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1598674 No.1598674 [Reply] [Original]

>A Dance With Dragons will be published on July 12.

>> No.1598678

not literature

>> No.1598679
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>> No.1598685
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hory shit, its actually true. I actually believe it this time.

>> No.1598689

Couldn't they choose a different mythological beast for their titles?

>> No.1598694

I no longer believe it will ever be published. I'm too afraid to be hurt again ;_;

>> No.1598711

Martin is a neckbeard who writes for other neckbeards.

The first poster was right. He doesn't write literature. He writes books. Books for neckbeards.

>> No.1598716

This is like Y2K and 2012. Everyone thinks it'll happen, and they keep saying when, but it never really happens

>> No.1598727
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define literature for me?

also i hope everyone who does read this series (i do not) quits 4chan for a while, at least until they finish reading it, because there's just gonna be troll spoiler threads without spoiler tags and you all know it.

>> No.1598730

A Song of Ice and Fire is not nearly pretentious enough to be considered literature.

>> No.1598736

It's as pretentious as Fantasy can get.

>> No.1598739

Literature is writing so well crafted and universally applicable that it transcends mere words on a page. Or, at least, it transcends fat neckbeards reveling in an hero fighting dragons and shit because they don't want to think about their job at Dollar General or the fact that they dropped out of college on their freshman year.

>> No.1598744


>> No.1598758

2 chapters left, according to George...
2 months ago

how long does it take to write a fucking chapter? half the book was already written when the last one came out

this will be another Robert Jordan scenario... Martin might as well start sending Sanderson his notes.

>> No.1598763

This series started out well, but AFFC was a trainwreck and ADWD is billed as its companion. Logically, it was suck just as hard.

>> No.1598766
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pic related

mfw the comments
>TyrionThu 03/03/11 8:58 AM
July 12 of what year!!!???

>> No.1598768

now everything will be tainted by HBO
only reason he finished is because of the show

>> No.1598771


>> No.1598772

gotta reread the series by then to try to remember wtf is going on

>> No.1598773

It says 2011 on his site . . .

>> No.1598774
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Holy shit, I work at Dollar General and I dropped out as a freshman in college. What the fuck is going on?

>> No.1598777

Will not believe a word of that until it is on the shelf.

>> No.1598779

>so well crafted and universally applicable

You assert absolute standards of aesthetics and value, and you're complaining about people who read fantasy fiction?

>> No.1598787


>> No.1598790


>Complaining about an author taking his time to put quality into a book

Whatever /lit/ says, it's still the best fantasy series of all time.


>> No.1598793

>Whatever /lit/ says, it's still the best fantasy series of all time.

In your wildest dreams.

>> No.1598799

So glad it's an international release. Euro's got the previous 4 first.

>> No.1598815

The last two chapters are just going to be pictures of the cast from the HBO series and you all know it.

>> No.1598818
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I don't really give a shit what /lit/ says.
I love /lit/core, I love literature, but I also fucking love this series. Its fun and awsome and an absolute joy to read.
Brb, going to dance around since the book is actually being released. The next months will be spent in preparation.

>> No.1598824


I need to start a nice, slow re-read. And start working on my midnight launch costume :3

>> No.1598841
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fuck i have been waiting for this!

>> No.1598843

Oh my god, I just involuntarily made a squee noise that I didn't even know I could make.

Now, do I preorder or do I try to make a midnight release? I think the local Borders is closing and the the next nearest bookstore is a B&N that's 30 minutes away. Or I could buy the ebook first and then pick up a hard copy later... So many things to decide!

I don't think I've been this excited for a release of something in a long time.

>> No.1598846

I know! Like, I'm honestly sort of shocked that it's actually going to come out, I had more or less just accepted that we had all the ASOIAF there would ever be. SO EXCITED RIGHT NOW.

>> No.1598847
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>the publisher estimates the hardcover edition will run more than 900 pages
>I can say all the characters people have been waiting for are there: Daenerys, Jon Snow, and Tyrion. There’s also new characters, and viewpoints from characters who did not have viewpoints before.

>> No.1598865

Posting to revel with my fellow anons.

>> No.1598869

I really hope there are a lot of ASOIAF fans in my area. I want a great launch party.

>> No.1598870

AFFC had the worst characters in the series during it. No Tyrion, Jon Snow, or Dany. If ADWD truly is the other half of book four like it was supposed to be we'll be having them on hyperdrive.

>> No.1598874

I haven't even read the series, but I'm still excited. It's great to see it finally being released. Fist bump, fellow neckbeards.

>> No.1598876
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I'm not sure I have enough jizz to properly express my joy. But I will try.

>> No.1598877



>> No.1598881
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>implying jon snow and dany are good characters

>> No.1598883

Jon is awesome as hell, Dany is a pretty cool dude

>> No.1598884

They are enjoyable to read about. I don't know what constitutes a "good character" in your mind, but that's good enough for me.

>> No.1598888

I've been waiting for this day literally for years.

Looks like I'm pre-ordering with my next paycheck.

>> No.1598905


ehs gets wet for blue mustachioed dudes and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.1598918
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>more pretentious than The Book of the New Sun

>> No.1598920


Well they're both horrible faggots, but they're fun to read and Jon at least is looking like he might turn into an interesting character.

>> No.1598923

It's about fucking time!

>> No.1598929
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told you id get around to it.

well, see you in another decade. ive got some myrish swamps to explore.

>> No.1598930 [DELETED] 


Jon's chapters will have the added awesomeness that is Stannis Baratheon, first of his name, King of the Rhoynar, the Andals, and the Seven Kingdoms, the one true king.

>> No.1598932

that's pretty cool
but then again, there's 2 more books for him to finish

>> No.1598934


Jon's chapters will have the added awesomeness that is Stannis Baratheon, first of his name, King of the Rhoynar, the Andals,and the first men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, the one true king.

>> No.1598935

So after all this time and reorganization, he's surely written plenty of The Winds of Winter as well, right?


>> No.1598937
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>supporting Stannis

>> No.1598940


Fuck Stannis, I want more Melisandre.

>> No.1598941

Stannis is allright, but doesn't have a heir. that daughter of his is as useful as Robert Arryn.

>> No.1598945

>implying Dany isn't the monarch.

>> No.1598951
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Oh shit, nigga just snapped!

>> No.1598960

This thread is going to turn into a flamewar over who deserves the Iron Throne. Please, let it die now.

>> No.1598967


yeah, its obviously Dany. shes a direct descendant of the actual royal family. no usurpers in between. also, dragons. no one else even really has a case.

>> No.1598973

Jon, his claim is better.

>> No.1598978


>implying jon and dany wont become fuck buddies

>> No.1598985


forswore his claim to go stand on the edge of the world forever.

