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15980955 No.15980955 [Reply] [Original]

Books that explain why such an economic idea would be bad?

>> No.15980959

Please don’t reply to this thread if you see this anon, let this be the only reply. OP, please take this bait to /pol/.

>> No.15980962
File: 9 KB, 248x203, 2342342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please don’t reply to this thread if you see this anon, let this be the only reply. OP, please take this bait to /pol/.

>> No.15980995


"Okay, cool idea. I'll just move my factory to another country that doesn't have that policy. Enjoy your socialist paradise."

>> No.15981024

That's why such policies should be implemented globally so smart asses like you will be punished in every country of the world. Fuck offshores.

>> No.15981029

>one factory
Why do both marxists and capitalists talk about capitalism in terms of 19th century industrialism?

>> No.15981030

>i'mplying op isn't a mod pushing political discussion to compete with the philosophy threads currently up

>> No.15981046

it is bad to sponsor bad people.

>> No.15981057

Nobody loves borders more than left wing people. Why should greedy foreigners get the money that rightfully belongs to your true-born compatriots? How dare these backwards shitholes disobey the US government?

Simplicity. The factories are already offshore, it would take a stroke of a pen to change the tax status of a company.

>> No.15981060

>we have to have totalitarian control of the entire planet because everyone keeps running away from us so we need to remove all places they can run to
Do you really not see why nobody likes you

>> No.15981064

Do these people honestly think that billionaires are hoarding cash like Scrooge McDuck? They own a business or multiple businesses that is worth the billions and employs tens of thousands of people and makes the poors' life better by making everything cheaper and more affordable.

>> No.15981082

Left wing people don't know what investment is or why it is universally preferable to saving (hoarding.) No surprise there, since they're mostly baristas.

>> No.15981103
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>> No.15981131

Those certainly are lines.

And yeah, I'd like a vanilla milkshake with a shot of espresso in it.

>> No.15981148

What happened around 1985?

>> No.15981159

stock market shit

>> No.15981163

If I had to guess, business owners began offshoring their factories to China and making gigantic profits from cheap Chinese labor, since they could keep their old high prices based on the expense of Western labor.

Can't believe these baristas think they're worth $10 an hour. I could buy a Chinaman on installment for $10 per day and he'd be willing to sleep on the shop floor.

>> No.15981164

Wealth inequality doesn't mean Jeff Bezos has a pool of gold coins, retard.

>> No.15981166

Chinamen? Automation will be the wagie's death.

>> No.15981168

High risk, low reward idea.

>> No.15981173

Even assuming that the billionaire is not allowed to move to another country, I think there is an even bigger issue, namely that his wealth is probably mostly noncash and in terms of other assets.
A lot of the wealth that is assigned to them is used for business purposes to reinvest it and to develop the business. If you put a cap you essentially stifle the growth of all of his businesses.
Artificial stifling of growth = less efficient economy and translates to a lot of consumer cost.
How are you sure that the value you get from the money going to schools and health care will be greater than that if the money was reinvested to develop the business?
You don't.
I think a lot of these problems could be stopped if people just stopped being fat and nonwhites were put to work.

>> No.15981176

Why are you so adamant that such a thing needs to be the case before a high-wealth tax can be implemented? Who, except for you, claimed that?

>> No.15981180

NWO used to be what the punk kids raged against. Now they are demanding it.

>> No.15981192

I believe there was an immigration act passed. Cheap work flooded in from the southern americas.

>> No.15981195

>red cent

>> No.15981207

Oh boy will it ever. I'm not going to hang around a place with half the population on welfare.

If Bitcoin (or a future analog) goes mainstream for architects, engineers, consultants, doctor's diagnoses, etc, then that's the end of income tax for high earning professionals, at a time when welfare spending goes through the roof. Something has to give. I don't intend to experience the consequences of that.

I'm sure someone on Twitter will have an idea that saves the day, though. Just as long as someone else pays for it.

>> No.15981209

>They own a business or multiple businesses that is worth the billions
Yes, because it makes them even more money, which they hoard like scrooge

>and employs tens of thousands of people
Which they are happy to fire and replace with robots wherever possible.
>makes the poors' life better by making everything cheaper and more affordable
Then why is everything getting only more expensive?

>> No.15981212

More like from Mexico, really.

>> No.15981213

>If you put a cap you essentially stifle the growth of all of his businesses. Artificial stifling of growth = less efficient economy and translates to a lot of consumer cost.
Artificial stifling of single-company monopolies stimulates competition and creates better products. Not necessarily talking about a wealth tax on individuals here, but stifling single companies can be necessary.

Do you know why nearly all eyeglasses you can buy are of completely shit quality? Because Luxottica sits on the entire market, do killer acquisitions of any start-up that attempts to make a better product, and are thus able to sell you plastic shit made by chinese slaves at a 10000% markup of production cost.

>> No.15981215


Oh you mean like they already do lol
By all means go ahead and push more out they'll all do it eventually if they can

>> No.15981229

Nevermind that was 1965 not 85, while im probably still right to a degree >>15981163 is probably more correct. Chinese multinat factories were spooling up around then, and japan was already in the midst of its economic boom.

>> No.15981237

Billionaires should all be shot. Not one of them got where they are by "hard work and perseverance", but by fucking over other people, scamming, lying, bribing, and betraying. They all have human lives on their conscience.

>> No.15981238

Interesing shot video on Luxottica https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voUiWOGv8ec

>> No.15981243

i think the irony is, besides complaining on social media, what the hell are these people doing themselves towards improving social matters? id respect a poor person a million times more who starts his own fundraiser or charity to help others rather than forcing someone else to do it.

>> No.15981250

You must be 18 to post here

>> No.15981259

Theyve been trying to burn down a federal court building for the last 61 days if that counts.
Granted, half of them are yuppies with leaf blowers.

>> No.15981280

So get out

>> No.15981321

Punk kids were always known for their intelligence and rationality. You're romanticizing an aesthetic with a cornerstone of contrarianism. Punk cannot be anything but reactionary and is never innovative.

>> No.15981322

um we already moved all the factories to a socialist country

>> No.15981373

What (besides envy) is the difference for you if these trillions are earned by one or shared by few people.

>> No.15981391

any basic economics textbook for one

>> No.15981399


>> No.15981426

A youtube video! That means it must be true! And there's nothing more to know on the matter, or else it would have been in the youtube video!

>> No.15981432

Post your WAIS-IV score or fuck off.

>> No.15981434

where grandmas collect cardboard to pay for food, lol

>> No.15981436

Because schools are bad. John Taylor Gatto.

