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/lit/ - Literature

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15975201 No.15975201 [Reply] [Original]

write what's on your mind, if there is something there

>> No.15975210

I don't want to kill myself, I just wish everyone I've ever had a relationship with was dead.

>> No.15975217
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life is good now but the future seems bleak somehow.

>> No.15975272

Finally finished Ulysses today. Took me almost the entire month, and while I'm still far too stupid and poorly read to really get all too much out of it I can still definitely appreciate it for what it is and what it achieves. Yeh at this point in my life I would still say that I personally like A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man more, but in a few years and after a couple rereads then who knows? Also reading that last page or so was the most heavenly fuckin thing imaginable. Onwards onto Finnegans Wake I suppose, though I've got no idea when I'll decide to pick that one up.

>> No.15975297
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My ancestors created all of human art, philosophy, technology science and civilization itself so that we could be a rules-free playpen for psychotic Africans and 85IQ mestizos

>> No.15975334
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Jung cited this as a case of cryptomnesia. And to check, he wrote to Nietzsche's sister, who explained that they read Kerner's Seeress together in their grandfather's study dated to Nietzsche's age being somewhere between 10 and 14.

>Now about the time Zarathustra sojourned on the Happy Isles, it happened that a ship anchored at the isle on which standeth the smoking mountain, and the crew went ashore to shoot rabbits. About the noontide hour, however, when the captain and his men were together again, they saw suddenly a man coming towards them through the air, and a voice said distinctly: "it is time! It is the highest time!" But when the figure was nearest to them (it flew past quickly, however, like a shadow, in the direction of the volcano), then did they recognise with the greatest surprise that it was Zarathustra; for they had all seen him before except the captain himself ... "Behold!" said the old helmsman, "there goeth Zarathustra to hell!"
From Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

>The four captains and a merchant, Mr. Bell, went ashore on the island of Mr. Stromboli to shoot rabbits. At three o'clock they called the crew together to go aboard when they saw, to their inexpressible astonishment, two men flying rapidly over them through the air. One was dressed in black, the other in grey. They approached them very closely, in the greatest haste; to their greatest dismay their descended amid the burning flames into the crater of the terrible volcano, Mr.Stromboli.
From The Seeress of Prevorst.

>> No.15975531

I feel guilty about seeing a suicidal post here and not responding. I hope the guy’s okay. I don’t know if it’s good for me to keep browsing this board.

>> No.15975637
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I have been presented with two very distinct paths in life, and both seem to make me envision a sort of longing for the path not taken. I have been so very lost and perplexed about my life as a vacuum feeding off of my procrastination and bad decisions, that i am scared both decisions will leave me in the same trap of procrastination, content, and desolation. I already feel myself withering away, this choice is something that a young mind full of optimism and potential should decide, not me. The more i ask myself which road to take, the narrower each road becomes. i am scared i will never be able to run, and only carefully walk-rope through these crumbling canyons i have eroded.

>> No.15975688
File: 41 KB, 650x650, classic-sad-frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stop thinking about how I have wronged people, and don't know if I can be redeemed. I am very depressed and might kill myself soon.

>> No.15975716

I never really got this image, Newton created calculus to formulate gravity, Maxwell created the Maxwell equations to propose that light is an electromagnetic phenomenon, and Mendeleev created the periodic table of elements to systematically sort elements. Civilization doesn't train people to the forefront of science, math, and finance so they can keep black people alive with medial technology. I don't even understand what this image is complaining about, that fat black people exist? Obesity is a societal problem, but it isn't the fault of civilization, it's the fault of lackluster health education and HAES groups promoting obesity.

>> No.15975744

i'd agree with the rest, but Obesity really is a societal problem.

>> No.15975939

dubs and everyone in this thread is saved

>> No.15975985

I don’t know what to do when I have off from work. I usually end up signing in to Slack and talking to coworkers anyway. It’s not even because of the quarantine. I just have nothing else going on in my life.

>> No.15976111

Everybody’s wronged people anon. Changing your behaviour moving forward is what’s important.

>> No.15976191
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I wonder...
Is there such thing as insanity among penguins?

>> No.15976197

the point of the image is that all our inventions and technology get subsumed in capital such that instead of living in a fully automated luxury reality we just keep pushing to increase the population by any brown means necessary and to shove more goddam cheeseburgers down black gullets so a modicum of the labor involved might give surplus value to some jew somewhere

>> No.15976333

Are we all beyond saving? Is it already too late? Maybe this is what we deserve.

>> No.15976399

i don't understand this at all. there's obviously going to be people who are fat or obese in society, what's the problem in helping them recover when they fall ill? is it because they brought it upon themselves? or are you mad at society for rendering people obese like that?

>> No.15976411 [DELETED] 
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kek well put

>> No.15976434
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kek well put

>> No.15976447

The board is called /lit/ because books are LIT AF

>> No.15976505

>fault of civilization
In a very determinate sense it is. If you equate civilization to industrial capitalism.
Companies don't need to sell transfat saturated, high calorie, high sugar fast food. Under a free market they are permitted to, and under those premises they have every right. Lifestyles are influenced by the culture which is influenced by how the requirements of life are produced and consumed. The foods and the food culture that makes you obese is as much a consequence of culture as it is individual irresponsibility. It's an unfortunate side-effect of too much freedom.
One can imagine a civilization where fast food is banned or regulated and heavily taxed just as cigarettes and alcohol are, because it is arguably just as damaging to health. It's no coincidence that the poorer you are the more likely you are to eat unhealthy food, this class element of diet is rarely stressed. The west instead has a permissive culture where proscriptions against poor diet are off limits.
The racist element of that pic can be disregarded entirely of course, as if whites aren't in the same predicament. Whites and hispanics are just as fat.

>> No.15976528

All the published writers I know are barely making peanuts from their work and need a full time job to stay afloat, (generally professors, even the ones doing campus tours) - at what point do published author's even make a living?

>> No.15976535

sins are debts to our conscious

>> No.15976545

That's very disingenuous. The point of the picture is that it was overwhelmingly whites who created all the good things, and overwhelmingly blacks and hispanics who are the dysgenic blobs who contribute nothing while endlessly consuming.

"There are fat white people too" is not a response. Are there many black Mozarts, Platos, Shakespeares, Newtons, Maxwells, Helmholtzes, and so on? The cycle described in that picture is real, regardless of your fetish for "everyone's the same, maaan!" denial of differences between groups of people, that has no relation to reality.

>> No.15976586

Finished Dubliners - Gregory is literally me, cried a little, been a couple years. Need more fags in both senses of the word.
Parasite induced perhaps

>> No.15976616

>Please tell me why is Bukowski considered literature at all.
If you use words of any kind, you are, automatically, by definition so to say, a writer of literature. I'm sorry, but that is how things are and will be for as long as democracy exists. To answer the hidden part of your question, why the literature birthed by the man Bukowski, or Henry Chinanski, as some might know him or not know him, why this particular literature is praised by many, while much literature is praised only by particulars, to answer this question is to look beyond mere literature and into the heart of the man. Bukowski-Chinanski is, and please excuse my use of language, for I am a foreigner to the english tongue, born and raised in a small slovenian village –– my grandparents fought as partisans against the nazi occupators –– Bukowski-Chinanski is the patron saint of drunken honesty, of spirited animal living. He is simplicity and populism incarnate. Thank you.

>> No.15976649

>there's obviously going to be people who are fat or obese in society
even 15 years ago they were extremely rare
the gluttconsume has arrived in a big way

>> No.15976688

Nope. The percentage of whites who are obese is almost exactly the same as those other demographics ~45%. And like the other anon said, Mozart and Newton had nothing to do with making people fat. It's an idiot thought, entertained by idiot racists.
The true cause is capitalism which preys on people's biological vulnerabilities by selling high calorie, salty, fatty and sugary foods.

The racial slant on it is a distraction, it provides no insight into the problem of obesity. And it misattributes causality. In conclusion, you're wrong.

>> No.15976719

I wake up and clean myself. Although I have no plans no desire to see people, self-grooming still remains the most pleasurable part of my day - like on of those rats in that experiment about sinks. Ever since work went remote, there is no reason to even pretend that I am doing anything. I fill out the timesheet and browse imageboards. I get some pleasure out of arguing with strangers that have no intention of arguing with me.

At some point I become keenly aware that I'm currently alive. This thought is mildly disturbing, but I decide to put it off for later. Somebody posts a funny image. I laugh. Work is over. I log off of slack and go back to the imageboards.

I text a friend about the book I'm reading. He sheepishly replies that he wishes he read more. I used to feel superior because of moments like this, but he makes more money than me. Maybe I'll write that book that I've been putting off; people always told me that I'm good with words.

I wake up and clean myself.

>> No.15976726
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As I said, you're being disingenuous. There is no such thing as racism, simply noticing racial differences.

