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File: 17 KB, 460x408, ug054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15970809 No.15970809 [Reply] [Original]

How does one sanely recover from this guy? This man shattered everything for me, I'm left with a barely functional self/mind. How does one recover so he can function in this world?

>> No.15970825

Have you tried cooming?

>> No.15970842

I have gf

>> No.15970865

You're going to let that stop you?

>> No.15970875

No, I coom still. Why the emphasis on cooming?

>> No.15970885

Hahahahah you said you have no self cooooooooom till you are completely identified with only your sensory experience and fall into a pit of despair as your higher being rots into oblivion

>> No.15970896

>No self
Well, I fully understand the illusion of "I", and how this thing functions, the self/mind is very powerful there
>Coom until you become normie again
Fair hahahaha

>> No.15970933

There exists a clique of people who post on this board 24/7 and who are so mired in degeneracy that the only thing that occupies their mind 24/7 is sexual release. They don't actually read books, spent most of their time masturbating and are hyper-social and hyper-active, which is why they are often the first repliers in threads, see this guy for an example: >>15970825

Not sure what to call these people. But you can especially notice their presence in threads about No-fap, or sexual abstinence. They swarm into these threads accusing everyone who doesn't think about sex every waking hour, of being an "incel", a term which they have invented in order to imply that an individual cannot possibly have control over their sexual impulse, and that abstinence is some form of involuntary condition.

Some of them hang out on Discord were they talk about their depression and share pornographic images most of the day. When they lose an argument they "brigade" threads (they post the link on their discord and implore their so-called "friends" to spam nonsense and off-topic remarks in the threads until it gets so . bad the mod has to delete it). Truely a sorry bunch.

>> No.15970958

Porn, high speed internet, smart phones and it's consequences. Also, discord and it's consequences

>> No.15970963

You know how the self/mind is always orchestrating an identity to make "you" feel real or whatever. That no longer functions in me, externally I may behave like it, but internally it's so quiet now, and there's not really much of a solid identity structure to start from

>> No.15970978

I am at a very similar stage you right now. I think once you disidentify with your thinking this tends to happen. A step towards self actualization hopefully.
Also, have you read raja yoga by vivekananda a great book in understanding sensory experience and illusion even if you dont believe in the spiritual stuff.

>> No.15970981

>externally I may behave like it

>> No.15971016
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You don't

>> No.15971026

>once you disidentify with your thinking this tends to happen
This is true, once the nature of it is understood it truly is a game changer. Right now going full way and doing what U.G did is not in the cards atm, who knows anything maybe one day. I am fully aware of what he did and how
>Also, have you read raja yoga by vivekananda
I have not, last "spiritual" book I read was "I am that" years ago and an assortment of different books from David Godman about Papaji and Ramana Maharishi.

>> No.15971036

This is true

>> No.15971091

take meds

>> No.15971126

Considering it even though I am anti meds

>> No.15971462

what should i read first?

>> No.15971483

This man was a pure nihilist

>> No.15971500

Wrong characterization, but a common one. In some of his rhetoric sure, but it was more of accepting life for what it is, and he despised life denying Indians/gurus. He said the only God is money lol

>> No.15971506

Read his wiki, watch some interviews on Youtube of him, have a decent background knowledge of topics he discusses, read Mahesh Bhatts biography of U.G, then read Mystique of Enlightenment and Mind is a myth

>> No.15971524
File: 1.35 MB, 2758x3452, 20200727_204028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>U.G Krishnamurti (level of consciousness 678/1000) was solidly establish in non-duality, yet he had not yet discovered the joy in unity

Try the other Krishnamurti or Ramana Maharshi.

>> No.15971635

No, he was as real as they come

>> No.15971803

>and he despised life denying Indians/gurus.
Also how he wasn't a nihilist?

>> No.15971865

>Try the other Krishnamurti
You're cute

>> No.15971868

>Also how he wasn't a nihilist?
I prefer realist. He never advocated dropping out ever, he advocated making a living anyway you could to survive. Pure pragmatism

>> No.15972793
File: 25 KB, 339x330, kush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read khushwant singh now

>> No.15973242

You just keep going. He reminds me of Camus

>> No.15973317

u ever wake up and think 'today im not gonna lie on the internet for attention'?

>> No.15973995

You wish I were

>> No.15974002

BTFO'd by Guenon

>> No.15974575

BTFOd by azad

>> No.15975448

Recently discovered him and still digging into his stuff. It's a rabbit hole in itself.