>> No.15981437

Why do you think that you have more decision power than billionaires or aristocracy?

>> No.15981442

haven't watched the video, but the guy made no particular claims about it

>> No.15981468

this kills the sophomoric posturing plebs (and makes them seethe lmao)

>> No.15981478


>> No.15981495

>totalitarian control
Taxes are all about that.

>> No.15981499
File: 202 KB, 602x446, main-qimg-ec01d455e926a1e846a4e27be81ad1ca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Luxottica doesn't dominate the glasses market

>> No.15981511


Well what else is there to know?
Literally everybody knows the glasses industry is a big scam and it's because there is nothing else to it it's a reality that's as plausible as it is mundane

>> No.15981572

imagine needing a book for that

>> No.15981578

>no u
lurk more newfag

>> No.15981591
File: 182 KB, 1442x900, 27.144277-Okeechobee-FL-2008-2011-Custom-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes there are no poor people in america are there

>> No.15981594

It ignores basic human nature to evade tax

>> No.15981613

That nature is successfully defeated by tax collectors.

>> No.15981649


uhh housing, health care, education, etc... have not

>> No.15981650

>high-wealth tax can be implemented
Because that's what lead to the graph you posted in the first place you severely retarded marxist

>> No.15981683

You hate those losers far more than I ever could for their racism and homophobia, as you would put it. Not to speak of their poor taste in interior decor.

But who cares? My point was that China has less of a social safety net than any country commonly called capitalist. They're the nearest thing to a Fascist state the modern world has, but I guess they get a pass from you because of their epicanthic folds.

You're that open minded about funny-looking charity cases; it'd be like holding someone with Down's syndrome to the same moral standard as normal people like you. Down's lives matter, and they didn't really mean to burn those buildings, or if they did, they had good intentions, or if they didn't, then it's not really their fault because they were born with certain disadvantages. If you say otherwise, you'll never serve a mochaccino in this town again.

>> No.15981701

>They're the nearest thing to a Fascist state the modern world has
North Korea?

>> No.15981702

Tax collectors are successfully defeated by the billionaire buying the government.

State and capital are intricately intertwined. Take them out together.

>> No.15981716

Fascism is characterized by collaboration between the state and (large) private interests. Private interests in NK are largely clandestine; someone who sells tomatoes is practically a drug dealer.

>> No.15981729

>Fascism is characterized by collaboration between the state and (large) private interests.
That sounds a lot like the USA.

>> No.15981766

the collaboration has to be to the degree of the military heavily being involved in the allocation of resources, or something to that effect, which may sound somewhat like the USA but generally it has to be to the degree that countries like Nazi Germany had it for the label to be appropriate

>> No.15981771

That's one of the characteristics that distinguishes it from pure feudalism of the NK type.

The US govt, for better or worse, is susceptible to influences from outside its direct control. There is no necessity of working your way up through a party hierarchy: witness the abrupt incursion of The T Man. Weirdo nobodies can influence policy and not end up under house arrest: witness Bernie, despite all the torturous punishments Hillary has dreamt up for him. When was the last time you heard of "infighting" in China?

I'm not pro-govt. Frankly, governments have had their day. They are territorial entities that are about as relevant as mayoralties or parishes. They make no sense in a world of instant digital communication and instant digital economy.

>> No.15981786

>people actually defending billionaires

>> No.15981794

Leftists will act like they are fighting the billionaires, but in the process billionaires will end unharmed but 99% people above minimum wage will be dekulakised.

>> No.15981797

What would you do if you were a billionare?

>> No.15981799

Worse, there's marxist retard itt that would rather shoot you and people still defend them

>> No.15981816

is there any actual self-made billionaire in the USA? So far I only know of Jobs. Bezos=had Texas oil money. Gates=born rich. (((Zuckerberg)))=need I need to say more? And so on.

>> No.15981828

probably organize a bunch of thinktanks to dish out propaganda to make the population think im a generous kind person and make more money for me, meanwhile, hire assassins and stuff to try and take out other billionaires so that i'm the top dog. idk, there's a lot i'd do and i can't think of everything, probably fund another thinktank to think of things to increase my power

>> No.15981862

I'm defending your dad who has to pay your pitiful ass's rent. Billionaires are just symbolic.

>> No.15981864

it probably isn't, the text related only people who earn above 999mil suffer, the rest benefit

>> No.15981872

>Billionaires are just symbolic.

>> No.15981879

My country has welfare caps on people who earn a certain amount of money.

Guess what? When welfare recipients get close to that threshold, they start working less and taking days off out of fear their welfare will be cut.

What use for your territorial entity, exactly, is it if someone is reluctant to become a billionaire and get taxed into the grave?

>> No.15981881

What do you propose instead of governments

>> No.15981889

Personal bunkers.

>> No.15981891

I don't want people to be billionaires or even want to become billionaires, people purposefully earning under the cap would make me happy

>> No.15981896

why do leftists always cover for millionaires, is it because of Bernie? is it because of their own wealthy backgrounds?

>> No.15981897

Yes. Real power belongs to aristocracy and billionaires are either its members or just their moneybags.

>> No.15981904

Bernie is self-made.

>> No.15981911

same reason they also happily buy iphones, have facebook accounts, use amazon - most of them are nothing more than surface level

>> No.15981919

Didn't that one guy spend hundreds of millions on his election without getting anywhere at all? So much for being able to buy an election. Your mother is a walking urinal for men like me, now open your filthy whore mouth and DRINK MY PISS YOU UGLY CUNT

>> No.15981924

>Bernie is self-made.
so what? he should give that money to black people

>> No.15981937

>steals tax money for his seven homes
>self made
The absolute state of the left

>> No.15981943

>sells books
>makes money and buys 2 other houses besides his main one
what's the problem here?

>> No.15981953

no one needs enough wealth to buy 3 houses

>> No.15981959

idk if i were a socialist i'd feel like a great big fraud owning three houses while others live in tents

>> No.15981977
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Billionaires should learn from this guy

>> No.15981985

i once suggested to my lefty friends that since real top down change is unlikely someone should just make a redistribution app that works out who's earning too much and sends that money directly to those earning less, but they thought that was the most absurd idea and starting talking about democratically-run workplaces, i think they just want to micromanage people's lives while keeping all their own money

>> No.15981986

Dollar got taken off the gold standard I believe, turning money into debt.

