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File: 902 KB, 1391x1391, Hsu-Mark-Fisher-K-Punk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15985126 No.15985126 [Reply] [Original]

I miss this lil nigga so much
Greatest intellectual of the 21st century

>> No.15985228


>> No.15985254

Was his fear of capitalism sentimental?

>> No.15985260

He just resented happy consumers

>> No.15985269

Fisher had his head so far up his own yuppie ass that he projected his depression onto everyone else—hardly a leading intellectual.

>> No.15985315

Looking at the consequences of capitalism i think he was correct to fear it

>> No.15985361

he wasn't a great thinker in his own right. he was better as a populariser and making high minded theories appear exciting and relevant.

>> No.15985489

do you guys actually think you like capitalism or are you just trying to get (you)'s?

>> No.15985596

looking at the consequences of his actions i think it was very sentimental

>> No.15985677
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>> No.15985815


>> No.15985829

Alex truly is an underrated guitarist

>> No.15985992

I see no negative consequences of capitalism, only negative consequences of democracy.

>> No.15986184

Where is this from and who wrote it? Would be interested to see the whole piece.

>> No.15986200

i agree w this; he seemed to think the whole world was as depressed as he was, and didnt support any salvation projects

>> No.15986222

There is no democracy under capitalism

>> No.15986285

True, what we have is majoritarianism rather than democracy.

>> No.15986306

No it's not.
What we have is simply capitalism, the bourgeois class asserting its control over the state like it always has done over the centuries.
What's a vote on a piece of paper compared to the lobbying power of multinationals?

>> No.15986328

>the bourgeois class asserting its control over the state
That's called majoritarianism. It's mob rule over all minority groups.

>> No.15986380

>leftists complaining about denunciations and purges
Someone's at the wrong end of the political spectrum.

>> No.15986412

What is Avantgarde?

>> No.15986832

Isn't that coil

>> No.15987277

He did not have a single original thought

>> No.15987317

Everything he ever wrote is just “the world of Mark Fisher according to Mark Fisher,” which he confused for reality. Quite frankly I’m not interested in a depressed boomer bemoaning how art is dead and how it’s all capitalism’s fault while coincidently ignoring all new developments in art surrounding him and idealizing the 80s, for whatever reason, as if that was a a capitalism free era.

>> No.15988509

is an essay by Fisher, called Exiting the Vampire Castle

>> No.15988519

he was just Walter Benjamin for zoomers

>> No.15988520

Honestly would have been cool to hear his thoughts on Covid.

>> No.15988550

Not the excerpt, the text around it. Or was Fisher vain enough to block quote his own work and talk in the third person?

>> No.15989369

It's an excerpt from Kill All Normies by Angela Nagle.

>> No.15989595
File: 59 KB, 800x450, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exiting capitalist realism redpill:

The late 2010's and early 2020's upheavals were predicted 10 years ago by a relatively simple model that accounts for elite infighting, income inequality, number of 18-29 y.o. people, etc. The same analysis was retroactively applied to many civil wars and revolutions throughout history and the results were pretty consistent: wars, revolutions and upheavals follow pretty deterministic patterns. The thing that's impossible to predict, is the trigger, the casus belli. In-depth paper in [1], 2020 prediction in [2].

On the other hand the rate of profit is falling (empirically proven in [3]), which makes the contradictions accelerate: median living conditions become increasingly unbearable, inequality between the working population and the elite skyrockets, etc. (coronavirus and climate change are just accelerating the process). The question is not if, but when, will capitalism collapse. Two options at that point: regression, the elite fights back and wins (fascism, neo-feudalism, apocalyptic-tier world wars, pick your poison) or progression, the working class fights back and wins (socialism, which means the long term construction of post-scarcity society i.e. communism).

[1]: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/6qp8x28p
[2]: https://www.nature.com/articles/463608a
>Quantitative historical analysis reveals that complex human societies are affected by recurrent — and predictable — waves of political instability (P. Turchin and S. A. Nefedov Secular Cycles Princeton Univ. Press; 2009). In the United States, we have stagnating or declining real wages, a growing gap between rich and poor, overproduction of young graduates with advanced degrees, and exploding public debt. These seemingly disparate social indicators are actually related to each other dynamically. They all experienced turning points during the 1970s. Historically, such developments have served as leading indicators of looming political instability
>Very long 'secular cycles' interact with shorter-term processes. In the United States, 50-year instability spikes occurred around 1870, 1920 and 1970, so another could be due around 2020. We are also entering a dip in the so-called Kondratiev wave, which traces 40-60-year economic-growth cycles. This could mean that future recessions will be severe. In addition, the next decade will see a rapid growth in the number of people in their twenties, like the youth bulge that accompanied the turbulence of the 1960s and 1970s. All these cycles look set to peak in the years around 2020.
[3]: https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/55894/1/MPRA_paper_55894.pdf
>The downward trend of the rate of profit, its empirical confirmation, highlights the historically limited nature of capitalist production. If the rate of profit marks the vitality of the system, the logical conclusion is that it approaches further to an endpoint.

>> No.15990165

>greatest intellectual of the 21st century

>> No.15990177

yes, just as 19th and 20th centuries' greatest intellectuals

>> No.15990180

same anon
Kill All Nights Normies is trash, just read Fisher

>> No.15990197

>Mark Fisher
>idealizing the 80s

anon it might be time to stop posting

>> No.15990212

he idealizes the 60s if anything. read the intro to Acid Communism

>> No.15990300

i miss him too anon

>> No.15990307

why so many pathetic reactionaries in this thread lmfao he was brilliant

>> No.15990323

Commies are an intellectual joke.

>> No.15990346

Who's your favourite writer?

>> No.15990503
File: 192 KB, 362x507, 1595705801587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15992137
File: 332 KB, 597x746, Jordan Peterson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Greatest intellectual of the 21st century
i see you haven't read jordan

>> No.15992335

Where did Julius evola's monocle go?