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15975406 No.15975406 [Reply] [Original]

More kino books about the lives of the working poor struggling to make ends meet?

>> No.15975415

Imagine having sympathy for these people and their failed life choices. Burger flippers don’t deserve $15. Sorry you didn’t finish high school, loser.

>> No.15975428

>rich highly educated professor larps as a prole
>instead of telling coworkers to go back to school and learn a profession like she did she tells them to risk getting fired trying to unionize some shit job

Most condescending shit I was forced to read in college

>> No.15975435

>"working" "poor"

>> No.15975443

If you’re an adult that can’t advance beyond a minimum wage job, it’s literally your own fault

>> No.15975995

Literally just get a better job
That's the solution

>> No.15976000

reminder that free markets, free speech, democracy, technology and science have helped these people more than any leftist faggot ever will.

>> No.15976228

If you're poor it's because you deserve it

>> No.15976314

Grapes of wrath for sure. According to /lit/ Bukowski is only appreciated if you're working poor yourself.

>> No.15976367


all you fuckers are so incredibly divorced from reality it's frightening

>> No.15976369

Literally the majority of Americans

>> No.15976374

If you were born in poverty, raised to not trust authority, had poor early childhood nutrition, and went to a shit school district, you would do exactly 0% better.

You are not better than any poor person for being rich, self made or otherwise. If you were born middle class or above you did not achieve success entirely on your own merits.

>> No.15976383

Shut the fuck up you commies. Reddit may be more your speed.

>> No.15976401

Underage newfag

>> No.15976409

Troll better.

>> No.15976412

When did you read last anon? What book are you working on now?

>> No.15976441

Books are 99% liberal propaganda

>> No.15976480

Get out, election tourist. Do not post here again until you have read 10 books. They can be nonfiction or as racist as you would like. When you're done reading come back and tell us what you have learned. If you're incapable of that /pol/ might be more your speed. Faggot

>> No.15976500
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>can't even muster the effort to read
>annihilated attention span from constantly refreshing for (You)s
>thinks his opinions matter

>> No.15976602

Why did they deserve it in the 1960s?
If the minimum wage was tied to inflation the minimum would be somewhere around $24/hr

And these people call me a spoiled liberal.

>> No.15976617
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I picked a file though

I know. We can only hope they’re joking

>> No.15976619

>Why did they deserve it in the 1960s?

Because immigration was too low, so they had to pay a lot for American labor. Lucky for them, leftists like you pushed through a massive immigration reform bill that flooded the country with cheap labor, enjoy!

>> No.15976656

Shut up

>> No.15976676


Slam a door shut with your dick in it.

>> No.15976693


Nice refutation of American labor history, brainlet.

>> No.15976720

America is capable of giving it's lower classes a fair wage. It's not immagrant's fault that the crony capitalists won, they just want a better life mane

>> No.15976721
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Implying you gave anything close to labor history.

>> No.15977398

Being poor and struggling is not kino.

>> No.15977637

lol, i read this in history class. Not a bad book at all, but i didnt real the last 1/3rd of it.

>> No.15977759

>It's not immagrant's fault that the crony capitalists won, they just want a better life mane
That better life is at the cost of yours. Hate 'em or not, you do have to get rid of them, or accept poverty.

>> No.15977794
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wahhh I have no agency everything is everybody's fault but my own wahhhhhhhh

>> No.15977870

It's just a repackaged version of the free will vs. determinism debate.

Having gone from being dirt poor to doing alright for myself, I have to say there isn't much that's comfy about being poor. It definitely gives you perspective though. If you've been homeless, you have a little something extra in your psyche that normal people don't.

>> No.15978170

No I don't, that's a ridiculous argument. Crony capitalism and political apathy has led to the stagnation of minimum wage and workers rights. Immigrants are a tool to fuck over the workers in general but they are not the cause. Just a symptom

>> No.15978218
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People are poor because of their circumstances and they should be "helped"
People are poor because of their choices and they should be held accountable
>galaxy brain
People are poor because of their circumstances and we should exploit that

>> No.15978598

>"Get a better job"
>He does
>Job still exists for a hundred million other adults to work themselves to the bone for
>Everybody in the first world continues to have their existence depend on a mulatto near-slave underclass
What causes the myopic boomer's complete blindness to systemic problems existing independently of individual ones?

>> No.15978692

Barbara Ehrenreich coined the term "Professional-managerial class" (PMC) back in the 1970s. She is eternally based.

>> No.15979009


>> No.15979052

Are you retarded? She is more anti-liberal than you are.

>> No.15979091
File: 818 KB, 1707x2560, 91kS9s+n6XL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started reading this. Not sure if it fits the working poor definition but selling the rights to the ground below you so you can gather up 9k to replace a barn has to be a degree of poor

>> No.15979148

>Filling in for a vacationing Thomas Friedman as a columnist with The New York Times in 2004, Ehrenreich wrote about how, in the fight for women's reproductive rights, "it's the women who shrink from acknowledging their own abortions who really irk me," and said that she herself "had two abortions during my all-too-fertile years."
