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File: 320 KB, 900x1200, EYmfBKmWoAAnvp7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15995375 No.15995375[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What actually is the System of German Idealism?

>> No.15995395

im so tired of listening to moldbug on this guy's show, he can barely fucking talk, UM every 5 words and whenever anyone else makes a good point he immediately has to recommend some random book to boost his ego

>> No.15995406

He just blurted his master plan recently tho.

>> No.15995413

You pay to listen to this fat guy’s show

>> No.15995430

Yes, while you seethe. I aint paying for moldy tho

>> No.15995433

Geez. Can you imagine looking like that?

>> No.15995437

Share Mega link pls.

>> No.15995444

It’s the expression. He looks good otherwise. That’s why the OP of this shit thread keeps posting that pic specifically.

>> No.15995463

I'm not him, I unironically want to know what he means by the system German Idealism.

>> No.15995471

Read Schiller's letters on aesthetic education of men.

>> No.15995501

He's just trolling the crowd in that video. He knew they were all frothing about TRUMP NAZI so he used the phrase knowing it would link in their minds. That's it. There is no "system of german idealism." There's just Kant and then a bunch of mini-Kants and Hegel who all tried to architect their own philosophical systems. It's a meme

>> No.15995518

>He looks good otherwise.

He's obese, so no he doesn't.

>> No.15995532

hes basically just trying to copy moldbug's detachment theory at this point right?

>> No.15995552

alt righters who hate KB now because he's calling them liberals think that picture makes him feel bad, which it extremely doesn't seem to

>> No.15995591

I don't like him because he has sided with progressives while pretending he's not doing so.

>> No.15995607

he supports the riots, i assume that's what you're referring to with this one-dimensional political term

>> No.15995624

The riots are one thing, and taken as a single incident kind of irrelevant, though they are definitely bankrolled by rich progressives, and allowed to continue by progressive municipal governments. I mean his squawking about 'fascism' and 'racism', unmistakable signs of progressive ideology, their most important litmus test for deciding whether you belong to society, or whether they will blacklist you.

>> No.15995646

Right, racist fascists are very upset with him, and trying to body-shame him with the Fat Pic because they, themselves, have intense body dysmorphia and project it on everyone else. That's essentially what I was saying in the first place

>> No.15995654

The fact that you hate 'racist fascists', while having no clear idea of what either of those really mean, especially racism, having absolutely no reason to be an 'antiracist', is just evidence of how deeply brainwashed you are by the dominant ideology of our society. Quite ironic for people who claim to be deconstructing these ideologies enforced by power structures.

>> No.15995655
File: 107 KB, 1091x743, imam kantu al'botti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given that he's sperged out at people for calling him fat, I'd say it does get him upset.

Not that people are using that pic, of course, that's a few years and a few hundred pounds out of date.

>> No.15995663

here's one of the aforementioned body dysmorphics projecting his skinnyfat BAP-worshipping neuroses on everyone else. hilarious

>> No.15995667

>gaining four hundred pounds over four years
goddamn, that's dedication to the bloatmaxx if ive ever seen

>> No.15995688
File: 269 KB, 1280x854, 1558338931317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its the project laid out in The Oldest Systematic Program of German Idealism, which seeks to bring arts, science and religion under an unified and self coherent mythology, to make the fragmented culture whole again under one system.

>> No.15995691
File: 35 KB, 600x539, 1594736269197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's just Kant and then a bunch of mini-Kants

>> No.15995703

I don't hate either racists or fascists, I'm afraid you're simply hallucinating me saying that. You have a victim complex where anyone using these words sets you off, most likely because they apply to you. Seek therapy.

>> No.15995709

I will ask you a simple question, do you think every human population has the same average cognitive potential? If we raise Somalis just like Japanese will they behave just like Japanese?

>> No.15995714

>defending an obese jew on 4chan
Legit curious, why do you do this? You make a thread about this guy, he gets shat on for being a fat retard, and then you get upset and come to his defense. Nobody wants to talk about him, and you clearly don't like him being insulted, so why not just cut out the middle man and stop bringing him up?

>> No.15995719

More like diabetesbot..
Imagine being reincarnated as this fat fuck’s dog. Stuck near this fat smelly blubber boy while he chain smokes is the ultimate punishment.

>> No.15995724

reminder that kantbot:
i. is fat.
ii. is a bandwagoner.
iii. cannot read german.
iv. has never built anything with his hands.

>> No.15995727

Why are you posting this guy like he's a celebrity? He isn't even a minor 'e celeb', just an arrogant pseudo intellectual whos trying to meme himself into relevancy. He has no ideas.

>> No.15995731

Didn't make the thread, take your meds schizo.

No. You are seriously hallucinating dude. I've been what society would call racist for probably half as long as you've been alive.