>> No.15982004

I have this problem a lot with other leftists, I spend minimally and give about 30% of monthly earnings to charity (after bills) and when they say shit like jeff bezos giving x to charity is like me giving £5 I aksed when was the last time they gave a fiver to charity and they started kicking off about "oh well I don't have a lot of money, it's not practical" then I pointed out they spent £50 on alcohol just that night alone and have given away about a fivers worth of shots to other people and no one thought I was in the right so now I'm not sure if I am but I think it boils down to "it's easy to spend money you don't have"/"it's easy to spend someone elses money for them"

>> No.15982024

>doesn't deny that his dad pays his rent

Zilch. Personal trust and reputation, if anything. Police and fire privatized locally. Criminal sentences remain as they are since violent yahoos don't understand law or extradition treaties; thugs still think govt is a thing, nobody disabuse them of the notion. Excommunication from the digital economy the equivalent of a life sentence for clever thugs. Ineffective for the cleverest, but it's not as if that's not already the case in the cash economy.

Health? I'm from a place with a pretty okay socialized health service, and I still prefer paying for it in SEA. Apparently Hungary is also good for dentistry, can't vouch for it personally.

This is not a great year for us international playboys, but I've come out of this shit with more loathing for government than I have ever had. I isolated, sure, not knowing the severity of this new illness. I would not do anything different. But now that we know within reasonable doubt, governments still drag their feet, deathly afraid of contradicting their own sanctified word. They are too embarrassed to admit that they were wrong; or else they simply represent one faction, an unexpected faction: people over the age of fifty. They are willing to flush our lives down the toilet to avoid the smallest personal risk. Who knew that boomers could get more repulsive?

You're as much as saying you'd like nobody to find a way to make food cheaper, manufactures less expensive, or machines more efficient. Would you like a 10% price hike, not to speak of wasted time or worse solutions, if some magic money number doesn't exist to make you feel bad? Considering inflation and different radical systems of numerology, such a number is arbitrary beyond words. We count money in base ten, but seconds in base sixty, etc, yet your envy battens onto one. Which did you chose? Choice wasn't involved, anon, I hate to break it to you.

>> No.15982033

>doesn't deny that his dad pays his rent
all my money is going to school so i can get a degree and get rejected from employment for not having experience

>> No.15982043

Why do you think that you should have the product of someone else's labour? What a shitty philosophical idea.

>> No.15982046

I live in China as an English teacher. There is a social safety net: family -- i.e. having one. The Chinese are very proud of their child-subsidy, they just cut you a check upfront and expect you to be fiscally responsible with the "child stimulus". Some people decide to start a business with it, others gamble it away, others invest it, etc etc. It doesn't always get piggy-banked away.

In most cases those old people collecting cardboard (cans, oil, other various trash items that can be scrapped or re-used) are doing so because they made a show of aborting their children during the cultural revolution as a way to show solidarity under Mao. That ended up having certain after-effects 40 years later -- like not having children to support you or not getting a nice fat stimulus (retroactively paid in 1988 for popping out 1(!) child)

>> No.15982047

>You're as much as saying you'd like nobody to find a way to make food cheaper, manufactures less expensive, or machines more efficient.
if we want greater accessibility shouldn't we encourage great self sufficiency instead of reliance on corporations? also food prices haven't gone down they've increased
even if you account for currency inflation food has gotten more expensive not less

>> No.15982050


>> No.15982054
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>Why do you think that you should have the product of someone else's labour?

>> No.15982056

I don't think any of them would particularly mind such a reform
Mostly because they don't make red cents
It all moves around in assets and stocks and good luck getting red cents out of those

>> No.15982057

Worth trying.

>> No.15982069

Lmao. Imagine thinking assets of traitors wouldn't be seized before imposing such a policy.

>> No.15982074

they aborted their own children as a protest?

>> No.15982077

Are you clinically retarded?

>> No.15982082

why of course, listen to the big brained ESL teacher

>> No.15982098

If you looked for peak self-sufficiency, you'd probably find it in the dark ages.

That's a long article for which I'll require a tl;dr.
Does it take into account that the US population TRIPLED during a period when farming became less and less attractive as an occupation?

Even if that were not the case, my indifference is collossal. I'm sure life in Africa has gotten worse. Why wouldn't it? Their death rate went down with no ability to increase their own productivity. Gregory Clark wrote an excellent book on that subject as it applies to the entire world.

>> No.15982119

if you're not willing to read for a couple minutes you're not interesting in actually talking about this in any meaningful way

>> No.15982141

If you can't put it in your own words, then you don't have any ideas of your own to convey.

In any case, reading* is for losers who don't value their time.

*random stuff

>> No.15982149

Not an argument

>> No.15982168

It explains how as times progressed food cost has grown exponentially and even if you account for currency inflation and population gorwth food cost has still risen more than it should, disproving your idea that corporations and rich people lower food cost

>> No.15982169

Almost no one actually has >1 billion in liquid assets.
If this would apply to non-liquid assets then this would mean people would do everything in their power to keep the value of their assets as low as possible and make sure their companies are not listed on the stock markets since that would mean they could easily be bought.
The deflation this would bring would be catastrophic for anyone not in the upper strata of society.
What do you think would happen to someone who has a new company that is valued at 50 million and suddenly something good happens and it's now values 10 billion USD and the founder owns 60% of all stocks?
Should he then not be allowed to earn any money until he sells his company? When he does he should give away 80% of everything which would mean, depending on the country, he would have to pay more in taxes than the money he keeps so he is now not only poor but actually has a negative value.

This is just a few of the problems that would arise and it's ignoring the most obvious problems of capital flight and stifling of innovation.

>> No.15982191

The more countries join in to this agenda the more incentives countries would have to defect and the only way to dissuade defectors would be through overwhelming force, which in turn would incentivize large government which in turn would incentivize state companies which presumably wouldn't be under the same rules.

Have you tried basic game theory on your idea?

>> No.15982215

I Ctrl-F'd that article and there's no mention of population or growth. There's also only one instantce of the word inflation, in a section that only refers to the year 2012. That's all the reading I'm willng to do.

Just to disabuse you, I'm in the Gregory Clark/Paleo camp as far as food goes. We had it better in the Pleistocene. But the idea that salaries have anything to do with the nature of agriculture is... It's practically voodoo, anon.

However, given a context of a gigantic population and industrialized agriculture, only better industrialization can improve productivity. The USSR nearly managed 90 years to demonstrate its agricultural prowess, but they ended up selling off their gold reserves to feed their population. Still good for a laugh, though.

That anon only knows basic bitch theory.

>> No.15982231

What is with this retarded bugman argument "YOU DON'T NEEEEEED THAT MONEY!"
Guess what tranny, neither do you.

>> No.15982251
File: 30 KB, 274x187, 1446689620118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking about wealth in terms of literal dollars is the most capitalist thing possible.

my brother listens to this guy's band lol

>> No.15982259

I bought a house and because I'm an only grandchild, inherited two more. I'm still a socialist because my preference is that the government seize both of them and redistribute them as necessary.

