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15973073 No.15973073 [Reply] [Original]

I needed Gods or some higher powers intervention more than ever and despite me praying and offering to dedicate my entire life to do the good thing for the rest of my life, it didn't happen. I'm done with him for good, if he even exists. I'm done hoping in some guardian angel, some higher power that looks out for me because there is none. I genuinely can't be bothered to do the "good" or "right" thing anymore. I had to eat shit all my fucking life.
Any books to help me cope? Christcucks can stay lost, I'm fucking done. This is the end of the road.

>> No.15973106

average atheist lmao

>> No.15973222

You need some dick

>> No.15973311

Wow, is it possible that magic man in sky doesn't actually exist? Do you have any proof?

Well, whatever, a book that could interest you is 'Masks of god' - Campbell. It basically explores the world's different religions and how they share a lot of similarities when you ignore the names of people and places. While doing so it accidentally debunks religion.

If god real then why bad thing happen has still not been refuted as the common religious answer is just 'but muh trial of faith'. Religion should just fuck off from arguments since it isn't a logical conclusion but a set of beliefs based on faith.

>> No.15973483

Just submit to this dick, I’ll pray for the both of us

>> No.15973506

read book of job

>> No.15973525

>I needed Gods or some higher powers intervention more than ever and despite me praying and offering to dedicate my entire life to do the good thing for the rest of my life, it didn't happen
Are you special? There are thousands if not millions people in exact same situation or worse, praying daily for intervention from god. Why does it have to be you who gets help from god while everyone else continues to suffer?

>> No.15973547

>offering to dedicate
I dont do religun but Im pretty sure you dont do deals like that with God, thats for the Devil.
I mean you dont offer shit to God you just do the right thing and he may eventually tell you when a flood is coming or drop some extra change down the side of your sofa
You should read the game manual in an old game like ps1 or ps2
I used to really enjoy that on the way home from the shop getting excited to play the game, learn the controls and what the main menu looks like
sad I know, thats why I think youd enjoy it

>> No.15973553

Why expect anything from an omnipotent, omnipresent, (supposedly) good being who exists beyond time? Don't you know he has a full workload this morning and has to get his daughter to soccer practice? Just a take a number and get in line, buddy

>> No.15973794

Omnipotent and omnipresent don't give a shit about some short lived bacteria on a tiny speck of dusk floating in space.

>> No.15973833

>While doing so it accidentally debunks religion.
How? Similarities between religions and an innate proclivity or psychological need for belief in human beings can be viewed as evidence for God

>> No.15973894

Why do you suppose that you aren't getting exactly what you deserve? Do you think you know better than God?
God is also omnibenevolent and omniscient, he has the capacity to care about each atom and electron individually. Your value judgement is entirely arbitrary as well, as far as you know human beings might be the most important thing in the universe.

>> No.15973933
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because you are stupid pederast who trusted old weak faggots. first commandment: I am God. pray to mirror, idiot. it was your decision to have someone else but you as authority.

>> No.15973944


>> No.15973962

How’s that working for you dumbass

>> No.15974019

First and foremost, God does not owe you a single thing, in any way, in any determination, in any capacity.
He put life in your heart, he put a brain between your ears and he let you grow up to be able to read, write, and mindlessly cruise a Uzbecki watercoloring forum.

Give yourself to God, in all things and in all ways. Do it not with the expectation of a reward, but because you quite literally owe it to the entity which you can thank for the very existence of the universe.
You are being a brat. If all the abuse, pain, darkness and hate I slogged through at your age didn't stop me, it shouldn't stop you.
God loves you, and if you love Him with all your heart and all your mind and all your soul and all your strength, that love will be more than enough to fill you with utter joy.
I'm going to leave this thread, opie, as will everyone else, and when we do it'll just be you and Him again.
I'm asking you to listen because I love you, Anon.

>> No.15974026

Omniscience eliminates any problems of attention or focus

>> No.15974045

Some many words and no substance at all. You have a talent.

>> No.15974170

Not a single thing you've said is an argument against the existence of god, I don't know why you think it was but it isn't?

>> No.15974226

Here's substance: I survived three suicide attempts. I had shot my grandfather's shotgun earlier in the week, and when I put the barrel in my mouth, I was ready. I was so ready. I was in the exact spot I thought I should be. Whole life wrapped up in a bow and ready to sail off.
It was an old rifle, and the firing pin had shifted mere millimeters. That's the breadth of a hair.
You'll never know what that sound is like until you hear it for yourself. You'll never understand the tidal wave of emotion which spills over you when you realize the distance of ten grains of sand prevented you from spraying your head all over your apartment.
It was the most beautiful sound I ever heard.
It took five more years to understand God. Five long, hard, miserable, self loathing, self destructive years. I abuse myself. I abused women.
But every now and then, in the darkness, amongst the ruin of my decisions, I'd gear hear it.
God loves you so, so, so, so much. He wants you to be so so so so happy and fulfilled and joyful. He also knows best, at the least, better than you.
The grass is always greener, Anon, and that isn't scriptural.
There is not a single shortcoming, hardship or trial you cannot overcome, and this is because God put them there.
Are you strong enough? Can you be strong enough? It's not easy. In fact, its monstrously difficult.
I cannot do it for you. I speak in earnest when I say if I could I would, because I do love you, Anon.
You can do it. You can get better.
And even if life isn't better, YOU can be.

