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15972507 No.15972507 [Reply] [Original]

Why are most digital books only available in shit formats like .mobi or .epub? Why is it so hard to find .pdf? Who makes it so hard to pirate 1 MB of information?

>> No.15972567

stupid anime poster

>> No.15972573

Lmao look at this dumb nigger

>> No.15972578

epub is better than pdf

>> No.15972584

>he thinks epub is worse than pdf.
filtered by ebook formats

>> No.15972589

epub is way better on mac computers at least, i don't use ereadrs

>> No.15972610

mobi and epub are better for literally all purposes except for large desktop computers

>> No.15972614

Because those are e-book formats. Why aren't there .docx books?

>> No.15972620

Just fucking convert the epub to pdf

>> No.15972630

How is epub shit? Its better than pdf.

>> No.15972644

>all these fucking casuals
>"hurr I prefer reading a book in its disgusting html format rather than the original format of the physical book"

Holy fucking shit. I really hope this is all some stupid fucking bait.

>> No.15972649
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OP is correct. PDF is the superior format and is usually formatted very well. Indeed, epub is for plebs with shit tier devices. I downloaded an epleb versions of a Wiley industrial book on tobacco cultivation, which otherwise would have been excellent. The results? Parsed and broken words. Broken tables. Most epub is just poorly converted to OCR'd with little oversight and even bought books on it can be riddled with errors. Anyone saying epub is superior is an example of cope that they can't afford a $500 Sony Digital Reader. Go back to playing with your children toys and plain text garbage (epub and mobi) of New York Best sellers list. This thread is now for PDF chads only.

>> No.15972655 [DELETED] 

pdf is way better on mac, reading a pfd with preview on one of those big 27 inch imac screen swiping the pages with a trackpad is one of the comfiest experiences of all times, its like ur in some old monastery flipping through a massive tome, but with 2020 aesthetics

>> No.15972657


>> No.15972663

Not bait my friend, but cope. They're stuck with Kobos and Kindles which can't handle PDF well in the first place.

>> No.15972711
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>tfw every free epub reader on Windows is SHIT and can't even handle loading multiple documents at once separated by tabs

>> No.15972732


>> No.15972736

I have a kobo and a laptop. The kobo is more convenient and easier on the eyes, and it sucks at handling pdfs. Phones also suck at handling pdfs. PDF is my preferred format if I'm reading on my laptop, but it's easier to move around a small kobo than a large laptop, so most of my reading is in epub. If you're reading only in pdfs, then you shouldn't even bother trying to get books legally. There are pdf scans of virtually every book in existence on the internet.

>> No.15972745

>There are pdf scans of virtually every book in existence on the internet.

Link me to a pdf of Tony The Tow Truck by Robert Krause (1985) then bro

>> No.15972755

native .epub > native .pdf > native .pdf converted to .epub > random proprietary and deprecated formats > native .epub converted to .pdf (dios mio)

>> No.15972788

>tries to refute this anyways
>tries to refute it with something that isn't even literature
I never claimed that my rule was unbreakable. I can't find the book you wanted, but libgen does have a copy of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, which should be a similar reading level and thus good for you. I hope you enjoy.

>> No.15973179

Shut the fuck up loser

>> No.15973195

>yes, I am coping with a $40 dollar device that excels at plaintext format
Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.15973208
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>> No.15973210

Do you need us to read it to you?

>> No.15973246
File: 110 KB, 712x949, mik1556549380711[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the context for this image?

>> No.15973248

How is this relevant nigger

>> No.15973260

I paid for a device with an e-ink screen that could fit in my hand, and got a device with an e-ink screen that could fit in my hand. I knew it was bad for pdfs before I bought it. You're the one coping if you actually believe that e-readers are the same experience as reading on a computer.

>> No.15973282

learn geography; it's sumatra. sumatra is an ebook reader.

>> No.15973294

Which is better, Sumatra or calibre?

>> No.15973297
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>> No.15973314


>> No.15973375

Reddit says calibre is better

>> No.15973419

calibre is shit

>> No.15973450

epub is better than pdf

>> No.15973460

Use Calibre e-reader bro. You can open multiple windows on it.

>> No.15973474

Whom do I trust?

>> No.15973480

Is this bait? Is this thread a bait thread? I can't tell if OP is baiting or if he is seriously retarded.

>> No.15973544
File: 92 KB, 1242x1394, 66f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use Zathura on Linux

>> No.15973548

poorfag cope

>> No.15973589

You can style e-books as you like and convert the result to other formats (like PDF). Printed page oriented formats are only usable on big and high resolution screens, that's why e-books exist in the first place.

>> No.15973639

Who cares?