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15987337 No.15987337[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>modernity bad

>> No.15987342
File: 212 KB, 1200x1632, 94C31D17-771D-4346-B361-9DDA29683036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Modernity is terrible

>> No.15987347
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>modernity good

>> No.15987372
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>It's the fault of modernity that I'm a mediocre, masturbation addicted, cowardly, imbecilic and unproductive waste of life

>> No.15987373

>Imagine not using modernity's perks while also being a mysticist fascist and thus having the best of both worlds

>> No.15987438

What are the perks of modernity

>> No.15987450

Comfy living

>> No.15987451
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>he doesn't know

>> No.15987455

Opulence marks the beginning of degeneration

>> No.15987462

Opulence existed before modernity

>> No.15987469

soft times produce soft men, hence trannies

>> No.15987473

But opulence coupled with modernity is far worse than it’s previous appearances

>> No.15987485

The opposite it's true

>> No.15987488

as did degeneration

>> No.15987490

I'm not trusting anyone with those nips lmao

>> No.15987500
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Modernity bad.

>> No.15987502


>> No.15987505

Based and redpilled, one must be able to utilise the advantages of a situation whilst seeing the many faults.
this is unironically true for people who are plebeians of the intellect and soul, they are weak enough that they are entirely defined by the society in which they live

>> No.15987506

>i trust people based on their nipples

>> No.15987520

>the constant fear of losing your middle-class lifestyle and being thrown into the ranks of the paycheck-to-paycheck proles

>> No.15987548

>not being a jew

>> No.15987563

So the poor are poor as a result of circumstance, right?

>> No.15989375

Being imperfectly suited for the world as it is, does not therefore mean you are perfectly suited for the world as it ought to be.

>> No.15989394

This is such an insane and delusional take lmao

>> No.15989399
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no u

>> No.15989454

Would it not always be the case that such individuals would become "enslaved?" Aristotle seemed to think so. I'm personally inclined to believe so.

>> No.15989554

modernity is just alright.

>> No.15989633
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>modernity bad because chakras aren't aligned

>> No.15989688

no, its the fault of modernity that everyone else around me could be described by those characteristics

>> No.15989708
File: 854 KB, 828x1378, beautystandards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont bother, this forum is so closed minded about real human progress, pic related for example

>> No.15989725

those nipples/tits are mesmerizing...

>> No.15989731

better than a white chick's tits

>> No.15991022

What is the "genre" called that guy is in ? I mean, he can't be a bear because he's not hairy, and he has these huge tits. Is he supposed to be bottom or top ?

>> No.15991038

It doesn't, instead it's a positive feedback.

>> No.15991042

its called nonbinary genderqueer 2 spirit bigot

>> No.15991053

xe defies genres

>> No.15991054

Holy fuck I am getting dejavu vibes from this thread again AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.15991065


>> No.15991087

Looks like that beauty standards aren't the only thing that will break.

Also, those nipples look photoshopped.

>> No.15991100

>mysticist fascist
redpill me on this

>> No.15991130

How many trannies are there in third world countries? Do people who have to struggle to make a living contemplate their 'gender identity'?

>> No.15991162

>How many trannies are there in third world countries?
Indian subcontinent have second largest population of transgenders

>> No.15991206

Also in my country(Pakistan) almost 95% trannies are from piss poor backgrounds because middle class and upper class are really conservative in this issue. Due to a strong community system in the country and trans person in the family is a massive "shame" to status of middle/upper class families. Most middle/upper class trannies don't come out because they have the fear of rejection and bringing shame to their families. Lower class trannies don't gain acceptance from their so their families kick them out of their homes. But there is a concept of "Hijra" communities in subcontinent. So in the case of rejection from families the lower class trannies move out and join those communities. Hijra communities(due to the carelessness of government and unacceptance from working places) earn their living by dancing on weddings/brith of children, begging, prostitution, singing, comedy etc.

>> No.15991214

read guenon
read evola

>> No.15991217

clown moment

>> No.15991328

there have been hijra forever as >>15991206 points out, SEA is full of tranny prostitutes, and in second world (relative) shitholes like brazil there are of course many trannies.

but the difference is a lot of them are open about just being AGP perverts or weirdos and sorta view their identity as its own thing whereas twitter trannies are creepy well off white bois who want the world to literally believe in some whacky essential female essence that they share with literal biological vagina-having women. to imply that these privileged narcissists have any solidarity with people like hijra is ridiculous, those poor fuckers are hardcore and act like gypsies, they would gang up on some faggot like charlotte clymer and steal his wallet lole

>> No.15991458

>but the difference is a lot of them are open about just being AGP perverts or weirdos and sorta view their identity as its own thing whereas twitter trannies are creepy well off white bois who want the world to literally believe in some whacky essential female essence that they share with literal biological vagina-having women. to imply that these privileged narcissists have any solidarity with people like hijra is ridiculous, those poor fuckers are hardcore and act like gypsies, they would gang up on some faggot like charlotte clymer and steal his wallet lole
Kek absolutely fucking based
Hijras are very witty, hardcore and way more "open minded" than privileged upper class trannies who are brainwashed by western concept of transgenderism. I have had conversations with Hijras from my town/beggars in cities and most of them are based. And they're not fake pussies either, chopping cock and balls is an essential ritual of Hijra community.
They view themselves as a third gender something which is different from western concept of "transgenderism" but rich liberals vampires are brainwashing them with mutt billion gender bullshite in trans exclusive school.

>> No.15991532

>starving people dont have time to think about gender identity
wtf kind of an argument is this, people in difficult situations like that dont think about art or literature either, because theyre busy trying to survive. does that mean art and literature arent part of human experience?

>> No.15991546

>my country(Pakistan)

>> No.15991608

Eat shit a*glo fucking scum

>> No.15991810

no. racism. on. /lit/.

wear the fucking mask.

>> No.15991850

>implying there is a such thing as "true" self

>> No.15991863


>> No.15991937
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>> No.15991952

shut up nigger

>> No.15991971

Bro just like use your res cogitans bro, it's free from any embeddedness in worldlihood or materiality bro, it's an INDIVIDUAL res cogitans bro, you can just use it for better things bro, it's supremely USEFUL bro

>> No.15991980

And you prefer that the man who is inside you is hard, yes?

>> No.15991993


>> No.15992448

Holy based