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15995856 No.15995856[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You have to be literally retarded to be an anti-natalist. The very fact you could dislike existence is due to you existing. Stay, or get the fuck out. Same goes for your stupid hypothetical children that won't like being born, they can choose to die and it will be like they never existed. You've been given a chance, it's yours to take or squander, just make sure you thank your folks for presenting it to you before you head out.

>> No.15995922

Death makes everything meaningless.

>> No.15995933

Absolutely based. Anti-natalists should take own advice and leave this mortal coil for greener pastures. They won't be missed.

>> No.15995943
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>The very fact you could dislike existence is due to you existing

But that's not true, Anon. I disliked existence even before I came into existence. And I will continue to dislike it even after I return to non-existence.

Everyone dislikes existence, they just don't have the balls to say it. Admit it, you dislike it too, but you tell yourself that you do, in order to cope. Because you are afraid of non-existence. The prospect of dwelling eternally without any physical form disturbs you. As for us anti-natalists, that prospect brings us inner peace. We know that existence is a curse, a temporary state of evil.

>> No.15995969

>they can choose to die
I'm not a strict antinatalist anymore but it's not that simple. Most suicidal people don't attempt suicide, and most of those who do don't succeed. Our instincts make it extremely hard to commit suicide, and trust me, I've been there multiple times. So shut the fuck up, frogposter.

>> No.15995977
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millennials be rationalizing, women be shopping, niggas be stealing. That's just how it be.

>> No.15995979

>Everyone dislikes existence, they just don't have the balls to say it.
>Implying that being a whiner is brave

>> No.15995981

antinatalism is the "take your ball and go home" of philosophy - they're miserable, they want to be miserable, being miserable is a fundamental part of their identity and they're just going to invent whatever arguments they need to justify why they shouldn't have to change and why they're right and everyone else is wrong
the entire argument comes off as a like a child throwing a tantrum, they're just pathetic and broken people and the reason i advocate that they should (and should be allowed to) commit suicide is mostly due to how fucking sick i am of them instead of any actual ideological position on the matter in general

>> No.15995992
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>You've been given a chance, it's yours to take or squander, just make sure you thank your folks for presenting it to you before you head out.

>> No.15995997

so... happy people are more likely to perceive the truth?

>> No.15995999

If you were fine with existence, then you wouldn't be in this thread, having this conversation. You can sense un-consciously that existence is inherently bad. But you are afraid of the implications of this truth. That's why you lash out at us anti-natalists.

>> No.15996009

Consider suicide, so you wouldn't have to bother with them anymore.

>> No.15996095

Entropy is stronger than complexity so we can safely say that things "disliked" existing (in a more complex state that is)

>> No.15996100

of the two of us i'm the only one that actually wants to be here, so why should i be the one to leave? if they hate it here so much they should leave first
miserable people who want to justify their internalized unhappiness can't approach the truth because they're working backwards from their conclusion. it's like a reverse-cope, where instead of making up reasons to not be miserable, you instead make up reasons why your misery is inevitable, meaningful, and outside of your control. you see this kind of logic in "depressed" people a lot - you might ask them questions like "oh you're depressed, that sucks dude, do you like exercise or have positive life goals or whatever?" and they're like "how dare you insinuate that my mental illness is in any way controllable by me, i am biologically defective and have absolutely no responsibility for my emotions whatsoever". i've seen variations on this from countless "depressed" people, and to me, antinatalism is just codifying that mental illness of depression (with all of the irrationality and self-deception that goes with it) into an ideology instead of actually attempting to resolve their own emotional problems
if they would open their minds to the possibility that there are states of being that don't involve infinite suffering (like they apparently experience on a momentary basis), they would definitely chill out about the whole "all humanity should just die because we get sad sometimes" thing

>> No.15996126

Lash out? I don't really care all that much. If anything I feel kinda bad for people with that outlook
Life is pretty good

>> No.15996139

kek, the fact that you make antinatalism about Twitter depressives tells me everything. you've never experienced hardship or self-contempt, as if happy or content people don't work backwards from their psychological states, too. kind of like how you're doing right now. and don't give me that shit about how suffering makes you grow, there are limits, you just haven't reached yours yet. you're a child afraid of the dark.

