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15991483 No.15991483 [Reply] [Original]

Are these good books to understand the white fragile world and how to become more robust?

>> No.15991536

Jesus christ
>Euro lit hours
Many brain cells to be lost at these times

>> No.15991557

Go ahead and skim through them, decide if you want to read them or not, and decide then if the material could help you, then think of ways to apply it to positively influence your life. Personally, I haven't read them, but there could be some merit.

>> No.15991564

I've heard they've caused some uproar in the media so they must have some merit

>> No.15991572

Merit you say, from uproar in the media? My goodness, I am aghast, what contents of these saucy pages could contain such nasty, uproarious merit? I hope no one goes out into the street and kisses and dogs on the mouth!

>> No.15991584

Who the fuck genuinely thinks like this?

>> No.15993040

No but they are both great books to understand how to write absolute shit and still get the internet moronosphere excited about namedropping your trash bestseller

>> No.15993074
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>> No.15993082

the people who agree with white fragility don't want white people to be less fragile

>> No.15993202


But Marx might be better

>> No.15993248

Pure garbage but you should read them anyways.

>> No.15993256

White Fragility says that white people can't be fixed though

>> No.15993366

Taleb doesn't advise robustness

>> No.15993395


you seriously believe these buzzword-spouting zoomers will ever pick up Marx?

>> No.15993620

Recommend some good marx

>> No.15993627

What does he advise then?

>> No.15993632

Buzzword-spouting zoomers would fit right into the Marxist group. What do you mean?

>> No.15993633

Are you kidding? It's the title?
tbf he does advise robustification over fragilization e.g. when he discusses stoicism, antifragility doesn't apply to everything.

>> No.15993992


>> No.15994001

This increasingly neurotic world is killing my brain and will to live.

>> No.15994005

None , because it’s all bad. Read picklheimer instead

>> No.15994016

feel free to look up any words you don't know

>> No.15994027


I was interested in reading this until I saw who wrote it. Guy seems like a first-rate asshole. I'd get in from the library (so he doesn't get my money) but I think they're still closed.

>> No.15994169

>mommy the arab man doesn't share my petite bourgeoisie moral rules about politeness

>> No.15994180

his books are the best side of him anyway

>> No.15994235
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>> No.15994785

The guy isn't an asshole. What the hell dude you don't know about Taleb? He's awesome.

>> No.15994803

I would say you're wrong and that his Twitter is better but then I read a passage from his book.

>> No.15994882
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>You said Taleb isn't an asshole.
>A viewing of his Twitter account determined that was a lie.

>> No.15996127

He's only an asshole to bad people.

>> No.15996200

I antifragility, Taleb tells us to basically ignore pretty much everything diangelo says, the books are diametrically opposed
It's been a while since I read antifragility
But I'm currently reading Seneca's epistles and shit seems to be antifragility par excellence

>> No.15996535
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>> No.15996666

Just replace "white" with "jewish" and it all makes much more sense.

>> No.15996749


If I'm nonwhite(I'm ethnically Filipino) but am culturally American(I was born and grew up on U.S. territory), does that mean I have white privilege? I think last month, there was a thread on /pol/ or /tv/ about famous white celebrities saying that they have to take responsibility for the wrongs that are being done to the African-American community. I think I replied to the thread saying that because I'm not a white person, that I am not going to take responsibility for what racist White people did to Black people centuries ago or before, during and after the Civil War.

>> No.15996778

>i'm not white
>do i have white privilege???
you answered your own question

>> No.15996794

You're not white. You don't have any responsibility for slavery or crimes that took place.
However if you defend neo nazis and slave owners then you're a white supremacist.

>> No.15996905


I have a cousin who happens to be an honorary black man(he is half White and half Filipino, but he has got a really white name), and I hate his guts, which is why I have read some of Hitler's shit book and watched/listened to some of his speeches. It was mostly to piss off the people who spy on me, seeing as how many of them are left wingers and siding with the cousin who is an honorary black man.

