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1599701 No.1599701 [Reply] [Original]

I need something philosophical to read.
Any suggestions?

I've read quite a bit of Aristotle and a bit of Nietzsche.

>> No.1599709

Wake up, OP. Read some Hume.

>> No.1599712


by sartre.

assuming you don't just want to read philosophical argument.
if this is the case

inquiry concerning human understanding- hume
being and nothingness- sartre
ego and his own- stirner

>> No.1599714

I'd suggest something but I Kant.

>> No.1599716

I hope they bombed that lighthouse

>> No.1599729

Baruch Spinoza, The Ethics,if you have some time on your hands, or Theological-Political Treatise.

>> No.1599730

Anything by David Foster Wallace. If ur a ADDfag read "A supposedly fun thing I swear I'll never do again." Its a magazine article about a cruise ship, humorist and despairing. After that light reading get into his heavy shit, maybe his novels if you like fiction or my personal favorite Infinity: Everything and more. or His college these Time, Fate, Language. Cheers.

>> No.1599749

Thanks guys, anything else?

>> No.1599765

Bertrand Russels "Problems of Philosophy" 100pg overview of philosophical investigations. That's more than enough to fill your time OP. Come back and request philosophical books you like that we can suggest more from. I could give you more but I am sorry I Kant.

>> No.1599770

Kant's Three Critiques - if you feel you've got plenty of time.

They're brilliant
Non-boring (with the possible exception of the last one).

>> No.1599776


> Understandable.
Nice trollin'

>> No.1599783
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more nietzsche

>> No.1599787

He's pretty straight forward, it's just some of it is a little much to follow. But that's the nature of the content.

>> No.1599824

read some quine or something.

>> No.1599831

An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding by David Hume
Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion by David Hume
Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy by René Descartes

>> No.1599877

Start with Will Durant's The Story of Philosophy. Decide what you want to jump into from there. I wouldn't read any 20th century philosophy until you've got a foundation but that's just me.