>> No.1598986

Why does everybody ingones the fact that he's a brother of the Night's Watch now? Even in-universe characters like Robb, when he proclaims Jon as his heir. That's stupid.

>> No.1598987


maybe because he doesn't know who his mom was? Maybe your oaths don't matter if you didn't know you who you really were when you made them.

Also, nobody but the Watch cares about the Watch anymore in the story. It's a relic.

>> No.1598997

>Maybe your oaths don't matter if you didn't know you who you really were when you made them.
well that's unlikely and just childish.

anyway Jon himself is a hardcore Stark and cares for the Watch, so he'll stay there unless the Wall falls

>> No.1598998

Exactly ,
which means that JON cares.
Have you known him to wriggle out of oaths much?

He -will- be out of the position of lord commander eventually though, what with Mormont still alive and kicking somewhere.

>> No.1599000


The North acknowledged Robb as their king at the time when he named Jon his heir. Kings can release members of the Night Watch from their vows and make bastards legitimate heirs.

If Robb's wishes are accepted as a king's word, or if Stannis releases Jon from his vows/declares him legitimate as he has offered to do.. then Jon could be the kingliest king there is, if he takes up the offer. He's very strongly hinted to be Rhaegar's son, which if declared legitimate heir, beats Dany's claim. On Lyanna's side of the family, King Bob himself said that Ned Stark could have taken the Iron Throne after the rebellion, because his claim was as good as the Baratheon's claim. And on top of that, Robb was acknowledged King of the North when he named Jon his heir.

I hope he doesn't take it up, but his claim could be the strongest. Or maybe Melisandre will find out and burn him to get rid of the wights, that could happen too.

>> No.1599003


Fuck that. It's called a song of fire and ice for a damned reason.

Jon and Dany hook up and they take the Iron Throne. Have awesome sex with frequent MFF threesomes.

Then they both get murdered by Arya or somebody. And well all tear our eyes out.

>> No.1599005

Dany can't have children. If the two marry, the won't have a proper heir and the kingdom would once again engulf in a civil war.

>> No.1599006

Sansa or Margaery will be the queen of Westeros after Cersei is done with, it is known. There's some chance that the one of them who ends up on the throne won't be replaced by Dany either.

>> No.1599007

I think it's quite clear to everyone that the White Walkers will destroy the wall and take Westeros. And the entire world will be saved by SAM THE FUCKING SLAYER, so he'll be the TRUE heir.

>> No.1599008

I don't think Jon will take the throne (don't know that Dany will either) but I do think the fact that he's a secret Targ will be pretty freaking important. It's important to keep in mind that we have no idea what the political situation in Westeros is going to look like at the end of the series - will there even be a Wall? We don't know. I've also seen some speculation about the possible survival of one of the other Targs, I think Aegon, the baby heir to Rhaegar. So we don't know what's up with that.

In terms of who has the best claim out of the known claimants, that would seem to be indisputably Dany - as the daughter of the last monarch she would probably have precedence over the bastard grandson of the same monarch (that is, she would have precedence over her nephew) presuming that Targ inheritance law allows the accession of female claimants. Of course, claims under the law have less import than political reality on the ground, and the Iron Throne will go to whoever can claim it.

Also, it seems likely to me that Melisandre and Azor Ahai are not actually good, they're the dualistic opposite of the cold ones while ultimately being just as bad as them.

>> No.1599009


I didn't say they have kids. They're both Targaryens, why doesn't their marriage create the ultimate ruling class? They're gonna destroy any Lannister/Barentheon spawn and re-take it. I swear.

>> No.1599011

>It's called a song of fire and ice for a damned reason.

And that reason is not Jon and Dany hooking up! Jon is not 'ice' to Dany's 'fire', he is both 'ice' and 'fire' on his own.

>> No.1599012

Stannis isn't really Azor Ahai. His sword only shines, it doesn't give off heat. That old Targ at the Wall said it before he died. Azor is actually Thoros, dur.

>> No.1599013

That goes here >>1599008

>> No.1599014

lol. yeah obviously Falsesword (and thus false priestess) but I take that to be more "Lord of Light, not a good guy" than "no the real Azor Ahai is Jon". ALTHOUGH MAYBE

>> No.1599015


but doesn't Thoros have to actually light his sword on fire...and it gets destroyed every time he does it.

>> No.1599016

Tyrion is son of Aerys

>> No.1599018

That was before all the shit went down, before he brought Dondarrion back from the dead with the kiss of life. It might have been Dondarrion that lit his on fire by just cutting his hand, but it might have been Thoros, and if not he can probably do it anyway.

>> No.1599024


>will there even be a Wall?

Good point. It seems pretty certain that the Wall is going to come down, and then the wights are going to flood across the country. If they somehow destroy the wights for good, there's no real reason to put the Wall back up or reinstate the Night Watch. Jon has met the wildlings and realised they're fairly harmless and can be reasoned with- they're certainly not the original reason someone set up a 700ft wall and permanent 24/7 guard.

>> No.1599027

The wildlings have already been given a pardon and land in the Gift by Stannis, so it's clearly wights that remain the problem.

>> No.1599031

People that can be Azor Ahai:
Dany with the Lightbringer being her dragons or Dany with the Lightbringer being an actual sword that is not created yet.
Brienne, Jaime or someone else who will wield Oathkeeper, because Lightbringer is "the red sword of heroes" and Oathkeeper is the only actual red sword in the series, plus in Jaime's magical dream he saw his and Brienne's swords shining with white light in the darkness.
One of the Daynes with Lightbringer being Dawn. Dawn is white and he doesn't give off heat either, but it's legendary and shines with white light.
Someone else I'm forgetting?

>> No.1599037
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>implying Stannis isn't the king Westeros needs.

>> No.1599041

I forgot the name of the knight who left Westeros for Dany, but I wouldn't put it past him.

>> No.1599042


>> No.1599043

Instead of pardoning people, he would just fucking murder EVERYONE for treason. Westeros would be empty if Stannis was king.

>> No.1599044

wow. the people at /tv/ and /v/ said that /lit/ was filled with a bunch of pretentious douchebags who just finished English 101 and Philosophy 101 and think they're special, but I haven't seen this much stupidity since the letters pages of Sandman back in the day when the college feminism brigade first pronounced neil gaiman king-of-all-faeries or whatever.

either that, or you guys are just a smarter set of trolls because you read.

which is it?

>> No.1599046

I'd say a majority are legitimately this interested in Ice and Fire, but a few are certainly trolling.

>> No.1599047

As much as I want to see Tyrion and Sansa as monarchs of Westeros, and as much as I see the evidence for this, there's one thing that really makes me doubt it - if Tyrion is Aegon, then why does Tywin hate him so much?

There is no real Azor Ahai, I'm telling you. The Lord of Light is an asshole. Melisandre is his priestess and she faked the sword business, what does that tell you.