>> No.15995740

I see, so are you aware that racism is the most important element of Progressive doctrine, and that Kantbot has repeatedly said he thinks racists are dumb, 'HBD' is dumb, supported the 'plight of american blacks' and so on, thereby signalling adherence to this most important tenet of Progressive doctrine?

>> No.15995741

Does fatbot name search here like he does on twitter

>> No.15995750
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just replacing one ideology with another made-up ideology defined by being the opposite of the other one. It's possible to just think this shit is all kinda dumb, you know,

>> No.15995760

Probably. Logo was caught yesterday posting >>15991231 here

>> No.15995763

You didn't answer my question.

Why do you make threads about this guy just so you can get mad and defend him? Why do you care? What do you get out of it? It makes you LITERALLY seethe. Not like, meme seethe, but actually "angry about the internet". So why bother? Even if you didn't make this thread (you did), you've done this in the past.

So, why do it at all? Why defend some random e-celeb? It's not like he actually makes any worthwhile content or is an author or something, he's just some random dude on twitter.

>> No.15995765

Racism is not an ideology, well it can be, but the assertion that based on available evidence human populations differ significantly in average cognitive potential is just a reasonable thing to think. It's no more an ideology than noticing that one population of sparrows behaves differently than another.

>> No.15995767

First of all, again with the one-dimensional political terms. People are either RACIST or PROGRESSIVE to you? Ridiculous supposition that I reject outright. He's completely correct that most racists and HBD people are fucking retarded. It doesn't bother me that he says that, because I'm a genius so it doesn't apply to me. To think that makes him a progressive is just goofy

>> No.15995778

Didn't make the thread, take your meds schizo.

>> No.15995783

You cannot be a Progressive without being antiracist, it is the single most important thing to them. Progressives are the dominant ideology in our society, if you are racist, you are cast out by them, if you are antiracist, then you agree with their most important tenet, no matter what else you might disagree with that they say.

>> No.15995784

See >>15995714

>> No.15995796

Stop shilling your trash

>> No.15995808

>people are fucking retarded.
less retarded than a guy who pretends to understand german thought and has never read any of it in the original language
imagine defending a guy like this on a literature board of all places

>> No.15995809

Didn't make the thread, take your meds schizo.

Do you know what one-dimensional means? It's just comically illogical that you think everyone who isn't a racist is a progressive because every progressive is antiracist. The truth is that Progressive is just your word for the other end of the one-dimensional spectrum, the great Other that your bubble is ever opposed to, the same way shitlibs call everything nazi.

>> No.15995818

Yeah, but who gives a shit? Of course different races probably have different natural intelligence to some degree we'll likely never know, but that's not really going to tell you anything interesting about how the world works.

>> No.15995822

stop shilling them cunts

>> No.15995829
File: 5 KB, 95x37, count.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did Kantbot mean by this?

>> No.15995832
File: 146 KB, 500x521, C30842A3-EB01-45F3-993A-D8898A340A31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I understand Burton Russel says it’s that everything is a creation of the mind
Haven’t read any German idealist but that’s my pleb answer because it seems no one else has one

>> No.15995836

I think of it less as defending him and more as riling up you retards. You're so jealous of the attention he gets for reading philosophers that you've also read. If it's not that, it's that you're mad because he's counter-signalling the dissident right. Every time it's just some silly goofy fixation of yours. Makes you very easily trolled

>> No.15995843

Isn't it strange that most of the really intelligent people out there are left wing? It seems to be a bell curve, of the least and most intelligent being left wing, while right wingers are generally midwits.

>> No.15995847

Progressives are the people who dominate academia, the press, etc. They have a bunch of 'classes' they've invented that they maintain are equal and that any disparities in outcomes between these classes are due to oppression by one of the classes. Racism is the most taboo and most powerful part of this system of 'class' oppressions.

There is absolutely no reason to be antiracist based on evidence. At most you can withhold judgment, by demanding an almost ridiculous level of rigor. Being antiracist is nothing but signalling to progressives that you will bend the knee, so that you are not deplatformed, fired, or worse.

It is absolutely comical to deny this dynamic in the wake of the past few months of protests about 'systemic racism' in the police force, the trashing of multiple cities, supported by governments, the press, corporations, etc. on the basis that blacks being killed more often by cops is due to racism and not to their committing more crime, and that if admitted, that higher crime rate is due to oppression and not to genetics.

>> No.15995860

Literally seethe about it, you don't control anyone here you little bitch.

>> No.15995868

>while having no clear idea of what either of those really mean

Yet you wantonly throw around the word progressive, with no clue of what it really means.

>> No.15995870

It's certainly possible that left wingers are on average smarter than right wingers, but the both of them, in the white population, are way smarter than blacks of any political orientation. Being as progressivism is the state religion now though this is a bit like remarking that all the smart people are Christians in Medieval Spain.