>> No.15996145

>The very fact you could dislike existence is due to you existing.
That sounds like an argument for anti-natalism

>> No.15996312

>how fucking sick i am of them

LOL seethe. Natalists fucking enraged at a few sporadic threads on /lit/ - more news at 11

>> No.15996344

holy cope

>> No.15996646

>i disliked existence even before I came into existence
How the fuck would you come to that conclusion if you didn't exist at the time
>Everyone dislikes existence, they just don't have the balls to say it
Massive projection. Do you believe that not one person on this planet is happy when they wake up in the morning?

>> No.15996671
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>Everyone knows I'm correct, they're all just lying and won't admit it!

>> No.15996679

>How the fuck would you come to that conclusion if you didn't exist at the time
By thinking about it of course. Who said that you have to exist in order to reach conclusions?

> Do you believe that not one person on this planet is happy when they wake up in the morning?
They could be happy due to ignorance. Meaning, they might feel happy at the moment but in the future they will not be happy any longer. And then they will realize that their previous happiness was a mistake.

>> No.15996692

Kek. I really do feel like I’m in my last season on 4chan. There’s a wave of new memes and problems I don’t relate to, and suggested readings are a joke, critical analysis little more than sophomoric

>> No.15996699

>happiness was a mistake.

>> No.15996704

>happiness was a mistake.
Yeah, debate me.

>> No.15996734

I'm afraid that if I win I'll be happy so I won't

>> No.15996760

Nice cop-out there. My main argument is that yes, some people are happy. But they are so out of ignorance, because to be happy is to be in a state of enjoyment at living in the world. But living in the world is a curse (we presume that anti-natalism is correct). So when people are on their death-bed, or when they are suffering hard-ship, famine, divorce, break-up, or war, then they are not happy any more. That is because the illusion which was their happiness has been dispelled. In the end, life on earth entails inescapable suffering so being happy is bad.

>> No.15996798
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Life has always, and will always be, suffering. Most of your greatest literacy works were from suffering, art pieces, music and many others. Objectively speaking, the world is a harsh and awful place to live in, in many many countries. But to remain somewhat happy AND being able to perceive the world for its miseries is what makes a truly unique person.

To cast the blanket statement on everyone who, rightfully, don't think more people need to exist on Earth (we have 7 FUCKING BILLION people) as saying they are miserable and dumb, shows how narrow minded and high up in your ivory / lalaland castle you are

>> No.15996809

Not him, but
Living is not a curse, though. And just because bad experiences exist, that doesn't mean they are truer to life than the good ones.

>> No.15996810

>By thinking about it of course
But you couldn't think when you didn't exist, tard. And you do have to exist in order to reach conclusions, because without being there is no thought.

>happiness in ignorance doesn't count
>if they don't feel happy in the future, then they'll never feel happy again and MUST regret their previous happiness
You know, you can be sad in the present but still cherish happiness of the past and look forward to potential happiness of the future

>> No.15996822

> And you do have to exist in order to reach conclusions, because without being there is no thought.
Being precedes existence.

>> No.15996826

>That is because the illusion which was their happiness has been dispelled. In the end, life on earth entails inescapable suffering so being happy is bad
If you believed that anon, you'd have roped yourself by now. Happiness can be re-achieved and, even without ignorance, one can be happy

>Being precedes existence.
Prove it.

>> No.15996871

>Prove it.
Okay. Inside of a seed of a sun-flower, is contained the "form", if you will, of a sun-flower. But the seed of a sun-flower is not a sun-flower. The sun-flower could not exist if it were not for the seed. But we get sun-flower seeds out of mature sun-flowers. So the question follows where did the first sun-flower seed come from? It must have come into existence before the existence of any sun-flower. So it MUST have appeared on its own volition, directly out of a state of 'BEING, but not EXISTING'. So being precedes existence.

>> No.15996892
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anti-natalism isnt about disliking existance. its about not forcing non-existant beings into existance. even if existance was pure joy, forcing a non existant into existance wouldnt be good, because if you dont exist, joy is meaningless. i like existance, but i only like existance because i exist. add on top of that all the possible bad things that can happen like medical abnormalities, extreme bad luck and inevitable bad parenting (there is no such thing as good parenting, you WILL ruin your kids) giving birth becomes a bad idea. its obvious to me that natalism is a neccesary cope for people who have kids or want kids. i cant judge you if youre body requires that you have children, just like a body rejects suicide, but the correct (less morally ugly) way of responding to havng a kid, is apologizing to your kids.