>> No.1599049
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>implying Westeros isn't full of treasonous scum who should be dealt with

>> No.1599050

Who is Thoros again? I remember Dondarion.

>> No.1599051

What are you even talking about? Who's trolling here? Does talking about GRRM make us pretentious dicks I do not understand you man

>> No.1599052

I'm not sure what you're talking about. People that are coming to Dany are Victarion Greyjoy, Quentyn Martell, Aurane Waters, Marwyn or whatever his name is and Tyrion. None of them are knights.

>> No.1599056

Myrish red priest who fought in the melee with a sword doused in wildfire. He won the melee. He revived Dondarrion with the firey kiss of life or some shit.

>> No.1599061


Someone that Thoros brings back from the dead, maybe? When Dondarrion fights Sandor, he runs his hand along the blade of his sword and it catches fire. It's definitely real fire, because Sandor is burned by it. Dondarrion seems to be dead for good now and Caetlyn replaced him, but she's probably not going to start waving flaming swords around. Still, another character could die and be brought back by Thoros.

>> No.1599062

I'm most excited about Dany being the horny little bitch she is and whoring herself out to all of


>> No.1599065

The priest who soaked his sword in Wildfire. Worships the Lord of Light. Received magical powers after the dragons were born.

>> No.1599067

Thoros can only do it once, he told Dondarrion that. That's why he couldn't bring back Catelyn and Dondarrion had to give up his "life" to save her.

>> No.1599070


me again. liking GRRM is normal. saying shit like "its not literature" "he writes for neckbeards" and ">>1598739 Literature is writing so well crafted and universally applicable that it transcends mere words on a page. Or, at least, it transcends fat neckbeards reveling in an hero fighting dragons and shit because they don't want to think about their job at Dollar General or the fact that they dropped out of college on their freshman year.

is pretentious.


>> No.1599074

oh yeah ignore those people, it's just lowlevel background trolling

>> No.1599076

>implying Bronn won't troll his way to the throne in the end

Started off as a sellsword, ended up a lord. Like a boss.

>> No.1599077

I agree that most of them are treasonous faggots, but what's the point in being king if everyone is dead?

>> No.1599080

Haha. Tyrion can't be Aegon, silly, the theory is that he Aerys' child because Aerys raped Joanna. And Tywin hates him because his beloved died giving birth to him, and he's very prideful while Tyrion's misshapen and misbehaved and therefore embarasses Tywin and his house.

People who think Sansa and Tyrion could ever get together are delusional. She doesn't hate him, but she could never love him and you can bet your ass that if she sees the new high septon, she will ask for their marriage to be annuled as it wasn't consummated and she was forced into it.

>> No.1599082

>if Tyrion is Aegon
what? I meant that, Tyrion is a bastard of Aerys and Joanna, what does Aegon have to do with that?

>> No.1599084

I desperately tried to think of a reason this couldn't happen. I couldn't. The prophecy shall be fulfilled.

>> No.1599085

I'm still hoping for Melisandre vs Aeron, the Drowned God priest. She tries to burn him, he tries to drown her, ends in WHAARGARRRRBLLL.

>> No.1599087


I think he's talking about Barristan Selmy. Or Arstan Whitebeard or w/e.

He was Kingsguard, I believe. Now he's chillin' with Dany, even though she's trying to get him killed for lying to her.

>> No.1599088

Sansa will marry Littlefinger, and they will inherit the Iron Throne.

>> No.1599089
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>Let him be king over charred bones and cooked meat. Let him be the king of ashes.

>implying it wasn't prophesied that a Baratheon would rule over a dead Westeros

>> No.1599092

That was who I was talking about, couldn't think of his name though. Barristan the Bold.

>> No.1599095

The Drowned God is the best diety in the books. It pretty much constitutes an underwater valhalla, and that's just great.

>> No.1599098

Ah, I see. I think he's cool but not a likely candidate for Azor Ahai. Dany is much more possible.

>> No.1599106

Nah, that's Littlefinger's plan, but things have been working out too well for him all along. I do believe that the young pretty queen meant to topple Cersei will be Sansa however. George only wants us to believe it will be Dany.

>> No.1599109

You kind of just blew my mind.

>> No.1599114

How could you doubt Littlefinger? He's set up like everything that's been going on this entire time, he will reign.

>> No.1599120

All I want in life is to fuck Dany and one of her maids. For the rest of my life. Is that too much to ask? IS IT?

>> No.1599126

That's the point. George has set him up as the ultimate just as planned character, and now he will pull the rug up from under his feet.

>> No.1599128

Do you think the bitch they have playing her for HBO will get naked on the show? I'm praying for it.

>> No.1599131

I get your point but I have faith.

>> No.1599132

Didn't they pussy out and make the character 16? How hard is it to get an 18 year old actress who could pass for 13 and run with it?

>> No.1599133

I hope not, that'd be bullshit. I read about titties, I wanna see 'em.

>> No.1599138

My problem with it is that she's supposed to be too young to remember what happened during Robert's rebellion. Making the character older would only work if you fucked with the entire timeline of events.

>> No.1599141

You mean like they changed the story to make her a sixteen year old, or just got a sixteen year old actor?

>> No.1599144
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>Mfw Tommen rules with Ser Pounce by his side

>> No.1599149

I don't know if 16 is the right number, but I heard in original drafts they were making the character herself older so audiences wouldn't be uncomfortable with the sex scenes.

>> No.1599151

Well, surprise surprise, they did fuck with the timeline. They aged up all characters, not just Dany and the stark children.

>> No.1599153


I'm actually kinda surprised anybody was willing to produce it on film. So much incest and pedophilia. I understand that such activities are actually historically accurate...but still. Given the relatively prudish nature of most of Hollywood, I'm interested to see how much of the sex and sex-related problems they cut out of the story.

>> No.1599157


>> No.1599158


Sex sells. Especially on HBO.

>> No.1599159

Most of it, probably.

>> No.1599161
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>Jamie pushed away
>Joffrey dead
>Lord Tywin dead
>Myrcella fucked up for life
>Tommen seduced by the Tyrells
>mfw Cersei dies completely alone and hated by everyone

>> No.1599162

Do ages even matter? I imagined Dany as 15-18, because well, I'm not a pedo. They're hardly ever mentioned so the readers can interrupt them as they please.

>> No.1599165


Even incest? I have my doubts. Also, I'm kinda retarded so who knows.

Anybody know if they're going to include Tyrion's whore girl? I can't remember her name. That shit was hot.

If GRRM can somehow get her and Dany to fuck, he'll be my ultimate hero.