>> No.15975503

Uncultured swine here, what quotes / key ideas are OP referencing?

>> No.15975954

I think in this case it's more important to grasp his way of thinking, the perspective from which he speaks, than any particular quote. In any case I think his wikipedia page does a good job when it says "he rejected the very basis of thought and in doing so negated all systems of thought and knowledge."

However his words are not always to be taken exactly literally, as most of his fans do. One have in fact to have some experience and a solid understanding in some mystic or esoteric framework of *spiritual* initiation to really understand or situate his perspective.

>> No.15976013

where's that from?

>> No.15976033

So many philosophers of the last century said basically the same thing

>> No.15976171

>That no longer functions in me
>functions in me
are you sure?

>> No.15976224

Like who?

>> No.15976232


>> No.15976234

No it's not the same, whoever philosophers you might be alluding to, U.G. doesn't make philosophy, he "negates all systems of thought", etc. But he really does it, he doesn't make a philosophy of it. It's the same difference between talking about a thing from an outside perspective, and speaking from inside that thing, being that thing. That's what makes him a quite peculiar case.

>> No.15976294

Nope kiddo
Ofc it does, but it's wobbly

>> No.15976308

U.G is fair to say the final boss in like a video game what he did if you do it (yeah right) end the video game just like beating a final boss

>> No.15976310

Give me the rundown on this guy, what’s the best introductory work? I want my mind to be irreparably damaged from seeing the truth like OP

>> No.15976327


>> No.15976334


>> No.15976345

I miss schizoposter

>> No.15976532

He was a fraud.

>> No.15976561

He debunked frauds

>> No.15976615

I just saw and interview. Tell me if I got what he is saying. I've been thinking this for a couple years now, so it comes my way of understanding it: thought is there prior to experience and experience is the thought of experience. In a metaphor thought paves the ways you walk.

Another way of putting it would be that let's say one is non-verbal and so he is One. Once you introduce linguistics, there emerges the demand of thought of separation and creating difference, but it's only by thought and in thought that these differences are there.

>> No.15976620

He didn't. He said Freud was a fraud, which is a damn convenient thing to do considering everyone wants to "debunk" him.
He also turned everything against the person who was speaking. There was no way to be "right" around him.
A manipulator.

>> No.15976837

He was, because the psyche is an absolute myth/illusion. The problem is physical

>> No.15976861

This guy is a genuine letter asshat.
>Everything isn't true
>Don't bother thinking
>Aren't I DEEP???
*sits back with a smug shit eating grin and gets dubbed a guru

>> No.15976863

Thought and experience is synonymous. In the subject/object experiencer/experience structure we are stuck in we live within this framework. U.Gs calamity experience or no experience washed away that framework, it wasn't Kundalini, it was something that threw that system out. Fascinating man

>> No.15976877

Go deeper

>> No.15976886


What do you mean recover? Krishnamurti has liberated you. You should feel great.

You're not still trying to become enlightened, are you?

>> No.15976908

Going deeper is just a sign of unenlightenment. It's smart to be stupid!

>> No.15976920

>You're not still trying to become enlightened, are you?
Hahahah no.
>Youre liberated
No, lol no calamity no liberation.

>> No.15976935

U.G had nothing to do w that, said it wasn't real go deeper

>> No.15976968

Turning back to my original post, who gives a fuck what he said? He was clearly jerking himself off the entire time.

>> No.15976980

>What do you mean recover?
Well you think I did what he did fully? It's complicated issue spans back years. It feels like I'm between 2 world's the world of illusion, understanding that the real is there, but can't access it, I have too many wordly ties now to get go full U.G. Maybe one day who knows anything.

>> No.15976985

Where do I start with this guy?

>> No.15976995

He would say communication between humans is impossible, we're just barking dogs. The man leaves you no where, if you're not careful he can destroy "you" if that's what you want

>> No.15977007


>> No.15977033

The man is psychology's worst nightmare

>> No.15977046

sick. Thank you

>> No.15977116

"Mind is a myth" and "Mystique of enlightenment", they are available to read online in full. He also has lots of conversations in youtube, with dumb new age titles made by his fans, that usually are as detestable as his detractors, or even more. Similarly happens with his books, that are transcriptions or editions made by others of conversations like those of the videos.

>> No.15977168

>Thought and experience
yeah I agree with this. I haven't read Hegel but doesn't he say something similar?

>> No.15977197
File: 62 KB, 940x1024, AB8043F7-138D-42FC-B158-3348A79FE5C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if I like thinking?

