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15987099 No.15987099 [Reply] [Original]

Scored this one today. Looking forward to it

>> No.15987114

america? class? we made it up

>> No.15987130


Lmao fucking kikes

>> No.15987170

Why do lefties try and spam this board?
No matter how many times you post Marx, or White fragility, or this shit, I'll still believe trannies to be mentally ill and blacks to be inept

>> No.15987699
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>White Trash

>> No.15988009

Imagine if someone wanted to publish book "Porch Monkeys".

>> No.15988018

>white trash
>white fragility
is this what they call a dog whistle

>> No.15988070

It's always funny when some soifaggot calls someone white trash.

The only reply worth giving is thank you.

>> No.15988077

because being white trash is always better than being a nigger.

>> No.15988129

are you guys actually retarded?

>> No.15988130

whitepilled nerd can't take facts, huh?

>> No.15988141

is the rest of (you)r tantrum coming in a later post?

>> No.15988154
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>untold history of Class in America

She must have missed just about all of the well-known, very commonly cited American intellectuals of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

>> No.15988163

uhhhhh are you aware that's a woman's name breh

>> No.15988168
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>> No.15988172

By Nosey Kikenberg

I'm sure it'll be unbiased, accurate, and overall healthy for your mind.

>> No.15988180
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Do you frequently wear skinny jeans and call people white trash?

>> No.15988207

Are you guys missing the fact that the title highlights how "white trash" is an acceptable slur due to how identity politics have eclipsed economic analysis and how classism is systematically downplayed?

>> No.15988218

But I'm not talking about the book or thread. I'm just speaking about the term white trash. Can you not read my post? Where did I talk about the book at all? Are you missing your brain?

>> No.15988235

>Are you guys missing the fact that the title highlights how "white trash" is an acceptable slur
i read this book years ago and it's actually an indictment on the liberal elite. bretty good history on US class politics

>> No.15988303


>> No.15988403
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>> No.15988438

are you a fucking moron? stop shotgun quoting people and marinate on your thoughts a bit before posting

>> No.15988529

it's alright. i had to read it for class like 4 years ago and i used it to write an essay about how trump won because shillary ignored the white workin class.

>> No.15988660

desu you are probably a socialist and don't know it because libs have succeeded in convincing people that socialism is about sucking off trannies and capitalizing Black

>> No.15988668

Why does everyone make so much of "muh white working class voted for Trump" when it was like, a few tens of thousands of people in Michigan and Pennsylvania above the usual rate? The same dumb Germans and Swedes are going to mass vote for Biden in this election because of "Trump's racism is unacceptable! Just give me Obama back."

>> No.15988695

drones repeat things they heard pundit say

>> No.15988732

His polling among white voters has tanked since the George Floyd incident lel.
>"Please Jamal, burn down more of our cities. I understand you. You're hurting right now. And that's okay. You need space to destroy. It's restorative destruction. This is just part of the necessary national mourning effort. I'll do my part by rebuking Drumpf's racism in November at the polls!"
A pathetic people that deserve what they get.

>> No.15988782

polls are just another aspect of punditry imo, its all fake shit

>> No.15989108

True, but I see it among people I knew from University on a day-to-day basis who interact with approximately zero blacks yet spend all day crying about racism on their social media. It's obviously radicalized college whites.

>> No.15989779
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You are correct that most retards on this site confuse identity politics, and specifically critical (gender, race, whiteness, whatever) theory with actual socialism. However, the fundamental issue with actual socialism is it's utopian and the we're a species of narcisstic chimps and most intelligent, moral people (the ones vulnerable to marxism in the west) fail to understand just how fucking stupid and greedy the other chimps are. Socialism is the worst of the meme ideologies because not one incarnation has actually achieved a workers utopia despite dozens of successful revolutions. I actually like you anti-idpol socialists because as I said earlier, you tend to be good people so take what I say next seriously. The final political redpill is eco-fascism, any time devoted to other ideologies is a waste of the limited time we have to ensure the long term survival of the human species.

>> No.15989832

>The final political redpill is eco-fascism,
Oh please, I could just as easily say the final redpill is dying. Nature gets everyone, who needs an ecofascist?

>> No.15989915

provably because historically those that like sucking off trannies and capitalizing Black also have a tendency to go socialist. correlation does not imply causation and all. anti-traditionalists often go rhat route anyways. its not a new thing conflating the social faggot with the socialist, because it is in part often true.

>> No.15990031

What book?

>> No.15990038

anti-natalism now

too bad all the anti-natalists killed themselves before writing their opus that would finally convince everyone

>> No.15990666

wow this is a mess. you all have made quite a mess here.

>> No.15991469

Pee pee poo poo

>> No.15991560

>omg it's in a good way

Jews should NEVER talk about white people, ever.