I am however right wing, yet don't approve of slavery or what the KKK and neo-Nazi's have done. I don't even deny the Holocaust like many people on 4chan do.

>> No.15996915


The cousin is also gay, not just an honorary black man.

>> No.15996928

god damn i hate people who use this word. it's always rich cunts demeaning the middle class, or poor cunts mindlessly parroting what the rich cunts said

>> No.15996990
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>responsibility for slavery
Go fuck yourself. I'm white, but nobody in my bloodline owned slaves. So why should I be 'responsible' for something some faggot did 200 years ago who I'm not even related to? I hate this fucking mentality.
ONE PERCENT of white families in the USA owned slaves during the height of slavery. Compare that to seventy percent of jewish families who owned slaves. Who should be held responsible?
If we are going to pay reparations to a bunch of stone-age chimps who would be chucking spears right now if it weren't for slavery, then we should go by bloodlines. You will not hold me responsible for the behavior of some kikes and corrupt cunts 200 years ago.
Zoomer faggot.

>> No.15996994

This reads exactly like a post from one of my online uni discussions.

>> No.15996996

>nobody in my bloodline owned slaves.
How do you know?

>> No.15997006

Because my family kept track of these things. We have black-and-white pictures of these people on our walls. We know their stories. I didn't come from dirt, like you.

>> No.15997019

I used to be right wing but I've shifted left as time has gone on. I used to defend far fight parties in my country for fun and games at university. But then I realized that most people are biased towards their group against other groups and that if that accelerates then you eventually just eaten by what you were defending. Now I just refrain from speaking on any subject. As a nonwhite I know that whites can be left or right and it barely matters for them. They don't have skin in the game. If the right wing movement speeds up then centrist or leftist whites can just pretend to be right wing. They're white so they're not marked for execution and won't be stripped of their rights. But that's not the case for me. If the neo nazis come to power they'll steal my wealth and probably kill me even if I was a white ally. You can't just be "one of the good ones" unless you have unlimited power or wealth like the Rothschilds did. That's why hitler didn't kill them.

You should look up on how many asians lost their citizenship 100 years ago in america because they weren't white men. There's Indians who had to defend themselves in court just because america suddenly said "you can't be a citizen unless you're white"
They literally tried to take away his citizenship and deport him 97 years ago. This is what can happen to nonwhites that think they'd be safe under a right wing government.

However east asians have historically been hit the least hard by these kinds of things so maybe it doesn't matter to you.
You have to look at your own interests.

>> No.15997038

>my racial identity decides my politics
this is exactly why immigration was a mistake. you don't have a people or a culture, pajeet, you abandoned them, and you're not wanted by us

>> No.15997064

>vote for neo nazis
>get deported or gassed
I know that you neo nazis want nothing more than to torture me and kill me.
That's why its so important to stop you. Its very simple.
Go buzz off. This conversation has nothing to do with you. There's nothing to discuss with a latent criminal.
Whites don't know what its like to live on life's edge. Thats why they can flip flop between political opinions because at the end of the day they're white and whites are untouchable. They don't live with the consequences of anything they did.

>> No.15997078

You have 254 ancestors in the seven generations preceding you. You know for a fact that not a single one of them owned a slave at any point in their life?

>> No.15997083

Maybe he's not Jewish?

>> No.15997117

it's called "being a minority" bro, it's why immigration is at the end of the day not a good trend for white people. doesn't matter that many immigrants are good law-abiding people. i certainly don't want to deport non-white citizens, but the demographic transformation of of majority white countries just isn't that great a deal for white people. stopping immigration would be fine.

>> No.15997121

He must be somewhat Jewish. Many whites have jewish blood in america. 6 million Americans are jewish.

>> No.15997145

I'm okay with stopping immigration but I dont want it to accelerate into something that will bite me in 5 or 10 years. That's one of the reasons I don't feel as loyal even though I was born here. This is probably how the kikes felt when things were accelerating in the 1920s Germany. I'm constantly thinking of moving wealth away. I should probably read talebs book.