>The very fact you could dislike existence is due to you existing
for this to make sense as an argument, one would have to like that they dislike existing. disliking existance is equally undesired as existance to an anti-natalist.
>they can choose to die
they will always have had lived and they will experience death which isn't the same as never having been. suicide is ugly, painful, you are internally forced to resist it.

>> No.15996917

By this logic, you say that, as a sperm or zygote, you knew that you disliked existence?
And besides, the seed itself exists. It simply changes form with time from one state to another.

>So the question follows where did the first sun-flower seed come from?
Usually from a long line of seeds and plants that mutate over a long period of time to make what we know today as a sunflower.

>> No.15996919

Cope :v)

>> No.15996931

Stop for a moment and think, Anon. How could the very first sun-flower seed possibly come from "a long line of seeds and plants"?

>> No.15996941

>Oh no, not muh children!
The cheap exploitative trick of a predator

>> No.15996991

Because that's how mutations work dummy. Over the course of billions of years, lifeforms (beginning with algae in the ocean) evolved to survive in different climates, including on land. The first sunflower seed came from a sunflower that was in some way different from those we know today.
It didn't appear out of it's own volition. The only "volition" a plant has is to take in water and nutrients, grow, and spread seeds. Occasionally those seeds come out different than expected and a new mutation is born.

And nothing you said has given merit to your claim that you disliked existence before you were born, or before you even knew what existence was.

>> No.15997001
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>The first sunflower seed came from a sunflower

>> No.15997002

And what have you achieved by this, you utterly retarded, privileged faggot? I know for a fact, that you are a pol larper, and your biggest struggle in life has been to leave this website for good, because you are nothing more than a larper, just like every "trad natalist" around here.

>> No.15997015
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Pissing your faggoty virtue signaling ass off and boy does it feel good

>> No.15997033

if you didn't like existence beforehand, why didn't you refuse to go into your mom's womb as a wee sperm?

>> No.15997044

That's a perfectly legitimate question. I think that the answer is that I did it exactly to spread knowledge of anti-natalism. I took birth in order to spread anti-natalism so that less people have to endure being born. That's a simple way to summarize my position.

>> No.15997070

Sounds like pure cope. Positing that you could have a thought before your existence is just nonsense.

>> No.15997072

>i was born to tell people not to be born

>> No.15997076

>"I'm just gonna call his argument nonsense, without presenting any counter-argument"
Wonder who's coping.

>> No.15997086

Not him, but that poster you're replying too is 100% right

>> No.15997088

Again, you've yet to give any credence to the idea that you could possibly have had a thought before birth.
You say you disliked existence before birth, yet every thought or idea you've had (including disliking existence) has been formed since AFTER you've been born. Before then there was nothing but a sperm moving on purely natural impulses

>> No.15997115


Your argument is obviously wrong Anon. Because there lived a lot of people before I was born, who disliked existence and basically shared all of my viewpoints with regard to anti-natalism. There were a lot of things before I, personally, was born. That's clear as day to everyone.

>> No.15997127

I don't need to provide a counter-argument, because yours wasn't an argument to begin with. How do you have a thought, how do you presuppose *anything* before one's existence? Where did it come from? How did you get such knowledge in your pre-extant state?

>> No.15997149

>How do you have a thought, how do you presuppose *anything* before one's existence?

By not being bound to a particular physical body, of course.

>Where did it come from?

Thoughts don't come from anywhere, they are formed in the mind.

>How did you get such knowledge in your pre-extant state?

Big questions demand big answers, Anon... I'm tired as fuck also but I suppose I acquired that knowledge by meditation, or contemplation if you will.

>> No.15997158

The fuck is this argument? Since other people disliked existing before, then you yourself shared those ideals before you could comprehend them? That makes as much sense as saying that, since others believed they were God, I must believe so too.

You said that you disliked existence before existing. (You) are not the people who lived before you that also liked existing, so your idea has no ground. Unless you think you're the reincarnation of a anti-natalist from the 1800s.

>> No.15997163
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Why do suicidal people think they have anything worth saying besides help?

>> No.15997169

>By not being bound to a particular physical body, of course.
But you are. If a bullet whizzes past your head, you stay in your body. If that bullet moves 2 inches to the side, you no longer can use this physical body. Whether or not there is anything after that, neither of us can say.

>reddit spacing
All adds up

>> No.15997170

>(You) are not the people who lived before you that also liked existing
That's just wrong Anon. I am also them that lived before. This body of mine is obviously not the body of long-dead philosophers and thinkers, but my "I" is also their "I", as well as your "I" for that matter.

