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15993815 No.15993815[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is pedophilia the endgame for french philosophy?

>> No.15993842

nah its just some conservative obsession these days to distract themselves from losing in every arena

>> No.15993875


>> No.15993919

Yes, Frenchoids are crypto-jews after the enlightenment happened
I really can't understand why anyone takes Foucault seriously when he was literally a homosexual pedophile openly

>> No.15993941

The 70s were fifty years ago.

>> No.15993950

>The letter claimed there was a disproportion between the qualification of their acts as a crime and the nature of the reproached acts, and also a contradiction since adolescents in France were fully responsible for their acts from the age of 13. The text also opined that if 13-year-old girls in France had the right to receive the pill, then they also should be able to consent,[7] arguing for the right of "12- and 13-year-olds" "to have relations with whomever they choose."[6]
Airtight logic. Problem?

>> No.15993971
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>and the decriminalization of all consensual relations between adults and minors below the age of fifteen (the age of consent in France).
Fuck off.

>> No.15993998

>The text also opined that if 13-year-old girls in France had the right to receive the pill, then they also should be able to consent,[7] arguing for the right of "12- and 13-year-olds" "to have relations with whomever they choose."[6]
They should have the right to receive the pill because, if some retarded pedo decides to rape them, like the ones writing that letter, that they would have protection against getting pregnant. Retard

>> No.15994078

Fair point. No one should have the right to the Pill and therefore no woman has any right to consent or non consent

>> No.15994339

Yes. French are degenerate faggots and objectively the worst civilization on planet earth. Following them are probably the anglos

>> No.15994606

You're not very intelligent, are you

>> No.15994644

He’s right.

>> No.15994669
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Maybe if you are talking about decent philosophers like Bataille or Sartre, but charlatans like Deleuze, Foucault, Derrida or Guattari are plainly trash.

>> No.15994670

It's the endgame for all philosophy

>> No.15994707

Read Ted K, you've been oversocialized and cannot have a reasonable conversation any more.
You want them to get the pill so they can be raped without consequence... right. Well those frenchies just want them to be able to have consensual sex, dunno where your dark twisted fantasy comes into play here. Rape is already illegal at any age you fucking retard.
There would be far less rape if there were no consent laws because women would actually have to do be careful.

>> No.15994727

Not only is that not true, but I doubt that's even you in the picture you liar!

>> No.15994730

Retard fuck off.

>> No.15994744

This is the level of discourse you can expect from Amerimutts. They're so morally brainwashed that they sperg out at the first sign of dissent. I bet you gave an apple to a teacher at some point in your life faggot.

>> No.15994762

Foucault was an idiot without expertise in any field. Young women take the pill for many medically prescribed reasons, not only for contraception. Some take the pill for menstrual irregularities, others take it to normalize estrogen levels or the sake future fertility. It’s not all about contraception.

>> No.15994778

>Foucault was an idiot without expertise in any field.
That's nice, not really discussing him but it's cool that you opened with this ad hominem to set the tone
>Young women take the pill for many medically prescribed reasons, not only for contraception. Some take the pill for menstrual irregularities, others take it to normalize estrogen levels or the sake future fertility. It’s not all about contraception.
LOL, yes they can give consent to major hormonal alterations and medical interventions but they can't choose to have sex when they want to. Alright.

>> No.15994851

Pedophobes absolutely BTFO, holy shit. This is truly the biggest bugaboo of our times.

>> No.15994980
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>> No.15995066

Jesus fuck, men are completely broken beyond repair

>> No.15995141

No, you've just been oversocialized into thinking that everyone under 18 is OFF LIMITS, an idea that would have made people laugh even 70 years ago.

>> No.15995156


>> No.15995161

hello hole what does it feel like being worthless

>> No.15995163

Daily reminder that pedos get brutally raped in jail

>> No.15995176

nigga how tf is 14 the highest?

>> No.15995177

You can't really dispute the core assertion (you can give consent before 18, there's no "magic switch" that flips, it's a construct) so you just spew out some recycled "daily reminder" meme format. Pathetic. Cognitive dissonance in action.

>> No.15995211

Pretty obvious biologically that the closer to puberty the more time and opportunity to reproduce and invest in kids. Ever been to the third world?

>> No.15995236

Is this real?