>> No.15997156

You fucking idiot, you really don't understand.
You were supposed to be our equals. We were supposed to be on the same team. I was raised with absolutely no concept of race, I really believed it was only skin-deep. I had to learn the hard way that wasn't true.
Your attitude is the reason you deserve to die. Your attitude, and your overwhelming stupidity. Do you really think your race should decide your opinion on economic policy?
>everyone left of stalin is a neo-nazi
It's no wonder your people bathe in cow shit, you're all retarded. What did we expect from their children?

>> No.15997179

I hope your aim is as good as mine, for your sake.

>> No.15997232

No. See >>15993082

The intent is for us to blame everything upon ourselves... Not in potentially productive way like: "Oh we extend too much empathy/consideration to ethnic outgroups and are being gamed into an existential crisis — we should become far more ethnocentric if we want to survive." No, the idea is for us to stoically accept and even hasten the demise of the European genetic cluster, because 'waycism bad', 'white hegemony in white nations evil' and 'aggressive resistance unthinkable'. The typical anti-white double standards.

WF in particular is spammed -every single day- on this board. I hope the niggerfaggots responsible die the horrible deaths they deserve.

>> No.15997243

I treat everyone equally but I can't just blindly have faith in everyone.
You'd be blind if you don't think people vote personally and selfishly.
Not everyone is a collectivist idealist.
I like the country I live in and I'd like to continue to live here and contribute to it. I also want actions taken against the criminal minorities that commit crimes here because I don't want them to attack me or give all brown people a bad name which also affects me by proxy. I am selfish.
And so are many other people.

>> No.15997286

>deportation = torture and murder
How dramatic. Of course this attitude would likely lead to a self-fufilling prophecy.

I wish Whites were untouchable... Then we wouldn't be existentially threatened. We are living with the consequences of allowing mass non-white immigration and helping your countries to develop (and consequently balloon in population)... I wish we weren't living with those consequences. Fuck you. If you were at least honest, I could respect you even as an enemy, but you can't even see the double standards you apply to us. You deserve all the contempt you get.

>> No.15997309

do you feel existentially threatened? this is all just ideology man.

>> No.15997331
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lol chill bro

>> No.15997342

>Then we wouldn't be existentially threatened. We are living with the consequences
Whites have enjoyed minority governments in foreign countries for hundreds of years.
Being a minority is something a white man enjoys as long as he keeps power and he does. Think, in the past 20 years Republicans held the Presidency for 12 but won the popular vote once. They even lost the electoral vote in 2000 upon the final sealed recount that came out. Although the Democrats try to gerrymander as hard, they have never won a majority of Representatives, whereas it's fairly common for Republicans to lose the vote in a state and take more Reps from what is supposed to be the plurality body.

Once you have minority rule with increasingly low margins, there is no incentive to ever go back to democracy. This isn't a hit on Republicans, they have manuvered well.
You're not threatened at all. Especially not in countries that are supposed to be a melting pots like Canada America and Australia. Asians should be controlling 16% of Canada and Australia because they make up 16% of the population but instead all you see are whites in power. I think you've got nothing to worry about.

>> No.15997361

No one in my father's paternal bloodline, or my mother's paternal bloodline, owned slaves.
Shitskinned usurper, your own country is too filthy to live in so you pollute ours. Eat shit. Or bathe in it, as is your people's custom.

>> No.15997365

Yes. I'm not a deracinated, truncated thought-horizon hyper-individualist; I see myself in the context of a continuum from my ancestors to descendants. The legacy and culture my ancestors built is being torn down and legislated away as we speak, and the future of my people is in certain peril.

>> No.15997368

>bad people
Who are they?

>> No.15997369

>All yt in power
Another problem with browns: they lack a honed j-dar.

>> No.15997377

We will fucking wreck you kid

>> No.15997436

Hundreds of years isn't very long on the historical timescale. Certainly nothing compared to finality of the impending 'browning' of the West.