>> No.15997177

What the fuck does that even mean?

>> No.15997181

>neither of us can say.
You are mistaken, but I'm off to bed real soon, sadly I won't be preaching much more tonight.

>> No.15997186

It means exactly what I wrote in my post. Think about it.

>> No.15997192

>but my "I" is also their "I", as well as your "I" for that matter
The only similarity of our "I"'s is that they are telling of the person who is saying it.
Different people have different ideals, bodies, memories, experiences, hobbies, morality. To say that they are all the same is to say you're the same as both a caveman and rocket physicists. It's nonsense

>you are mistaken
You ought to head off to a scientific university to show that you know what happens in the afterlife, you fucking pseud.

>> No.15997199

>You ought to head off to a scientific university

HAHAHA. Definitely not, Anon! Hahaha...

>> No.15997228

I'm off for tonight but I'll be back to discuss anti-natalism more later. I like to take up the standpoint of defending anti-natalism in the special sense that it co-incides with, or intersects with my personal view of how men ought to act. Specifically it centers around my fimly held notion that the Superior Man ought not to beget children. I just want to make it extra clear that I do not condone suicide, by any means. Good night for now Anons.

>> No.15997258

Goodnight, retard-kun

>> No.15997422

No, you don't get a good night, you get a fuck you nigger. Don't ever speak about your suicidal views in person or on media ever again

>> No.15997568
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nice cope bro. you're embodied within a locus of need, desire, pain, tedium, work aging and eventual, meaningless death


meanwhile you get up, grumble about having to work, are hungry, need to piss. spend your workday looking forward to breaks and weekends, holidays. your home life is spent on general tedium - cooking, cleaning, bodily hygiene.

and after all that's said and done - all your needs are addressed, are you rewarded with the pure joy, happiness that finally you can bask in euphoria and pleasure? No, rather you are confronted directly with the inherent worthless of existence - boredom, ennui, meaninglessness, a need to find something to *do*, to occupy your mind. so you got your netflix, your beer, you waste your time reading and shitposting on 4chan. all the while your body courses it's away on a slow inevitable path towards aging, sickness, and death

>> No.15997595

kek. but what about b-bacon bro... and pizza... bacon pizza bro... *is a literal carbon ouroborous whose body will start cannibalizing itself if he goes hungry*

>> No.15997628
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Hey, maybe we shouldn't non-consensually create finite beings capable of great misery and suffer?


>> No.15997630

>you dislike 4channel, yet you post on 4channel. Checkmate!
Frogposters should hang

>> No.15997642

Anti-natalism is simply having a reasonable amount of thoughtfulness and consideration. It's evident that a lot of people's lives are absolutely miserable (homeless people, drug addicts, chronic pain sufferers, etc – some people's lives are so miserable that they commit suicide in spite of the terror and the difficulty in overcoming our instincts), and there's no way to determine whether life is a good thing in the end. You couldn't make the calculation until it was over, and by that point you're dead. Even if you could somehow prove that someone's life was mostly good, you have absolutely no way of guaranteeing that you'd be able to grant that kind of life to your progeny. It's absolutely insane to create more sentient beings when for all you know their lives could be mostly made up of suffering, and when there's no need to do it, especially with the advent of easily available contraception. What's the point of doing it? Whatever happiness you might experience is only a temporary solution to the problem of the rest of life being tedium or outright agony, and there's no need to keep creating the problem. There's no need for the wheel to keep spinning, it's not going anywhere.
>and it will be like they never existed
Even if there's no soul or afterlife this isn't true, because they still lived and suffered. It happened. And there's no way to know whether there is anything more than this or not. For all you know this world is where souls are created and when we die we go to an eternal hell filled with unimaginable suffering. How could you be so insanely callous and selfish as to take the gamble of coming into existence in someone else's place? Nevermind how suicide isn't an easy thing to do and how you need to be in profound suffering in order to be capable of doing it. You're ironically providing an argument for anti-natalism yourself.

>> No.15997649

It's the same faggots who act like we do factory farm animals a favor by breeding them into nerve-prisons, killing them, and eating what their miserable souls leave behind.

The people who are the quickest to bleat about life are often the most callous about it. Vampiric cunts, every last one of them.

>> No.15997668

>"Antinatalists are just depressed!"