>> No.15977323

He says thinking is a tool like a hammer which is needed to sanely act in society. You see you can never get him on something. It's incredible

>> No.15977335

But of course he's not in denial about rhe destructive nature of thinking I will share a quote of his below this comment

>> No.15977357
File: 20 KB, 217x320, 1589652870467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are always talking about thought and thinking. What is thought? Have you ever looked at thought, let along controlling thought; let alone manipulating thought; let alone using that thought for achieving something material or otherwise? You cannot look at your thought, because you cannot separate yourself from thought and look at it. There is no thought apart from the knowledge you have about those thoughts -- the definitions you have. So if somebody asks you the question, "what is thought?" any answer you have is the answer that is put in there -- the answers that others have already given.

You have, through combinations and permutations of ideation and mentation about thoughts, created your own thoughts which you call your own. Just as when you mix different colors, you can create thousands of pastel colors, but basically all of them can be reduced to only seven colors that you find in nature. What you think is yours is the combination and permutation of all those thoughts, just the way you have created hundreds and hundreds of pastel colors. You have created your own ideas. That is what you call thinking. When you want to look at thought, what there is is only whatever you know about thought. Otherwise you can't look at thought. There is no thought other than what there is in what you know about thought. That's all that I am saying. So when that is understood the meaninglessness of the whole business of wanting to look at thought comes to an end. What there is is only what you know, the definitions given by others. And out of those definitions, if you are very intelligent and clever enough, you create your own definitions. That's all

>> No.15977374


is this the guy on quora that made the dbz power levels for spiritual attainment? lol

>> No.15977380
File: 74 KB, 539x686, 1589652946282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you look at an object the knowledge you have about that object comes into your head. There is an illusion that thought is something different from objects, but it is you who creates the object. The object may be there, but the knowledge you have about that object is all that you know. Apart from that knowledge and independent of that knowledge, free from that knowledge, you have no way of knowing anything about it. You have no way of directly experiencing anything. The word "directly" does not mean that there is any other way of experiencing things other than the way you are experiencing things now. The knowledge you have about it is all that is there and that is what you are experiencing. Really, you do not know what it is.

In exactly the same way, when you want to know something about thought, or experience thought, it is the same process that is in operation there. There is no inside or outside. What there is is only the operation, the flow of the knowledge. So you cannot actually separate yourself from thought and look at it.

So when such a question is thrown at you, what should happen is [the realization] that none of the answers have any meaning, because all that is acquired and taught. So that movement stops. There is no need for you to answer the question. There is no need for you to know anything about it. All that you know comes to a halt. It has no momentum any more. It slows down, and then it dawns upon you that it is meaninglessness to try to answer that question, because it has no answer at all. The answers that others have given are there. So you have nothing to say on that thing called thought, because all you can say is what you have gathered from other sources. You have no answer of your own

>> No.15977391

everybody has a dramatic phase of despair when they read ug, all it means is that you finally understood vedanta in modern terms

>> No.15977721

>everybody has a dramatic phase of despair when they read ug

>> No.15977755

Well, so you're already well functioning in this world, don't you think ?

>> No.15977803 [DELETED] 

This thread is more astroturfed then a Guenon thread. Now go ahead and hit bump limit because you've been called out.

>> No.15977819

30 posters

>> No.15977831

No im just good looking

>> No.15977939

Saw the first 10 minutes, this guy sounds like a massive tool. Am I missing something?


>> No.15977962

This is my impression of him too

>> No.15978038

>Thought and experience is synonymous. In the subject/object experiencer/experience structure we are stuck in we live within this framework.
Ok, Deleuze.

>> No.15978079

>most followers are women

>> No.15978081

Yeah just seems like a pissed pajeet

>> No.15978134

You should watch interviews instead

>> No.15978145

Ignore last link meant this

>> No.15978160

Why aren't you pissed? You should be

>> No.15978262

Yeah you can easily change your IP and or have an organized raid (former being much more likely here) Not buying that 30 posters are all wacking eachother off to this bland Pajeet. Haven't seen shilling like this since Rick and Morty's first episode aired on /tv/

>> No.15978275

I wish I had the motivation to do that

>> No.15978284

Sorry anon I prefer to be calm

>> No.15978297

You can appear pissed but be calm it's possible

>> No.15979165

>externally I may behave like it
Then you're not as enlightened as you think you are

>> No.15979231

Imagine being this assblasted about being called an incel.