>all you see are whites in power
Righht.... That's why Canada's ministers of immigration (pursuing an insane increased rate of non-white immigration) and defense (among many others) are non-white, why the UK gov. is pursuing 'diversity' initiatives to ensure more non-white politicians, why the Democrats want a woman of colour running as VP, why all Trump talks about is welcoming more non-white 'legal' immigration than ever before and the economic prospects of non-whites. All that despite Whites still being the majorities. We are losing hegemony fast and you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.15997446

Except the future is debatable and the past is rock solid and shows a history of successful minority governments

>> No.15997448
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>mfw the dim bulbs ITT
low wattage

>> No.15997454
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>mfw an un-melanated modern person threatens a Black man
pffffffft, get back to clicking hydrants and crosswalks, keyboard commando

>> No.15997480
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>when your metaphysics so true, they enrage Caesar

>> No.15997482

You're still talking about a tiny sliver of the past in historical terms. It's not good grounds to gamble the continued existence of Europeans on (which goes double if the future is debatable). Also, you're just full of shit. Please die at your earliest inconvenience.

>> No.15997503

Well if 4 centuries are a tiny sliver to you that's fine. I only need half a century after that I'm dead or so. So I couldn't care less. I think the white race will still exist in all its glory in 2100 and beyond and we will live to see it. Now world war 3 which the far right is trying to bring about could kill many of us and it's not in my interest. It might be in your interest though because you care more about your race than yourself.

>> No.15997511

>mfw the American mainstream still coping
the real fragile thing is the perception of American judgment as in any way sound, or anymore preferable than an upfront transparent dishonesty, for instance Baghdad Bob

>> No.15997525

>white fragility
>good book

>> No.15997542

Yeah, I guess I am a little fragile. Here, watch, I'll stop being fragile. On occasion I dislike niggers.

>> No.15997548

>all this buttblasting
You gotta congratulate Diangelo for writing one of the most toxic and society wrecking texts of the last few decades.
Absolute madlad.

>> No.15997566

go to the park and look at a duck or something, you're totally lost in abstractions

>> No.15997567
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>when the truth hits
Brother Malcolm dwells in those metaphysics and stays awhile, no matter the horror. He decides to make suffering his sustenance, evil the darting scurry inviting the righteous dive. Ponder this about Brother Malcolm and the Riddle of Steel, and one begins to understand the Black Man as a composition of distinct metaphysics.

>> No.15997701

Bro, who the fuck cares about the government's
An entire race and their homelands are at stake
This goes beyond the nation-state and minority ruled governments always fall to demogouges
Even after whites cease to be the largest ethnic group they will continue to be seen as oppressors especially because there will be a plurality of them in high offices and wealthy positions in a nation with white icons and white history
Genocide will surely follow this perceived injustice, god help us

>> No.15997719

>Bro, who the fuck cares about the government's
Thats like saying who cares about the throne.

>> No.15997747

My bad I should add. 'Who cares about the government when you're an ethnic minority in your own homeland'

>> No.15997754

He’s an insufferable prick. That said, I agree with some of his points and analysis. As a person, he’s not someone I admire.

>> No.15997776

The muslims that ruled India have always cared more about the the government than the fact that they're an ethnic minority in their own homeland.

>> No.15997797

Blacks are the ones that sold other blacks into slavery, so logically blacks are most to blame here. As punishment I declare they should be all shipped out of America so they can't repeat such a barbaric practice ever again.

>> No.15997816

Big if true

>> No.15997822

No. The sellers were just doing business. The customer is to blame.

>> No.15997830
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>> No.15997861

Nah, this is 3 generations of accumulated propaganda to foster white guilt at work. Her shitty rag is being shilled to make a buck during the great ape escape of 2020, but it'll be forgotten in a year or so.

>> No.15997917

Muslims are a religion not a race
Also the Indian Muslims are in jeopardy right now considering the culturally imposed Hinduism and the paranoia surrounding Pakistan
You picked a grim example

>> No.15999522

Antifragile is a very good and important book.

You haven't read Antifragile cover to cover.

