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15978026 No.15978026[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How would you summarise Das Kapital in a nutshell, /lit/?

>> No.15978069

why are mods forcing this shit so hard?

>> No.15978098

>gib me dat
>literally gets money from the government to play with his rockets

>> No.15978151

Elon musk is a real nutjob. That aside, who wants to bet he has not even read it? This crayon-eater gives off the exact same energy as Pewdiepie.

>> No.15978153

>Why tha fuck everything gotta cost money

>> No.15978179

I love that pol now loves reddit and glownigs.

>> No.15978197

Imagine having sympathy for poor people and their failed life choices. Burger flippers don’t deserve $15. Sorry you didn’t finish high school, loser.

>> No.15978231

It isn't true of Marx, but it is true of most non-academics who refer to themselves as Marxists.

>> No.15978298

>this tweet is actually real

Wtf I love MuskMan now. But yeah that's a pretty succinct summary. Capital is still worth a read nonetheless. So many pseuds these days read a Wikipedia summary or, worse, some publication's """article""" and then think they're authoritative experts on high-level subjects like economic systems.

It makes me really happy knowing there are probably thousands of faggy college kids getting absolutely assblasted at this tweet's existence.

>> No.15978311

But...what about their feelings?

>> No.15978312

No one actually reads this gay shit lmao

>> No.15978329

Time is money.

>> No.15978350


>> No.15978357
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>> No.15978375

>When you're such a retarded assblasted commie you set up a strawman that probably isn't true



>> No.15978399
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>> No.15978400

the literal mission statement of /pol/ is to have more shit to consoom that panders to them. they're not hypocrites.

>> No.15978407
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>> No.15978415


>> No.15978443
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>> No.15978447

Pretty funny tweet considering 2/3s of Elon's wealth comes from government subsidy. I guess Elon is a commie.

>> No.15978451

no, how would you describe the starry night and why it is good? it's imposible

>> No.15978456
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>> No.15978466

They'll be in charge after the revolution to put midwits like you in their place.

>> No.15978482

>Burger flipper communist utopia

>> No.15978487

>oh marxists have so much money, what hypocrites
>oh leftists have so little money they are just jealous

>> No.15978496

They are the low IQ placed in charge by the high IQ to take care of the midwit problem.

>> No.15978527

Tf how no one tell me elon musk is based

>> No.15978536

This isn't based.

>> No.15978550

Yea it seems he is aware that he is a living and walking meme.

>> No.15978555
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hi ptg.

>> No.15978567

>That aside, who wants to bet he has not even read it?
Why would he?
Why would anyone?
History already proved him wrong about everything.
It would be like taking a doomsday cult seriously, when their prediction for the end of the world already came and went.

>> No.15978578
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This is the image of capitalist, aka right wing, libertarians. Every /pol/ mongrel should be executed.

>> No.15978687
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Why do you guys act as if you care about the average white person?
Clearly none of you do. You whinge about political correctness and immigration, claiming they're running the white race and putting the blame on leftists college professors - yet you refuse to even help the working class whites. Are you really just that stupid?

>> No.15978705

>dumb twitter and youtube leftoid commies talk about das kapital, never read it
>rightoids talk about it, never read it

>> No.15978818

from the best according to their ability
to the worst according to their need

>> No.15979002

>you know when da boss steals half yo wages? das kapital, das kapital rite there.

>> No.15979011

just start a company lmfao

>> No.15979081

Kind of hypocritical that Musk tweeted this after he got finished bragging about toppling the Evo Morales government because he wanted preferential access to Bolivia’s lithium.

>> No.15979090


>> No.15979103

A commodity is an external object that satisfies a human need either directly or indirectly. Marx says that useful things can be looked at from the point of view of quality and quantity. They have many attributes and can therefore be used in many ways. He uses the term use-value in relation to commodities' quality. "The usefulness of a thing makes it a use-value." A commodity's use-value is a trait of the thing itself, and is independent of the amount of labor needed to make the commodity useful.

Exchange-value is the proportion by which use-values of one kind exchange for use-values of other kinds. It is a constantly changing relation, and is not inherent to the object. For example, corn and iron have an exchange relation, which means that a certain amount of corn equals a certain amount of iron. Each must therefore equal a third common element, and can be reduced to this thing. The common element cannot be a natural property of the commodity, but rather must be abstracted away from its use-value. Discarding use-values, only one property remains—the commodities are the products of abstract human labor. They are "congealed quantities of homogenous human labor." This common factor in the exchange-value of the commodity is its value.