Your conclusions come from tranny twitter so I will disregard them.

>> No.15976808

I love my parents

>> No.15976836

i saw the reply from that anon who said he'd pray for my dad, but again the thread got locked. if you're here, i wanted to say thank you and respond to you properly.

i can't say i'm doing fine. i feel very alone, especially with him not in our life anymore. that sense of security i had when he was still here with us is gone.

i went to the cemetery the other day to visit him with my mom. i'd try to keep my composure whenever i'd be there. this time i felt it in my chest so hard i just broke down into tears.

i hugged mom, helped her clean up his tombstone from the rubble, and then replaced the dried up flowers with newer ones. kept on crying when i got on the road back home too.

i always try to laugh heartily through the pain or gnash my teeth in order to not end up sobbing. i am just full of spite and resentment now, coupled with some numbness too.

had a lot of people i strongly admired dying by suicide last year. one this year too. i always had something to get mad at for why they passed, someone to put all the blame on. who do i have to get angry at for his death? the doctors that couldn't do anything about the incurable cancer he had? my country's healtcare waiting times? god? who else?

nothing. nobody. it's no use. i've tried going back to church, but it hasn't really helped. i just ended up trying to hold my tears again like usual. it's all i do nowadays.

i have been trying to walk at least one km three days per week though. last time i did two, today i did three. it felt nice for a while, but now i'm back to where i was before. i'm grateful to still have mom, but she's the only one i have left in real life if i don't count the few internet friends i chat with once a while and some relatives.

i don't really have much support. i worry about mom a lot. i worry about our financial situation. i worry about our health. i worry thinking about where he could be right now. on top of that, i also worry about things out of my control. browsing and posting on /lit/ was an escape at first, but i feel like the more time i keep spending on here, the more i'll lose my mind. i really want to leave this place.

all i got going for me is trying to stop researching and outlining for my stories and actually start then finish writing them. this, and trying going for walks as much as possible. i've been trying looking for jobs too, but to no avail. more than anything i wish i had real life friends i could talk, have fun, and spend some time with right now.

i would say more, a lot more, but i don't wanna bore you or anybody else reading this, but really thank you for caring. your gesture really moved me a lot. i've stepped off of it now, but if you're reading this, if you know who you are, god bless you too.

>> No.15976841

Somehow after posting that you aren't any less wrong. Well done.

>> No.15977015
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I'm tired of the malicious and the repulsive.
My thoughts are repulsive, I've been actively tormented by thought loops for the past 4 weeks.

>> No.15977063
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Hang in there friend, do as much as you can to stay out of the thought loops and have faith in the goodness of your inner core. Even if you gets disoriented and jarred around by ugly things, you're still "you" and a good person deep down.

You too man, I've seen your exchange with that other nice person and I wish you both well

I wish I could send any surplus strength I have to you guys voluntarily to help you when you are running low, like some kind of metta prayer redistribution of positive energy

Here's the gay version of Lean On Me that I like

>> No.15977509
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Where have all the losers gone? The socially-awkward misfits, the freaks, the manchildren, the genetic dead-ends -- all of them, where are they? I wish I knew. Maybe I'd finally have some company.
Well, they're certainly not on 4chan, that's for sure. You'd think that this place's culture, having been shaped by that kind of people, would still retain at least some homeopathic trace of their presence, but that's not the case. It's all about being cool and attractive and all the nonsense high-school politics you'd expect to be absent from a place like this. Even /r9k/, for Christ's sake, is just yet another place for your average normalfag to spew tales of his average sexploits.
So then, once again, where have all the losers gone? Well, as much as they're not on 4chan, they're even less so on Twitter, or Reddit, or Instagram, or Facebook. It seems as if, one day, every single loser on the Internet was simply whisked out of existence. What actually happened? At first, it may seem that it's simply become much easier for losers to become unlosers. Nerdy hobbies like video games, anime, and capeshit have become cool now; the situation's changed since you'd get beaten up for liking comic books. But this doesn't jibe with statistics that show vastly rising male sexlessness, mental health issues, and social isolation.
A second hypothesis is needed, then: that the losers never actually left. They're still there, just invisible. Thanks to the centralization of the web, it's become near-impossible for small, independent communities to develop. So losers use the same big websites as everyone else with access to a phone, but their voices are swamped by those of the normalfag majority. They can't find each other, since the signal-to-noise ratio is too low. But on top of that, because they're all surrounded by normalfags, in order to fit in, the losers will adopt normalfag behaviors. They'll go after other losers the hardest to gain status. They'll pretend that they're not losers. And thus, the losers feel even more alienated.
I'm lonely. I'm a loser. There, I said it. I'd imagine, though, that the other losers out there -- wherever they may be -- also feel lonely. If you're one of them, let me tell you: I feel you. But what is there to be done? It's difficult to say. Sure, you could try starting a new loser-only community, but as mentioned before, it'll never gain traction, and besides, websites oriented around being a loser aren't too fun. Wizchan certainly isn't the ideal solution. At this point, it looks like the only option for us losers is to hope that we run into one another, by chance, by fate, somewhere among the posts on these big websites that left people like us behind.

>> No.15977523

Go to wizchan faggot.

>> No.15977535

Learn to read first.

>> No.15977538

Been thinking about soil and labour a lot lately

>> No.15977575

Damn you fucking zapped me bro

>> No.15977739
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Can love, passion and similar feelings resonate with someone who never experienced it through literature ?
does this lessen one's experience of reading?

>> No.15977884


>> No.15977903

When I must, I do not.

>> No.15977978

I meant someone who never experienced it irl, my english isnt that good

>> No.15978097

>work from home
>fuck around half the day
>still more 4x productive than my coworkers
on the one hand kinda based. on the other, man, i need a better career. feel like i'm working with a bunch of tards every place i go. i wish i could just submit an IQ test to HR and they could put me in the job i deserve with the paycheck I deserve. like sorry didn't have daddy's money to go to ivy league or a top tier, but that doesn't mean i'm any less smart than them. what a shitty planet.

>> No.15978121

>have 12k in my account
>only thing i want is to travel but thats the only thing i can't do right now
fuck this shit i want to take a vacation. maaaaannnnn. guess i'll just save it.

feels good man

>> No.15978143

thing is 99% of people make nothing or close to nothing, and 1% of authors hit it insanely rich if they go viral. like 50 shades of grey, twilight, harry potter, GRRM, stephen king. but it isn't about quality at all, just luck and marketing. being an author is like playing in a really shitty lottery.

>> No.15978288

I do not think so

>> No.15978390
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She didn't even respond...Why girls IRL seems to like talking while on chats they act like so cold? This isn't the first time it happens. I mean, she seemed to appreciate my company IRL and she's also a friend of one of my buddies

>> No.15978426

>have 150k in my account but nothing to spend it on since nothing makes me happy

>> No.15978520

seems like the trashiest, stupidest, most worthless people have the most children and anyone with a decent head on their shoulders has none or just 1. humanity will die by demographic degradation.

>> No.15978586

Think of all of the writers who make a living laughing at you laughing at them for writing YA fiction or some trash that people still actually pay for while you rack your brain trying to write the next "classic" and failing so miserably you stave off suicide by posting on 4chan

>> No.15978627

my country is falling apart and I need to abandon ship before I become an adult.

>> No.15978655


>> No.15978662
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really insightful post bro,couldve just posted this

>> No.15978683

Certain feelings are conveyed the most powerfully through literature to people who have never felt them.

>> No.15978698

thank you

>> No.15978707
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>> No.15978768

Thanks for trying.

>> No.15978785
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she doesn’t text me first

>> No.15978996

" no " is too strong of a position for me to take on the question

>> No.15979441

i have a real job you stupid nigger. i write for fun

>> No.15979555

hi anon, it’s me. thank you for responding. i’m proud of you for being strong for your mother, and my heart goes out to you for your struggle. i lost my family member to cancer too. it’s unfair. it’s a bitch. the grief and anger have nowhere to go and so they live inside you and hurt and hurt. i know you don’t want to hear anything about time and healing right now so instead i’ll say that in terms of prayer i’m adding in my own hopes that you’ll be able to find a job and that you cannot put the pen down on your stories. your mother will and does appreciate all that you do for her. i walk when i’m feeling hopeless too, and i hope that on your walks you find inspiration or comfort in nature, someday. you’re shouldering so much right now and the fact that you acknowledge that you have something, your research, your stories, your mother, is huge. i know the medium may cheapen the message but when i said that i was proud of you i meant it. you’re making your father proud too. i hope the loneliness becomes less heavy soon, god bless you and may flowers bloom over your father’s grave as he watches over you. i love you, anon, and if ever you need to express more, i promise you it will never bore me. i’m in your corner. i’ll look for you in these threads.