>> No.15999853

how does it feel to be middle class

>> No.15999869

>20% of the south was jews
This meme is getting pretty tired.

t. owned niggers and will own niggers again in the future

>> No.15999911
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>> No.15999925

Every race conquered people and had slaves and stuff you dumb fuck. If whites are responsible then so is everyone else

>> No.16000111


I used to be Republican here in the U.S. because even they hated the KKK, neo-Nazis and White Supremacists. But the Republicans have their own problems as well. I did try moving towards the left, tried listening to their podcasts, watched their programs, read some of their articles and even tried reading some of their literature, I think, since I did attend college/university and they teach the left wing liberal stuff. Some of them were cool with it but many weren't. Because they are able to spy on me, they used my personal information to anger me, which caused them to redouble their efforts. It doesn't help that I called the cousin, who is an honorary black man, a faggot. Eventually, I started reading some of the far right wing shit, Mein Kampf and some Turner Diaries and some of the wikipedias, and even watching some of Hitler's speeches and other Nazi films, but that's all shit.

I'm a lot less prone to listening to what the left says these days as I don't really listen to their podcasts or even go to their websites that much these days and if I do, I know what their response would be. Anyway, I'm still interested in European culture, which is why I'm rereading The Lord of the Rings and other cultures, and even the great works, even if the left wing finds some of it problematic.


But then your white ancestors may have been in a position to help the slaves and stand against slavery. If they didn't, then you and your white ancestors are no better then the faggots who owned slaves to work their plantations.

Also, your ancestors used spears just as well as the African did as your ancestors and their ancestors used that tool for hunting animals for foot and for killing in warfare.

>> No.16000364

>But then your white ancestors may have been in a position to help the slaves and stand against slavery. If they didn't, then you and your white ancestors are no better then the faggots who owned slaves to work their plantations.
Holy fucking shit, the utter retardation of a man that typed this sort of shit. Hey retard, your flip ancestors didn't do shit when us malay chad enslaved your race and still employ you as cleaning ladies till this day. Does this mean that you as an individual, must be held responsible for this action?

>> No.16000383

take med, my unrelenting snigzo friend

>> No.16000390

no, antifragile is a shitty book with shitty writing with an even more shallow shitty politics.

>> No.16000689


>> No.16000948


Wtf? Filipinos and Malays are still the same race(Austronesian, and the Malays/Muslims were conquering the south which was Mindanao, while the Spanish Catholics were in Luzon and the Visayas, trying to convert the natives to Christianity. The Mindanaons had the slaves, indentured servants or whatever because that's their culture and religion, them being Muslims and all.

Besides, I don't like the other Filipinos since they treat me the same as the right wingers of the Republicans and the left wingers of the Democrats have treated me. Something about the Filipinos wanting to side with the popular whites in power, whether they be conservative or liberal/progressive. Don't lump in with those skin-bleaching puti. And last I heard, you Malays aren't any different seeing as how skin bleaching is common among many South East Asians.

Come to think of it, I have criticized the Filipinos for the pollution that they are creating and the damage to the environment, and the corruption in their government, not just the skin whitening that they do. It's no wonder many of them don't like me.


I should also mention that I don't support BLM since they revere a guy who has done multiple crimes, and not just repeatedly using illegal drugs, but robberies and home invasions, doesn't help that the lefties also criticize other people for their criminal behavior but ignore George Floyd's criminal past. I don't support ANTIFA either since they turn the protests into riots, the things they do like throwing bricks at the police, setting fires to cars and buildings, destroying small businesses, etc., all that stuff just creates mayhem and gets people either injured or killed.

>> No.16001416

Ah yes, typical. "I'll be dead, so who cares." A niggerish high-time preference attitude, to be sure. At least you're forthright about your individualist myopia, I'll give you some credit for that.

What a facile response. It is possible to appreciate the local, the momentary and the sensual without being blinded to broader paradigms. Also, the legacy of my ancestors (genetic, cultural and physical) is as concrete as anything can be.

>> No.16001462
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He supports blm and the retarded narrative which goes along with it... That makes him an asshole in my book.

