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/lit/ - Literature

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15971835 No.15971835 [Reply] [Original]

I randomly picked up Moby-Dick and read it, and even though I enjoyed it, I don’t think fictional literature is for me.

What should I read? I am completely lost. Is “start with the Greeks” legit or is it a board meme? Someone help me out here, I am confused.

>> No.15971871
File: 29 KB, 215x322, gorgias.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing more legit than starting with the Greeks
Pic related for eg

>> No.15971882

Keeping fish is barbaric, keeping that fish is barbaric, I hate the way humans treat animals, we will all pay for our sins eventually

If there is any justice in this universe, God or karma or some other force is storing up all the weight of our sins so we can repay it to all the creatures we tortured and enslaved callously as a byproduct of our own development. I don't hate humanity but I don't understand why we were favored so much that we should be allowed to torture and degrade innocent animals who can't even fight back. If this was intentionally designed why was it designed so badly? No loving God would create such beautiful animals only to let them be completely wrenched from their native habitats and subjected to confusing torture and death for the pleasure of some braindead slag human who isn't even part of the species' greater potential, just some statistical runoff dreg who works at a movie theater and has dysgenic fat children

The more I live the more I realize that evil is not some cosmic constant in the universe to be drily understood, it's a real thing that has to be fought on a daily basis on an immediate level by identifying selfish throwback behaviors in other human beings and subjecting them to moral cultivation whether they like it or not

>> No.15971895

Should I just pick that up and read it? or is there some entry level introductory book or something of that sort?

>> No.15971918
File: 85 KB, 418x500, philbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15971934

idk man looks like some reddit shit

>> No.15971940
File: 69 KB, 960x720, cows_deserve_compassion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hindus treat the cows with reverence because they take milk from them. This basic human behaviour of being grateful to someone who gives you nourishment is then made fun of by other "civilized" peoples as "haaha cow is der mother lol"

>> No.15971965
File: 72 KB, 822x960, E800790D-255F-425E-9111-3AC7CA3917E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God gave dominion over the earth and all its animals to man. We are the earth's curators by birthright. As its divinely appointed masters, we should lord over nature responsibly, but our mandate is unquestionable. Animals will always be subservient to man. If I desire to eat an animal, than by virtue of my divine birthright over the earth it is entirely ethical to do so as I please. Mankind should rule over nature like a just king should rule over his serfs. A king should never treat his subjects with malice, but at the same time a kings authority over the lives of his people is to remain unquestioned. We should be responsible caretakers of nature, but at the same time we must never forget that nature exists purely to serve our needs.

>> No.15972000

I certainly think we can and without a doubt should do better but its not like animals arent out there slowly eating babies alive and all the most extreme fucked up shit imaginable. its like getting mad at white people for being racist when white people are already the least racist people on the planet and virtually the only ones who care about not being racist on any notable scale

>> No.15972013
File: 21 KB, 260x323, 51nzD+G2PbL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started with the Greeks with pic related masterpiece and then continued with Thucydides , followed by Herodotus and Homer.
This is a great recommendation however I think starting with the general stuff, history and myths will give you a better starting point in understanding the philosophers.
Good luck anon, it is a great journey ahead

>> No.15972025

>The mind has no gender
Men who think this prove it to be correct. I hate the bottom 90% of men.

>> No.15972032

This is the same reason that we make fun of Americans who worship Black people.

>> No.15972040

You could be right
However it does look entry-level

>> No.15972059

retard christcuck, if might makes right for you then at least don't claim to be a follower of Jesus Christ. You all have really ruined the legacy of Jesus. There is no difference between you and followers of that barbaric desert warlord from Arabia.

>> No.15972064

hindus get a lot of banter but they are a good people

>The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.

>> No.15972094

It looks bad, but you can just read a nice idea there then go to the source thinkers if it interests you.
>There is nothing outside of the text
Death of the author. Agree? Disagree? You can keep searching. Personally I don't care a whit so I wouldn't follow up.
>Mind has no gender
Disagree? Agree? I disagree as I think Jung is right. Maybe when you reach self actualization you can be genderless.

>> No.15972229

I am not chr*stian, I am Pagan