to be defeatist, lord knows I'm going to at least try to do something good

>> No.16002235

>Looking for a job in TV
Experience overrides all qualification.

>> No.16002319

That's very admirable anon. I wish you luck, stamina and success in your ventures.

>> No.16002349

Yay, another job where all we do is sit and check nothing goes wrong while the ai does everything.