>> No.1599167
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>I fap to a 13 year old and pretend she's older so I'm not a pedo

>> No.1599170
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>mfw the Faith Militant will kill Tommen and put the High Sparrow on the throne

>> No.1599171
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>mfw Cersei accidentaly gets both killed by Frankengregor in ADWD

>> No.1599172

>hardly mentioned

nope. I'm not a pedo either but I wasn't a faggot and disregarded what took place in the book. Did you age up Aegon to 18 years old because you think its wrong to kill babies? Fag.

>> No.1599174

GRRM has said basically that he always meant to do a time jump and age up the characters; it just didn't work out that way. So in some regard them aging the characters is more in line with his vision.

>> No.1599177


Nah, the creepy maester and whatever un-dead monster he's been working on will save Cersei I believe.

>> No.1599178

>Anybody know if they're going to include Tyrion's whore girl?

I would rage if they didn't. The scene where he kills her is one of the best in the books.

>> No.1599179

>the creepy maester
The best character in the entire series.

>> No.1599180


Derr. I totally forgot he killed her. She was too hot to die, apparently in my mind.

>> No.1599182

You better be talking about Shae and not Tysha.

>> No.1599184


You don't watch a lot of HBO.

Sex has been a selling point a lot these days. Those vampire shows (vampire diaries or true blood, I don't know since I don't watch them) has full on softcore pornography scenes, the Tudors has kings being jacked off by little boys, Rome was RAPERAPERAPE.

>> No.1599188

Excuse me I think there was a technical error. The best character is Dolorous Edd. Hth.

>> No.1599189

He's talking about Shae.

>> No.1599190


They weren't supposed to age in Game though. That was supposed to happen between SoS and Dance.

>> No.1599194

I'm hoping that Sansa pushes Littlefinger and Sweetrobin off a steep cliff

>> No.1599195


That isn't how you spell Hodor.

>> No.1599196

Oh, sorry, you're right. Edd is the best.

>> No.1599197

I'm not saying she's going to die in King's Landing, but when she does die I doubt she will have many mourners.

>> No.1599199

I can't wait for Sansa to be forced to breastfeed sweetrobin and then get raped.

>> No.1599200

Sweetrobin sure, but Littlefinger is an awesome character, easily the best villain in the series, and I'd be sad to see him go out like a punk.

>> No.1599201

Hodor: Future King of Westeros.

>> No.1599202

Oh GOD yes. GRRM should give Edd his own book.

>> No.1599203


Sansa isn't there yet, and I'd be surprised if her character ever reached that point. Really hope Winds of Winter takes the littlefinger and Sansa storyline and expands it into something great.

>> No.1599205


actually...all the kids ages are given when theyre first introduced, so that they DO stick with you right away rather than you forming an opinion and then being told otherwise.

also, the ages do matter storywise.
arya has to be able to pass for a boy.
sansa's first period is a plot point (that hbo will have no choice but to ignore looking at the actress)
and the way other characters treat dany and jon and rob only makes sense if theyre 14 not 16 or 18.

the adults were somehow aged up more so they have it even worse. robert is the eldest heir of house baratheon. in the books he has no legitimate heir until he marries cersei in his early 20s. the adult actors are about 10-20 years older than their roles. even if you say that people didnt age as well in Westeros, Robert being wifeless and childless that long changes things. and so on and so on

Meh. Either way. doesn't matter. I still expect the show to be really good. The guys in charge seem to know what theyre doing and will make the timeline changes work.

>> No.1599206

>the Tudors has kings being jacked off by little boys

Lies. Or maybe I just didn't get to this part yet.

But I agree with the overall message. 'Even incest'? Ha, anon must have not heard about the Borgias or Camelot that are also coming out in April. There will be an overload of incest and incest subtext.

>> No.1599207

Same, Littlefinger has the brightest future. Considering he's a fucking mastermind.

>> No.1599208

Last time we heard about Winds he was 400 pages in. It'll probably come out to coincide with season two of the HBO show. Any idea when that will be?

>> No.1599211

It takes him ten years to finish Dance, and you think he'll live long enough to finish Winds?

>> No.1599214

Yeah, the age matters a lot less than the performance and directing and all that stuff.

Also, you make a good point with Jon in particular. Because he's not 14, he's 12. Because he's a Secret Targ.

Presuming there is a second season, it would come out next year, right? Given GRRM, that would be miraculous.

>> No.1599216

Sometime next year maybe? HBO usually releases a season every year unless they hit issues in production.

>> No.1599217


Season two will air this time next year. No way Winds is released by then. Maybe with season. Finishing dance will probably give GRRM some new confidence, and the tv series will surely push him.

>> No.1599219


Considering in those years he wrote Dance, split it up and wrote Feast, worked on Dance again, cut half of it to put into Winds and finished Dance again, I'm pretty optimistic.

>> No.1599220


Should be "maybe with season 3*"

>> No.1599224

He already has a lot of Wind written apparently, and I think the delay with Dragons has a lot to do with him having writing block, particularly with a couple specific scenes. So I have hope.

>> No.1599225

MFW I'm the non-HBO anon here. I didn't even have "real" TV until a year ago.

Standard DirecTV pacakge-fag here.

>> No.1599228

He released Storm one year after Kings, and Storm is the longest book in the series. Dance was SUPPOSED to be finished a year after Crows since they take place at the same time. Martin does not have a reputation for putting his books out late, he has a reputation for putting them out inconsistently.

>> No.1599234


>Implying 70% won't watch the Streambro stream or download it an hour after it airs

>> No.1599235

>implying you have to watch it on television
You realize that you're on the internet right now, and the internet has everything ever?

>> No.1599238


>> No.1599241

>implying the internet has the future

If you were right I'd be watching it right now.

>> No.1599242


I've never cared enough about any non-network TV to try to go DL any of it. Except now that Netflix doesn't have Seasons 3+ of Dexter available I may start caring.

Same goes for AGOT if people say it's good.

>> No.1599243

>poor trolling

>> No.1599254

Littlefinger is set up as a ridiculous "just as planned" character, GRRM will have Sansa backstab him

>> No.1599259

What are the odds of Sandor making an appearance in Dance?

I'm talking about it with a friend right now, and he's just about convinced me that Sandor's not dead (and it makes perfect sense). So now I'm sincerely hoping for him to pop up again. He was one of my favorite characters, especially after all he did for Arya.

>> No.1599260

Someone watched him die, and buried him. It's very unlikely at this point.

>> No.1599266

Are these books really so great? These threads are almost omnipresent and the amount of replies they get is huge.

>> No.1599267

Sandor isn't dead. He was the guy on the island with the monks. This was blatantly obvious. I don't remember the details of the sequence like who visited the island but there was an island with monks, and they were like "oh there's this mysterious stranger who doesn't talk and also this warhorse" and it was blatantly Sandor. He's alive but I think his storyline is done. The monk who says he buried him didn't.