>> No.15995242

Fuck off jew

>> No.15995247

Another tard reduced to a sputtering incoherent mess. That's three or four now. Not one of you faggots can even string an argument together.

>> No.15995250

seethe incels

>> No.15995255

lmao, anglocide soon.

the entirety of the anglosphere is filled to the brim with pedos. pedos in politics, pedos in the media, pedos in psychiatry etc..

Who else but protestants to project their own degeneracy onto others? Who else but protestants to moralize all day long and fuck children when no one is looking? Who else but protestants to claim liberalism but neurotically ask for a government to formalize sexual conducts? Protestants hate the french because they are inhibited and neurotic. Why do you think the constant hatred towards catholics from prots?

Ever since the invention of propaganda, the anglo has done nothing but try to paint France in a bad light. Even in 2020 (lmao) they are pumping out revisionist movies. It's pathetic honestly, I don't mind, nobody minds here, we just let them entertain themselves like the eternal adolescents they are - stunted, sex obsessed teenagers. But revionism is one thing, calling me a pedo when you are one yourself - yeah, there's a beheading coming for you anglo. The entire world is patiently waiting, from Paris to Varanasi.

>> No.15995262

post-wall roastie spotted

>> No.15995267

disgusting. And i hate jews, but that's low.

>> No.15995271

This. I think Anglos and Frenchoids are on the same level though
It was a study with a purposefully small smaple size and a huge conformation bias, probably to make the pedos who did the study make themselves feel better. Its worthless
>Rape is already illegal at any age you fucking retard.
Well that doesn't make it not happen now does it? Because there aren't harsh enough punishments for it, but that's another conversation. There needs to be another line of protection against rape besides just laws. It was a bad-faith argument on their side, just to justify their degeneracy. Just because that happens, doesn't mean its okay to have sex with them, so their logic inherently makes no sense

>> No.15995275
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>women trying to fit in with the 4channel boys

>> No.15995276


>> No.15995279

>tfw you realize all those big titty hotties you've been checking out at the mall are actually 13-14
>The person you imagine when you think of a 14 year old is actually 10 or 11

>> No.15995284

kys steinberg

>> No.15995288

there are other studies of the same kind. Though the age range starts at 18 on the other studies. But you see the decline being the same

>> No.15995291

Jews are the biggest pedophiles in all of history. Not to mention all the shit they did while worshipping Moloch, they probably still worship him they just won't admit it

>> No.15995299

unnironically fuck off retard. You bring no value whatsoever

>> No.15995303

Post them then

>> No.15995304

>It was a bad-faith argument on their side, just to justify their degeneracy.
lol, no.. you fucking alienated agents of capital are so fucking dumb and removed from reality it's insane. they are simply opposing the government formalizing sexual conducts. that's it. kill your fucking selves, you degenerate pedos. it is all of you who are pedos, you can't control yourselves so you need the government to discipline you into not fucking children? oh my god

>> No.15995311

there's more value in calling out jews than there is in your worthless existence

>> No.15995315

What would be a suitable punishment for rape? Summary execution?

>> No.15995316

>you can't control yourself so you need the government to discipline you into not murdering

>> No.15995318

I agree their behaviour is wretched. But to deny we like women who are 16 years is beyond retarded. I'm 23 so it might be because i'm still young so i don't feel the disgust. Women don't become magically hot when they turn 18

>> No.15995322

>Just because that happens, doesn't mean its okay to have sex with them, so their logic inherently makes no sense
Right, what makes it okay to have sex with a post-puberty teenager is the same thing that makes it okay to have sex with an "adult:" consent. There is no magic switch that flips at 18. If you think there is, it's 100% the result of socialization that you think that.

>> No.15995323

Laws have existed since the dawn of civilisation, its the whole reason civilisation started existing, institutions were an extension of human nature, we made them, not anyone else, us. You are not arguing in good faith

>> No.15995326

castration and then given to a black bull for its pleasure

>> No.15995332

stop giving him attention, he probably got raped as a kid so now he spazzes out in threads that are about consensual sex. he's incapable of using words besides "jew" and "fuck" etc

>> No.15995342

The people who wrote that letter wanted those laws completely abolished, so you could have sex with someone from the moment they are born.
>calling for the abrogation of several articles of the age of consent law and the decriminalization of all consensual relations between adults and minors below the age of fifteen (the age of consent in France).

