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15976439 No.15976439 [Reply] [Original]

After being an atheist all my life as well as my family being non religious, I have slowly but surely formed a belief in God over the last 2 years. However, I cannot make myself believe the Christian teachings, and I’m leaning more towards the idea that God is all, we are all a part of God and there was no creation “out of nothing”, what is has always been. What texts line up most with this belief?

>> No.15976446

Bhagvad gita/vedic scripture

>> No.15976458

Just read the Douay-Rheims Bible and you'll see why Christianity is correct

>> No.15976462

This. Also read the greeks to get a better understanding of the metaphysics of creation.

>> No.15976463


>> No.15976468


>> No.15976477

Please stop

>> No.15976542

>and there was no creation “out of nothing”

What makes you think that?

>> No.15976556


>> No.15976584

Seraphim Rose- Nihilism
Innocent of Alaska- Indication of the Way into the Kingdom of Heaven
Athanasius- On the Incarnation

>> No.15976589

No real reason, it seems more logical to me than the universe being created by intelligent design. Rather that the universe and reality don’t conform to birth or death, and everything that exists has always existed. I’m open to change my mind though, I want to explore every possible idea

>> No.15976591

You're inner struggle of an immanent, ever present God vs the existence of a transcendent external God is solved in the Trinity.

>> No.15976598


>> No.15976599

Catholicism is not Christianity
try Orthodoxy for the answers you seek

>> No.15976609

That is literally Aham Brahmasmi (I am the Truth/God) and Tattavamasi (same concept) that you are talking about, so I think Upanishads might be a good fit for you.
Or look into Deism, but I don't really know many works about that.

>> No.15976624

you are an idiot, anon. read carlos castaneda, all of it. you will still remain idiot, but with a seed that might once grow into some knowledge.

>> No.15976633

Why are you always rude? Why do you think I’m an idiot?

>> No.15976635

>The church that Jesus established and said that the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it is not Christianity

>> No.15976650
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What's the problem? Christ is a spiritual being that is an emanation of the Great Illuminator (Father)

>> No.15976653

>implying the catholic church wasn't founded in 1562 by Muhammad
Nice try, anon, but your "logic" and "reason" are no match for schizophrenia.

Throw in some Spinoza too. Also the Sufis. Get the memes really going.

>> No.15976658

you all stupid people are like deaf people who discuss music based on some ancient texts of those who were able to hear. infinite schizophrenia, boundless.

>> No.15976668

The FATHER is the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE. The being the Jews CLAIM to worship, even though they hate him and everything he stands for by denying his one and only begotten Son

>> No.15976669


note: doesn't give you superpowers, afterlife, make free-will well-defined, explain qualia or tell why all this exists

>> No.15976670

he didnt say anything about roman catholicism. you starting trouble like that when he's not even ready to accept the basics of Christianity wont bring anyone to Orthodoxy

>> No.15976680

>the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it
>many cardinals and high priests are pedo faggots and some buildings (like serpent hall) in vatican bear satanist symbolics

>> No.15976682

God the Father, the transcendent person of God
God the Son, the immanent and human person of God.
The Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son and is the person of God's will on Earth.
I'm not incredibly well versed on it and I'd recommend taking my word with a grain of salt and doing your own research on the Trinity.

>> No.15976695

I don't think. I know. I am rude because truth is rude. it is because you all stupid people kiss each others asses you don't learn. ah yes, I have heard about western style of education, give only good marks to students in order not to offend their feelings. I have not come with peace, but with sword.

>> No.15976703

Then shut up and don't waste people time with your made up bullshit

>> No.15976709


Yes. I agree. And so does gnostic scripture. The jews are worshipping Ialdabaoth (YHWH) the demiurge, false god and architect, and imprisoner of our divine spirits.

Where do you think gnosticism contradicts yours views exactly?

>> No.15976715

Orthodox simps are always total assholes,

>> No.15976722

Jesus you are edgy. I’m just curious in exploring spirituality anon, you don’t have to call everyone idiots. No one in making claims or being argumentative except the Christians in this thread

>> No.15976723

>What texts line up most with this belief?
book of retards

>> No.15976730

Matthew 16:18
>And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
If you're right, then Jesus is a liar
The Jews CLAIM to worship YHWH (who is the one and only benevolent God) when really they hate him because they deny Jesus Christ, his one and only begotten Son

>> No.15976732

You're committing the heresy of Docetism
It has the same basic roots as Arianism insofar that it denies one aspect of Christ.
Both are needed to truly understand God and the Trinity.

>> No.15976756
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Idiot you are. I call you idiot to make a reset, so you discard your normie world view and start a journey of getting real knowledge, turning on infinite respect toward those who knew something, including jesus himself, carlos castaneda. but my previous incarnation was limited to language and concepts of that time, and teaching was perverted and censored countless times.

>> No.15976769

it's just people being overly zealous. I'd rather have them than the hyper-spiritual falsely humble types. It's good if they learn to control it a bit tho

>> No.15976770

I have respect for men who had spiritual insight, but you seem to be nothing more than a bored shitposter. Anyone else thing I’m an idiot for making this thread or just this namefag?

>> No.15976771


>What is has always been

But it obviously hasn't. What the fuck does this even mean?

>> No.15976785
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you stupid degenerate even don't know what spiritual is. look at this boi, he is more spiritual than all christians combined.

>> No.15976834


>understand god
>understand the trinity


>> No.15976856

when your mind is paralyzed by dialectics

>> No.15976878

Stfu your so annoying holy shit just shut up

>> No.15976938

What makes it seem more logical? It goes against science (Big Bang) and most religions. There isn't much left but outdated science.

>> No.15976953

>Carlos Castenada
Why do you keep shilling him and tell us to read him without telling us who he is? At least tell us why you think he's important, faggot.

>> No.15976963


>> No.15976972

>Matthew 16:18
Jesus was referring to Peter’s rock-like faith being the foundation that would create the church i.e. the followers of Christ, not one specific church or denomination like the Catholics wrongly interpret this verse. Jesus said that the gates of hell would not prevail against faith in Christ, since ultimately there will be at least a minority of humanity who has chosen Christ in faith, and they are that church in which he spoke of in Matthew 18:20:

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.

>> No.15976979

Christianity is jewish nonsense

>> No.15976983

It doesn’t go against the Big Bang though

>> No.15976998

the big bang is retarded lmao. jesuits up to their old tricks

>> No.15977006

Sure, sure retarded amerimutt. You wen't to believing something being completely illogical and not backed by any sort of science completely fiction, to believing a ghost in the guy is real all of a sudden, so basically you thought you were athiest but you weren't really an atheist and it was more a trend for you or an acting out against something etc of course you will deny this and I will laugh at your nonsense more.

>> No.15977036

>everything that exists has always existed
That would mean that universal concepts like the 2nd law of thermodynamics (ever-increasing entropy) has also always existed, going by that logical. But wait, if that were true, then that would mean that everything has always been in a perpetual state of decay since eternity, if the universe truly has existed for eternity. If that were the case, then all stars and all matter would have long ago decayed per the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Therefore, the universe had to have had a starting point of some kind.

>> No.15977050

imagine faking foreign accent in text

>> No.15977068

Stop projecting, I don’t believe in a ghost in the sky, just an abstract malleable version of God and I want to explore different faiths. What the hell is wrong with you people? It’s not my fault none of my family was religious

>> No.15977117

Please **scientifically** support your argument that every truth can be ascertained by science.

>> No.15977458

found the kike