>> No.1599269

That guy lied. He nursed Sandor back to health. The Hound is dead because Sandor is peaceful now. How did you miss this. You probably think Ned is Jon's daddy.

They're really good if you like fantasy.

>> No.1599270

I need to reread the books, I don't remember shit.

>> No.1599275


Same here. And now we only have 4.5 months to read them. Better get going!

>> No.1599280

The reason for that is that the books are filled with massive amounts of content on each page. Naturally, this means there's a lot to be discussed. Whether or not said content is any good, that depends entirely on the reader.

>> No.1599284

You mean like kill her friend and traumatize her by not taking her to her brother and mother while they were still alive in Riverrrun/on the trip to Twins and only getting her to them when they were being slaughtered and having her kill someone and telling her he wished he had raped her sister and then ripped her heart out? Yeah, that makes perfect sense.

I hope he stays on that fucking island and doesn't appear again or kills Ungregor and dies for good.

>> No.1599285


There's like over 9000 characters and each one is "important" and most of them are interesting. There's a lot to discuss.

>> No.1599286

By not letting her go with Robb and Catelyn he inadvertently saved her life. So, you're stupid.

>> No.1599288


I may be stupid or just can`t remember - but where is it ever implied that Jon Snow is a Targaryen? I always thought Eddard Stark fucked Ashara Dayne (who later offed herself) when he was off campaigning with Robert. Also there was one scene with that other Dayne boy where Jons origins are hinted at.

>> No.1599291

Unintentionally, though. Unintended consequence. Sandor is a great character and his redemption storyline is fascinating. But he's also a Bad Bad Man, he's vicious - and the amount of water that people are willing to carry for him is astounding. Like, the very existence of Sansa/Sandor shippers... *shudder*

>> No.1599292

Also, Eddard gets fucking pissed when Catelyn brings up the Dayne womans name. Which lends credence to Jon not being Targ.

>> No.1599294

I know it wasn't on purpose, but looking at it like it's a bad thing is kind of retarded.

>> No.1599297

>read the spoiler ADWD chapters on asoiaf.westeros.com
>check ADWD info thread to see what were the PoVs for the book
>see mention of new blog post
>check blog
2011 confirmed for year of all years
shitloads of videogames, katawa shoujo, GoT TV show and ADWD

>> No.1599299

Yes that's what happened

Remember when Rhaegar 'kidnapped' Lyanna, Ned's sister? Remember how he took her off to the tower of Joy? Remember how everyone assumed it was a brutal evil kidnapping? Remember how he had made her the Queen of Love and Beauty instead of his wife? Remember how everyone in the fucking world except Robert thinks Rhaegar was a great, great guy?

The general fan theory is that Rhaegar and Lyanna were totally in love and ran off together, then Lyanna had a kid with him, then died, then Rhaegar was killed in the rebellion, and Ned took the kid in and raised him as a bastard - Jon Snow. There's a ton of evidence for it and it's remarkably well-supported. Look it up.

>> No.1599300

It's because the world is going to end in 2012. They're making this year rule.

>> No.1599301


Slightly unrelated but I always get slight shivers when Ser Arthur Dayne is mentioned. Most awesome character in the whole series.

>> No.1599302

Reminds me of the people who try to discredit Theon saving Bran's life and agree with the scolding Robb gave him.

>> No.1599304

Haha. By not letting her go to Robb and Catelyn he robbed her of her last chance to see them alive. She wouldn't have died at the Twins in any case, because she was promised to Bolton. He would prefer real Arya to a fake one so if she came to the Twins with her family, he would ensure that his precious Stark bride wasn't killed with the rest of them. You're overstating Clegane's achievements.

>> No.1599306

You know you're awesome when Jaime Lannister is your fanboy.

>> No.1599311

>implying Bolton had anything to do with the Twins killings

>> No.1599314

He protects her, and in his own way, I think he cared about what happened to her. After Robb and Catelyn died, he could have sent her away or killed her so that she wouldn't trouble him, but instead he let her stay with him. And then he was still trying to get her to somewhere that would be safe - albeit under the guise of wanting a reward.

He also helped Sansa on numerous occasions, which shows that he's not all bad despite the number of people he's killed and lives he's ruined.

>> No.1599315

And the "ice and fire" prophecy most likely points to Jon if that theory is true, as he is of ice (Lyanna Stark) and fire (Rhaegar Targaryen).
I think what Rhaegar found in his book that made him become a warrior, was the prophecy / song / whatever the book is pretty much about. He explained that shit to Lyanna and he agreed and maybe they even fell in love, but regardless there was a kid

And Tyrion is Aegon's bastard, Coldhands is actually a warged wight, Bloodraven still lives in his ravens but is not the 3EC.

>> No.1599316


Yea but that is mostly conjecture without any *real* basis in canon. On the other hand this sounds exactly like something GRRM would do. "Oops started a war for no reason"

GOD DAMN. I need to know!

>> No.1599318

Bolton was present, and he knew it'd happen.

>> No.1599322

I mean it's fan theory but it's remarkably well-supported fan theory and I would bet a ton of money on it being true

don't believe Tyrion is a secret Targ tho. Think Aegon survived, don't know who he is.

>> No.1599324

Oh, but it was so romantic how he wiped blood of her after she was viciously beaten in his presence, and never hit her when he wasn't ordered to. And saved her from a mob when it was his duty to and came to her room super-drunk and offered to save her in exchange for being his and made her sing for him with a knife at her throat! SO romantic. You just don't understand.

>> No.1599325

What's this shit about Mormont still being alive? I think he's one of the confirmed dead & buried characters, like Ned.

>> No.1599326

You're thinking of Sansa. Did you even read the books?

>> No.1599329

Yeah he got he got stabbed and died in Sam's lap.

>> No.1599330

He did. He was sending Tywin Lannisters letters before all it happened, and if you remember, he conveniently left the hall before all the killing started.

He was promised that his bastard would be legitimized and that he'd get Arya as a wife to solidify their hold on the North.

I'm pretty sure he doesn't care if he has the real Arya or not. The fact that it's a fake one he's getting probably is a better thing for him because if something ever happens to his claim on the North, he can say that he knowingly wed his bastard to a fake Arya and that he's all for bringing the real one home.

>> No.1599331

>dead & buried
well, things north of the wall don't tend to stay buried.

>> No.1599332

Yeah, that was pretty douchey, but since it was happening to Sansa I found it hard to care.

>> No.1599334

Sansa is awesome actually. She was annoying in the first book but after that - really good character.

>> No.1599335

Seriously? She's worse than Ceresi.

>> No.1599338

>Coldhands is actually a warged wight
Wow, I have never actually heard that theory before
Well technically I have, but I never thought about warging wights. Maybe that's how the Others control them? Bran can warg Hodor, maybe he'll learn how to control wights as well?