>> No.15995891

way to show that you care about meme internet users and not actual thought or learning OP. Pathetic. "Oh you hear of this meme german idealism i heard it from the fat man on twitter who's pussy drought is so bad they made a movie about it". pathetic

>> No.15995912

>who's pussy drought is so bad they made a movie about it
Okay that's actually pretty funny

>> No.15995936

Nah, he's a pathetic pseud, and so are you for defending him, logo. I don't give a shit about his politics, but I do care about him being shilled to death by you and him on this board when he's a mediocre "thinker" that can't even read the language he's trying to pose as having some sort of expertise in. Like someone said in the last thread, both Logo and KB would have been doxed and had their lives ruined if they had pulled the same stunts ten years ago on this board. The fact that you think this is all ok says that you're not from here and that you're not motivated by any sort of literary values.

>> No.15995975

Logo is an annoying shit of a writer with a billion idiosyncratic lexical choices that I am clearly not making. Are you the same schizo that thought I made the thread for like 15 posts in a row? Also, nobody cares what language you misunderstood Kant in, KB will always have more recognition for it than you and that clearly stings your ego.

>> No.15996041

ok enough does anyone have a link to the new tpn with ashley christlover?

>> No.15996166

>Also, nobody cares what language you misunderstood Kant in, KB will always have more recognition for it than you and that clearly stings your ego
No, you're not getting it, because you can't think outside of your tumblr-twitter tribal battles and you seem to think anyone critiquing kantbot must be some /pol/ frogposter when there are genuine /lit/ reasons for disliking kantbot and wanting his shilling to stop here.

If an English-speaking individual came along and tried to posture as an expert in a non-English philosophical and literary tradition, and secondly also tried to make out they've got some mastery of hermeneutics, and finally it was found out this individual could never speak the original language, then that would be extremely inconsistent for a person who claimed some sort of hermeneutical chops. A person who took the hermeneutical tradition seriously would realize the enormity of interpreting translated philosophy and poetry--a chain of interpretation from the original text through a translator-interpreter to an individual that can't speak the original language, yet professes expertise about which translations are best. He can never know his own level of knowledge, as how would he check for accuracy with no language chops? There's also the hypocrisy of being constantly buttmad about academia, which Kantbot is, while posturing as a shittier version of an academic. You couldn't get a more clear cut case of a pseud: someone who wants to be seen as an intellectual, but doesn't have the skills for it and is unaware of just how bad he looks as a "thinker".

Keep posting some psychoanalysis about how I'm mad about recognition or whatever. That's not what this is about. He's a charlatan and snake oil salesmen, and you're a weirdo for defending him in a place like this.

>> No.15996501

twitter today is the equivalent of 2000s myspace and kantbot is the equivolent of an emo scene kid profile from there , it doesnt age well , hell be just as embarrassed if his tweets years from as people of then are embarrassed of their old emo hair

>> No.15996570

This and dubs

>> No.15996582

think of all the shitty emo bands from myspace no one cares about or remembers 10+ years later , yeah thats kantbot

>> No.15996595

he doesnt care

>> No.15996674

Why does he respond to everything negative said about him? He seems like he cares a lot.

>> No.15996733

kantbot probably groomed logo

>> No.15996752

he blows off critics, they come and rage about it here while he rakes in the likes and patreon dollars

>> No.15996786

the females kantbot bullied on twitter throughout the years take bullying better than kantbot takes bullying from other dudes on twitter lol this shows his complex

>> No.15996800

Fatbot is pretending to have a girlfriend again

>> No.15996814

You guys constantly make threads about him because you all want to be him.

>> No.15996828

Imagine wanting to be fat.

>> No.15996835

another body dysmorphic blasting his neuroses out to the world

>> No.15996845

Its a sign of intelligence

>> No.15996866

Anyone else catch that he revealed his powerlevel recently?

>> No.15996893

He does though and she is a legit 9/10

>> No.15996895

Yes having diabetes is a sign of great wealth and prosperity

>> No.15996911

its not so much that hes fat but that he has these weird saggy tits

>> No.15996937

Why doesn’t she want to be seen with him?

>> No.15996949

Why are you gay?

>> No.15996960

No im a girl (mtf) imagining what it would be like to give a bj to guy that looks like he smells like burnt hotdogs

>> No.15996965

You are gay. Why are you gay?

>> No.15996967

Kant was something of a mini-Kant himself, so to speak.

>> No.15997136

I’m just some crazy person who’s been following Twitter for a few years I don’t think Kantbot has changed too much besides adopting an abrasive posting style to rile people and possibly become less attached to the right wing, anyway he still posts about dkc2 and mkultra and shit and I venture to say he’s kinda right there is no going back to tradition you must make or take advantage of a techno social revolution and make culture not consume ideology in order to change anything

>> No.15997147

caring that people carre about ideology is an ideology

>> No.15997157

nothing mini about this nigga