>> No.15979557

this board's quality over the past few weeks has been sharply declining.

>> No.15979573

She doesn't love me

>> No.15979928

anyone remember that thread by an anon few weeks ago who found a little kitten
anyone hear back from him?

>> No.15980089
File: 119 KB, 742x900, Mountain of Purification.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I do not agree with much modern criticism, in greatly preferring the Inferno to the two other parts of the Divine Commedia. Such preference belongs, I imagine, to our general Byronism of taste, and is like to be a transient feeling. The Purgatorio and Paradiso, especially the former, one would almost say, is even more excellent than it. It is a noble thing that Purgatorio, "Mountain of Purification;" an emblem of the noblest conception of that age. If sin is so fatal, and Hell is and must be so rigorous, awful, yet in Repentance too is man purified; Repentance is the grand Christian act. It is beautiful how Dante works it out. The tremolar dell' onde, that "trembling" of the ocean-waves, under the first pure gleam of morning, dawning afar on the wandering Two, is as the type of an altered mood. Hope has now dawned; never-dying Hope, if in company still with heavy sorrow. The obscure sojourn of demons and reprobate is underfoot; a soft breathing of penitence mounts higher and higher, to the Throne of Mercy itself. "Pray for me," the denizens of that Mount of Pain all say to him. "Tell my Giovanna to pray for me," my daughter Giovanna; "I think her mother loves me no more!" They toil painfully up by that winding steep, "bent down like corbels of a building," some of them,—crushed together so "for the sin of pride;" yet nevertheless in years, in ages and aeons, they shall have reached the top, which is heaven's gate, and by Mercy shall have been admitted in. The joy too of all, when one has prevailed; the whole Mountain shakes with joy, and a psalm of praise rises, when one soul has perfected repentance and got its sin and misery left behind! I call all this a noble embodiment of a true noble thought.

"Repentance is the Grand Christian act."

>> No.15980090

600 reply feels thread on /v/ got shut down now I don't know where to cry about being sad

>> No.15980099

years. zoomers have caused the decline of anything internet related

>> No.15980288
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I am sitting at the creek reflecting on my dissatisfying, half-over life. Too old to change. The standard remedies like therapy, working out, haven’t helped. There was a tree by the water that I kept staring at. I said to myself, “I’ll walk over there and if there’s a rope on the ground near it, that will be the sign.” But there wasn’t one and I kept walking. I walked along the water’s edge towards this bright half moon and I suddenly heard chimes like the night had become enchanted. For a moment the brightness of the moon and the tinkling chimes were mesmerizing. I soon realized someone had put chimes in a nearby tree. It’s just not working out for me.

>> No.15980508

remote work is spoiling me. god, what if the boomers really make us all go back to the office again after this? after it's proven we can work from home perfectly well.

fuck boomers. i wish that corona really WAS a red level plague that would remove them all. boomers caused 100% of th eproblems in the world. I DONT WANNA COMMUTE I WANNA BE COMFY


>> No.15980565

witless robotic normalfag niggercattle

>> No.15980571

I had a terrible commute before quarantine but still miss going in because I have no social contact outside of work.

>> No.15980592
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We’ve been knocking on your door

>> No.15980604

I wish there was at least one 1000 page Chekhov novel

>> No.15980783
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Everyone wanks over how great life today is, but sometimes I'm not so sure. I can't help but feel that people like me were better off in simpler, if more brutal, times. I don't know who I am or what's expected of me. Our excess of resources has only hurt me - too much beer and weed, too much junk food, too much time on the internet, too much exposure to sex...
I was thinking about endangered species, and which animals in particular are dying out. Eagles, tigers, rhinos, elephants, orangutans, whales... all the most exotic, complex, intelligent ones are going extinct. But rats are flourishing; they've never been more numerous. In New York, they've spotted 'super rats', as big as house cats and resistant to poison. We're living in an age where eagles are dying and rats are thriving, and I sometimes wonder if the same isn't true for humans. Japan has birth rates below the rate of replacement, but Nigeria is having a baby boom. How can we say we're headed toward a bright future when the worst types of creatures are dominating and the best ones are dying out? Life is still good, but for how much longer? Maybe that's what what hell actually is: a failed world, where intelligence is extinct and creatures live in filth. A world mired in evil where every soul that enters suffers immensely. I fear this universe, sometimes I think it's a dark place, and that maybe my soul was sent here because I did something wrong.

>> No.15980981

I'm always hesitant to say 'life is worse' because I think it is inherently relative. You can point out one bad thing today, and someone will point out something worse from the past. I am glad for example that I do not live in a war torn country, and that my house hasn't been reduced to rubble. So I won't say that life is 'worse' but life isn't better either. As you point out, the things people point to as evidence of prosperity are material objects like iphones and the internet. We existed for the entirety of our human existence without these things until 10 - 20 years ago. Life isn't demonstrably better than it was two decades ago, in fact it is certainly worse than 20 years ago. Truth is though, if you are a nobody like myself and presumably everybody else on this board you have to put up with what you're dealt. Life is suffering, and all you have control over is that which is immediately before you: your body, your mind, your friends, and your family.

>> No.15981100

No problem, hope you get through what it is you’re struggling with. Guilt fucking sucks but it’s possible to stop it from lording over your life

>> No.15981403

Vengeance, vindication, it's more a feeling than a thought though.

>> No.15981424

I had a dream where I realised I was dreaming. I started trying to control the dream and then I woke up in bed. There was a wraith in my room. It communicated that I should not be here. Then I woke up for real. A dream in a dream

>> No.15981440

I would love to get something published. Just one short story. In some obscure lit journal. I would really feel like I had accomplished something.

>> No.15982015


No more guilt and feelings of failure and disappointment from my loved ones

>> No.15982124

I am a kissless virgin genetic deadend turbo loser apex failson and I'm still here. I think most of us are still here but most just don't post much any more. I've been here since 2006, I grew up with this place. I don't think I could ever leave forever no matter how bad it gets.

On that note, the influx of phoneposters making short one line low effort posts in 2015-2016 was the single worst thing that ever happened to this place. It really changed the culture, far more so than any previous migrant waves. It's the reason I come to /lit/ for these threads even though I don't read much, because those types tend to be much rarer here than they are on say /a/. Boards like /v/ have been bad for a long time but they're downright unbearable now because of this.

As losers get older it becomes more and more likely they'll either an hero or become a normalfag, and as you mentioned these days it's easier than ever. Our old guard are all in our late 20s early 30s now so I imagine we have thinned out quite a bit. The next generation meanwhile did not grow up with anything goes decentralised forums completely separate from the real world, but hyper moderated Twitter, Reddit and YouTube that filter out truly abnormal shit before it can take root and become an internet culture.

>> No.15982260
File: 32 KB, 633x758, 1584956646491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My body is falling apart faster than my mind now
Every day I look in the mirror and hate more and more what I see
Every year the hope that things will ever get better dwindles a little more
I live only in spite of myself now

>> No.15982266

thinkinig is fucking retarded and only pseuds do it

>> No.15982336

What do you consider to be the golden age of 4chan?

When did this board become so obsessed with race and so politically schizophrenic?

>> No.15982682

Try not fucking around all day and use your time effectively. If you're actually smart try starting a business.
You don't 'deserve' any more than you already have.

>> No.15982810

I don't feel like killing myself as much today, but I still hate my job

>> No.15982971

Whaddya do anon

>> No.15983007
File: 136 KB, 500x477, 1531382864063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you know what you want from life? there's absolutely zero life goals and i'm just drifting arounding the sea.

>> No.15983065

Don't feel guilty anon. There's only so much you can do, even for the desolate ones who inhabit this board. You sound like you might need to take a break for a while.

>> No.15983071

I am a " coordinateur "

>> No.15983083

Does anyone have the image of this and the plane in the sunset?

>> No.15983122
File: 26 KB, 300x300, Jayden-bell-rgdfrto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any ways to accept that all women are whores and not hate them at the same time?

>> No.15983134

sounds gay

>> No.15983142

play Phantasy Star II and IV again the answer will be clear

>> No.15983151

There would be plenty of time to read books at the end of my life, the present moment would be a good time to do something else with my life.

>> No.15983184

Sure go for it, but what else are you gonna do

>> No.15983323

i never knew there was a game, i just saved a pic long time ago.

>> No.15983513

it pays the bills

>> No.15983710

Almost cried in front of my friends today. My top lip quivered for a half a moment but I successfully suppressed it. Don't think they noticed.

>> No.15983792

How do you cope with the fact that 2d > 3d in every way except the crucial one of actually existing?

>> No.15983800

>the fact that 2d > 3d in every way except the crucial one of actually existing?