How is the existence of depression not further evidence we should not have children who are capable of suffering from it?

>> No.15997672

The fucking irony of you suicidal faggots. Really why don't you just fucking kill yourself if you're so scared of life? If you're so beat down into submission from doing the natural thing every species on this earth does?

>> No.15997684

>I bought a steak at the supermarket, I can feel my ancestors smiling down on me now
Kek seethe harder mongoloid

>> No.15997702

Please refer to >>15995969
I'm an anti-natalist and I'm not suicidal or even unhappy. I'm very grateful for having a decent life right now but I know this won't last forever – my body will eventually break down, get sick, wither away and die. And I don't know if I'd be glad for it by the time it's over. For me it's simply an issue of not making gambles in someone else's place.

>> No.15997709

Hey my fellow kekorini keep your head up

>> No.15997710

you literally just proved that guy right

>"The people who are the quickest to bleat about life are often the most callous about it. Vampiric cunts, every last one of them."

>> No.15997720

>every species on earth farms other animals in industrial feedlots

>> No.15997726

>look at me i am such a good person for not wanting to trample on the rights of people who literally do not even exist
>no i don't have any particular end in mind for wanting to the entire human race to end i just think that's an acceptable price to pay so that people aren't like, sad or whatever
you're trash, human garbage

>> No.15997737

You're the equivalent of cancer and should be treated as such. What are we doing supporting you with benefits and food and shelter? What is your worth when you want to be reduced to nothing and advocate this dehumanizing emptiness to others? Why must we go through life with a chain and ball like you impeding our journey?

>> No.15997750

I'm stating the obvious. You're no different then faggots in that you cannot and will not create life and only live on to destroy it's foundation every which way you can

>> No.15997753

lol keep proving me right you broke-brain spastic

>> No.15997766

>the guy in favor of factory farms is pontificating about the sanctity of life
>associates veganism with homosexuality

Lmao get help mutt

>> No.15997772

>not wanting to trample on the rights of people who literally do not even exist
They will exist if you make them, but by then it's too late. What the fuck is this argument? Should we not stop contributing to climate change if the people who will suffer from it haven't been born yet?
>>no i don't have any particular end in mind for wanting to the entire human race to end i just think that's an acceptable price to pay so that people aren't like, sad or whatever
What end do you have in mind for it to continue? What's the harm in it not continuing? Because there's plenty of harm in doing so. Stop trying to trivialize suffering you actual piece of subhuman trash. Tell people who have been tortured to death to stop being "sad or whatever." You have no justification.

>> No.15997785

You don't even have the brain function to answer three simple questions. No shit life is hard and calloused and brutal and unforgiving, that's what determines the survival of a species and it's worth in contributing and cementing it's place in history as the dominant species.

>> No.15997807

Trash like you has never been on the business end of this might is right crock you faggots always push. You've made your hell, now lie in it, don't take it out on the rest of us.

>> No.15997809

You're a dead end genetic reject. What's the difference? How is your suicidal ambitions different then these other groups?

>> No.15997812

>muh nature fallacy
Yes, nature is pointless shit and the way it works is fucking retarded. Thanks for laying it out, but why are you taking its side?

>> No.15997821

That's pure cope right there. You cannot fathom that there are people with ingenuity, strength, and intelligence, superior then yours

>> No.15997833

Lol a virus is pretty genetic successful, is that your ceiling for human achievement? Propagating like bacteria? Stop projecting your faggot boomer daddy issues onto impersonal natural process

>> No.15997842

You're providing another argument for anti-natalism again. How can you have children when some people are clearly more unfit than others for living in this world? Devil take the hindmost sounds reasonable to you?

>> No.15997846

Some of which would agree with me, or are you one of those Elon musk redditoids, still worshipping teen movie Chad stereotypes you could never emulate?

>> No.15997848

Nature is reality that cannot be censored, philosophized, or controlled or conditioned into suicidal behavior

>> No.15997867

We have nuclear weapons, we could wipe out most life on the planet right now.

>> No.15997876

then cockroaches will become #1

>> No.15997919

What would a reject know about the bounties of life itself when it trivializes, dehumanizes and submits?

Success must sound like failure to you. Protecting inferiority, the idea of equality, that these lesser people must also have a place in society is a liberal ideal.