Actually I could see Bran ending up on the Other's side after we eventually learn they're not truly evil as these are not books with black & white characters.
Bran on the side of the Others, Dany on the side of fire, and Jon in between, having to decide which one to support. A delicious setup.

>> No.1599339

I don't mind her anymore, but I couldn't care when bad things happened to her knowing that she completely destroyed her family and the kingdom's well-being for a pretty boy and whispers in her ears.

>> No.1599341


Jorah Mormont is still alive...probably not for long though.

>> No.1599342


cant wait to see YFW sansa becomes queen at theend of the series.

>> No.1599343


Are there even people that want to read / care about Sansa? Because I sure as fuck don´t. I´d rather have some more Greyjoys.

>> No.1599344

She'll replace Cersei as a scheming backstabbing bitch, but she'll be more discrete about it. She'll end up queen. Jon will make the real Lightbringer by killing Dany with it.


>> No.1599345

What no, no one is worse than Cersei. Sansa is a good character. She's this very very naive girl who's getting this brutal education in the realities of the world and that storyline is fascinating. And her reaction to it is I think admirable. I really like Sansa, she's one of my favorite characters.

On the other hand, Cersei is vicious, cruel, completely incompetent, moronic - totally unlikeable.

>> No.1599346

Did you even read the thread? I'm talking about Sansa, because anon I replied to was talking about people who shipped Sandor with her.

So it's fine for horrible things to happen to 12-year old girls as long as you don't particularly like them? Okay then.

>> No.1599347

Isn't Coldhands Benjen Stark? Or is that a ridiculous theory?

>> No.1599350

I have to agree, Sansa has the potential to be a very awesome character. She was a little girl when the series started, and we get to see her transition into a woman and grow into someone that could change Westeros.

We didn't really get to see that with Dany - with all the hardship she's been through she was old for her age. And Arya is still a little girl in my eyes. She's still hellbent on revenge, and even though she's probably my favorite character, I don't really see her being able to grow beyond that. Sansa has the potential to change and develop, and that's what makes her interesting.

>> No.1599351

Jorah is alive of course, and I think he will be for a while. Sam needs to tell him his father's dying words (tell Jorah, my son, to take the black).
We're talking old man Mormont (Jeor was his first name I think) with the crow. 997th Lord Commander of the Nights Watch.

>> No.1599352


bite your tongue. Jorah is aqesome. and he still has a lot of stuff to do. He has to have a scene with Jon (who has his sword) and a scene with Dany at the very least. So you can count on Jorah being one of the main turning point characters.

>> No.1599353

Sansa purposely gets her father killed
And Cersi is >incompetent, moronic
You're wrong.

>> No.1599354


>implying awesome characters aren't the ones who GRRM loves to murder.

>> No.1599355

Yes, there are. I would rather have more Starks and no Greyjoys at all. In universe, the seven kingdoms would be better off without them.

>> No.1599357

It would certainly explain where Benjen went after his disappearance, but I doubt it. Why would Coldhands keep his identity hidden from Bran & Co, since they distrust him so much, even voicing it openly. If he revealed his face or at least told Bran how he remembers how Bran named all the castles of the Wall, they'd trust him more and the journey would be faster.

>> No.1599359

Tyrion is Tywin's son, retard. Read the last book.

>> No.1599361

So which dragon do you think will be Tyrion's? Drogon is built up to be Dany's, but I personally think Tyrion will end up riding him.

>> No.1599362


cuz he's not normal Benjen. Now he's some sort of fucked up North o' the Wall hybrid.

>> No.1599363

No she doesn't. She (being incredibly naive) doesn't realize he's going to die and has all these weird idealistic beliefs about justice and the king. Way naive. But she matures, that's her whole story. Can't believe you're still holding a grudge for that.

And Cersei is terrible at ruling the kingdom and constantly engaging in ridiculous stupid plots. Can't stand her.

generally he murders dumb idealistic uncompromising people, and vicious pretty monsters. awesome characters survive.

>> No.1599364
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>no Greyjoys

The ironborn are the most awesome characters in the books

>> No.1599365

for those wondering whether Shae will be in the tv series

>> No.1599366

It's implied Aerys raped Lady Joanna.

>> No.1599369

Ned got himself killed. Sansa's telling Cersei of his plans didn't change anything save for herself and Arya not getting away, because LF and the goldcloaks already knew what he was going to do and when and they betrayed him. If you think that Sansa wanted Ned killed or expected anything like what happened, you didn't read the book very closely.

>> No.1599372

I don't know, but I'm sure Tyrion will be the first one to ride them.

>> No.1599374


Is there even a discussion about this? Considering you get to read about how childbirth killed Tywins wive, how Cersei used to torture baby-Tyrion.
I´m confused.

>> No.1599375


jorahs survival is 50-50 for the series, but I expect him to survive until the end of book 6 at least.

>> No.1599379

None. Tyrion will train them for Dany, then betray her and he'll be the lion she kills trying to make Lightbringer.

No, seriously, I don't think he'll ever ride a dragon.

>> No.1599380
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>> No.1599381

HOLY DAMN girl is hot

No doubt about who Tyrion's mother was - the question is whether Tywin was his father. I think he was personally but

>> No.1599384

This is going to be the most pirated ebook as of yet. I wouldn't be surprised if it sells less than the last one.

>> No.1599386

>mfw tyrion dies
and that is the day i stop reading these books
the most rational and natural character can't die

>> No.1599387

It was said that Tyrion is Tywin's true son.

>> No.1599389

People actually read ebooks? I never could. I guess it would save me thousands per year, but reading a book on a screen just doesn't compare.

>> No.1599395

He certainly has inherited his cunning.

>> No.1599398


Same here. Would also spare me the trouble of building fucking bookshelves all over the place.

>> No.1599403

And it was "said" that Joff, Myrcella and Tommen are Robert's true children numerous times. What is said and believed by characters in the books doesn't really matter.

>> No.1599407

Different case though. Tyrion is more similar than Tywin than Tywin wanted to admit. Joff, Myrcella and Tommen are not like Robert at all. Joff was a worse version of Jaime.

>> No.1599414

Yeah like I say I don't think that Tyrion is a secret Targ but it's a common theory. What's ACTUALLY true is that Samwell Tarly is Aegon and is going to rule the world.

>> No.1599419


That some fine faulty reasoning right there, Lou.
Because about 4 out of 5 times this topic comes up it is stated without a doubt that they are Cerseis and Jamies kids whereas I am fairly certain that aside from some first letter of every first sentence of every other page hidden code there is no mention of Tyrion being anything else but Tywins son.