This is exactly how

>> No.15983830

Karm a karma wallid and the seven spermatozoa deep in the fertile yellow basin a savior was chucked into the overwhelming friendo sextuplet iducent to certainley not opposed of the dramatic shift in timing and temperment a savior arose frkm the worlds first chuucktendo superstore began to complacently

>> No.15983968

Lads do you reckon I could all the 1,200 pages or so of The Count of Monte Cristo in 9 days?

>> No.15983977
File: 62 KB, 794x447, Marvin Gaye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have had an awful stomachache since last night.

>> No.15983978

I'm long past the point of wishing my life was interesting or unique in any way.

>> No.15984056

I'm going to join a militia. I'm going to shoot a gun. I'm going to duck gun fire and thrust my bayonet into a child. I'm going to be a man. I'm going to be a husband. I'm going to jack off to South East Asian street meat. I'm going to cry in a porno theatre. I'm going to write a letter to my parents. I'm going to say hey to the girl at the Lebanese bakery. I'm going to swallow a razor blade. I'm going to visit the thrift shop and steal all the books. I'm going to die. I'm going to kill Joe Biden. I'm going to write the Great American novel. I'm going to walk blindly into traffic. I'm going to the pub.

>> No.15984133
File: 87 KB, 768x767, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something about snow is so relaxing.

>> No.15984284

*could read

>> No.15984333

Should I fantasize about the gym receptionist? Never thought about her but she's kinda cute.

>> No.15984907

Invest it for now faggot

>> No.15985152

What actually makes christianity and judaism different in terms of ethics? From a surface standpoint they look almost identical.

>> No.15985201
File: 311 KB, 1000x1000, 1595781121238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw the most beautiful and innocent looking woman possible with purest beautiful eyes I've seen and she lightheartedly suggests that she's sexually promiscuous. I feel like something precious along with my worldview completely shattered and killing mysef. What the fuck is wrong with me and this world

>> No.15985252

You're a huge baby

>> No.15985265

About what?

>> No.15985268

t. coomer
the way of women is the way of snakes, perpetuated only by deceit. Dont be so foolish the second time around.

>> No.15985276

t. incel

>> No.15985299

Church is the answer. I know from my own family members that innocent women exist, faithful to one man. Whites mate for life.
>inb4 hurr they secretly eat niggerdicks
There is one half-harlot in the family, her exploits are rumored, the rest are pretty normal. My cousins wives were eager to get married and start a family. Normal people see the excess of sex and intoxication as complications that impede progress.
As much as Christianity is an annoying, somewhat hypocritical religion, here in America it's the last bastion of decency. If you want a decent girl that isn't a fucked-out roastie, go to church. They will accept you. They might even come to like you, in which case they might set you up with a woman your age.

>> No.15985304

Stop watching porn

>> No.15985313


>> No.15985319

There's nothing cringe about being disappointed by people

>> No.15985352
File: 29 KB, 619x671, cd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what stops me from being faithful Catholic? When I hear about people I respect (whether they be celebrities, historical people or people around me) not being a virgin or heterosexual or divorcee or whatever personal flaws they have, I unwillingly start to judge those people and feel incredibly anxious about these people going to hell and sometimes thought I'd go for them. I even sometimes looked at kids and thought they would better die off than grow up to go hell or grow up like me. I even sometimes judge Christians for thinking they delight in others going to hell while they don't, even Catholics). I really try not to judge others and kinda took it as my mantra but it's mostly automatic and not even mostly my fault since I suffer from severe chronic anxiety and I also judge myself for this. In fact it's one of the reason I left church altogether a while ago because it tormented my head so much and was afraid of being someone like Martin Luther (he also had some kind of mental illness) but still felt that way so often despite the fact that I wasn't even religious.

>> No.15985377

Why’s that?

>> No.15985413

But it is completely cringe to be disappointed because they didn't live up to a standard you set based on nothing but an "innocent appearance"

>Whites mate for life
Lol dude

>> No.15985449

It’s not that he’s disappointed by people so much as it his fundamental misunderstanding of the world around him. He only just realised that modern women are sexually promiscuous? Is he 14? The simple fact that it had such a considerable impact on him to the point he needed to vent about it in this thread is disturbing to say the least. How sheltered can you be? Has he never once browsed social media? What boards does he frequent on this website? How is it possible to be so obscenely naive with a internet-enabled device in your possession?

>> No.15985564

How do I get a bookish gf to play touhou with?

>> No.15985582

>bookish gf
>playing a schmup for horny weebs

>> No.15985605

girls will pretend to like whatever you’re into if you’re hot or rich enough

>> No.15985688
File: 90 KB, 1420x946, 923y478qfh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a standard that people of the past took seriously. He's disappointed because no one values decency anymore. I understand there's a bit of irony there, like how Don Quixote can't accept the age of chivalry is over. But desu I feel the same way most of the time. Very few people live up to the standards of our ancestors.

>lol dude
I should have said, "everyone mates for life except for negroes apparently"
>He only just realised that modern women are sexually promiscuous? Is he 14?
He might be 14, in which case you're mocking a young man for being disappointed in the world you've helped create, which is ironic. Personally his sentiment resonates with me. I like to believe there is still decency in the world, and I'm always disappointed when there seems to be none.
>The simple fact that it had such a considerable impact on him to the point he needed to vent about it in this thread is disturbing to say the least.
What's disturbing is your reaction to it. "Write what's on your mind." He was honest, and you're trying to punish him for it because you don't like that line of thinking.

>> No.15985723
File: 33 KB, 490x586, 89428925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, hello anons. Today has been okay, kind of bland to be honest but it's been like that for the past 2 years of my life so nothing out of the ordinary. I have all these great ideas in my head of things I want to do but I never do them. Tomorrow I do it! No, okay next week it is! Next year maybe... Yeah, you get the idea. Now I'm sitting here writing this post which I guess is a small achievment in itself. Probably the most usefull thing I have done today. I have plans to read a book today, but as with all things I say to myself it's probably not happening. But we'll see. Anyways, have a good day anons and thanks for reading my post if anyone did.


>> No.15985790

what kind of ideas?

>> No.15985863

It's the kind of ideas that would make my life better, but I guess I'm just too much of a pussy to do the things I really want. What a horrible punishment this is. When I'ts time for me to leave this world I'm going to ponder what my life could of been vs what it ended up being. The end will hit hard.

>> No.15985872

Who are these people of the past you speak of? Do you really think that casual sex is something new for the species?

You aren’t demonstrating it well but you are also probably smarter than most of your ancestors, if only because you have a much better diet and your immune system isn’t working you to death. Also LOL chivalry was dreamed up by French artists and nobles who wanted their pyscho warrior class to ease up on the raping and looting. You are stuck in the same delusions as Quixote.

>> No.15985880

Identify the distractions and root them out, one by one. Take a week off from the internet. When you feel bored or dissatisfied, spend your time working on these ideas you have.

>> No.15985894

you have no control over it, don't stress it

>> No.15985961
File: 1.27 MB, 3000x1705, 98q34h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who are these people
The Christians who abolished pederasty. The ones who attempted living with godly standards, even if they usually failed.
You act like the current year's degenerate culture has always been the norm, but it isn't so. 1920's burlesque dancers were considered scandalous, because they showed their legs. My grandfather told me that Gone With the Wind was a controversial movie because of the ending line, "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn," was irreverent to the institution of marriage.
You might think these things are arbitrary, meaningless, but I disagree. Just look at divorce rates, and birth rates, in Western countries, and tell me our diseased culture hasn't taken a toll.

>You are stuck in the same delusions as Quixote
Maybe, Anon. And maybe I wouldn't have it any other way.


>> No.15985976

>I like to believe there is still decency in the world
You're on 4chan, you have no room to speak of decency or mourn its apparent loss

>> No.15986004
File: 494 KB, 450x600, 1498576783187399027crusader-knight-painting.hi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come as a crusader, to smite the fags and retards who populate this fallow land

>> No.15986017


>> No.15986310

I have to write but i don't know what to write about. Diary entry after diary entry but thats it. Feeling depressed so I'll just write about anything, but fucking hell.

>> No.15986443
File: 1.05 MB, 2240x3968, 1591414714058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was this film about a couple in the amazon (or just some jungle) and their reaction to the natives - something alongside those lines.
A conversation near the end saw the woman claiming how great all this is and how she wished to stay there forever, to which the man dismantled and claimed man can never revert back to a state of biblical innocence, and thus he must look towards a new feat, forward.

I've been anxious and disgusted at the restlessness and imagery of my mind recently, I hope all those anons of good nature find what you seek.

>> No.15986523

write the abstract

>> No.15986666

after having finally experienced them, I realized that fantasizing and actually falling in love elicited a nearly identical emotional experience. You can definitely resonate with those feelings regardless of experience

>> No.15986674

what did you say to her?

