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/lit/ - Literature

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15989513 No.15989513 [Reply] [Original]

booktube is a laughably idiotic shithole most of the time but there has to be a couple of them that are halfway decent? right?

>> No.15989526

i only watch underage female booktubers

>> No.15989570

Leaf by Leaf. PaperBird books

>> No.15989578

Leaf by leaf is pretty great. He reads a fucking metric fuckton

>> No.15989584

Paperbird is indeed pretty good. Doesn’t really go into detail on specific books from what I’ve seen but is good at presenting the merits of authors he likes.

>> No.15989717

Yea he definitely seems to spend most of his life reading. Nothing wrong with that though. I just watched his review of Anna Kavan's short stories Machines in the Head and it was great. He really does have good insights and perspectives on the authors he reads. I had no idea Anna Kavan was a heroin addict till his vid and it definitely moved her up my list to read that, being an addict myself.

>> No.15989771

Orpheus, Paperbird, Leaf by leaf

>> No.15989793

i like Scott Bradfield

>> No.15989858

Honestly that dude is okay.
You can tell he's not the smartest guy in the world, and would be pretty pompous IRL, but his videos are comfy and he at leasts reccs some okay things from time to time.

>> No.15989871

I know a guy at college that looks and acts very similar to Cliff and he's genuinely a great guy

>> No.15989926

If you're into ya/shitty fiction then yea there are a million good ones. Just pick the girl you find the most attractive.
Also Clif gets too much hate
also this

>> No.15989948

I actually like cliff. He reads and recommends a lot of good shit. I just thought it would be funny to use his picture.

>> No.15990122

Just watched Leaf by Leaf for the first time and he just sucks Vollmann's dick wtf

>> No.15990134

Steve Donoghue is literally the modern Samuel Johnson. His personal beiliefs are pretty silly and pompous, but he’s one of the great readers of all time, up there with Bloom, Woolf, and Johnson

>> No.15990155

Just hunt around for old dudes with 5 subscribers talking about books they have enjoyed in their life

>> No.15990168

It's really sad that the best /lit/ youtuber I can think of just dissects Hideo Kojima games.

>> No.15990364

yo i just started watching his videos this week for the first time. i agree partly re: his personal beliefs (he despises proust and joyce) but his strong opinions are refreshing. he mentioned in a video that he averages 150 pages per hour and reads 8-12 hours a day. fuckin respect

>> No.15990385

I hate his generic pop atheist views. He fellates Dawkins and Hitchens, while, you guessed it, dismissing philosophy and theology as ‘nonsense’ because ‘me no see god’. I don’t get that, but he’s a gay Irish Catholic so there’s probably resentment buried in there

>> No.15990405

So Thats why he reads gay erotica?

>> No.15990423

Chad A Haag talks a lot of philosophy and has written quit a few books himself. really good stuff on environmentalism philosophy

>> No.15990716

yeah and why he always "jokes" about teenage bodybuilders

>> No.15990744

This, there’s a ton of old men and ladies sperging out about really niche books they love and it’s great. You can start finding them by combing through Steve Donoghues comment section. And Steve’s great too, a fucking monster of a reader.

>> No.15990854

>he's a gay Irish Catholic
>hear American accent

>> No.15991354

>mutts are sleeping
>actual recommendations instead of commer memes
Imagine my shock

>> No.15991487
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The one that looks like she identifies as he/they

>> No.15991491
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Umm sweaty

>> No.15991494

i know an amazing one but i would never tell /lit/ lest they pile in and leave werid comments about the QT presenter

>> No.15991612

There is this guy called Jonny Keen, kinda looks like Dumbledore. He is a good christian booktuber but he also reads a lot of secular books. I follow him because he practices diary writing as a way to stay accountable to God, just like I do.

>> No.15991661

But what is going on with Deb?

>> No.15991691
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I wouldn't know I only watch reviews for nerdy girls with glasses acting all nerdy

>> No.15991919

>there has to be a couple of them that are halfway decent? right?
Fuck no.

>> No.15992007
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>> No.15992025


>> No.15992038

yeah, his opinion on nonfiction outside of history i completely disregard. it's amazing actually how wide the gap is between him speaking on literature and philosophy. not an ounce of depth there.

>> No.15992078

Cliff reminds me of those Americans in the early 20th century who wholeheartedly went in Europe to find foreign ways of life, culture and themselves. That, even if it starts as a hipster impulse, somewhat heals eternal Anglo and can ultimately become something great.

That openness among Americans, seems to lack nowadays, they've became insular, self-satisfied and parochial. But you cannot blame them, considering the rate of gentrification of everything on the global level and how everyone is basically aping American culture.

>> No.15992081

Literatur ist alles

>> No.15992281

lol I reverse image searched and it said 'boy'

>> No.15992304

Really? All I see is an American desperately attempting to grasp the European spirit and ultimately failing, retaining all the materialism and vanity thinly veiled by a faux-intellectualism.

>> No.15992313

>gay Catholic
a larper, then.

>> No.15992352

Yeah, his views about philosophy are kinda confusing to me. He says it's all nonsense, yet he has also said that he likes Plato, Augustine, Hume, and recently he said he was enjoying a book on Hegel. Maybe he just be trollin.