Feel literally zero conflict about this.

>> No.15982276

That's fine. You're demonstrating a healthy sense of self-preservation.

Now, a real lunatic leftist would sell those additional two houses and give the proceeds to charity, but you're too sane for that. You'll wait for a revolution that will occur in fifty to seventy years, or in other words, after your death, when it can't cost you a single penny. And for the duration of your life, you get to have the hottest, the most fashionable, the most employable opinions there are.

"Always mañana" -Che Guevara

>> No.15982284


>> No.15982314

I never claimed to be a revolutionary. I'm just an under-30 person who's wealth (1.4mil in liquid assets at age 28, another mil in land) would indicate GOP voting preference. I'm voting for Biden in Ohio and maybe his negress puppetmaster will do redistribution. Don't really care either way. I build model trains and roast coffee in my free time. Nothing will change for me.

Why do you guys care so much about politics?

>> No.15982347

>(1.4mil in liquid assets at age 28, another mil in land)
got any for me?

>> No.15982349

Sure, if the government decides to redistribute, I'll part with it. I'm not really qualified to make decisions because I'm just an autistic coffee/trains guy who walked into a bunch of money.

>> No.15982360

>I build model trains and roast coffee in my free time

Is this the peak /lit/ lifestyle?

>> No.15982361

No hate, anon, enjoy your good fortune. Just be aware that your socialism is as much of a larp as your trains.

It's much more irritating in corporate harpies who build their careers on... anti-capitalism, of all things.

>> No.15982374

Did I ever claim it as an identity?

LARPs are a hobby. Politics are a hobby. Reading is a hobby.

I don't understand why you guys treat politics like its life or death. It's probably just micro-managed social credit anyway.

Get a life.

>> No.15982381

No, as a way to show they were committed to the project of population control. When Deng cut everyone checks later they were shit outta luck.

>> No.15982391

Do you ever wonder about being in a McCloskey type situatuon?

>> No.15982393

How did we reach a situation where there are people in the bottom 90% who are ok with billionaires and millionaires existing? If you are an incredibly wealthy person, then I can understand supporting capitalism, because it interests you, but how did they manage to convince a population of people struggling to pay for dinner that it's fair and even good for them that their bosses don't give them a higher wage?

How are /pol/tards simultaneously anti-jew and pro (((capitalism)))? Why do people defend the status quo that they hate?

On the same note: how can the 'left' manage to fuck up their message so poorly? Are 'leftist' paid actors to be purposefully obnoxious? This tweet pisses me off, I completely agree that a billion dollars is too much, but this pretentious, condescending cunt's tweet pisses me off to no extent. I can't fucking stand the 'left', especially when they call each other 'comrade'. It doesn't surprise me that they're so hard to like, despite the fact that traditionally left-wing ideas resonate so strongly with the working population. For fucks sake stop being pretentious unlikable cunts, stop attaching labels to the ideas and just give the ideas, because your average person doesn't understand labels.

>> No.15982399

welcome to thje vampire castle

>> No.15982401

Not really, no. If a protest group came up to me, I would invite them to sample the Panamanian geisha roast I am currently working on perfecting and ask if there were any train enthusiasts in the crowd. I'm sure we could have a pleasant discussion.

>> No.15982402

Because the 90% thinks they can be the 10%. That's all it is.

>> No.15982407

Let's let Jewish organisers decide who is in charge of economic power. What could possibly go wrong?

>> No.15982427


That sounds fine, but not the dog park since there are also other animals.

>> No.15982442

Has anyone ever had any luck convincing them otherwise? Stoicism and Buddhism could probably help.

>> No.15982443

Posts like this always show that you don't actually give a shit about the average standard of living, you just care THAT GUY OVER THERE has more than you do, and somehow that's unbearable, because you're a petty, envious piece of shit.

>> No.15982445

If you live in a first-world country, then you are already in top 10%, so worldwide communism will make you much poorer.

>> No.15982448

>dude just die it's ok
>dude you are already dead

>> No.15982453

Envy is a healthy human quality.

>> No.15982456

based rich kid autiste giving BLM $1000 coffee. Now I've read everything lmao

>> No.15982458


What makes you think it is supposed to be any other way?

>> No.15982461

An actual Stoic or a Buddhist would not seethe about how many zeroes are on someone's account balance.

But in practice, you can tell who Buddhists are by their appearance and accesories. Macbook? One Buddhist point. Facial hair? Another Buddhist point. Is their hair either painfully sculpted into a BDSM-style side part or loosely tied back into a manbun? Both get you a Buddhist point. They got into an involved conversation with the waiter about which items are gluten free? Guaranteed Buddhist.

>> No.15982464

Envy is not present in people who are able to get what they want, when they want it.

>> No.15982467

A reminder that Florence study showed that rich families now basically stayed the same compared to 600 years ago. That's everything you need to know about social lifts and power ownership.

>> No.15982470

Were these rich families endogamous?

>> No.15982473

>people who are able to get what they want, when they want it.
So either no one, or an infinitesimal minority?

>> No.15982477

Yes, the men who get to breed.

>> No.15982478

Don't know where I gave off that vibe. I find the pic in OP unbearable because he's a stuck up cunt, not because he might have more money than me. I don't care if someone has more money than me, most people do. I value money very little, it pays for food, shelter, tools and books. I can understand completely why someone with a million+ dollars wouldn't agree with me, I don't intend to convince millionaires that I'm right, it goes against their wishes and I'm fine with that. My problem is that the average person defends a billionaire's right to hoard wealth. Historically, the aristocrats have never really cared about the commoner's rights, why do we care about their 'right' to have as much money as they want?

If I had the guess, the main reason billionaires "hoard wealth" is because the money they have can't actually be spent; if they spent all their money in one go, something really bad would probably happen. But yeah dude I'm not envious of money at all, I'm just envious of geniuses and 5 year old violin virtuosos mostly.

>> No.15982481

Ah the chads from the Chad.

>> No.15982482

the Medici regularly had children with slaves and produced the first mulatto prince of Europe, so that would be a definite "no".

IIRC the Orsini also had a half-Turk son-of-a-slave princeling taken from as a prize-of-war from one of the Lepanto floating hareems of the Vizier.

>> No.15982484

If you'll support left, they will not harm billionaires, but will makes your life worse by various means.

>> No.15982488

>Fuck offshores.
France tried to do this back in 2012 I think?
You know what happened? A good deal of the wealthy people and business owners simply moved their capital across border to UK and Netherlands. And now France isn't very happy about this idea of taxing the rich. The idea that nation states are for some reason work together on this issue ignoring their self interest is silly.

