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/lit/ - Literature

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15983470 No.15983470 [Reply] [Original]

Give me a theme and a style and I'll write you a poem.

>> No.15983485

Animal friends


>> No.15983575

Ok, I don't want to rhyme.

A NATION OF BIRDS, I am (I too have wings)

And take to the open always, and forever;

For after all what is a man, what is he,

If his chief interest lies in the stars, and in a band of

elements more immortal far than stars?

This is what I came for--I know it, and that I may

nourish my tuft of feathers on the eternal sea.

O mocking and prophetic birds, O birds awake

in the morning! O singing of all the rocks and hills!

I too carol the sun, usher'd or at noon, or as now,

just setting, I also carol the moon,

The manifold whiffs of the air--the sensitive

minute and its multitudinous songs,

The splash of the hiving waters, and the flowing

currents, and the regular wash of the waves.

I too am a pennant (I too have a flag,)

A pennant flapping and flapping, looking

to no flag-staff on the mast,

O pennant! O pennant! I myself waft

your name to the sky,

Weaving and winding, wafting, then

ceasing, and then off and away.

O what is that in me that makes me rustle and wave?

Back, back, my song, with the hovering, the curious and

crested warbler! Here, here, take my chants, O

waving and drooping flag!

My eyes settle the land, I expand my nostrils;

The air tastes good to my palate.

Behold, good to my palate, to my tongue, my throat!

O strong and sweet! O burning and delicious! O for

the ripe freshness, the milky sap!

Here, here, here--there is the grandest festival, here

is what inviteth, and niggardly passeth not, Here not

allows itself to be separated, it binds all together,

it draws all after it.

O the joyful, exhilarating death! O to die

our death, and, our death, the repeated death.

>> No.15983592


>> No.15983644
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Fat people
Heroic couplet

>> No.15983662



>> No.15983680

Can I get a haiku about gaming?

>> No.15983690

young girls

>> No.15983706

when I look into
that chrome mirror here and there,
what stares back at me?

>> No.15983735

Billy Cosby

>> No.15983836


I smelt the beast before it met my sight,
the melled of sausage grease and sickly blight

It came on down before I had my chance,
and pierced my heart with its great hammy lance

I gasp for air and twitch and squirm for life
I hate this creature I must call my wife.

>> No.15983848

Kek nice

>> No.15983872

A high skirt spurt those soft tanned legs,
Indications of a young girl, or
A queen?
I’m delighted with the problem.
A height worth scaling, I’d say.
Not a lass or a woman yet,
But ah, the promise.
And the way
She looks at me
She likes me a lot.
Hoping and fishing,
I sail with her.
So lovely!
So damned lovely!
Even the grass is tickled
By her slim feet.
What can I do
But write letters to her?

>> No.15983906

Life fretted away
Sun and grass ignored again
Just one more, one more

>> No.15983981

Sonett about why Hitler was right.

>> No.15984078

not Frost but 7/10

>> No.15984086

kek, very good

>> No.15984088

Niggers hanging in trees

>> No.15984095

The Creation of Jannies

>> No.15984186

Pain of love
Something like Mallarme

>> No.15984194
File: 120 KB, 680x315, ED00F45C-C98E-490D-A472-9D850C60DCBE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The despicable life of a jannie

God bless

>> No.15984201

Sestina on stargazing

>> No.15984212

The jannies are dark and pestilent creature,
knowing not light nor love,
living only for the moment
it can entrap another's soul.
The jannie, a terrible devourer,
swiftly consumes both tendie and truth,
seems to be relentless in its appetite,
causing many to shiver in their boots.
The jannie is a deceitful thing
and can consume you even while you sleep,
so always be wary of the dark places
that you've been warned not to speak.

The jannie is a dark and dreadful thing
that menaces without any care,
for you cannot reason with the jannie,
and there's no getting away from it there.
So be wary of the jannie
that lurks within all dark abysses,
for one day, it may consume your soul
in the very blink of an eye

>> No.15984238

this was fun. more like this

Ce qui fait la douceur des fers si durs,
De ceux qu'on nous inflige à mesure,
C'est qu'on les retourne en dedans l'âme,
Et qu'on ne peut y trouver de l'ennui,
N'ayant pas de la vie une idée plus haute.
Pour la vie à mes yeux c'est un sommeil soudain,
Dans un lit d'un vieillard, sur un lit de jeune fille,
Deux lits, l'un au-dessous de l'autre, un sous l'autre,
L'autre au-dessus de l'autre, un au-dessus de l'autre,
Et pour nous deux enfin, toi et moi, dans un même lit,
Sous l'un et l'autre, les deux lits, le sous et le sur,
Et, couchés dans ce lit, tu au-dessus de moi,
Moi au-dessus de toi, au-dessous de toi au-dessous de moi,
Et couchés enfin tous deux ensemble dans ce lit,
Tu et moi enfin dans ce lit où moi je dors,
Et toi tu ne dors pas,
Et, couché dans le même lit, je dors,
Et, couché dans le même lit, tu ne dors pas,
Toi à jamais tu ne dors pas,
Et moi je dors, moi je dors,
Je dors, je dors, je dors, je dors, je dors,
Et je m'éveillerai dans un sommeil si haut,
Si haut, si haut, si haut, si haut, si haut,
Que dans ce sommeil on ne peut jamais dire le mot,
Si haut, si haut, si haut, si haut, si haut

>> No.15984249

translate it yourselves you monolingual plebs

>> No.15984272

Fuck off, it's my third language. Also, thank you.

>> No.15984283

Haiku boring

He is the last man to walk on the moon.
He is the last man to see an elk.
They do not even allow him the roses of Kaifeng.
But he is the janitor of the asshole of the world
At two in the morning when the others go home,
he takes his mop and pail and begins the dark work of the ages.
It is his life to be a filthy scullion
Dipping his mop in an octagonal pail.
It is his life to think of nothing
And then do it

>> No.15984311

OP is not a fag