>> No.16001519

if I build an ancestrally validated beacon, I can direct entire herds of you people. I literally do this for money. I used to feel guilty but now I see it as a kind of zoology for the easily impressed

>> No.16001586

say what one will about sensitivity training, but the day you throw that out, what do you replace it with?
you've a complex organization to lead, fiduciary responsibility to uphold, an evolving set of rules, regulations, professional ethics and public morality, and now, evidently, your workforce can put everything at risk because of these deeply situated cultural norms and parochial behaviors that you inadvertently brought into your organization when you recruited your staff from this deeply traumatized society. do you have one of these ticking racists secretly stacking liabilities and future civil suits onto your forecast? probably not, hopefully not, but how do you know? they say its so insidious, because it is.
ours is the worst of both worlds ITT: there's obvious economically destructive racism of scales and depths that now alarm investors but there's also the vexing problem our only way to heal or fix these problems seems to be with the Robin Diangelos of the world. I think Americans are waiting for a new prophetic figure to emerge and convey the new vision for us, but I think all we get is the Diangelos and we have to make do.

>> No.16001896

Churches could do something more, perhaps. They can call upon people to generally show up and worship and can use that perhaps an umbrella under which new social connectivity could be built. The trouble is, however, that issues of racial injustice are often one aspect of a greater economic calamity that would perhaps better be composed as a human rights injustice. So try and befriend whoever we can, but i'm not sure how that can make whole whatever piece is taken out by past, present and future capitalist predations

>> No.16001916

what a stupid fucking dune coon.

>> No.16001946

Ive read numerous excerpts of the first. It should have been called "Black Fragility and how HR Departments Should Deal With It"

>> No.16001948

He's trying to pre-emptively make himself uncancellable. It's the entire reason he went on that schizo rant about IQ being bogus. If you watch his video on it you can tell he's just making up bullshit ("grhm...hmm...mmhmm...IQ is non-linear... eigenvalues... math...") so he can get brownie points with the Jews that will, eventually come for him.

Which, while an absolutely correct and intelligent move on his part (despite being lumped in with the Right, he is just a Middle Eastern academic desperately trying to get in with the Harvard Elite), won't actually protect him from anything, as he is like 99% genetically Greek, which means he is White, and is therefore a racist no matter what he says.

>> No.16001960

Hahahahah you’re a fucking faggot dude

>> No.16001996

Good for you. If your efforts contribute to Whites becoming more ethnocentric, then your true intentions are incidental.

>> No.16002210

>he is like 99% genetically Greek
He wishes. He's just a filthy Arab in reality.

>> No.16002412

Ecumenical movements are interesting and have a great potential but I've read more about Black Churches collaborating with each other than across racial and ethnic chasms, same with their white and Latinx equivalents. There's examples, but I can't tell tell if it's easier to cross theologic boundaries than racial. Plus, I think it's unclear what the goals would or could be. You get everyone in the same room, great, but I think we expect a miracle to somehow reveal how we reconfigure. Plus, at some point, the ecumenical collaborations may start to cohere into quasi nations and this is somewhat subversive to vogue thinking. What is the international order to do with an Ecumenical movement of such power?

>> No.16002566

Do you see more or fewer opportunities for Ecumenical collaboration, given the Pandemic? Just the same, the market for sensitivity training may dry up if the social interactions remain so spare and far between. The Black Consciousness awoken of recent has more to do with outright survival than more complicated issues of economic policies, so there's a different urgency than what DiAngelo might address.
That's maybe why we saw that intersectional extent of mobilization: fear of American police as well as fear of America's newly niggerized white peoples who are so new to their roles as unthinkingly obsequious and deferential to abuses of power, they actually proud of their broken system. Ain't nothin we haven't seen before, these new niggers just easier to sunburn.