>> No.15986946
File: 749 KB, 880x1445, 1595943802690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been reflecting on this topic a lot, currently reading the first book on the entry.

>> No.15986961

anyone else know and repeatedly say it'll take them 15 more years to become a successful published novelist but still get disappointed when they release a story and only a hundred people read it?

>> No.15987074


>> No.15987084

You’re not banned anon. Congratulations

>> No.15987242
File: 840 KB, 508x754, 1591575435094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream in which I was about to undergo surgery to have my pancreas removed. Though I had gastrointestinal issues and did not object to the act itself, dream logic-wise, I was distressed at suddenly finding myself in a hospital bed. The nurse told me that it was arranged by many people, including my mother. I had one needle in my abdomen and one in my groin, for anesthesia, a vague memory of them having flat heads, like paper clips. The bed was actually a tub, I was maybe halfway submerged in dark liquid. The nurse mockingly told to move my arms until I go under. I did it and started going stiff and partially numb. I panicked at the thought of severed and sutured tissues, organs, complications, the abyss of anesthesia, the possibility of waking up while being cut open. I thought of Jesus, in the sense of the Victor, nothing else seemed worthwhile. The anesthetic wore off instantly and I was at peace, totally binary, no transition. The nurse went to get the surgeon since I was not going under. I got up and took the needles out, they were sharp. The surgeon came in and was shocked to see me standing, couldn't move or speak. I walked up to him and pointed at him, touching him with my index finger, matter-of-factly explained that he has no power over me and that I can refuse the surgery. A while later, I was outside recalling the event to a group of people, only Semiotically, my words said something totally different but everyone understood, me confronting the surgeon contained in a joke about a wall being high enough. We were all at peace. Huge dark tornadoes at the horizon, so far away that they didn't seem to move, I could not count them but knew there were eight of them. All of us looked forward to their arrival.

>> No.15987426

recklessly charged through debord in a couple of days, staying up til 4 to finish it, then awake til about noon processing it, the pages demanded to be read and reread
I have a list of the most impressive points somewhere
slightly scared if the other books make such an impact, I did not sleep well for some time

>> No.15987523

i have no passion and it saddens me.

>> No.15987525

"Hey, what's good?" or something along the lines in my language

>> No.15987567

You’re a loser

>> No.15987664

Wish I had a place of my own, to be alone. I have nothing against my parents, I just really crave some solitude.

>> No.15987749
File: 1.14 MB, 3118x2313, 33D43F6E-F153-40F7-AB06-CB017765CDD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve realized how lost and hopeless I am. Being homeschooled through high school has led me to a life where I’m behind my peers in terms of social experience and how to function. I have problems relating and empathizing now and feel a severe disconnect when meeting and taking with others. Like I’m viewing my life through a pane of one-way glass.

These four years have also made me second guess my values and direction in life. What’s the point of working 12 hours a day for little to no gain every day. What’s the point in any of this anyways if I’m gonna remain socially stunted and feel like I’ve wasted my time inside working on stupid fucking assignments.

This sentiment has only gotten worse now that I know my freshman year of uni is all online and possibly all of 2021 with be as well. I just want to experience life but I don’t know what direction to go in if any.

>> No.15987934

Could you share that list?

Also, here's a pretty interesting video explaining some of the themes of the book that I came across:


>> No.15988012

I know that feel bro. Nothing worse than finding out a nice woman is a whore. It's like realizing the fruit you're biting into is moldy and rotten.

>> No.15988021

I still don't get who the Fat Lady is, could someone explain?

>> No.15988110

Made the idiotic mistake of mentioning I use this site. Now people think I’m a white supremacist.

>> No.15988138
File: 727 KB, 640x441, BC6AA8B1-381A-4668-97FC-E7846DEF2DDB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve spent the summer holidays reading quite a number of books (instead of juicing out knowledge for that lucrative career) and it has been enriching my life greatly. I love acquiring new knowledge but it’s not exactly tangible to the real world - or rather, I might say that the things I have learnt do not translate instantly to something tangible in real-life.

I’m going to read this thick financial textbook now to resolve any lingering feelings of doubt, but I do wish I were able to indulge myself in such pleasures throughout my life. Also, not to sound like a pretentious twat, but I truly hate the vapid and dead culture of my college. What being “everyone has their own story, you just have to understand them” often I feel like an alien in my school campus

>> No.15988176

Quite possibly. I read it in just under 2 weeks but I did have not much else to do at the time. The book is a fun ride so you can read 300 pages at a time without much issue.

>> No.15988188

I feel like this board has been normalized. When I found the board a few years ago I could express myself without worrying what is acceptable or not. But now, it's just like everywhere else. If I don't conform to norms I either get no replies or I get socially shamed. This is supposed to be 4chan, what the fuck happened?

>> No.15988248

>technology science and civilization itself

laughs in Mesopotamian

>> No.15988253

You give the polfriends an inch and suddenly every thread is about jews

>> No.15988286

So we got invaded by pol and normies alike? Based.

>> No.15988295

my understanding of such things is to take small, specific steps in the direction you wish to go until you have achieved your goals
an easy example would be asking a stranger a question (the question doesn't matter), and then to progressively do more complex/difficult social tasks (inviting someone to hang out after work, asking a girl out, etc.)
the whole pandemic doesn't help your situation much, but people may appreciate your attempts at socialization more once it's over

>> No.15988312

We're basically 1939 Poland

>> No.15988535

you good anon?

>> No.15988610

Read March of the Titans

>> No.15988612

Lost in fantasy and nostalgic for places I haven`t been to, or can`t because they`re not real, or places that don`t exist anymore. Still, that nostalgia motivates me.

>> No.15988857

>When I found the board a few years ago
>This is supposed to be 4chan, what the fuck happened?

>> No.15988912

why afraid of becoming Luther?
He was based

t. Lutheran

>> No.15989090

Apologies for inflicting the ugly mess that is burgerpolitics on you but it's what's on my mind. Rhetoric about a second American Civil War is uninformed and misleading. For there to be war there would need to be two or more well-defined opposing militaries. At the interstate level there has to be talk of secession. The two extremist militant factions, the antifa and the, well, fa, both have vanishingly small popular support and comprise an even smaller fraction of active members. Supposing that the split will be Democrat versus Republican is absurd. What, is Congress and the Senate going to become a showdown at the OK Coral? There are no clearly defined combatants. The worst that could happen is more riots and friction between protestors and police. A revolution might be realistic in some alternate universe; but there is too much division for the mass of society to rally around and no revolutionary strategy, leadership or platform. It takes a plan, discipline, organization and a sustained general will to execute a revolution.

If trends continue a solidification of federal power in response to the protests will keep the far right calm until the election, as they are essentially in support of Trump's authoritarian measures so long as they target leftists. If Trump wins or loses and disputes the election, the answer will be an intense surge in riots. But riots, no matter how widespread or violent, are a far cry from a revolution. If Biden wins, the left will be temporarily pacified and we'll see more seditious activity in the far right going into next year.

>> No.15989295

Measured and accurate analysis anon. Anyone who thinks this is anything more than a disorganised outburst of anger is delusional. Not that it's not impressive in its own right. But as you say, we are far far cry from a June Rebellion let alone a French Revolution. Hell, the slave rebellions were more organised and ideologically oriented than this.

>> No.15989342

Not that I would have wanted it, but it's strange that my family has never talked to me about having never been in a relationship or having few friends. I'm middle-aged now, my life half over. I've never had a girlfriend, never been on a date, never had even a friend over the house. But it has never come up. My family has never been very emotional though. No talk about feelings. If you were suffering, you were suffering silently, alone. I remember after my parents divorced crying quietly in my bed at night, staring at a picture of my mother that I could barely see by ambient light. Maybe my brother was suffering too, but we never talked about it. He grew up to be normal, with a family and a marriage, though an unhappy one.

>> No.15989346 [DELETED] 


I found the /lit/ theme song

>> No.15989361

It's a heat wave here,
I am sweating my balls off
even sitting down.

>> No.15989433 [DELETED] 

No offense, but you must be kind of ugly if they never asked why you don't have a gf. I used to get that shit all the time, my family finally fucked off about it, but friends still nag me about being single.

>> No.15989452
File: 519 KB, 1500x1000, DSCF2621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life's good and I'm very happy right now, currently high and waiting for the shrooms to properly grow. I could live my whole life this comfy, just reading and getting high in my freetime.
I wonder how she's doing.

>> No.15989470

To this day my parents suspect I'm gay even though I've had multiple girlfriends they've met. Like someone said, parents just don't understand.

>> No.15989519 [DELETED] 

These protestors bitching about getting snatched by unmarked cop vans are hilarious to me.

>Nooo, you can't just use an unmarked vehicle!! not fair!

Sorry, you don't have a constitutional right to see the cops coming from a mile away.

