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15977542 No.15977542 [Reply] [Original]

>Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword - Matthew 10:34
What did Based Jesus mean by this, lads?

>> No.15977559

Probably that he was going to btfo a bunch of p*gan cucks

>> No.15977586

If you read the next two verses, you'd know he meant that households would turn against themselves

>> No.15977596

That’s not what Jesus looked like. Jesus looked like osama bin laden

>> No.15977607

He meant that he grants upon you the means to fight for your own freedom and for the good, so you are held accountable for your own deeds

>> No.15977626

We don't know what Jesus looks like, as the Bible doesn't describe his appearance Outside of Revelation, which describes his appearance as he appeared to John during his Revelation. We can assume that Jesus looked different here than he did when he was alive because he's said to have white hair, something that would be extremely uncommon for someone who only lived to be 33 Also it doesn't matter what Jesus looked like because his appearance is irrelevant to his message

>> No.15977662

>people from Lebanon/Israel look like people from hillbilly Arabia

>> No.15977678
File: 55 KB, 1080x451, tradcath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t.nihlist polcel that adopted "trad catholicism" because atheism is now seen as "cringe" so he cherrypicks one line from the bible to fit his heinous /pol/tard "gas da joos" worldview

>> No.15977679
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this is the real face of jesus

>> No.15977695
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sounds like projection

>> No.15977700

The citation is real, tho. And true.

>> No.15977710
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>> No.15977733

he's gonna kill all the gays

>> No.15977740

Based-loser dichotomy is a demiurgic trap. The real dichotomy is "saved/doomed".

>> No.15977779

He meant
>I will be meek and say and do nothing when given an audience with the king of my homeland

>> No.15977862

Fuck off Cesare nobody wants to see your selfies and that you have daddy problems should not mislead anyone to think Yeshua bin Maryam, a man with Jewish genes, looked like you in the slightest.

>> No.15977928
File: 271 KB, 800x859, cesare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was painted centuries before "Cesare", my ignorant protestant friend.

>> No.15977948

Actually, Jesus looked like Jared Leto

>> No.15978040

1. That picture is more simplistic than the first Cesare picture.
2. All we really learn of this then that he has long hair and a beard
3. If I stare at the details for long enough I see what I wish to see: a Semitic man. I wonder what you see in this picture? A white man?
Besides how many of the people who drew these pictures saw Yeshua themselves? Probably zero. Borgia theory might be a meme, but I feel like white Jesus and long haired Obi Wan Kenobi Jesus are cliches and dumb artistic choices.

>> No.15978105

I’m pretty sure he was expressing the jewish tendency to destroy the family unit because the sword is to come between the members of the family (father and son, mom and daughters, etc.).
Pretty “based” and “redpilled” if you ask

>> No.15978119

As an atheist this has always been my favorite line from all the New Testament, or as they would say in 4chan lingo is the most “unfathomably based” line ever uttered by a Jew

>> No.15978135

By which he means that he's bringing a new faith which would create enemies of people who had previously been friends, as some would convert and some wouldn't.

But it's one of the few violent-sounding lines from Jesus, so boy does it get pulled out of context a lot.

>> No.15978139
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>S'words, like my name, "Sean."

>> No.15979732

He meant he is going to divide humanity (as if cut by a sword) into two groups: those that are part of the Kingdom of God, and those that are still of the world. His peace is for the people of the Kingdom of God, not for the world.

>> No.15979866

Does anyone know of good, unbiased exegesis on verses like this, turn the other cheek, love thy enemy, etc.? All the interpretations I've heard have been Protestant-sounding and have a narrative they're trying to push.

>> No.15979887

wow science is amazing

>> No.15979892

Read "Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World" by Rene Girard if you want some seriously high IQ explanations of verses such as this one and others regarding total nonviolence.

>> No.15979897

The Kingdom of God Is Within You by Tolstoy

>> No.15979910
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The sword is his word which would divide families, friends and nations depending on which side they fell on. The metaphor is further illustrated by a passage in revelation:

>Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

>> No.15980022

Lol this is like saying islam is a religion of peace

>> No.15980094


Do you think he will literally regurgitate a sword and run amok? The bible doesnt say the world will be at peace; it envisions a great tumult in which few will be spared.

>> No.15980999

don't suppose I came to kiss your stupid asses, I came to insult you, wake you up, cut you off from larping before idiots who love you, love to toy with you, make you crazy. don't take meds, seethe, be alive, be passionate, be drunk, don't restrict yourself, feel good, break NPC jail.

>> No.15981657

Religion will inevitably divide people, especially families. Is this the new "God is dead"?

>> No.15981678

>Also it doesn't matter what Jesus looked like because his appearance is irrelevant to his message
What if Jesus was a redheaded midget woman with big glasses and an old tattoo on her right tit?

>> No.15981687

We know Jesus wasn't a woman because every record of him says he was a man. And, again, no matter what he looked like, his appearance is irrelevant to his message

>> No.15981690 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15981710

>no matter what he looked like, his appearance is irrelevant to his message
I bet there were 1000 Jesuses before the Jesus who made it, but they were either woman, or black, or deformed or otherwise unpleasurable to the eyes of the population back then. They had the same message, but people just couldn't stand looking at them, or listening to the high pitched screeching. No religion is possible without a beautiful leader.

>> No.15981719

>I bet there were 1000 Jesuses before the Jesus who made it
No, God only had one begotten Child

>> No.15981732
File: 129 KB, 453x640, old mosaic of Jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AFTER recognising the necessity of a regeneration of the human race, if we follow up the possibilities of its ennoblement we light on little else than obstacles.... We cannot withhold our acknowledgment that the human family consists of irremediably disparate races, (3) whereof the noblest well might rule the more ignoble, yet never raise them to their level by commixture, but simply sink [276] to theirs. Indeed this one relation might suffice to explain our fall; even its cheerlessness should not blind us to it: if it is reasonable to assume that the dissolution of our earthly globe is purely a question of time, we probably shall have to accustom ourselves to the idea of the human species dying out. On the other hand there is such a matter as life beyond all time and space, and the question whether the world has a moral meaning we here will try to answer by asking ourselves if we mean to go to ground as beasts or gods.
>The blood of the Saviour, the issue from his head, his wounds upon the cross,—who impiously would ask its race, if white or other? Divine we call it, and its source might dimly be approached in what we termed the human species' bond of union, its aptitude for Conscious Suffering. This faculty we can only regard as the last step reached by Nature in the ascending series of her fashionings; thenceforth she brings no new, no higher species to light, for in it she herself attains her unique freedom, the annulling of the internecine warfare of the Will. The hidden background [281] of this Will, inscrutable in Time and Space, is nowhere manifest to us but in that abrogation; and there it shews itself divine, the Willing of Redemption. Thus, if we found the faculty of conscious suffering peculiarly developed in the so-called white race, in the Saviour's blood we now must recognise the quintessence of free-willed suffering itself (des bewusst wollenden Leidens selbst), that godlike Pity which streams through all the human species, its fount and origin.

Such as teaching of Christianity, could only stem from the white race.

>> No.15981740

>Jesus: "How can David call him Lord if he is his son?"
>Gabriel: "And the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David"
I'm trying to read the NT and this confuses me.

>> No.15981899

He belonged to the Sand-people, what do you expect ? The Romans sanitized him a bit so he could be used as a Opium for the Slaves.

>> No.15982291


>> No.15982310

The Romans were faggots, though.

>> No.15982350

And her name was Rhonda.

>> No.15982387

I don't think it's purely metaphorical, there's most likely imagery of the end times when the wicked will be destroyed by God's mouth.

>> No.15982977
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