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/lit/ - Literature

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15995990 No.15995990 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I go next if this was the most interesting thing I've ever read (and I haven't read much)?

>> No.15996044


>> No.15996060

more mark fisher (I still think his music and film criticism is way better than his political writing) or look into christopher lasch, joan didion, susan sontag, and camille paglia

>> No.15996074

Todd Mcgowan, Zizek

>> No.15996084

Read Marx, Engles, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, literally anyone.

>> No.15996365

Culture of Narcissism by Chris Lasch

>> No.15996616

start with the Greeks

>> No.15996622

the redscare containment subreddit

also dont come back here thanks

>> No.15996627

Unironically this.

>> No.15996630

have you ever heard of jordan peterson? he has really good life advice :)

>> No.15996956

Marx, Engels, Lenin.

Unironically. Also read Cockshott for starting to outline the lost future called cybersocialism and so then be able to exorcise its ghost.

>> No.15997358


>> No.15997413

Based anon just wants to give life advice

>> No.15997580

More Mark Fisher, Stuart Hall, Walter Benjamin, Debord, Althusser, Lefravbre, Foucault
Also just pick up books from the footnotes my dude.

>> No.15997704
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>> No.15998333

Industrial Society and Its Future.

>> No.15998830

Just about anything he cites

>> No.15999111

Psycho-politics is the next step

>> No.15999700

This German nigga stole the ideas from fisher

>> No.15999714

Peterson, Bill Nye and Taleb

>> No.15999715

>and I haven't read much

Of course you haven't.

Read ''Basic Economics'', by Thomas Sowell, or some economics textbook if you're not bothered by technical prose.
Also read the non-technical ''Incerto'' (all of it, cover to cover), by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, in five volumes.

>> No.15999734

PS: ignore the people recommending Petterson.

Read serious intellectuals. Start with Sowell and Taleb, who are writing today and are very accessible. Then read the classics (Aristotle, Machiavelli, Kant, de Maistre, Burke, T.S. Eliot, Scruton, Gomez Davila, Mises, Hayek, Popper etc.)

>> No.15999759
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>serious intellectuals
>Hayek, Mises

>> No.15999819

I don't believe in Austrian economics, but they did have important contributions. And Hayek, of course, won a 'Nobel' in Economics.

Can you refute them?

>> No.15999823

Sorry, let me rephrase it:

Can you show that they are not serious intellectuals? (For this is the claim that is being contested.)

I think some of their ideas can be refuted, but not their seriousness. Can you prove they were not serious?

>> No.15999824

no need to refute them myself when Cockshott already has

>> No.15999829

Although psychoanalysis is cringy af this is a great book.

>> No.15999833

it's a well known meme that Austrian Economics is basically a cult lol even Piketty, a turboliberal, BTFO'd them

>> No.15999835

They literally based their entire thesis on the rejection to the very option of proof, and just declaring that you can only decide proof by rhetoric.

They built their ideology on quicksand, and I can disregard it out of hand as a result.
Their work contains no scholarship

>> No.15999939


Not a single argument against their ideas (many of which I disagree with - including their foundational assumptions - given that I am not an Austrian, but a Talebian orthodox) was presented. I assume that you have never actually read them cover to cover.

Clearly, you can't argue. Good-bye.

(Cockshott is laughable, by the way. I bet Jeff Bezos would be his fan.)

>> No.15999967

cringe, you better leave bucko

>> No.16000001

Despite using only five words, you made three grammatical mistakes.

>> No.16000025
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>> No.16000042


>> No.16000069

Cockshott and Anwar Shaikh blow Taleb out of water

>> No.16000079

Anon, I love you for recommending Thomas Sowell. More people should read him, and not only his econ books.

>> No.16000090

ok, normie.

>> No.16000497

Guy Debord - Society of Spectacle
Christopher Lasch - The Culture of Narcissism
Jacques Ellul - The Technological Society, Propaganda

Those are all really hard books compared to Capitalist Realism though.

>> No.16000528

Lol at economics recommendations. Who the fuck unironically reads that crap. EVERYTHING economists said turned out to be wrong, they are like sociologists but with suits and a little babymath.

>> No.16000612

isnt this that book that argues capitalism is inevitable, unstoppable and permanent despite having only existed for like 300 years

>> No.16000643

>Capitalism has only existed for 300 years

>> No.16000701
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>> No.16000765

Everything was forever until it was no more

>> No.16000841

this seems like the perfect chart for me. thank you

>> No.16000876

Don't mention it Anon

>> No.16000883

You've clearly haven't read it or you did and are just retarded

>> No.16001809


>> No.16001830


>> No.16001952

The Foundation for Exploration by Sean Goonan

>> No.16001980

The /pol/tard who said Taleb and Sowell were intellectuals is obviously baiting, you absolute idiots, no one is that stupid.

>> No.16002577

More like 500 but yes the market conditions that led to the dominance of the West are an outlier in global history. It's not common for monarchs to relinquish command of entire industries for them to become privatized and decentralized, and this is the major hurdle that prevented China from reaching the level that the West did in the industrial revolution despite several hundred years of technological head starts.

>> No.16002627
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The alternative

>> No.16002730

What this guy said.

Also listen to Red Scare

>> No.16002938

society of the spectacle guy debord

>> No.16003371

todd :)

>> No.16003399


>> No.16003404

Start with 24/7 and New Dark Age, they're in a similar style to Capitalist Realism, very approachable

>> No.16004131

>Cockshott is laughable

Can you show that he is not serious intellectuals? I bet you haven't even read TANS from cover to cover.

>> No.16004848

will do that after I finish society of the spectacle

>> No.16005175

>favorite book is some leftoid """theory""" garbage
>"I don't read that much"

>> No.16005532

Try this 30 page essay by GM Tamás
A much better political analysis of capitalism in the 21st century

>> No.16005718

Lasch, Nagel, MacIntyre, Deneen, Debord, Baudrillard

>> No.16006509

Red scare kinda sucks desu, the girls are very dumb

>> No.16007001

you're already here

>> No.16007060

>Serious Intellectuals
>Taleb and Sowell

f you're asking a question about a book that can be answered on 4chan, you haven't asked an interesting question. Read and reread Fischer and focus your question. Then the next steps will be obvious.

>> No.16007106

>anon asks for similiar books
>gets 95% bullshit replies mocking him for reading a book
Why the hell has /lit/ become such cancer?

Try this one anon:
No Speed Limit: Three Essays on Accelerationism

>> No.16007162

I see we've got another Why Theory listener

>> No.16007515

>Red Scare
No need too, Anna only rewords the stuff she reads which impresses an impressionable crowd that haven't ventured much into reading.

>> No.16007623
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>> No.16009354


>> No.16009855

hell nah

>> No.16009861