>> No.15989765

I'm sorry that you have had to deal with so much misfortune anon. Perhaps still you will be able to find inner peace and joy.

>> No.15989925

im stuck at a job i no longer enjoy, and endlessly anxious about all of the amazing paths of life that im not currently exploring.

that said, in moments of reflection I realize how objectively great my situation is. I regularly find joy and meaning in day to day existence, and my only lament is that I cant do more things and meet more people, the world being as wonderful as it is

>> No.15989955
File: 24 KB, 592x372, 1448172207046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just dont know what to do with my life...Just finished getting a degree i hate from a random state school this may and i have no idea what i plan to do with my life now that uni is over. I really dont want to work in an office for 9-5 for the next 40 years at a job i hate. Maybe ill get a minimum wage job and just get by barely surviving and spending my free time doing drugs.

>> No.15990164
File: 152 KB, 1080x1034, IMG_20200618_061938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream where everyone I knew grew old, withered and died. They all disappeared in front of my eyes. Even I started growing old and decrepit rapidly. As my time came near, I cared less about my past - both my achievements and my regrets. They didn't matter anymore, the only thing that mattered was what came next. It felt like I was anticipating death but at the same time I wasn't willing to accept it. As I "died" I woke up.
I wonder what it all means.

>> No.15990176
File: 119 KB, 711x900, relatable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't deserve God's love and mercy. I am very sad. I know that I'm a terrible person. I barely even deserve human love. No one cares for me. I've never had a job. I've never had a real relationship with a woman. I am desperately lonely. I only hope Christ will have mercy on me despite the fact that I'm a bad person. That's really it. I also would like a quick death; I can't tolerate this much longer. I feel as if I'm going insane.

>> No.15990188

I desperately want a gun. Given the way things are today I feel like the biggest cuck for not having one. A gun, even a shitty revolver, would be the sweetest and most gracious present. And quite literally and uncontroversially for self-defense reasons. These days I feel like a second class citizen not being able to carry a concealed firearm on me at all times, like a samurai deprived of his lineage. And the richest part of it all is that the cities with the strictest prohibitions against guns are the ones with the worst violence, riots, and anti-police (who are the only people who could conceivably protect you in the event of criminal violence without the means of self-defense) are the most dangerous chaotic parts of the country now!

My mission in life now is to become a responsible, law abiding, gun possessing citizen of this fine republic.

>> No.15990244

>I desperately want a gun.
If I had one, I would probably use it to blow my brains out.

>> No.15990296

>this fine republic
Very fine indeed. Only be careful that you aren't fined for it in the near future.

>> No.15990413

what happened anon?

>> No.15990675

I want to scream and beat my chest and rip my shirt and punch myself in the face and bite at my fingers until blood runs down and drips off my elbows and bash my skull into a wall. There's no particular reason. I'm full of equal parts existential despair at even existing in a general sense and vital energy. The state of this world is so full of bleak absurd despair and I can look back at any point in my life prior to this year as at least being better than this. I feel like a lab mouse tied down in a lab with laser electrodes stuck in my brain forcing all kinds of horrific delirious hallucinations into my perception that don't really exist and I want to beat myself awake.

>> No.15990720


>> No.15990761

i feel alone but i dont like people,the latter it's not cope for my lack of social skills.

>> No.15991244

choose the one that earns you more money

>> No.15991316

Im a coward and i hate myself for that.

>> No.15991345
File: 102 KB, 600x595, 82821244_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to be a tasty little mouse snack for a catboy.

>> No.15991391

Think positive, anon.

>> No.15991440
File: 1.28 MB, 2566x3758, henry-wong-98b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Among all the mistakes made by socialist/anarchist orders, the wholesale rejection of religion in favor of the idolatry of scientism is probably the worst. Especially when you consider that most of this happened in CHRISTIAN countries.
What other religion has a history of opposing elites and coming together as one in communities? Sure, there were corrupt nominal Christians, and religion has at times been used as a tool of oppression by the elites. But even if you granted that the entire church is corrupt, as Luther did, the solution would be revolution and cleansing, not total rejection.
When you reject Christ's message, even if you are a nonbeliever, then you are unironically helping the enemy. Because anyone that reads the Bible earnestly will see exactly what Jesus wanted to do and why he was killed and who he was killed by. Denying the socialism is basically secularized Christianity is total cognitive dissonance.
These people that present themselves as liberators but tell you religion is brainwashing poison and that you should never use violence to bring about change in the world are unironically pathological bottom-feeders there to make sure you don't seek enlightenment and a better world. All they will ever have is trite analytic comments like, "killing is bad, no matter what," refusing to distinguish between killing and punishing the wicked that feed on doing evil. If an oppressor is whipping a person to get them to comply, then you using the whip to choke them to death is more moral than letting them whip that person a single time.
Never back down, always follow your morals, and always strive to do good, and don't forget to have compassion for your kindred. Everyone has moral failings, and Christ's message of tolerance and forgiveness are clearly lost on the majority of so-called leftists that would sooner see a person that disagrees with them on one tiny thing ruined before they take up arms against global fascism.
Despite what you've always been told, family and religion are the most central thing, and you will never get liberation without them. Without the kinship of family and the in-group trust of religious communities, you will never have a solid base from which to fight evil and build a better world. There's a reason Stalinism and Maoism that showed no solidarity always came down to endless purges of their own allies over the most meaningless details.
Also, this isn't meant as an anti-Catholic post, or even one against other religions. I know there are many Catholics that are far better people than I will ever be, and the same goes for Muslims, Jews, etc.
I love all of you and I unironically hope that we can live in a better world built on compassion and respect.

>> No.15991502

the list is longer than I remember
27, 38, 40, 43-48, 60, 61, 67, 71, 87, 93(underlined), 94, 96(underlined), 102, 108, 109(circled), 113, 117, 124, 143, 153, 172, 174, 177, 189, 192, 215
also jotted 'neo-peasantry', 'successfully materialized ideology -> society', 'ideology and history erased' and for some reason 'Roho's basilisk', thought that might have been there for something else

>> No.15991537

Is the guy from this video looks like a real life hobbit and it's adorable.

>> No.15991538


>> No.15991570

This made me feel less lonely

>> No.15991594

YOUR ancestors probably did fuckall mate.

>> No.15991762

You probably meant roko not roho

>> No.15991782

Did it?

>> No.15991950
File: 162 KB, 392x324, 1590539827353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't cum from blowjob

>> No.15991963

my handwriting isn't great lol

>> No.15992263
File: 1.55 MB, 4032x3024, 1FA3BF0A-DCDF-43FD-9ACA-4E03ECF76AF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try smiling anon. It really helped me.

>> No.15992280

I fried my brain with LSD and I got away with it. Trip after trip after trip. Hundreds of tabs. And I'm still standing, baby. Did I pay a price? Well, I'm lost inside my head but that's always been the case. No words leave my mouth. I observe. I do not participate. Reality is too intense. I am too sensitive. I'm always a fly on the wall, but a very intelligent one. My thoughts amuse me to no end. I laugh AT my thoughts. Not with them. They are so silly. Death hangs over my head but I am not afraid. It is so close and I welcome it. I have nothing and yet I have everything. Soon this will all be over.

>> No.15992373

There is no silence in the hellhole. Some asshole is mowing his lawn right now. The machine. Just to have a boring lawn. Lawn care is so sisyphean.

>> No.15992378

I thought LSD was harmless or is it as 'harmless' as weed?

>> No.15992453

Today I realized it's not normal to be anxious most of the day.
I've been living with anxiety for many years, every tiny progress for me is great - literally going through the day with minor anxiety with no panic attack is a sweet calm day.
Only today I thought, wow, it's NORMAL that people are just calm all day every day with no latent anxiety.. of course all people are nervous sometimes, but for relevant reasons..
Not only do people without anxiety exist, but they are the majority. Can't imagine how comfy that must be, I don't remember those times of my life when I was like that too.

>> No.15992471

>Only today I thought, wow, it's NORMAL that people are just calm all day every day with no latent anxiety
Not anymore it isn't. Most people are like you now.

>> No.15992495

My sister is dating a /pol/tard who constantly rants about sjw and the left. The amount influence he has on her is kinda amusing and surprising considering she's a pol science major.

>> No.15992642

You sure? Are you like this for that matter?

>> No.15992814

There are shittonnes of studies about it. Anxiety disorders are the most common western mental illness, and people experiencing anxiety disorders now are rating themselves as more anxious than WWII vets did coming back from the war.
>Are you
No, I wasn't raised buffered from failures.

>> No.15992847


>> No.15992852

Scriabin is better than sex

>> No.15992857

>people experiencing anxiety disorders now are rating themselves as more anxious than WWII vets did coming back from the war.

That's because people on the left think they are fighting literally Hitler. Delusional.