>> No.15974273

Why should any god be like a vending machine where you put in prayers and get favors? Read Job, read the Daodejing

>> No.15974298

>Here's substance: I survived three suicide attempts. I had shot my grandfather's shotgun earlier in the week, and when I put the barrel in my mouth, I was ready. I was so ready. I was in the exact spot I thought I should be. Whole life wrapped up in a bow and ready to sail off.
>It was an old rifle, and the firing pin had shifted mere millimeters. That's the breadth of a hair.
>You'll never know what that sound is like until you hear it for yourself. You'll never understand the tidal wave of emotion which spills over you when you realize the distance of ten grains of sand prevented you from spraying your head all over your apartment.
>It was the most beautiful sound I ever heard.
>It took five more years to understand God. Five long, hard, miserable, self loathing, self destructive years. I abuse myself. I abused women.
>But every now and then, in the darkness, amongst the ruin of my decisions, I'd gear hear it.
Interesting story but it has no bearing on the discussion on the existence of god.
>God loves you so, so, so, so much. He wants you to be so so so so happy and fulfilled and joyful. He also knows best, at the least, better than you.
>The grass is always greener, Anon, and that isn't scriptural.
>There is not a single shortcoming, hardship or trial you cannot overcome, and this is because God put them there.
>Are you strong enough? Can you be strong enough? It's not easy. In fact, its monstrously difficult.
>I cannot do it for you. I speak in earnest when I say if I could I would, because I do love you, Anon.
>You can do it. You can get better.
>And even if life isn't better, YOU can be.
Nothing you said is an argument for the existence of god.

>> No.15974322


>> No.15974386

I'm not arguing for the existence of God. I'm not arguing the existence of South America either, though I have never seen it.
I present you with this, Anon, if proving things is what you want.
Have you ever read a scholarly article on the big bang? What about abiogenesis? What about dark matter?
I postulate that you take such things as holy writ because you were taught to believe in their validity.
How about atoms and molecules? Ever seen one, or studied it in a scientific manner? Truly understood the technologies you employed and saw with your own eyes the tiny threads of matter?
Now let's say molecules are no longer acting how you think they ought to act.
Ice is melting at 20*, lead turns to gold, nitrogen evolves into oxygen.
Will you suddenly go "no, no, no, clearly molecules do not exist, because what I expect them to do is not what they are doing."
Or would you delve deeper into the radical changes, vie to discover how these miraculous things are happening?
Ask yourself, how important to me is the truth? And after you ask, examine the things you take as fact and the things you dont, and examine why.
You'll discover the truth then.

>> No.15974523

Okay how about all the tens of thousands of people each year who suck down the end of rifle (or some other means) and in fact, die miserably? What about the fact that your life was so bad you tried to kill yourself three times? What about the fact that if happiness were the goal (it isn't, not even theologians would say this) then the world would not be so completely miserable? The very fact that the concept of suicide exists and is in fact common would be enough to demolish such an idea.

I am happy that finding religion helped you but it doesn't take away from the very obvious fact that whether or not there is a God, we know that there is silence between us and Him and that most prayers go unanswered

>> No.15974766

>how about... (the) people each year who ..., die miserably?
My heart is filled with sorrow for them. I know firsthand how strong the undertow of suicide can be, how useless we can feel in its hold. But each of them made a choice, as I had. No one was forced.
>if happiness were the goal
You are correct, it is not. It is a byproduct of a fruitful relationship with your Creator, in the same capacity that a good relation with your wife/family can bring happiness. The goal is to honor God since you quite literally owe him your very being.
>I am happy that finding religion helped you
Thank you. And while I will not say I do not hope you come to God as well, I do hope that you are fulfilled and contented and happy, too.
>most prayers go unanswered
Do they? What is it you're praying for?
I do not pray for favors, and we were never told that this is what praying is for.
I pray for the strength and wisdom to accept God's plan, that His will be done, because no matter how you slice this cake some thirty year old in Michigan doesn't know what the world needs.
For the record, my prayers are answered all the time, but very rarely how I expect them to be.

>> No.15974848

Piss off with your life story. Why do people think they need to tell their life story when nobody even asked. Go fuck yourself and kys.

>> No.15974852

do you imagine the force that impressed jesus so he caused such a mess? think, dumbass.

>> No.15975005

He asked for substance, Anon. He wanted eyewitness of something special happening.
You didn't have to read it or even come in the thread.

>> No.15975018

The gods help those who help themselves

>> No.15975030

>why bad thing happen has still not been refuted as the common religious answer
Read Job, and if you to much of a brainlet to understand read the new testament.

>> No.15975040

Neither the book of Job nor the New Testament solve the problem of evil

>> No.15975085

I didn't. I have seen this type of post many times. I instantly recognised it, a shitpost, and stopped reading just after he mentioned his grandfathers shotgun.

