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15990419 No.15990419 [Reply] [Original]

So I have decided to learn tarot just because I have a deck at home (I don't believe in any of this esoteric blah blah..)

So, I've downloaded a few books on the matter, and almost all start with something like this:

>they say that you've got to learn what the cards mean by studying under a teacher for years, but MY REVOLUTIONARY METHOD does not require any of this, here's how...
>just look at the cards and make shit up, bro.

So, I've got the classic Rider-Waite Tarot deck (pic related) and the book that came with it: The Pictorial Key to Tarot. and it seems okay.

Any other book recommendations about the topic?

>> No.15990432

I tried reading a couple tarot books before, but honestly, biddytarot.com is still the best source I've used.

>> No.15990530
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Are you hot alternative girls? The only ppl i know who do tarot are hot alternative girls

>> No.15990534

First step is to ditch that Golden Dawn crap and pick up the Tarot de Marseille. I recommend Yoav Ben-Dov's restoration of the original 18th century Conver deck. I also recommend his book: "The Marseille Tarot Revealed".

>> No.15990538

No, if you were to see me irl, you would think tarot would be one of the last things I'm interested in. I don't believe that shit for a second, but I enjoy giving readings. And, obviously, it attracts hot alt girls, so that's a plus.

>> No.15990863
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Let me give you my own almost-definitive guide, OP.

The quintessential book you need first and foremost is Paul Huson's Mystical Origins of the Tarot.
The reason is this book gives you the pre-GD era of fortune-telling card meanings, like Etteilla, with the GD card meanings, and also Waite's. It's comprehensive, it doesnt teach u much on how u should do spread (just go freestyle bby) but it's nice to see all the systems together in one place. Historical too.
Yes, it doesn't include Crowley's but that's reasonable cos his system is a different beast, basically if u cant get throu GD n Waite u likely wont get Crowley either.

After having read some or all of Paul Huson's you can go either/both to Mathers' Book T http://tarot.org.il/Library/Mathers/Book-T.html or Ben-Dov's Marseille Tarot Revealed like the other anon said.

Mathers' Book T is THE basis of 90%+ of decks in existence today (which are non-Marseille). Both Waite and Crowley based their system on this. Essential reading.
Liber Theta is basically additional stuffs added ontop of Liber T.
For Marseille there is also Jodorowsky's The Way of Tarot, DO check this one out.

You probably should glance over at some of the pages in Crowley's Book of Thoth too even if you're not interested in his deck, because it's one of the last writings he penned, it's close to his end of life, so it's kinda like the culmination of so much things he has learned and you can see various immense shit cobbled together and it overwhelmed everyone who ever read the book.

Two other things you SHOULD learn about GD system (just utube or search blogs) are the 4 Elements system which are how the cards INTERACT and the GD's 15 cards spread.

t. /x/

>> No.15991075

just roll an infinite amount of dice bro

>> No.15991088

Stay away from it unless you want to be manipulated by forces beyond your limited understanding of the world. You wont listen to me but Ill say it anyway. Nothing is random. You will be manipulated.

You think you cant be manipulated? you definitely will be.

>> No.15991184

mystical origins of the tarot is a solid book, it gives a factual overview. the symbolism is kabalistic on the rws deck. if you don't believe in anything esoteric idk wtf you're doing though desu. you can get the individual card meanings from google.

oh and jodorowsky has a fun book too

>> No.15991195

He is already within the story, stepping outside is no longer an option.

>> No.15991201

I like tarot, but in the same sense I like chess and shogi variants: it's cool to see more pieces/cards.

>> No.15991260
File: 667 KB, 2048x1536, EDD28B9C-A901-460D-ACA6-4726203FCFBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s your favorite deck /lit/?

I pulled these cards for you. You’re going to have the chance to score a qt /lit/ gf, adjacent to your friend groups. But maybe she’s too clingy or crazy or something idk, you won’t reciprocate.

>> No.15991370

What are the good larger tarot deck (with two additional females and maybe more cards)?

>> No.15991806
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This book here is written from the Catholic perspective

>> No.15991886

I know them from watching JoJo

>> No.15991895

There is something nice about the simplicity of the Raider Waite. Each card feels like an old friend, and can tell a different story depending on where you are in your life.

>> No.15991900


>> No.15991974


>> No.15991990

I have no friends, fortune telling btfo once again

>> No.15992013
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>> No.15992016

I miss when new age shops were everywhere in my city.

>> No.15992455

Thanks, anon.

>> No.15994273