>> No.1599420

No, I actually agree that Tyrion and Tywin are related, I just don't like it when people try to use Genna Lannister's words to dismiss the A + J = T theory. It's a bad argument. She doesn't know anything, so she would have said that Tyrion is Tywin's son and not Jaime, even if Tyrion is really Aerys'.

>> No.1599421


I gotta say the Slayer is one of the best characters. He's gonna kick his dad in the ballsack soon.

>> No.1599427
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>> No.1599429

He'll be all badass after Alleras, Leo Tyrell and the Faceless Man slim him up a bit, give him confidence and he knows all of the Citadel's secrets.
I think he'll eventually become Sam the Dragonslayer.

>> No.1599434

I'm eager to see what he does with Gilly. He's already gone and fucked up his oath like Jon.

>> No.1599436
File: 992 KB, 1400x1278, asoiaf___doodles2_by_spoonybards-d2z33qv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With Jon by his side?

>> No.1599438
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>Dragons will be instrumental in defeating the wights
>Sam kills one

>> No.1599440

Sam will kill EVERYTHING. He's fucking crazy, man. Do not fuck with Sam. He will CUT you.

>> No.1599446
File: 75 KB, 585x900, Samwell Tarly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw he is the best character in the books

>> No.1599450

Others won't be completely evil, but rather an instrumental part of keeping the world in balance, just like life (IE fire).

>> No.1599451

oh god, dat walder frey

>> No.1599453

They want to wipe out all life they come across. I'd say that isn't very pro-balance.

>> No.1599460

Remember, Sam has the true Horn of Winter (the cracked horn that doesn't work, found wrapped in the cloak buried at the Fist of the First Men and the dragonglass weapons). The horn Mance has and Melisandre will doubtlessly burn isn't the true Horn of Joramun.

Sam will blow the horn, but since he's on the other side of Westeros he's like "lol whatevs bro this doesn't even work" while the Wall collapses under Jon.

>> No.1599469

This is why I like discussing this series online. A lot of these possibilities go completely over your head when reading and other people can point them out to you. Also, George sure does love magic horns. We have one to bring down the wall, one to control dragons and one to summon krakens.

>> No.1599474

We don't know that.
Remember, fire consumes but cold preserves. This is well seen in undeath. Every time Dondarrion was revived, he lost some of his personality and memories. Yet, wights retain their memories as one tried to assassinate Mormont.

>> No.1599475


It is never implied, more like a fan theory. But I hope not. One hidden heir (Jon) is bad enough, Tyrion being a Targaryen would be horrible.

Personally I hope Jon's parentage is never answered. Even if the wall goes down the Night's Watch will still be there. Would be great if the books flirted with the idea of Jon joining Dany, only to have him stay with the NW. The tears would be glorious.

>> No.1599478

I think it'd be fairly obvious that Jon will stay with the Watch until his end (or if he somehow gets replaced as Lord Commander, I wouldn't be surprised to see the 1000th Lord Commander by the end of the series).

>> No.1599480


Small pink mast

>> No.1599482
File: 45 KB, 372x600, OWhent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup guys
batman here, Jon in smalltime

>> No.1599484

He's just like us!

>> No.1599486


I hope there is some confrontation coming from Jon's fellow brothers. Surely there will be some to be pissed off that a 16 year old is calling the shots.

>> No.1599489

Oh I expect a lot of that.

>> No.1599494

In the ADWD spoiler chapters that have been publicly read by Martin, Jon thinks he has to get rid of Ser Allister Thorne before he gets rid of him. And didn't Cersei order a lot of gold cloaks to go and kill Jon under the guise of joining the Watch near the end of FFC? I think one of the Kettleblacks was leading them.

>> No.1599500


The kettleback that was suppose to lead them was the one taken captive by the faith, no?

>> No.1599501


a 16 year old who tried to defect once and actually did it another time (you think people believe his story about Halfhand?) and slept with the enemy. It's going to be awesome to see how many attacks he has to fight off from his "brothers."

>> No.1599504

Huh, might be. I never really paid attention to them as there were three.

>> No.1599508

I wonder how scarred he is gonna end up by the end of his storyline. He already has a burned right hand, and the side of his face was torn by Orell's hawk.

>> No.1599512

I can't wait to steal this. Squee!

>> No.1599517

Haven't been this hyped for something since...

Since Battlefield 1942.

>> No.1599522

Remembers how The Eyrie is impregnable?
Tyrion is gonna get dragons.
And little Robert wanted to "see him fly".

The revenge will be sweet as the Eyrie burns.

>> No.1599524

MFW GRRM just has the Others kill every fucking character in the book.

Confirmed for master troll.

>> No.1599528

The Others will eventually kill everyone, but Sam the Slayer will put them in their place and claim Westeros.

>> No.1599530

That will actually be the ending if he dies before the series is finished.

>> No.1599534

Seriously, I was super pissed when Eddard died. You would think that I saw the Red Wedding coming...but I didn't. And I almost stopped reading at that point.

>> No.1599539


There's a lot more to support it. Lyanna Stark wore blue roses, and Dany has a prophetic dream about blue roses growing over the Wall. Ned Stark found Lyanna dying in a "bed of blood", suggesting she had given birth, and she makes him keep a promise he recalls repeatedly and is haunted by. Content is never given, but it's most likely he promised to take the baby and pass him off as his own kid, since Rhaegar's other kids were murdered and it's not safe to have anyone know that Jon is a Targaryen. Also, two of the legendary members of the Kingsguard are among the three who guard Lyanna in the Tower while the royal family are being slaughtered- bit odd if she's just his captive fucktoy, but not so odd if Rhaegar loves her and she's carrying his baby.

Finally, it's just not like Ned. He was already married to Caetlyn. Ned died in AGOT because he was honourable to a fault. He's not the sort of man who would dishonour himself and his wife by fathering a bastard. And if Rhaegar did abduct and rape Lyanna, why does Ned remember Rhaegar as being a good man? He just seems sad but not especially angry with them, as if he thinks their reckless behaviour lead to their deaths, but doesn't especially blame either of them or Robert for the whole mess they caused.

>> No.1599543

Reading over this thread, and all this glorious ANONYMOUS conversation...I'd even venture to say that DwD may save /lit/ from the tripfags.

>> No.1599546

>one person out of all of these cares about tripping and is butthurt so he takes his anger here

>> No.1599549 [DELETED] 


There's a lot more to support it. Lyanna Stark wore blue roses, and Dany has a prophetic dream about blue roses growing over the Wall. Ned Stark found Lyanna dying in a "bed of blood", suggesting she had given birth, and she makes him keep a promise he recalls repeatedly and is haunted by. Content is never given, but it's most likely he promised to take the baby and pass him off as his own kid, since Rhaegar's other kids were murdered and it's not safe to have anyone know that Jon is a Targaryen. Also, two of the legendary members of the Kingsguard are among the three who guard Lyanna in the Tower while the royal family are being slaughtered- bit odd if she's just his captive fucktoy, but not so odd if Rhaegar loves her and she's carrying his baby.

