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/lit/ - Literature

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15976629 No.15976629 [Reply] [Original]

Some questions:

Many months ago I saw one anon saying Gorky is an overrated writer and another anon praising his autobiographic trilogy. I'm curious about short stories, are they good? Is Leskov better?
How is Yu Hua? I'm curious to read something from him, but I noticed most of his novels involve the Cultural Revolution. I know it was a tectonic event to China, but the same theme over and over again make me unsure about the writer.

>> No.15977405


>> No.15977588

To Live by Yu Hua is the best book I have ever read, and I didn't even finish it. I bought it as a gift for a friend and thought that I should read a little before giving it away. Didn't stop reading until I fell asleep with the book in my hands. The catharsis of reading it was sublime.

Gorky's trilogy: The first book is good, the second book is brilliant, the third is unnecessary to read. He tells a story of realism but is steeped enough in traditional storytelling that his prose is great instead of bland. I haven't read anything else by him, and am not really interested in doing so right now, but I recommend the autobiography.

>> No.15977644

Thank you.
Are you interested in reading Brothers Yu Hua?

>> No.15977652

>Brothers by* Yu Hua?

>> No.15978733

Final bumpo.