>> No.16002662

Antiracism is a pseudoscience, and Robin Diangelo belongs in jail

>> No.16002672

It might seem that an organization that implements sensitivity training has simply grown too ungainly to deal with social and cultural issues within its teams, but seen another way, it's a chance to up your organizations competitiveness. The practical rewards probably also include recruiting better candidates, although maybe that's more a product of spending per employee in training and other benefits.
However one bristles at DiAngelo, she might make the difference in a team being by her training a bit more sensitive to a new opportunity and having amongst them also the social graces to make something happen.

>> No.16002681

I come to /lit/ every few weeks to check up on the board and without a doubt these threads are always on here.
Falling for racebait, never change /lit/

>> No.16002758

cant fool this bulb, he on to ya

>> No.16002782

why would taleb care about some niggers in america "cancelling" him, he has blown off far larger things

>> No.16002993

Isn't it strange how greed or the pursuit of profit transects all racial boundaries, just steamrolls over them, and you'd think that more capitalism is better, but then, after ceding all this territory, we discover capitalism may have no inclination towards racism, which would seem good news, up until we understand capital also had no inherent anti-racism, or is in any way inimical to injustice, what are we to do then?

>> No.16003047

Not sure, my Brother, but in more optimistic moments, I like to think there's a bigger Black cybernetic phenomena afoot, one where only one conspicuous pocket is coined "Black Twitter," and beyond it there's a much bigger Black social complex live and conversant right this moment. Already, there's a new power manifested throughout that complex. We can reach out and help one another in new ways, collapsing distances between nodes of Black power as if we CERN.

>> No.16003101

everytime this fucking book is mentioned, a shit thread is born

>> No.16004152

Black consciousness using the internet to organize effectively is probably what will get it shut down. Hate to say so but you know

>> No.16004217

If Taleb wants to talk about how instruments of state power condition Peoples of Color to surviving injustice, and coin that Antifragile, that sounds dandy. Goldman Sachs gotta manage their investments like they were Sambo, Abigail and family sent into the cotton market, deparcel and unwind those slaves on the spot market and you will hear the crooning of the Antifragile choir welcoming you home

>> No.16004282
File: 205 KB, 600x600, nickii-portrait-by-Kokab-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's getting Thirty Thirty ITT

>> No.16005136

I've met her, very thoughtful lady. I think she thought of these issues as a niche she'd found a way of contributing to, and then suddenly the whole thing goes haywire and what was a gold standard solution to fairness in the American workplace suddenly has to address lynching, Jim Crow, police abuse of power and more.

>> No.16005216

Because as I said
>despite being lumped in with the Right, he is just a Middle Eastern academic desperately trying to get in with the Harvard Elite
Taleb wants in with the Harvard Elite. He does so by telling them they're dumb, which is why they should hire him, he's got the ideas to keep them as a class fresh, sharp, on their toes. IYIs need a good kick in the pants and some squid ink, and he's just the man to provide it.

You know that, I know that, but someone who majored in underwater feminism won't know that, and will make that classic mistake of assuming he's >white.

>> No.16005243

He doesn't say he's white. He says he's not nonwhite

>> No.16005268

Right, again, you and I get that it's far more complicated than that, but the kind of person who wants to cancel white supremacists isn't going to get that. They're going to take one look at the guy, see that Nazis use the term "antifragile", and recoil in disgust.

>> No.16005298

Bro don't you care to discuss important RACIAL ISSUES? Don't you understand that in THE CURRENT YEAR we absolutely have to talk about this? Bro you're not...you're not RACIST or anything are you...?

>> No.16005530

Arabs are technically legally white because they bitched about it last century. Now that being a minority is the new cool thing most of them want to go back on it.

>> No.16005543

>new Churches birth new states
I worry both have been subsumed as mere market participants, but who knows. I hold out hope there remains social harmony in obscure places.

>> No.16005695

Ella Baker got my vote for Queen of Black Anti-Fragility. She made a society where lynching was normative suddenly price those Black lives as too costly to murder. Her politics de-emphasized heirarchy and reinforced grassroots relationships, those are sound strategic decisions that still shape things, and they strike me as helping Black consciousness better endure and even grow stronger from those assaults.

>> No.16005914

no way this is real