>> No.15979260

Who said that? Anyways the thing is physical, the "mental" simply follows the physical affects of it. Hasn't happened to me rn ATM and neither to you.

>> No.15979272

Well, the thing is there swimming and going, I have real life obligations, a gf and I have to act nominally "normal" try to my best and not be a perm hermit

>> No.15979325

ITT: Fags who think dissociation is somehow spiritual

>> No.15979598

This fag a was bitter fucking guru monkey of white rich people. A contrarian nihilist edgelord.
I would rather read Cioran than listen the ramblings of this hack.

>> No.15979961

Please can you just TRY?

>> No.15980087

Hi R*ddit. No spiritual stuff here go meditate until you hallucinate then you can become an another clamient
>Coping because he's being challenged

>> No.15980132

So basically, reading philosophy is useless and all I should focus on is action?

>> No.15980258

You're going no where! Get lost and stay lost! Thinking takes tremendous energy, act!

>> No.15980345

This. Also watching him in youtube ranting about stuff and moving his hands like this is the closest we can get today to what the old Hindu masters of the oral tradition did back then, in many senses.

>> No.15980351

Being ironic?

>> No.15980364

That dormant energy that he released (lucky man) is so intelligent so powerful, he said he would sleep every night w his hands on feet curled in a ball because the energy was so much. He also never got tired, he could talk all day and barely even ate food. He was against health foods and doctors

>> No.15980374

Inquiry is important. Read philosophy west to east. I recommend it.

>> No.15980381

U.G said once the amount of genuinely enlightened people who came out of India you can count on your fingers

>> No.15980737
File: 37 KB, 277x389, azad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maulana azad

The man with the iron will

>> No.15980907

Whales and elephants probably have more presence by sheer brain volume. Accept the limits of this frame for sentience and language as a vehicle for it. The amount of inane bullshit that arises in human activity is now water off a duck's back for you (at least as expressed in others); now you navigate your own while being more circumspect about it, knowing it has an ineluctable drag, and freedom from it will not arise from self-abnegating asceticism, or becoming neurotic over it.

>> No.15980974


>> No.15981062

>>Coping because he's being challenged
I got into ug because of Ligotti who is one of the biggest ugfag. Philosophically I am on the side of ug but fucking hate his faggot asshole personality.

>> No.15981108

Where should I start with the work of this based man?

>> No.15981330

Has Ligotti expressed sympathy for U.G. somewhere? Had no idea but I could have imagined it. Pseud edgy fags like him always ruin everything.

>> No.15981633

>the other Krishnamurti

>> No.15981658

>Has Ligotti expressed sympathy for U.G. somewhere?
>Had no idea
>Pseud edgy fags like him always ruin everything.
Lmaoooo okay pseud

>> No.15982188

the never ending arousal is a trait of feminised men. women are always aroused or thinking about sex, men only sometimes. I guarantee that the coomers are low self control pussies with low masculine personality traits/body features.
Only other possibility is that they hate themselves after cooming, then there is still some hope.

>> No.15982497

J. Krishnamurti

>> No.15982506

cope1 | kōp |
verb [no object]
(of a person) deal effectively with something difficult: his ability to cope with stress | it all got too much for me and I couldn't cope.
• (of a machine or system) have the capacity to deal successfully with: the roads are barely adequate to cope with the present traffic.

>> No.15984015

Stop larping, you retarded faggot. You're fine. Besides being a retarded faggot, that is.

>> No.15985255

Start by skimming through his Wikipedia page,
He was more of a action based person rather than one who sits down and thinks all day.

You can start with Tarjuman al Quran, (or atleast read the preface for it written by him)

If you know urdu than almost all of his works will be accessible to you (90% of them aren't translated yet, maybe i will translate some of them myself soon), his speeches were filled with fire to do something and take responsibility, you can listen to them too.
He believed in standing alone when you know you are right no matter what (took at the concept of "fear only god, fear no man" way too far)

Read Tarjuman al Quran or India wins independence (the latter may not be much accessible to someone who doesn't know much about indias colonial struggle and may laugh it off as some lowly goons try, but trust me, the generation after them may be filled with thugs and selfish goons, but these people, Nehru, Azad, Gandhi, etc all were visionaries)

At the end of way, like there was napoleon, there was azad,
They say some men live lives that make them immortal and others write books that make them,
Azad may have been a really learned scholar, but at the end of the day, he was a man of action,

Nobody can give you true enlightenment or purpose my friend, you have to find it yourself :)