I agrere the idea that someone turns into an adult at 18 automatically is retarded and isn't true at all, I don't deny you could like someone at that age at all I agree with you there. But the people who wrote that letter were completely evil. There is a reason laws exist, they are an extension of us.

>> No.15995347

>institutions were an extension of human nature
peak alienation

>> No.15995349



Ignore the jewish journo being retarded and spouting shit on the article

>> No.15995353

Oh look, another fucking retard who thinks a magic switch flips at 18 where you can give consent suddenly. Everyone wave hello at the retard

>> No.15995356

Silence, Man of Wo

>> No.15995358

peak [insert]

>> No.15995365

I think you meant peak expression as in expreesing humanity. Maybe the process of alienation is part of our ethos

>> No.15995371

Meant to quote >>15995318
as well

>> No.15995383

You forgot tranny. pol's unwavering obsession.

>> No.15995390

I don't care about /pol/, not sure why you're brining it up

Mods please do your jobs and prune this

>> No.15995399

those french philosophers werent exactly looking for young girls lol

they were sodomites

>> No.15995412

I agree with those. But what those people wanted was to literally legalize fucking children since age 0 and defending rape
>In 1979 two open letters were published in French newspapers defending individuals arrested under charges of statutory rape, in the context of abolition of age of consent laws.

Glad to know they're rotting in hell for all eternity now

>> No.15995432

That or castration

>> No.15995464

Well i agree that child rapists should get a bullte to the nuts but that's it. And i'm not opposed to consent laws. People who cannot hold it in their pants for a few years don't deserve it anyway.

>> No.15995481


>> No.15995484

statutory rape != rape and teenagers can give consent

>> No.15995486

to be honest i think the father should be the one to decide, but that's just me. That's the one consent law i completely agree with

>> No.15995504

We're in agreement then, cheers anon

>> No.15995512

>But what those people wanted was to literally legalize fucking children since age 0

>> No.15995580

You can keep on repeating that assertion if you like, but it has the effect of a stuck record player

>> No.15995613

Looks like I hit a nerve, fucking weak anon. Take your buzzwords back

>> No.15995615

>There would be far less rape if there were no consent laws because women would actually have to do be careful.
Anon, I...

>> No.15995625

If you knew that rape was legal, you'd be way more careful who you spend time with and whose house you go to. Most rape isn't strangers in a parking garage despite your femoid wet dreams.

>> No.15995687

You are actually retarded, that would mean everyone would start being afraid of everyone, a war of all against all like Hobbes described in Leviathan. You should read Leviathan to see the importance of laws

>> No.15995718

Laws don't keep you safe, they deprive you of your right to protect yourself. Arm yourself and stay alert.

>> No.15995733

broken is you. you are just impotent.

>> No.15995754

That's not an argument, laws literally make you safe and (should) give you the right to protect yourself. You're contradicting yourself, look up the definition of laws and learn about their history, you're on a LITERATURE board after all

>> No.15995854

Imagine being so fucking uncritical that you can actually read Hobbes and accept everything that he has to say at face value

>> No.15995909

No, but I've actually read him

>> No.15995928

I completely agree with your assessment of these cultures, but it has nothing to do with pedophilia.

>> No.15996260

pedophilia is endgame for philosophy

>> No.15996472
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Typical differences. While the frogs petitioned for its normalization, the brits just went right on and built an industry out of it

>> No.15996875
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>> No.15996903
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Here's my current take on it, please tell me if you disagree and why.

The Frenchies were Leftist in a way that seems insane to us today. They only saw the State as a protector of property and of the upper classes and class antagonism or whatever. It's even been described these days by Marxist as something of a Libertarian approach (with the obvious differences in place of course, I'm not suggesting they were Right Wing). They couldn't just go "okay there's a problem between how kids are treated criminally and how they're treated sexually so maybe we should make better laws which better reflect to what extent they should be responsible" so instead they just went with abolishing as many laws as possible. Without a doubt many of them were perverts with ulterior motives or people who wanted every kind of liberation at all costs, but the problem which they were indicating towards was real. It's just that their solutions went in the wrong direction.

>> No.15996908

What's the philosophical basis of anti-pedophilia?

>> No.15996914
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>> No.15996929


Damn cummy keyboard.