>> No.15982494
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turns out when you get more people and they are mobilized into the workforce more efficiently (thanks feminism) the wages go down due to competition
what a fucking suprise

>> No.15982498

Not sure if you're the same anon, but persistence of family names doesn't equal persistence of genes. There may even be a complete turnover in certain circumstances.

AFAIK the reason Britain has been so stable over the past thousand years has been because of primogeniture, i.e. rich younger sons marry into the common classes, meaning there's a bridge between aristocracy and bourgeoisie that never existed in ancien regime France.

>> No.15982503

>Artificial stifling of single-company monopolies stimulates competition and creates better products.
less government intervention that protects monopolies stimulate competition

>> No.15982507

How exactly does that post show that? He just wants a better society.

>> No.15982516


Class consciousness does not exist. It has nothing to do with the "reality" Marx claims to love and is the result of the very "philosophizing" he claims to hate. The bottom 90% are not "ok" with billionaires existing, it simply does not occur to them that such a divide is anything but quantitatively descriptive, and they are right.

>> No.15982519

Socialism does not work.

Marxism does not work.

Communism does not work.

Read Basic Economics you fucking imbeciles.

>> No.15982529

The individuals who become billionaires and stay billionaires do so by being very good at directing their resources towards things that are worth investing in, because obviously if they choose enough bad investments they will quickly lose their fortune and this is evidenced by the constantly changing fortune 500 list. Somebody has to direct these resources if our society is going to see any sort of wealthy generation or innovation and I would prefer it be the most skilled people because society doesn't benefit from bad investment. These billionaires also have a personal stake in their success in investing unlike impersonal government agencies dealing with other peoples money, and consequently waste money on fruitless projects and research.

>> No.15982555

"the left", I mean socialists, threw away the notions of the family, tribe, ethnic group and nation state, shit, let's throw in language, cultural and religious groups in there as well
little did they know as an individual being a part of these things gives you larger bargaining power due to the group acting as one in it's own interest
but hey individualism frees you from judgement and social expectations of the in-group like gender roles so that's cool I guess

>> No.15982556

The replacement part is true, nit the hoarding. Hiardibg is a terribke idea. When you heat that Bill Gates bet worth is x, that is not money hiarded in some bank, but shrares, goods etc...

>> No.15982566

leftists are anti-individualist..

>> No.15982570

This has nothing to do with standards of living.
You just hate that X amount of money is more than you have.

>> No.15982578

only insofar as you align with their ever expanding ideology
tell me what socialist organization has bargaining powers that they use against big businesses? worker unions would be one example but they get fucked by governments

>> No.15982584

they try to burn it because there are documents on criminals (their own people)

>> No.15982585
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The fact you cite this chart proves you have no comprehension of what the man you're replying to was saying.

The wealth of the top 1% is NOT liquid wealth, it's not the same as the money you have in your bank account, Jeff Bezos cannot spend 100 billion, in fact it's very likely he couldn't withdraw a single billion without it being scheduled a year in advance without tanking Amazon's stocks and causing his 'value' to drop by 30x that amount. His billions are contained within Amazon as a company, and directly tied to Amazon's performance and value, therefore the wealth of Bezos, and any large business owner, also benefits the common people.

>> No.15982595

that sounds like almost every country on the planet since the 17th century

>> No.15982597

They threw away all those things because after communists gain power, they brutally crack down on any sort of identity or authority that isn't the State (or "People's Republic of Working Comrade People").
Even though it turns out shit even when the State does it, it's even worse when you haven't even reached that point, so leftists outside of communist countries just have this weird tranny cult thing going on where they hate their parents, religion, and country.

>> No.15982602

Amazon's performance is has nothing to do with how good common people do. Look at how it's stock has soared during this pandemic, which has put ~30 million people out of work.

>> No.15982606

That's a wise sentiment.

>> No.15982615

Yeah retard, that's because with stores being forced to shut down by the government, everyone buys shit online now, aka Amazon.
They're also hiring more people than ever to keep up with the new demand.

>> No.15982618

If it were possible for billionaires to exists and also have universal healthcare, a robust education system, well maintained infrastructure, and a guaranteed standard of living, then I would have no problem with them. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Billionaires use their wealth to make the governments of the world bend to their will to the detriment of nearly everybody.

>> No.15982626

OK, so what if the government forced them to lay people off? The fact is that while people are doing worse, Amazon is doing better. The value of Amazon is totally disconnected from the health of society at large.

>> No.15982627

No, you're thinking of jews.
Rich white people become philanthropists.

>> No.15982639

>government forces little business to close
>customers are now forced to buy from huge corporations
>unemployed people are forced to search employment at huge corporations
Truly shows the relationship between government and billionaires. Let's also remember that leftists are the ones most enthusiastic about lockdowns, and everything will click.

>> No.15982643

>Rich white people become philanthropists.
that's just tax dodging and money laundering

>> No.15982648
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The system itself is the problem. While there is a market in which the means of production can be owned, there will always be pooling of wealth and mass exploitation. "Tax" and "Redistrubution" are retard solutions.

>> No.15982650

Do you ever feel ashamed that your politics is based off of paranoid schizophrenic theories about race?

>> No.15982652

Now you're disingenuously mixing up your argument.
Nobody said you could use Amazon as a sole measure of quality of life.
What the other anon was saying was that Amazon doing well benefits tons of people through employment opportunities.

>> No.15982657

This. The real solution to income inequality is to all die of starvation.

>> No.15982658

Are you saying that the government is beholden to large corporate interests?

>> No.15982661

Surely enough huge monopolies with barely present unions are a great employment places.

>> No.15982662
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>> No.15982668

Having your labor exploited is hardly a benefit.

>> No.15982673

Every job is "exploitation" to you retarded faggots.

>> No.15982674

Yes, especially the government which claims to be left.

>> No.15982685

If you're talking about the DNC, I wholeheartedly agree.

>> No.15982693

large corporations are more useful to governments than a bunch of whining poor people that don't produce anything of value

>> No.15982695

>that one autistic retard itt who don't have any clue about economics and politics but vote for Biden in Ohio anyway cause he build model train and wants retarded distribution.

>> No.15982696

>should be implemented globally
Can't be done without a legislative body that can overrule each country's sovereignty. Think income or corporate tax legislation as an example.

And I'd be willing to wager it's far too difficult to get all countries to give up their legislative independence.

>> No.15982697

Working people produce value by definition.

>> No.15982703

You cant argue good things are bad, anon.