>> No.15992908
File: 744 KB, 1830x2048, IMG_20200414_144557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could hold onto memories longer. Not in the sense that I forget them, but in the sense that my memories appear to be only in fragments; as the essence of a former moment, but not the moment itself... I cling to flashes, a hint of a sensation, a mood. Sometimes I wish I could close my eyes and relive a memory like a movie. But I can't, and it's probably for the best. Maybe I'll reread Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.

>> No.15992928

Mass shooters used to be PTSD'd no prospects Vietnam vets, now mass shooters are 20 year old men who can't get laid. Makes you think.

>> No.15992951

theres an ocean of anger beneath the crust of sadness.

>> No.15993042

It's not only leftists who feel that way

>> No.15993045

Try to convince her to write her thesis on the struggles of the 21st century white male

>> No.15993047 [DELETED] 

>Worst mass shooter in American history has longterm gf
>San Bernadino shooters are married couple
>Pulse night club shooter has kids with long term gf
>bf/gf team shoot up hasidic market

Yeah, why can't these guys just get laid?

>> No.15993052
File: 190 KB, 500x598, 1588891219296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what to write. I have always believed that to write something meaningful, one had to have strong beliefs towards the subject of one's writing - or at least towards the activity of writing itself. But I'm in a constant state of self-doubt. It's like the world around me is liquefying and I can't find anything solid to stand on, somewhere to plant my feet on and stand my ground against the world's onslaught. And that really damages my writing because it makes everything come off as fake.

>> No.15993078

I know that feel.
On a more lit note, I have this with books. I may try to remember why I liked a book so much and I only remember how it made me feel and no more whatsoever.

>> No.15993101

This makes me wish I wasn't like that even more.
Idk if it's possible, I know I've easily stressed for as long as I can remember, like first grade anxiety from being picked by the teacher to say something. Or reading practice where I would have to read out loud in front of the class.
It may just be getting worse, really.

>> No.15993108

write about that

>> No.15993111

thought experiment with dialectics that Marx/Lenin used for the tragedy/farce theory but on the personal scale:
There is a subconscious urge to recreate fading memories that succeeds in cycles, bringing you into similar situations with the self being on a higher level. Only then will you reach the synthetic spiralling higher of the spirit by recognising your own state. The thesis and antithesis are negated, you can't remember the original memory anymore and attribute it to a deja vu experience. Maybe this could tie into reincarnation. I'm talking out of my ass though.

>> No.15993200

Understand that women by and large are NPC’s, executing a script. It’s just natural for them, would you be mad at a bee who stung you? It would be completely irrational to be angry at the bee, it’s just doing what’s natural to it when a potential predator gets to close to its hive. Would you get mad at a spider spinning webs in the corner of your house? No, that’s completely irrational, it doesn’t understand the concept of property, it’s just doing what it’s naturally meant to do.

The same goes for women, there script just happens to be a bit more complex to digest, but all leads to the same place.

>> No.15993207

This is essentially how I feel regarding books in my current time in life, sure I can read, but I’ll have these books forever. Right now I have conflicting wants, I may go broke and need to sell my computer, or I’ll move away and I won’t be able to see friends, so I’ll save the books for later.

>> No.15993297

What's on my mind is the abysmal state of this board and how the fucking mods delete any fucking mention of their incompetence while people are trying to work toward a solution.

>> No.15993807

Yesterday I went to a market with some people that I know
I am more convinced that I need to kill myself
Seeing them choose, find and pick food and ingredients are just too alien for me
I don't such wishes and thoughts as I want to cook this or that
I will never understand why people do any of these things at all
I just can't see myself doing any of it; living, marrying, having children, getting old
Not that I think I will ever be able to get them even if I try
Maybe all of this is just me lying? And I should just give up?
I wish I am dead, but I am too scared to do it.

>> No.15993858

Why does Bezo's not sound like Bezos at all in this Webex meeting?

>> No.15993877

all modern women are whores

>> No.15993883

She was letting u know she's dtf and wanted the dee u autist

>> No.15993886

>This is supposed to be 4chan, what the fuck happened?

>> No.15993906

>tfw remember /lit/ chasing off all mods and jannies with literary bullying
>tfw lived long enough to see kids who cannot do anything creative without an authority or external factor as the impetus, and they see no reason why they would want to take training wheels off
Well, at least there's hope I'll live to see them trying to blame their parents' ghosts for not cutting their crusts off

>> No.15993915

Pichai is such a shitty speaker with his stupid anecdotes about "every day folks" and shit

>> No.15993936

That's the point, you mong. Who wants to start a family with some cunt who's 'dtf' with guys she just met?

>> No.15994024

Thank god Cicilline cut off Pichai's timewasting irrelevant story about some kettlebell store in Texas. Pichai is such a turd. I figured Cicilline would just be a bootlicking cuck since he's a Dem that depends on Google to win his elections, but this guy seems to at least have a little spine.

>> No.15994062

I experienced love for the first time at 24. It was not consumated but we had become very close and tender with one another. We took care of one another. She had a boyfriend, which I only found out right before the end. I was angry that she would lead me on, but the anger couldn't last. I valued too much those moments we did spend together, close as I have ever known to moments of true contentedness and bliss, feelings of being blessed, of It Finally Happening To Me, and all the hope she let me feel. I know she used me in a way, but I am grateful for it, and I know the love she gave me was real in the moments it was given, she cared for me, even if she never meant to commit. But now she is gone, and I am left reeling. I want to give chase but I know I'd never win her over that way. She is with him for a reason. I only feel so anxious and jealous and useless sitting here at home while she's somewhere Out There. There is at least someone in my heart now. I prefer this anguish to the nothing I felt before. And maybe one day I will see her again.

>> No.15994067

Pathetic to read. Get a life and a real girlfriend, you loser.

>> No.15994080


>> No.15994153

Blessed post anon

>> No.15994175

Summer ruined pretty much because of corona-virus, it was going to be so fucking good.

>> No.15994200

I'm so BORED. FUCK THIS FUCK IT. Tick tock the clocking is ticking. Can we just get this over and done with. Can it just fucking hurry up. Im done. Finito. Give me more. Give me less. Give me give me give. I want nothing I want everything. FUCK THIS just take me to the end. Game over. Drop the bomb end of the world. Last breath. What a fucking tragedy

>> No.15994209

Democrats wasted a year of your life because they couldn't come up with a nominee that wasn't a geriatric ghoul

>> No.15994256

I'm finally writing a fantasy novel, something I've always wanted to do. The problem is that I know I'm nowhere near as good to make it as good as I want it to be. Everywhere I look I see problems and things that make it boring and it's really discouraging. I keep telling myself that if I keep fearing that I'm not good enough I'll never write anything, so I'm still pushing myself. It's fun, but I really want to write something people will enjoy, even if it doesn't push the medium further.

>> No.15994267

Are you guys watching the anti-trust hearings rn? This shit is great. Bipartisan dis session to the face of these tech bro dickheads.


>> No.15994272

Yesterday was hot.
Today will be hot as well.
So tired of the heat.

>> No.15994277


>> No.15994300

Checked anon, were going to make it

>> No.15994308

Air conditioning
Is a simple solution
Thank capitalism

>> No.15994474
File: 186 KB, 992x1403, 1593955365633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have so much anger and no outlet. I just want to passively hurt people through my behaviour. Like buy this chocolate bar and one whore dies.

>> No.15994830


This is a based view and it has given me a lot of relief over the years. Truly the ultimate application of stoic wisdom.

>> No.15994924

join a boxing match or something or some martial arts thing

>> No.15995011

Why do you have anger? Anger is not something a virtous person should have at all

>> No.15995070

>buy cornflakes
>end up eating half the packet in a day
>cornflakes for lunch
>cornflakes for dinner
just make sure to eat some fruit every once in a while and to get the flakes without added sugar.

I'm telling you guys.

>> No.15995083
File: 66 KB, 1171x597, 80686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is joe rogan a normie?

>> No.15995103

listen to metal

>> No.15995120

This is my lowest point, i just have to pull through one day at a time and i'll get better again. I can start over, i'll pull it together somehow, it just gets worse before i get out. One day at a time,One day at a time,One day at a time,One day at a time,One day at a time,One day at a time,One day at a time,One day at a

>> No.15995125

listen to actual metal

>> No.15995126

this is amazing

>> No.15995132


It's a shitty feeling to have, constantly comparing yourself to an ideal version of you with the ability to write your ideal work, but know that even the greatest writers struggle with these problems. Countless have wanted to set their work on fire because they felt that it would never amount to anything. Woolf lost her will to write when she read Proust for the first time because his work so surpassed everything that she had ever written and envisioned.