Why would would anyone take the lip service of a celebrity to heart? Probably the same effeminate people like you

>> No.15997925

You're a just cookie cutter gottagofast nietzche faggot, yawn

>> No.15997943

I would have chose apanthropinzation which is kind of elite, so to say, but then again it doesn't take a sharp mind to not only believe in suicide but demand it for the whole species.

>> No.15997963

I get that being callous and tough is a necessity for coping with how shitty life is, but this isn't any kind of argument in a debate about ethics. Keep coping, just don't force the need to cope on another.

>> No.15997964

You defend factory farms but preach the "bounties of life" like some eat, pray, love Twitter faggot, if it was possible to cringe harder I'd crumple into a singularity

>> No.15997971

Look at him, he is trying to contradict the all-powerful verb of Schopenhauer. You are adorable.

>> No.15997986

It's not a cope when it puts food on the table and a house of you and your family's heads. It's a way of life.

I feel the same for you and wish you would speed up your inevitable end.

>> No.15997991

A house over*

>> No.15997996

Muh family, muh job, muh muscles. Kek, is there anything in you that isn't based on externals?

>> No.15998017

Acting tough to steel yourself against the tedium of work and the uncountable little miseries of life is a way to cope. Food is coping with hunger, a house is coping with the lack of shelter. There's no end to any of this and no need to create the problems in the first place. You won't engage with the arguments because you know you don't have a leg to stand on. >>15997642

>> No.15998058
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Yes. I also devote to the eternal. What we do now will have an imprint and echo across time itself. A number of us know that and I have the utmost respect for them.

You keep using that word and it's going to lose all it's power, just like the word racist.
>You won't engage with the arguments because you know you don't have a leg to stand on.
It's just like in my original post, I don't want to debate nonsense, I'm sitting here wondering why you don't expedite your end if life is too hard for you instead of bitching to other anons online like a do nothing faggot.

>> No.15998071

Your only God is the demiurge

>> No.15998083

anti-natalist niggas be like
>ouch I stubbed my toe, life is a mistake

>> No.15998090

Yep, you have nothing.
>I'm sitting here wondering why you don't expedite your end
>if life is too hard for you
That's not even the issue at hand. Read the longer post I linked and stop making pointless strawmen.

>> No.15998092

Coddled faggot children need not apply.

>> No.15998101

Lmfao, you just want to talk because you're alone.

>> No.15998131


I mean, is sadness not a necessary emotion? If you lost something dear to you would you rather this life just entail that people laugh at it rather than cry?

>> No.15998154

You've never suffered. You're a child. Fuck you and your reddit shonen manga larp life.

>> No.15998164

Are you stupid?

Guess you are you fucking faggot

>> No.15998176

>you can't know the light... if you don't know the darkness </3

Save the hallmark homilies for reddit. Faggot

>> No.15998178

it is not the antinatalists but rather braindead morons like you who should be doing the suicide bro. like sincerely, kill yourself.

>> No.15998188

When did I ever say that?

Fuck off cunt

>> No.15998190 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15998202

Antinatalism is wrong because its main tenet, life is suffering, has been proven wrong.

>> No.15998206
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Your beliefs are cancer and I have nothing but disdain for you. Your demoralization gives me a chuckle, one less loser in the world alright.

>> No.15998210
File: 22 KB, 680x440, anti-natalists on suicide watch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15998217

Reminds me of something similar I've heard. "Maybe depressed people just see the world objectively. Whoa!"

Absolute horseshit. Just a sneaky way for a depressed community to fluff their fragile (yet precious) egos.

>> No.15998227

It's a worldview which presents the lack of effort as a virtue, so of course it has a certain appeal for the lazy people.

>> No.15998245

self-consciousness is bad, not existence. but everyone is living in their own world so some people do genuinely like it. one example is living for pleasure, being a drug addict is an extreme example

>> No.15998248


>> No.15998280

why do boomer spawn couch everything in terms of work ethic?

>> No.15998292

>is born into a multiculti hellhole where his people have fallen from greatness while trying endlessly, fruitlessly to elevate lesser kinds while only betraying their own
>plagued by an existential ennui that mass products tailored for cattle can't soothe
"Life is inherently awful, it can't possibly be better because I'm smart enough to sense the near-futility of it all but not hopeful enough to envision a brighter future. I won't bring children into this world because I won't risk them suffering what I have."
>mixed mutt family next door holds a shower for their eleventh child: it's a boy!
Drunk mixed mutt father: "life is grand! To the continuation of our bloodline! Now let's get fucked up and enjoy some products!"