>> No.15982706

Please never reproduce you retarded imbecile commies.

>> No.15982710

corporations can mobilize the workers in ways workers themselves cannot

>> No.15982716

Look, a Bezos himself! Post tits.

>> No.15982717

You will never produce or reproduce anything of value.

End yourself you worthless communist.

>> No.15982719

>makes the poors' life better by making everything cheaper and more affordable.

Anon, being a billionaire means your industry is far more extractive. It means you're making everything less efficient and you're taking more out of society.

Private equity is not good and harms capitalism.

>> No.15982723

wow... so this is the power of rightoid argumentation

>> No.15982724

>company that employs tens of thousands of people and provides utility for probably hundreds of millions more is bad
How can you be exploited if you willingly enter into an agreement? Absolute imbecile, fucking embarrassing.

>> No.15982730

not necesseraly
if people avoid taxes or create vanity products and services rather than things with pragmatic function, their work doesn't really amount to much other than the money they make
your mcjobs aren't that much of a contribution to society

>> No.15982731

>enter willingly into a contract
>waaah im being exploited
Don't want to work for Amazon? Don't sign the contract.

Don't want to work in a non-unionized job? Join your retarded commie union and get a retarded commie job.


>> No.15982736

But that's wrong, you retard.

>> No.15982742
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>> No.15982743

>if there is a huge monopoly, then it is great for the employees because you probably can't find job otherwise, right?
That's literally your position.

>> No.15982746

Wow good post, you sure swayed me with your superior intellect

>> No.15982747

>produce valuables to a low price which makes it more affordable to mor people
I always knew commies were retarded but this is next level.

>> No.15982751

>He thinks consumption is good

Liberals really grind my gears.

>> No.15982752

What monopoly are you talking about, exactly? Every monopoly that has existed thus far in history have been government monopolies.

>> No.15982762

>If I bring something completely different up I win the argument!

>> No.15982764

Being a corporation means that you have efficiency down to an artform, producing massive amounts of products with as few defects as possible to maximize profit.

>> No.15982768

I'm not Jewish, so no, I don't view myself as part of a race chosen by God to dwell alone and never breed with the unclean goyim, on pain of being ostracised from the community of the righteous. That would be a racial belief with schizophrenic characteristics.

Your latte art is not valuable.

>> No.15982769

>what is price dumping

>> No.15982770

I know you commies absolutely despise the fact that more and more people can afford goods that used to be affordable only by the Nomenklatura.

Yes, more people being able to afford goods at a cheaper price is positive for said people and society as a whole. It means their standard of living is rising along with societies standard of living.

If you don't want to consume? Then don't consume. Don't stop the working man from being able to afford goods by artificially inflating the price or limiting supply.

>> No.15982771

>if people avoid taxes or create vanity products and services rather than things with pragmatic function
That sounds rather like Amazon

>> No.15982773

anon, capitalism today is not "making things cheaper". theyre doing things like burning piles of cash to obtain market dominance. Amazon was losing money hand over fist for years, it may be cheaper for the end consumer but all of the dumping wreaks havoc for other retailers. Then you have Uber, grubhub etc all straining viable businesses because theyre operating at loss.

The end goal of all this is monopolization. Not efficiency, its meant to ultimate extract even more once the competitors are dead.

And yeah, monopolies exist everywhere. Varsity Brands controls nearly the entire cheerleading industry, and it's more expensive than ever to get involved.

Only a total smoothbrain illiterate with no actual knowledge of the US economy would think billionares make things cheaper.

>> No.15982775

Literary Basic Economics, by Thomas Sowell.

That idea has been tried in India. I think the maximum was 10 million dollars or so. As a result, Indians who were getting near that sum simply left the country and became billionaires in other nations.

I don't think increasing the maximum to 1 billion will make a difference, but, hey, Marxists don't really care about practical consequences, do they?

Either you have a democracy and the law will have to be debated before entering into effect, in which case the billionaires will simply flee to other places such as my prosperous developing country which would be 100% happy to receive them.

Or else you have a dictatorship, in which case most billionaires will have already fled, and anyway the dictators will simply take the money to themselves, which is what dictators do.

>> No.15982777

Something unions and commies love.

>> No.15982779

being a billlionaire means you destroy effective companies and set up metaphorical toll roads so you can extract as much as possible from the functioning economy.

>> No.15982778

something governments should be regulating?

>> No.15982780

It's shocking that your ideology isn't more popular with people who live in poverty. After all, they hate consumption, too, otherwise they'd just buy more money. Poverty is basically a zen thing, right? Kinda cool.

>> No.15982781

I already do. But jobs like mine are limited and only available to few people. People would choose unionized jobs every time if they were made available to them.

>> No.15982782
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>> No.15982787

>but what about the jews
Yes, Jews who believe that are retards, just like you are.

>> No.15982788

I prefer the prequel, Uncle Tom's Cabin

>> No.15982789

What is it? A left wing fantasy. Literally no private business has ever done this because it's a terrible strategy.

>> No.15982790

>That sounds rather like Amazon
with shit like Alexa you might be right, but their logistics business both the distribution part and AWS is extremely valuable due to their pragmatic functions
you buying onaholes on amazon webstore doesn't invalidate that

>> No.15982792

You mean like medieval aristocrats?

Kind of weird how they couldn't keep hold of power and our economy just kept getting more and more efficient as time went on.

>> No.15982796

Yes, certainly some companies today are not sustainable long term operations but that is due to government interference in the market. In a free market these companies would have been bust years ago and not act the way they do. What we have today is not capitalism, it's state socialism thanks to the retarded ideology Keynesianism.

In a free market you compete for consumers through, but not exclusively, offering goods at lower prices to your competitors.

>monopolies exist everywhere
No. The definition of monopoly is "the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service."

The only monopolies in existence are government monopolies.

>> No.15982800

>If I presume the tenets of my economic beliefs are axiomatic, I don't have to actually make any arguments
Really makes you think.

>> No.15982803

Wow, that literally word convinced me.

>> No.15982804

>Almost no one actually has >1 billion in liquid assets.
Depends. For the people on the Forbes list - sure.
But there are lots of gulf arabs that are cash billionaires and usually they do not appear on mainstream media in the internet in a picture row. Gulf arabs know these people, ask them
Furthermore there are mafias where they hoard cash, even if they don't need that much but simply because they pay salaries in cash and get their income in cash:
Otherwhise I agree with your post.

>> No.15982805

>But jobs like mine are limited and only available to few people.
Almost like the market has given you their opinion on your job.

Why don't you start a unionized company and offer unionized jobs to people instead of expecting others to do it for you?

