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15991663 No.15991663 [Reply] [Original]

Books about Afro-pessimism?

>> No.15991671

>There aren't any
>What a surprise
Why are you even here? You're just self torturing and demoralizing yourself for no reason, these people want you dead and you're just alright with that.
>w-well guess I'll never accomplish nuttn'

>> No.15991677

Just look at yourself in the mirror, knee grow

>> No.15991679

I don’t want OP dead necessarily, I’d just greatly prefer if he went back to Africa

>> No.15991697

What's bothering you Jamal?

>> No.15991709

>doesn't realize that OP is a /pol/-faggot who wants a 'nigger hate' thread on /lit/ to feel some fleeting self-worth by getting patted on the back by the incel crowd on /lit/

>> No.15991714

I remember we had a blackanon here on /lit/. Where'd he go?

>> No.15991727
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u needs to go backs to afrika
even ghana presidente wants you to go backs

>> No.15991742

Yeah don't even bother coming here if you're that way. I'm black an I just ignore every single low intelligence retarded fucking post by incel nazi cosmic wastes. They're going to literally get themselves killed regardless, playing right into the hand like lemmings. If you can't do that I suggest you leave, but it's about the pursuit of a hobby, nothing else. These edge fags aren't your friends.

>> No.15991747

Race is a fucking spook. Fuck you stop caring about that shit.
Major pessimist philosophers never gave a fuck about race(other than Schopenhauer and even he said American negro slaves are our brothers and liberation from ameri scum is their right)

Read whatever you want. You can start with /lit/ pessimist canon
>The Conspiracy Against the Human Race by Thomas Ligotti
>The Denial of Death by Ernest Becker
>The Last Messiah by Peter Wessel Zapffe
>The Philosophy of Redemption by Philip Mainländer
>Persuasion and Rhetoric by Carlo Michelstaedter
>On the Heights of Despair by Emil Cioran
>Studies in Pessimism by Schopenhauer
>In the Dust of this Planet by Eugene Thacker
>Better Never to Have Been by David Benatar

>> No.15991750

Books about Jew-pessimism?

>> No.15991752

Nah. Africa should be purged of negros and turned into a wildlife refuge.

>> No.15991753

>Race is a fucking spook. Fuck you stop caring about that shit.
You're on 4chan, kid. We're into identity politics. Come to /pol/ if you want to get redpilled.

>> No.15991759

Hahaha imagine being you. Fuck, how on earth do you take yourself seriously?

>> No.15991769
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>Race is a fucking spook.

>> No.15991770
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t. seething 3rd world tranny
I suggest you redpill yourself, kid. Get back to me when you've read pic rel and maybe I'll take your histrionics a bit more serously

>> No.15991787

Lol fucking obsessed with trannies. Polfaggots. No thanks. You have lifelong brain damage. I wish I could say I was sorry for you, needless to say it's going to be painful bro.

>> No.15991800


imagine being so cucked that you ask for books on how to be black from a board of white and asian kids

>> No.15991827

You are fooling anyone, Mr. Goldberg. How much do you get per post? Enjoy four more years

>> No.15991837

>3rd world
>*flips page*
>*flips page*
So predictable. I'm here to read you fucking mongoloid. It's going to be so painful.

>> No.15991842

If only teenagers like you would realize how much of a disservice you're doing your own ideology with low quality content like this.

>> No.15991846

Maybe plebbit is more your speed, kid. We aren't here to fool around. If the redpill is too scary for you, maybe you should stick to your support group

>> No.15991854

you raise an interesting point anon. is there any reason to not eradicate the negro population altogether in 2020? what purpose does the black man serve when he is not in chains?

>> No.15991870

>a concept made by two trans women
this perfectly sums up /pol/tard experience

>> No.15991872

The 'redpill' is nothing but incel cope

>> No.15991882

I hope you're trolling at this point. Back to /pol/ with you now.

>> No.15991929

answer this, trannies >>15991854

>> No.15991995

It seems like the tropical African groups have yet to reach the level of psycho-social development necessary to become pessimistic. They are too filled with the primitive drives of nascent civilization. But I wouldn't be surprised if the more pastoral tribes and peoples dwelled philosophically on the meaning of existence.

>> No.15992010

You don't know what Afro-pessimism means, anon.

>> No.15992062

Manchild in the Promised Land

>> No.15992094

>anon, who doesn’t even mention his race btw, asks for books on Afro pessimism
>immediately a swarm of condescending lefty dipshits try to nurture him like a wounded child
The man ask for some books, give the man some books.

>> No.15992123

Sex and Character- Weininger
Persuasion and Rhetoric - Michelstaedter

>> No.15992548

Wilderson, Moten, Sexton, but you probably already know of them.
They seemed too full of jargon to me and reference movies too much, kind of like Zizek when I tried to read them several years ago.
Also I guess you have to be american or british for it to have relevance

>> No.15992556

>implying that it already isn't

>> No.15992731

Take your meds

>> No.15993651

Based retard

>> No.15993903 [DELETED] 

Pierre Nkurunziza identified the china flu as a hoax and kicked out the China run WHO from Burundi, then surprise surprise, within two months he's found dead of a "heart attack".

>> No.15993932


Afropessimism BTFO, Frank Wilderson reeling