>> No.15998311

i love how women keep confusing action with virtue. No wonder christianity appeals to nymphos

>> No.15998966

Lies. Everyone hates existing deep down. Be honest, your life is just an endless series of copes, isn't it? The reason I don't end it is because the fear and pain associated with death. Life is literally holding us hostage and you've developed Stockholm syndrome to it.

>> No.15999062

gonna shove temporary sentience into your face, leaving you with ~80 some ought years to comprehend the eternity of blackness that follows

>> No.15999175

holy fuck, never thought I'd find motivation in a 4chan thread.

"I have wanted to kill myself a hundred times, but somehow I am still in love with life. This ridiculous weakness is perhaps one of our more stupid melancholy propensities, for is there anything more stupid than to be eager to go on carrying a burden which one would gladly throw away, to loathe one’s very being and yet to hold it fast, to fondle the snake that devours us until it has eaten our hearts away?" Candide Voltaire

>> No.15999228

>(of a person) deal effectively with something difficult.

>> No.15999249
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you see, OP, there are two kinds of people, parasites and their owners. parasites are children, like children, they may be very happy, but they are pets, house animal, they are sponsored, parents or somebody else makes vital decisions from them, they did not have to deal with this toxic society till it poisons them. people are very toxic, even those who love each other and fuck each other cannot stand each other and divorce, cheat. and there are those who really create value in this world, economy, those who struggle, and who by paying taxes sponsor parasites. that is, you look like a house kitty who looks outside of window of moms basement, sees wild cats and moralizes how their world view is crippled, while it is yours world view is crippled, you are happy, but you are property, you are exhibition material.

>> No.15999324

holy fuck this thread is awful, and you are all faggots. Take the optimistic nihilism pill, we're all gonna die and nothing matters and that's why everything is so fucking great. Living isn't a curse, it is a blessing. You can do whatever the fuck you want, and it's great! Don't be a sad kunt.
>hurr durr me and baby gon die so nuthing matterss
well if nothing matters and life is suffering, kill yourself or stop being such a pathetic fucking cunt and whining about how babies don't want to be born. There are babies born who are fucking losers, like those who oppose natalists, and there are fucking chads who are sick kunts. Just because your fucking life is sad, doesn't mean every baby born is going to be a pathetic cunt like an anti-natalist faggot, whom projects himself onto the child assuming it would hate life.

>> No.15999343
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>> No.15999571

I've chosen to never have kids, but I wouldn't identify myself as an anti-natalist. From my own anecdotal experience, it seems like anyone who takes a strong stance on either side of the subject is mostly doing so in some attempt of self-assurance that they stand for something; caring more for the perceived value that championing an opinion grants their identity, more so than life or death itself. The anti-natalists appear to be guilty of this more than the natalists--especially the ones who parrot their opinion in shallow depth. They struggle to rationalize their conflicting feelings of inadequacy and inflated sense of self-worth, as well as their fear and angers towards the world, resulting in the projection of their distorted conclusion and claiming it as objective reality. Perhaps the natalists are doing the same in their own manner; in a way of giving up and passing the question to future generations like a baton, in the hope that someone else will find a way to finish the race. I'm just musing, though.

>> No.16000172

worst post ever. "optimistic nihilism"


>> No.16000215

>optimistic nihilism
Who do pseuds unironically use this meaningless term?

>> No.16000844

>you're all idiots and I'm the smart one, and here's my armchair psychological evaluation :^)
nobody gives a shit about your experience, retard
respond to a real person and their arguments or don't bother posting

>> No.16001492

Nobody gives a shit about your brainlet arguments retard

>> No.16001561

you haven't demonstrated how any arguments in this thread are "brainlet"
keep coping

>> No.16001625

>it's another "/lit/ thinks anti-natalism promotes suicide" thread

>> No.16001670

Not /lit/, it's obviously just a couple of stragglers from r*ddit

>> No.16001772

I am not him you retard
I have a PhD in philosophy and I will completely destroy your pleb-tier arguments
So just fuck off

>> No.16001829

I come to see that you must be retarded to be natalist.

>> No.16001842
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>I have a PhD in philosophy and I will completely destroy your pleb-tier arguments
>So just fuck off
you almost had me baited but this is too obvious

>> No.16002248

Nice argument. I'm not suicidal or depressed anymore, but the point still stands. Once you're brought into this world you can't just leave as you please even if you desperately want to.