>> No.15982806

I did make an argument:

>Either you have a democracy and the law will have to be debated before entering into effect, in which case the billionaires will simply flee to other places such as my prosperous developing country which would be 100% happy to receive them.

>Or else you have a dictatorship, in which case most billionaires will have already fled, and anyway the dictators will simply take the money to themselves, which is what dictators do.

>> No.15982807

Yes, and it would constrict the US economy if not for the temporary massive reduction in labor costs China gives.

But the US is on its way out.

>> No.15982808

This is an English forum

>> No.15982809

thinly veiled non-/lit/ thread

>> No.15982812

Keynesianism hasn't been the guiding economic philosophy of the West for 40 years.

>> No.15982817
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>Keynesianism hasn't been the guiding economic philosophy of the West for 40 years.

>> No.15982818

What an original idea. Did you learn it from every book you've ever read, edited by Noseberg & Co Publishers?

Three word sentence you've never heard before, but which explain everything:

Jews are endogamous.

>> No.15982821

Thanks for giving me the encyclopedia summary of "shit retarded 4channers assert with zero knowledge". Anyone who rants about government intervention and Keynesianism is an automatic filter, that's ideology, not economics.

Try reading someone breathing in the 21st century and shy away from Hayek, von Mises or Sowell.

>> No.15982822
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>> No.15982826

Then you can try to use it.

>> No.15982827

Wealthy people already move their wealth elsewhere.

>> No.15982829

Not an argument.

Please leave the thread you inbred imbecile.

>> No.15982832

Wasn't op about that?

>> No.15982833

You didn't give an argument either you fucking nigger. You just opened your little gospel Bible and repeated the lines you're told to repeat.

Try having an original thought for once and read a book you absolute fucking smoothbrain

>> No.15982837 [DELETED] 

>the left hates black people and will insult, defame, and attack any blacks that have different opinions than them
I can't wait to kill people like you.

>asks for a book that provides arguments
>gets a book that provides arguments
>shifts the goal post to wanting an argument from the poster
Kill yourself, brainlet.

>> No.15982839

If their wealth is so unrelated to the country that they can move it out in a heartbeat, then they simply don't belong.

>> No.15982844

Not an argument.

Please leave the thread you fucking commie retard. You add absolutely zero value to this thread or anything else in your life.

>> No.15982848

Yes, to places where it is easier to maintain it.

This is merely logical, and is the point of Sowell's discussion of that Indian issue in Basic Economics. People move their wealth to places where there are more incentives. Punishing billionaires by taking away all of their money is, I do believe, a very big disincentive to billionaires, who will them move their wealth to other nations before the law enters into effect (which takes a while in a democracy).

>> No.15982849

>the left hates black people and will insult, defame, and attack any blacks that have different opinions than them
I can't wait to kill people like you, in minecraft of course.

>asks for a book that provides arguments
>gets a book that provides arguments
>shifts the goal post to wanting an argument from the poster
Kill yourself, brainlet.

>> No.15982856

Sowell makes a great argument regarding redistribution, he is correct when he says you can only redistribute current wealth. If people think their future wealth might get redistributed they simply move it elsewhere.

Capital, after all, can transcend borders in mere seconds, people not so much.

>> No.15982858

Read a book.

>> No.15982864
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>read a book
>don't read Hayek, Mises or Sowell

>> No.15982868

Read a book.

>> No.15982875

The problem of fleeing rich people could be solved if the whole world was part of a common economic zone with some kind of world gouvernment that would enforce the wealth cap in the OP.

>> No.15982879

Thats why we need a global government

>> No.15982885

And let me guess, that world government would all be run by people like you.

>> No.15982887

Sounds like my worst nightmare.

Fuck off with your NWO global government shit. We need more localism. Central planning is disgusting.

>> No.15982888

I've read Basic Economics and I was disagreeing with it's economic theory.

>> No.15982889

You are wrong. He could liquidate his stocks at 90% of spot value in a quarter.
t.bigboy finance big boy

>> No.15982892

By the way, the reaction to covid shows not only what is said in >>15982639, but also that there is already a de-facto world government which most countries will immediately obey.

>> No.15982894

Yes, it could.
Just like the problem of racism could be solved if everyone had race-mixed babies... And the problem of fat-phobia could be solved if sexy hot men were willing to date ugly fat women.

>> No.15982898

US government would pour boiling oil down his throat if he tried to do it on the behalf of the stock holders

>> No.15982902

atlas shrugged

>> No.15982903

>there is already a de-facto world government which most countries will immediately obey

It shows the opposite. There's a load of disagreements on covid, even though it's a scientific issue.

Now imagine it when it comes to political, or ideological issues. Imagine trying to convince Islamic countries to hold a common economic zone with the US, like >>15982875 wants to do.

Utterly impossible.

>> No.15982904
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We're coming for you anon:

- forced vaccines
- worldwide gun control
- global wealth tax
- liberal education camps

It's going to be a paradise.. just you wait

>> No.15982909

this retarded nigger thinks federalism is central planning


>> No.15982911
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>non-argument leftards

>> No.15982920

World population is several times larger than what is desired.

>> No.15982921

>It's going to be a paradise
I didn't realize Detroit and Baltimore is paradise

>> No.15982927

even worse. Its not even a 1 world government you retard.

>> No.15982968

Those benefits you listed can literally be had right now without raising taxation on anyone; do you know why it is not? Govt. inefficiency.

The govt. overspends, underspends, and loses money every year in the hundreds of millions, if not billions. People have this strange idea that giving a govt. that is absolutely terrible with money even MORE money will cure any ailment -- it won't. It's like upping the dose for a junkie while expecting them to get over the addiction.

You're lamenting billionaires for govt. issues. And even those billionaires don't necessarily have the cash they're valued at, so that's another folly to think you can take what they don't even have.

>> No.15982973
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Probably not, I don't like the concept that much and I'm not scrupulous or ambitious enough to spend my life in these institutions and rise to the top. I guess the people who would run it would be similiar to the ones who are are in US politics, like Clinton, Biden, Feinstein, Romney. It might be interesteing if it was ruled by some kind of AI but I would want to hide on some small tropical island or vast forest as far away as possible from their control.

I know rich people who shill for that stuff.

Why would Islamic countries be contrary to that? Turkey wanted to enter the EU and the gulf arabs set up the GCC, even though it's come to a standstill. They wouldn't have to give up on their nations, religious rules etc.
I guess convincing China would be harder/almost impossible.

2 and 4 exist already.

>> No.15982982

I meant I know rich people who shill for a unified world economy with otherwise sovereign nation states.