There really is no remedy except to put in the hours and get lost in that flow. Those magical moments will disperse the doubts for a brief while, and your results will hopefully keep you sane in the interim. And in the end there will surely be at least one person who will see the value in your work and who will enjoy it. Keep going for him! He will make everything worth the while.

>> No.15995134

I know everybody hates slipknot but all the songs I related are from their first album, which is tru

>> No.15995157

Another anon. My ancestors colonized the jungles of Peru, brought civilization, and became doctors, diplomats, and engineers.

>> No.15995218 [DELETED] 

Is Slipknot like Cypress Hill where their first album was legit and then they turned meme-corny?

>> No.15995232

the losers are on twitter and discord

>> No.15995257 [DELETED] 

On some misogynist sub on saidit prob

>> No.15995555

You need to talk to a therapist, preferably someone who specializes in anxiety. I used to be just like you, but after being in CBT for a couple years, my anxiety was pretty much BTFO'd. It completely changed (and maybe even saved) my life. Dead serious.

>> No.15995579

No Longer Human vibes. Read it, anon.

>> No.15995585
File: 114 KB, 728x1173, feelinggood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can do it yourself using this book if a getting therapist is not possible. Esp if you have the autism why not go right to the facts?

>> No.15995701

not that anon but does it come victim mentality?

>> No.15995715

Thanks anon. That actually means a lot. I love writing, even if I'm not that great at it. That's why I try to improve. I want people to enjoy the stories I come up with. I know for a fact some do, but that doesn't mean I want to stop learning.

On that note, does anyone have recommendations on books about storytelling techniques, tips or the like that are actually helpful? For example, the Writers Helping Writers series of books have been good for brainstorming. The Anatomy of Story had some good tips, too, though not everything there applies to what and how I want to write.

>> No.15995732

Anonymous boards are where people come to voice what they can't say IRL. The rise of social justice issues and the increasing fixation on racial guilt/victim culture shapes what ideas contrarians base their sense of rebellion upon.

Any platform gets progressively worse as it grows in popularity. Most people are idiots, and the filter of obscurity helps to keep the tend-followers from drowning out the more original/trend setting types.

>> No.15995792

Im about to leave my girlfriend of 7 years, we have a house and dog, its going to be hard saying goodbye to that mutt. Pure innocence and always happy to see me.

>> No.15995825
File: 752 KB, 885x948, 1579896622121.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self insert as the narrator for my novel
>friends or lovers are automatically too unrealistic

>> No.15995874


I was thinking of writing something for the FSA thread over on /soc/ that maybe a femanon will read and make an audio of it. Some short stories, or I think they are short stories, are in my head. The stuff I'm thinking of will not be the ageplay shit that's common on the FSA thread, but it'll still be extreme, like the stuff you'd see on /d/. I had complained on the FSA thread that they have a lot of ageplay crap and they lacked variety in the audios and pastebin stories that they have.

The problem if I write the short stories is that I haven't had sex with a woman and I had read years ago that if you want to write sex scenes, you have to have had sex. Last week, or a couple of days ago, an anon said that you can still write sex scenes but after you read a bunch of them, then you can write your own. I disagree with him. So I'm still thinking up the erotica/porn but maybe without the protagonist having sex.

>> No.15995888

The annotation says it tackles depression. I don't suffer with depression anymore. Does it deal with anxiety too?

>> No.15995890

>its going to be hard saying goodbye to that mutt
that's no way to talk about your girlfriend anon

>> No.15995960

>friends or lovers are automatically too unrealistic
that could be intentional narration

>> No.15995962

In my opinion no. In short it's a set of exercises you can do to change your thought patterns. The idea is thoughts influence feelings which influence actions. By paying attention and reworking your negative thought patterns you feelings also change.

Yes, heavily it does. It meta-cognitive therapy so basically the same techniques. If you went to a therapist this is exactly what they would be teaching you.

>> No.15995983
File: 74 KB, 898x1002, 1570826090885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got you fren

>> No.15995995

>The percentage of whites who are obese is almost exactly the same as those other demographics
That is incorrect sir.
Asians are disproportionately less obese in the extreme, whites are relatively so.
Non-whites are far fatter than their white counterparts.

>> No.15996008

They never do.

>> No.15996087

I could wait til morning to put the fish in the fridges, but I never do, i'm scared the ice will melt and i'd lose hundreds. So here I am, reading James Joyce and waiting for a delivery of fish at 1AM.

>> No.15996103

The fan is on high.
Bag of ice, perched atop head.
Global warming real.

>> No.15996120

go to confession, talk to a priest
sounds like you have a heavy case of Catholic guilt

>> No.15996143

Because everything is working against me and the world is full of awful people that I hate and they hate me.

>> No.15996153

We've gotta chance!

>> No.15996188

Dubs and I come out to my parents as a joke.

>> No.15996199


>> No.15996198


>> No.15996215

Dam that pic was literally me

>> No.15996227

Was it hot or did it fuck you up?

>> No.15996276

Stop judging based on looks.

>> No.15996279

Even Jesus was angry a few times

>repressed impotent loser is a shota fan
No surprises here

>> No.15996287

What do you eat? Do you take no pleasure in preparing a nice meal?

>> No.15996390

>It meta-cognitive therapy so basically the same techniques. If you went to a therapist this is exactly what they would be teaching you.
Ok. Thanks, man. Will check it out.
If I'm unsuccessful with it I'll probably try finding a therapist (which I should have done when the anxiety started.. will be a long road now), one thing I fear about it is that I'll lose some freedoms - a friend of mine is registered with panic disorder and he has some legal restrictions because of that.

>> No.15996451
File: 88 KB, 750x1125, 323C97B7-F61F-46A4-8506-91807F7105BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No just hot memories of those older girls when I was a sweet little boy in a bow tie

>> No.15996491
File: 124 KB, 400x300, disappointed_fromm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have anger

>> No.15996502

Aye I set you up for that one. (considered making my own joke but too somber)

>> No.15996550

Powerslave's good, but anon should probably listen to angrier actual metal.

Hope it doesn't just make you more edgy, >>15994474.

>> No.15996604

Is a day without her in my head too much to ask?
I've tried distraction a good number of times but the root motivation for the activity packed day pops up and she's back swimming through the synapses

>> No.15996721

Just see all men and women as sons and daughters of God. Realize that they too deserve to be loved and cherished just like you are by Christ. Once, you realize that, it's not that you will stop judging them, but you will judge them so that they can fulfill what God's Plan in their lives is. We're all sinners, but if accept God's love and endeavor through,by and with Him to make our lives pleasing to Him, then we can merit eternal life.

>> No.15996823

Each time you recall a memory your are recalling the last version of that memory

>> No.15996854

Bitches ain't shit but
hos and tricks. Lick on these nuts
and suck the dick. -Snoop.

>> No.15996946

i have been eating the same thing for a very long time
people always commented how my food have very little variety but i just don't get it
...its food? you eat them
its not like i dont enjoy eating sushi or cousines when its presented but I don't go out of my way to try them, trying out every restaurant in town or whatever

>> No.15996969

>t. white suburbanite

>> No.15996983

Honoring elders
With my beautiful haiku
And gaijin mocks me.

>> No.15997048

Arigato lion-sama, I will save your peanut and richard offer for another time. For now, searching for a coping mechanism will do

>> No.15997253

Oh nice, thanks fren.

>> No.15997281

Just did it. Feels kinda bad man.

>> No.15997289

you should read The Sublime Object of Ideology

>> No.15997296

Seems like every bad person I have met has gotten to live they're boomer lifestyle dream while I try hard and cant even achieve my dream of living a simple life. I tell myself I have to work harder and one day I'll make it but there is always lingering doubts in the back of my mind. Tendrils reaching out trying to corrupt my dreams telling me I'll never make it and never be good enough. I wonder if they are right but convince myself it doesn't matter if I make my dreams a reality or not I simply have to try.

>> No.15997319


>> No.15997330

It can be fixed anon, it's hard work but it is fixable. People get pissed off when you say it is all in their head, but you should take that as motivation. It being in your head doesn't mean it is not real, it just means that it is not innate and that it is in fact changeable. It is hard consistent work that requires discipline, but it is achievable. Do you go to the gym anon? I do, and the thing I enjoy about the gym is that you work so slowly towards a goal that at times can seem completely unachievable, but if you show up every week and do your reps, and you eat well in your other time, after many many months you will begin to notice gains. It is the same for mental health. In the same way that none of us are born fat or skinny, and can transform our bodies through discipline, the same can be said for our mental states.

>> No.15997442

Your ancestors are a black slave and a long line of mutts since then.

>> No.15997541
File: 18 KB, 383x382, 93F7E201-3382-4367-B8F1-F367A7F5B73D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15998261

All this time and nothing worth spending it on.

>> No.15999196

laptop died gracelessly
What is the most e/lit/e laptop I could buy?