>> No.15975133

>If god real then why bad thing happen has still not been refuted
Because you do bad thing

>> No.15975151

Okay. I didn't mean for it to upset you. I was just talking to Anon.

>> No.15975166

how can free will exist without the possibility of evil ?
If no one was hungry, how could anyone share their bread.

>> No.15975230

>le free will defense
It does not satisfactorily address natural evil
It does not, at all, solve the evidential problem of evil
Contra-causal free will is logically incoherent thus impossible

>> No.15975295

Explain this to me please.
I feel that all true 'evil' in the world stems from choices a person made. They chose to rape someone or kill someone or steal billions of dollars from millions of people for decades.
What other evil do you refer to? Babies born with cancer? Hurricanes?

>> No.15975310

Do you seriously not know the definition of natural evil? What the fuck are you doing discussing this subject?

>> No.15975348

Free will doesn’t explain the existence of bad choices to choose from, try again

>> No.15975378
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>Here's substance: I survived three suicide attempts.
Here's hoping your eventual fourth attempt succeeds. I'm cheering for you.

>> No.15975442

Friend, I asked for an explanation of your position. I am aware of the definition.

>> No.15975629

>What other evil do you refer to?
I already told you. Natural evil.

>Babies born with cancer? Hurricanes?
Yes, among other things

>> No.15975753

Frankly I was hoping you had a bit more to your line of thinking than you do.
You think evil can be 'natural' because you view it through the lens of your existence. Not only can one say you have no right to complain about weather and other natural phenomena because it was here before you and will be here after you and has as much natural right to occur as you do.
It can also be said that since you are just mortal, you cannot see things beyond your purview. Maybe a child dies of cancer, but her doctor dedicates himself to eradicating that foul disease and with his work as a foothold in fifteen years it will be gone from the earth.
It isn't evil when a lion eats a baby gazelle. Nature cannot be evil by the simple virtue of the fact that it is.

>> No.15975771 [DELETED] 

>A survey of scientists who are members of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, conducted by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press in May and June 2009, finds that members of this group are, on the whole, much less religious than the general public.1
>Indeed, the survey shows that scientists are roughly half as likely as the general public to believe in God or a higher power.
>According to the poll, just over half of scientists (51%) believe in some form of deity or higher power; specifically, 33% of scientists say they believe in God, while 18% believe in a universal spirit or higher power.
>By contrast, 95% of Americans believe in some form of deity or higher power, according to a survey of the general public conducted by the Pew Research Center in July 2006.
>Specifically, more than eight-in-ten Americans (83%) say they believe in God and 12% believe in a universal spirit or higher power.
>Finally, the poll of scientists finds that four-in-ten scientists (41%) say they do not believe in God or a higher power, while the poll of the public finds that only 4% of Americans share this view.
Daily reminder that theism and spirituality are literally and objectively proven to be for uneducated rubes.

The more familiarity you have with the Sciences, the less likely you are to be religious.

>> No.15975873

Your post is worthless petulance that utterly fails at addressing natural evil.
Conjecture about unlikely outcomes is not a sound rebuttal of anything.

Read William Rowe's Evidential Argument from Evil.

>> No.15975931

Is the mother bear who eats her cubs to survive the winter evil? Is the lion who claims another's pride evil for killing the last male's offspring? Are melted rocks evil because pressure from inside the mantle forced them onto the surface?
Of course not. That's plainly silly. Even with God as helmsman we still live in a natural world controlled and defined by natural laws. Is your argument that the existence of these laws is evil?
If so, why not create your own universe with it's own laws that operates perfectly happily, where no one dies or gets sick and it never rains more than it should.
If you cannot do that, however, perhaps you should be more concerned about the debt you owe to the thing which CAN create such a universe.

>> No.15975959

Any moral realist would agree that pointless suffering is evil. Nature causes untold amounts of pointless suffering. Not a hard concept to grasp, moron. Read William Rowe.

>If so, why not create your own universe with it's own laws that operates perfectly happily, where no one dies or gets sick and it never rains more than it should.
>If you cannot do that, however, perhaps you should be more concerned about the debt you owe to the thing which CAN create such a universe.
What the fuck is this shit? It certainly doesn't look like an argument.

>> No.15976362

Yes but, Anon, is it defined as pointless by you? How do you know there is no point? Do you know or presume this?
Does this rationale include animals? Is the mother bear evil? How can charged particles in a storm cloud be evil?
Furthermore and much more importantly, you're speaking from a point within the world which exists. Fire is here and fire is here to stay. Excessive heat in the presence of oxygen cannot be evil.
And "this shit" is to get you to realize you are commenting on visceral reality. No other reality exists.
Therefore you're judgements are worthless, like an author critiquing a work no one ever wrote. Were there another state of reality to compare it to maybe. But there's not.
Things which exist in their natural form have no bearing on your modeled morality. Hurricanes aren't evil, they just are.

>> No.15976706

Skeptical theism is a laughable posture fraught with profound problems. Do your homework.