Thus, a use-value only has exchange-value when it consists of abstract human labor. This is measured by the amount of labor-time socially necessary to produce it. A commodity's value would stay constant if the labor-time also stayed constant. With greater productivity, it takes less labor to produce a commodity, and thus, less labor is "crystallized" in the product, leading to a decrease in value. "The value of a commodity, therefore, varies directly as the quantity, and inversely as the productivity, of the labor which finds its realization within the commodity." Something can be a use-value without being a value. This occurs when something's usefulness is not produced through labor. However, nothing can be a value without also being a use-value; if something is useless, so is the labor contained in it.

That's just a summary of some aspects of section 1 of chapter 1 of part 1.

>> No.15979158

you know the government is a business right? they pay contractors like everyone else.

how is that similar to a free hand out?

>> No.15979258

This is /pol/ in a nutshell

>> No.15979262
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>Everyone I don't like is a Trump Supporter
Communists are literally retarded

>> No.15979270
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Only a subset of /pol/ is libertarian/pro-capitalist, probably a minority

>> No.15979295

Lmao. Voting for rightwing politicians is just voting for more capitalism. There's nothing else to it.

>> No.15979307

Sounds pretty retarded tbph.

>> No.15979311

Yeah in every state there is a place with high rent, your point?

>> No.15979315

Go form your KPD then. Don't google what happened to them.

>> No.15979328

Read it again, brainlet.

>> No.15979341


>> No.15979364

Why do you think anyone is going to click on youtube links here?

>> No.15979407

In Das Kapital, Marx proposes that the motivating force of capitalism is in the exploitation of labor, whose unpaid work is the ultimate source of surplus value. The owner of the means of production is able to claim the right to this surplus value because he or she is legally protected by the ruling regime through property rights and the legally established distribution of shares which are by law distributed only to company owners and their board members. The historical section shows how these rights were acquired in the first place chiefly through plunder and conquest and the activity of the merchant and "middle-man". In producing capital (produced goods), the workers continually reproduce the economic conditions by which they labour. Das Kapital proposes an explanation of the "laws of motion" of the capitalist economic system from its origins to its future by describing the dynamics of the accumulation of capital, the growth of wage labour, the transformation of the workplace, the concentration of capital, commercial competition, the banking system, the decline of the profit rate, land-rents, et cetera. The critique of the political economy of capitalism proposes:
>Wage-labour is the basic "cell-form" (trade unit) of a capitalist society. Moreover, because commerce as a human activity implied no morality beyond that required to buy and sell goods and services, the growth of the market system made discrete entities of the economic, the moral and the legal spheres of human activity in society; hence, subjective moral value is separate from objective economic value. Subsequently, political economy—the just distribution of wealth and "political arithmetick" about taxes—became three discrete fields of human activity, namely economics, law and ethics, politics and economics divorced.
>"The economic formation of society [is] a process of natural history". Thus, it is possible for a political economist to objectively study the scientific laws of capitalism, given that its expansion of the market system of commerce had objectified human economic relations. The use of money (cash nexus) voided religious and political illusions about its economic value and replaced them with commodity fetishism, the belief that an object (commodity) has inherent economic value. Because societal economic formation is a historical process, no one person could control or direct it, thereby creating a global complex of social connections among capitalists. The economic formation (individual commerce) of a society thus precedes the human administration of an economy (organised commerce).


>> No.15979418


>The structural contradictions of a capitalist economy (German: gegensätzliche Bewegung) describe the contradictory movement originating from the two-fold character of labour and so the class struggle between labour and capital, the wage labourer and the owner of the means of production. These capitalist economic contradictions operate "behind the backs" of the capitalists and the workers as a result of their activities and yet remain beyond their immediate perceptions as men and women and as social classes.
>The economic crises (recession, depression, et cetera) that are rooted in the contradictory character of the economic value of the commodity (cell-unit) of a capitalist society are the conditions that propitiate proletarian revolution—which The Communist Manifesto (1848) collectively identified as a weapon forged by the capitalists which the working class "turned against the bourgeoisie itself".
>In a capitalist economy, technological improvement and its consequent increased production augment the amount of material wealth (use value) in society while simultaneously diminishing the economic value of the same wealth, thereby diminishing the rate of profit—a paradox characteristic of economic crisis in a capitalist economy. "Poverty in the midst of plenty" consequent to over-production and under-consumption.

>> No.15979429

He's not doing anything for them.