Finally, it's just not like Ned. He was already married to Caetlyn. Ned died in AGOT because he was honourable to a fault. He's not the sort of man who would dishonour himself and his wife by fathering a bastard. And if Rhaegar did abduct and rape Lyanna, why does Ned remember Rhaegar as being a good man? He just seems sad but not especially angry with them, as if he thinks their reckless behaviour lead to their deaths, but doesn't especially blame either of them or Robert for the whole mess they caused.

>> No.1599554

>two of the legendary members of the Kingsguard are among the three
that's kind of insulting, man

>> No.1599555

Anyone else really want to know about Howland Reed? We still know practically nothing about him, except he has been to the Isle of Faces, worships the old gods, is short, played the part of mystery knight at a tourney at Harrenhal, is totally badass and probably killed Ser Arthur Dayne in the Tower of Joy.

>> No.1599563

Six long fucking years. Oh god yes. I'm so happy. ;_;

>> No.1599564

I've wanted to see this dude for so long. He's the only person left alive that knows what happened in the Tower of Joy.

>> No.1599566

This. He'll probably be the one to tell Jon, or alternatively Meera or the other kid with green dreams as they might have heard the tale from him.

>> No.1599572

>yfw Melisandre tells Jon "You know nothing, Jon Snow"

>> No.1599584
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I'll be sad. Why Ygritte, why?

>> No.1599585

>A Dance With Dragons
>291 posts and 29 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
/lit/ confirmed for uncultured shit tier neckbeards

>> No.1599588

It's not a "what if", check GRRM's website and read the first Jon chapter of ADWD. That's the last line of the chapter.

>> No.1599590

>irrelevant faggot post who thinks he's better than people because he reads Hemingway and not genre fiction.

>> No.1599595
File: 21 KB, 316x397, emilia_clarke_daenerys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thou seem upset

>> No.1599597


Sorry, don't get what I'm implying. I mean that we have three members of the Kingsguard remaining at the Tower while the royal family are being killed. Out of the three, Ser Gerald Hightower 'The White Bull' and Ser Arthur Dayne 'Sword of the Morning' are both mentioned as being exceptionally skilled and famous knights- Hightower was commander and Ned says that Dayne was the finest knight he ever knew. I'm sure the other guy was awesome and all, but those two were supposed to be living legends, and Rhaegar told them to guard Lyanna, not himself, when he went out to fight Robert.

>> No.1599598

Good. Assimilate with us or be destroyed.

>> No.1599601
File: 325 KB, 700x1057, thoufurious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1599610

>Ser Arthur Dayne 'Sword of the Morning

I once had this theory that he was Jon's father. I've mostly forgotten why but it had something to to with Arthur's sword. Damn I've forgotten alot.

>> No.1599613

Sounds pretty stupid to be honest. Only connection I could see is that his sword was called Dawn, related to the War of Dawn (first war against the Others).

>> No.1599621

Yeah I know. It had something to do with Dawn being made from a meteorite. Jon finds the sword and it is engulfed in flames. Azor Ashai.

>> No.1599628

>Sword of the morning
>Dawn is morning
>Fuck he is right

>> No.1599630

Learn some history. Stannis is exactly the type if king Westeros needs. He'll both punish and reward people. He's not someone who'll go crazy with power, he'd hold the rule of law.

>> No.1599638


Except he's being manipulated by Melisandre. So, there's that whole problem.

>> No.1599639

he wanted to outlaw brothels
so no. just no

>> No.1599642

how about no

>> No.1599643

>Dany gets up to leave in disgust, discarding her Meereen clothes, when a shadow appears across the sky. Drogon, her largest dragon, appears from above (Dany thinks that he's following her). He bathes the boar and Barseena in a blast of fire, and indiscriminately feeds on both charred bodies.

FUCK, Drogon is really gonna make people mad. He already eats sheep and kids, and now the favorites of the fighting pits?

>> No.1599647

Every knight in ASOIAF is alpha as fuck.
Knight of flowers will be a new POV. Burned. Conceiling his face behind a mask. How ironic.

>> No.1599649

And Mellisandre hasn't done anything that was outright evil yet. Or at the very least, not any more than any other character there.

>> No.1599650

>fails at everything he does
>isn't liked or recognized as king by anybody
>being manipulated by crazy witch lady that shoots shadow monsters out of her vagina

Sounds like a wonderful king

>> No.1599658


the point isn't whether Melisandre is evil or not. The point is that Stannis is too much of a pussy to stand up to her and/or see her for what she is. How the fuck would he be the best King?

>> No.1599661

He isn't burned. That lie was told to Cersei as a part of Tyrell plot to make her act rashly. Grand Tyrell conspiracy theory, look it up.

>> No.1599667

Grandma Tyrell is someone you don't fuck with.

>> No.1599673

What is she? She's the only one that supports him thru and thru. Without her, he would have lost a long time ago. And she's preparing to fight the others.

The only time he lost was when he didn't follow her advice. You don't kick out your best fucking advisor because he's unpopular, that's retarded.

>> No.1599687


I hope that's true. It seems almost certain that Margaery is in on her family's scheming (otherwise her grandmother could have accidentally poisoned her along with Joffrey), so I love imagining her acting all sweet and distraught over her poor brother in front of Cersei, and then running to her room in tears and trollfacing once Cersei is out of sight.

>> No.1599688

Can you tell me about this conspiracy? Let's keep the thread going!

>> No.1599700


A true King wouldn't need some vagina-witch to tell him what to do. He'd be a mouthpiece for Melisandre.

>> No.1599706

Every king needs advisors. There hasn't been a king IRL or in the books that didn't have a team of them.

And Mellisandre is looking out for Stannis.

>> No.1599719

The thread is autosaging now and I believe it's better if you read it in full here: http://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/topic/8204-grand-tyrell-conspiracy-theory/

You don't have to read the whole thread, just the first post and note that only Cersei is told about Loras' injuries from Aurane Waters who later abandons her once she lets him build a fleet and everyone else gets zero news from Dragonstone, because there are no ravens left in the castle (that comes up later in the thread).

>> No.1599736


There's a difference between being an advisor and literally telling a supposed King what to do all the time. He might as well marry her and let her be Queen.

>> No.1599759

>321 replies

great thread.

>> No.1599813

Tears of pride, /lit/. Tears of pride. Glorious thread.

Now we just need Sam the Slayer, Hodor, and Dolorous Edd riding dragons burnin shit up and everything will be complete.

>> No.1599821

What about Old Nan, guise? I miss that lady.

>> No.1601206

Either dead (just because her corpse wasn't shown doesn't guarantee anything) or captured by Ramsay.