>> No.15982997

Why just stop there lol

>> No.15983005

Isnt this literally brazil and they still have racism problems

>> No.15983008

because then they will not provide as much and the poor will be poorer for it

>> No.15983028

It used to be that we had to defend millionaires, but now modern lefties have shifted to just criticizing billionaires, since Bernie is a millionaire now and they dont wanna criticize him.

>> No.15983038

This. The free market doesn't incentivise solving every kind of problem

>> No.15983041

In terms of thermodynamics, you "exploit" others by simply existing. Either accept it or kill yourself.
Make sure to dig your own grave beforehand, otherwise you exploit someone by forcing him to dig it for you.

>> No.15983043

This whole thread is so dumb

>> No.15983048

>it's a scientific issue.

>> No.15983069

You need a system where someone can't generate wealth by stealing others' labour. And that is anarchism
By the way so many big profit companies

>> No.15983072

Ok, now you can have no access to our markets either. We don't sell your shit here and have created room for a competitor that the people know aren't greedy fucks like you.

>> No.15983082
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>Turkey wanted to enter the EU and the gulf arabs set up the GCC, even though it's come to a standstill.
I wonder why

>> No.15983086

...are not creating the highest quality product in order to maximise profit. Remember when facebook decided to break their feed to make money and you had to pay to fix it?

>> No.15983130

there are degrees of exploitation you dumb fucking nigger retard

>> No.15983143

What a great idea to abandon the people to nation state. They would then have access to the military machines that would be used to declare war on your private island or wherever you scurried off to; dragging your families out like the traitors you are. I'm glad your heartlessness is recorded here though, for all to see first. Justifying such aggression will be much easier now.

>> No.15983206

you can go back to watching Hasan now

>> No.15983209

100% tax over a certain rate is just a maximum wage basically. The primary argument everyone is making is that billionaires are welfare enhancing but that's obviously contentious since there's plenty of proof to the contrary. If you set it so high it'd be largely irrelevant since billionaires would have all kinds of wealth still to lobby against it so it just last a couple years at most.

>If Bitcoin (or a future analog) goes mainstream for architects, engineers, consultants, doctor's diagnoses, etc, then that's the end of income tax for high earning professionals, at a time when welfare spending goes through the roof. Something has to give. I don't intend to experience the consequences of that.
You mean if everyone was paid on a public ledger and their income was made public... not to mention their income halving or doubling over night every couple months. That would make avoiding taxation harder, whatever you're paid in you would have to convert to the public monopoly money still to pay since there's no reason any sane government would accept bitcoin for taxes.

>> No.15983232

History has shown racism is exacerbated by economic down turns. Socialist policies are color-blind, the only reason whiteness continues to stick out is because the USA made a policy of endorsing them over others, and then abandoned them too unless they would work as foot soldiers for the rich, and then just turned from them all-together.

>> No.15983233

The KSA-Qatar rift is pretty old and a further integration would be difficult, since richer parts don't want to pay for poorer parts. I mean look at the UAE, where Abu Dhabi is controlling everything and giving others without only money if they don't question Abu Dhabi as the controlling emirate.

>> No.15983280

number of comments here tell me you are all very skilled specialists in how to deal with someone else's money

>> No.15983288
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>> No.15983325
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Why are poor people so insufferably annoying?

>> No.15983354

>defending wage-laboring subhumans
The benevolence of the elite ensures that they don’t die on the streets. In all honesty they SHOULD be left to die. Survival of the fittest

>> No.15983368

Slave morality

>> No.15983382

>this exploitation is good
>other exploitation bad
>i get to decide which is which arbitrarily

>> No.15983385
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When will we as a society just admit that Aristotle was right and that poor people are natural slaves meant to serve their masters? The poor serving and providing leisure for their masters is mutually beneficial and leads to a harmonious society. Most normalfags NEED slavery and would be happier and provisioned for under such a system

>> No.15983389

That shit village is peak SOUL

>> No.15983405

The Hart-Cellar Reform of 1965 removed the old immigration quota system (that used to make spread around the demographics of immigrants and limit too many from one place).
It reduced immigration controls and illegal immigration started to be a problem for the first time.
So in 1986 they (mainly Ted Kennedy) hatched a scheme called the 1986 Immigration Control & Reform Act.
It was supposed to give mass amnesty to a quarter of million illegals (it actually gave it to 3 million) in exchange for a crackdown on illegal immigration on a go-forward basis with documentation, penalties for employing illegals and border patrol.
They delivered on the mass amnesty part but not the crackdown. People assumed employer penalties and the illegality of it would make it impractical for illegal immigrants to stay in the country.
Not only were the provisions hard to enforce but after the act the courts were often hostile to the tools designed to de-incentivize immigration.
In “The Age of Entitlement” by Christoper Caldwell, he gives the example of a district court overturning the results of a 1994 California referendum (passed in a landslide) that was supposed to deny welfare benefits to illegal immigrants.

>> No.15983409

that's kind of a weird masochistic ideology

>> No.15983424

Interesting. The Hegel thread dies overnight and this one baits 300 replies.

>> No.15983437
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>mfw my Spengler thread got 5 replies

>> No.15983537
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It's only logical. Talking of Hegel requires reading and understanding his works; a vague and relatively controversial topic that only serves as a soapbox for poorly developed and even more poorly argued ideas shared and debated in pure intellectual dishonesty has a far greater reach, and more easily accommodates the uneducated and uncultured, inciting them to share their piece.
It's sad to see that even /lit/ itself has devolved into a mentality of appeasing the lowest common denominator for nothing but completely meaningless statistical superiority, intrinsic value be damned, but it's also hilariously poetic that the thread that exemplifies this the best at this point in time happens to be one on capitalism of all things.

>> No.15983549
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>It's only logical. Talking of Hegel requires reading and understanding his works
No it doesnt. Ive never read Hegel and just bullshit through the threads. No one dares to call me out because they dont understand Hegel themselves either.

>> No.15983561

I wonder if all of the commies tearing up Democrat cities right now have considered that since they're all being paid $600/wk unemployment and what they've chosen to do with their free time is tear up cities and attack law enforcement, they've made an incredible argument against ever giving the people of the US any kind of universal basic income.

>> No.15983585
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>pays his editors below a minimum wage

>> No.15983603

here's an idea: we execute you for treason for colluding with a foreign government.
except you're don't actually have a factory and think boots taste good

>> No.15983609
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>We execute you
>tankie still thinks the working class gives a shit about his little revolution

>> No.15983623
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>> No.15983633
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>every red cent

>> No.15983729

>Because the 90% thinks they can be the 10%
What! Do you go out sometimes?