>> No.15979444

>whose unpaid work is the ultimate source of surplus value.
You could have stopped here, because this is retarded.

>> No.15979448

Based, marxshits seething

>> No.15979458

the government isnt a business dumb retard

>> No.15979467
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You don't understand the sentence?

>> No.15979471

I understand it fine, it's simply hilariously incorrect.

>> No.15979485

If you think Marx is wrong you just haven't read h..oh wait nevermind.

>> No.15979522

Then what is the ultimate source of surplus value

>> No.15979530

It won't magically become true no matter how many times you reread it.
Value is a subjective quantity. It is impossible to quantify the value that any individual adds, which is why the employer and employee come to an agreement about how valuable they are.

>> No.15979543

"Surplus value" is a translation of the German word "Mehrwert", which simply means value added (sales revenue less the cost of materials used up), and is cognate to English "more worth". Surplus-value is the difference between the amount raised through a sale of a product and the amount it cost to the owner of that product to manufacture it: i.e. the amount raised through sale of the product minus the cost of the materials, plant and labour power. It is a central concept in Karl Marx's critique of political economy. Conventionally, value-added is equal to the sum of gross wage income and gross profit income. However, Marx uses the term Mehrwert to describe the yield, profit or return on production capital invested, i.e. the amount of the increase in the value of capital. Hence, Marx's use of Mehrwert has always been translated as "surplus value", distinguishing it from "value-added". According to Marx's theory, surplus value is equal to the new value created by workers in excess of their own labor-cost, which is appropriated by the capitalist as profit when products are sold.

>> No.15979544

This may be the dumbest post I've ever read.

>> No.15979566

>It is impossible to quantify the value that any individual adds, which is why the employer and employee come to an agreement about how valuable they are.
Imagine writing that retarded sentence and thinking you made a point.

>> No.15979638

Elon Musk hasn't read Das Kapital...

>> No.15979676

You are mentally challenged and should fucking kill yourselves.

Absolute imbeciles.

It's 2020 and you don't even grasp basic economics that you learn in 6th grade.

>> No.15979680

I genuinely cannot put into terms the immense mobilization of resources it would take to fix black people.
So why are Marxists so in love with thirdworldism? There aren't enough resources on earth to educate and genetically engineer black people into baseline human and it would ultimately overwhelm and destroy the apparatus and governance structure in place that controls said marxist society.

>> No.15979699

Read Das Kapital Vol.1 chapter on commodity fetishism. Particularly the passage were he explain why Robinson, on his island, attached more value to the items which took him more time to create. Let's say you are on a desert Island. Fetching some fruit takes you half an hour. Fishing takes you 2 hours. Building a cabin would take many days of hard work. If your cabin is destroyed, you will get psychologically way more devastated than if a bird steal your fish. Why is that? Because labor time it contain is way more important, therefore it's value is way more important.
Commodity fetishism is basically something religious, making people believe that value is detached from human work, that it has it's own existence, completely separated from human work.

>> No.15979712

>why are Marxists so in love with thirdworldism?
What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.15979719

There is no "ultimate source" retard.
There's an infinite number of ways to increase profit.

>> No.15979720

It's not fetishism in the slightest because things can provide disproportionate utility to the labor require to access those resources.

For example, a sap collector takes all of 5 minutes to set up and will feed me more reliably than 200 rabbit traps

>> No.15979727

Thirdies are often romanticized as the ultimate revolutionary subject as they suffer the most from capitialism currently so they have the most to gain from socialism is my guess.

>> No.15979746

I fail to see how that's relevant in any way whatsoever.
The only important aspect is the agreed upon value.

>> No.15979793

Yes, and the agreed upon value is based on the time and resources (read:labor) which are required to bring the good/service/commodity into existence. The negotiation of the "value" begins with this understanding. How does this keep flying over your head

>> No.15979805

No, it isnt.

>> No.15979833

>But yeah that's a pretty succinct summary. Capital is still worth a read nonetheless.

I'd wager all my alienated labor that you've read max 2 pages of Capital Volume I

>> No.15979836

Why are you trying to imply that resources equal labor?

There's many valuable things with high utility that take minimal labor to exploit.

>> No.15979841

Jesus fucking christ please tell me this is bait.

How can you be so incredibly fucking retarded?

>> No.15979869

I just finished reading Volume I with some friends of mine. Having actually read the whole thing, I'm convinced Marx is basically still right about most things written there. Does anyone actually want unironic explanations of concepts from Capital?