>> No.15992366

I watched a few of his videos and he doesn't seem to talk about the content of the books. Mostly talks about Penguin Classics as an institution and a bit about the author's life and the receptions of his work. I don't think he mentioned a single character by name or quoted a line of poetry in any of the videos I watched. Does he do so in other videos?

>> No.15992370

based coomer

>> No.15992379
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>> No.15992526

he doesn't. he's just an old faggoty boomer with a hoarding problem and too much time on his hands. he orders books incessantly and does generic unboxing videos where he drops a line or two about whatever books he bought. he's undeservedly smug, pretentious, and worst of all he thinks he's funny.

>> No.15992551

her smile makes me more glad and serene than the any book could

>> No.15992561

He doesn't usually go into much detail on his daily penguin series, but that's to be expected considering it's not a book review, but a continuation of his bookshelf tour. His more in depth discussions are dispersed in read alongs, written reviews, and random videos.

>> No.15992568

Lmao, no. He barely orders any books, he is sent them by publishers because he is a professional reviewer. Seethe harder.

>> No.15992572

who? dissections of Kojima sound pretty kino desu

>> No.15992579

Recommend one video

Who does he write for?

>> No.15993205

Yeah I miss the plot on that as well. Is it just a joke because he’s gay and it’s really just some old Boston society cunt he hangs out with? I really doubt he has teenage bodybuilders following him around. Deb is just a friend of his. He is an old school gay guy, like Baldwin or Vidal, who actively hates feminity instead of embracing it like modern flamboyant gays do

>> No.15993228

Yeah it’s actually depressing. He’s a fantastic reader of fiction and biography, but his appraisals of history and humanistic thought is garbage.
>unironically would rather read a gay regency romance novel than any work of philosophy or theology
>unironically believes the Victorian era, with frigid historical paintings and convoluted, melodramatic 1000 page comic novels, is the greatest period of human creative achievement ever
>unironicallly called Hillary Clinton ‘the most qualified politician in American history’

I love him all the same though

>> No.15993242

Various pubs. I’ve seen his reviews on the back of a few modern scholarly histories I’ve read.

>> No.15993253

He reads only like 5% of what he buys, though, which irritates me.

>> No.15993255

i like cliff

>> No.15993259

Has he study anything at all or is he talking out of his ass?

>> No.15993265
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>> No.15993274
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It kind of fucks with my head how much the Internet has basically reverted to oral culture with YouTube, streaming, and podcasts. Droves of people getting the majority of their information and opinion from droning YouTube videos whose actual content, if written, could be read in fractions of the time it takes these midwits to mumble it out.

But then again, most people in generations past got their information from television or radio. So perhaps the Internet is just regressing to the human mean.

>> No.15993278

Can you show me an example of him being a "fantastic reader of fiction and biography"?

>> No.15993285

Yeah where the hell is she? The videos with her are super cute.

>> No.15993312
File: 362 KB, 500x500, kot kot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really watch booktubers. I checked a paperbackdreams video recently because this board memes her a lot, once I did I honestly hated her immediately, should have figured it's just simps shilling her without good reason. Today I came across a booktuber that I like already, his name is The_Bookchemist and so far I've only watched his review of Foucault's Pendulum and another video where he talks about why his channel is the way it is. He seems pretty good. Does anyone else know him? Links below for anyone who cares.
In the second video he says he's interested in actually generating discussions rather than getting easy attention for controversy, and that he doesn't review certain things if it's not his area of expertise, which I feel at least in principle keeps it real and ensures quality. And apparently he has a PhD in literature. I liked his Foucault's Pendulum review for what it's worth.

>> No.15993320
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>oral culture is bad
someone would like to have a word with you...

>> No.15993359
File: 37 KB, 807x659, Lao Yang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you find out that oral culture doesn't actually means deep throating

>> No.15993396

Love this guy called Jonny Keen, his videos are super comfy and whenever he talks about his life it is super interesting.

>> No.15993611

He has so many videos so idk where you’d find it, but I’m sure he mentions if he went to school or not. He
Got a Boston Jesuit education, so I doubt he just didn’t go to college.

>> No.15993619

His appraisals of fiction and biography is far better and more measured when you actually hear him
Speak about it. He has like 3500 videos, I’ve seen maybe 200 over a 3 year period. Idk where his autism when it comes to religion and philosophy comes from but like I said, he’s a gay repressed Boston Irish ex-Catholic, so that’s probabsky what it is.

>> No.15993641

With regards to religion Steve mentions some books here and there that had a great impact on his for example Paul and the faithfulness of god by N.T.Wright

>> No.15993663

I welcome someone who has the guts to be an atheist in 2020, if that's what he is, and if he dismisses most philosophy for the nonsense it is, all the better, but I still haven't seen one concrete example and so I give up.

>> No.15993694

>I welcome someone who has the guts to be an atheist in 2020, if that's what he is
>and if he dismisses most philosophy for the nonsense it is, all the better,
How can one post be so cringe

>> No.15993880

It doesn’t take guts to an atheist in 2020, but it takes BALLS to be a priest, A Nun and a Rabbi in 2020

>> No.15993952

He’s really solid

>> No.15993967

Yeah that's true, says he is a "book collector", but still reads a lot of books desu