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1596911 No.1596911 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: your poems

>> No.1596916

I drink deep to cure my deep troubles
my problems are endless like the moon
sweet lady she left me to die like a plgoon

>> No.1596931
File: 9 KB, 180x225, Jared-Loughner-e1294845693522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead as a dodo

On the island of Mauritius a heavy storm is leaving.
In the fields of the ancient wild forest a wild field of mushrooms is growing.
Snails and grasshoppers are ready for the warmth.
The old grass growing with lizards are jolting for crickets while snakes looking for lonely mice.
Falcons are flying for pray.
Shallow light Blue Ocean shimmering at each wave as the black clouds are rolling.
Waves are lapping.
Fisherman on the reefs are casting their poles.
In warm water a pack of clown fish are floating.
Tiger sharks are swimming free.
Steel drums beating in the distance.
The full moon slowly setting for the sun is rising.
At the local cemetery there is weeping.
The dodo is finally dieing.

>> No.1596991
File: 162 KB, 700x1003, mick peters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard the coal-train's broken roar.
I saw it pass the crooked spire,
the garage roofs, the pubs and bars
long into dusk and night.
I saw the birches' pale forms
half-gone in orange lamplight.
The stars yellowed, hiding,
from this firmament of cars.

Dawn rolled out as freezer-fog,
aglow in sulphur lamps.
I was glad when train-song woke me first,
and the crying birds were shooed.
Machines don't mourn in throngs
for homes and nests chopped to wood.
Was nature any good?
Or does my mind build garage roofs
where a crooked spire stood?

>> No.1596999

I had a cat named Snowball
She died! She died!
Mom said she was sleeping
She lied! She lied!
Why oh why is my cat dead?
Couldn't that Chrysler hit me instead?

>> No.1597006

Where is her here? he'll ask
from over the coffee, adjudicating
and alas, if last, will adjourn to will
from over the keystrokes, and attempt to amend to
alleviate, play the chord with charm
just enough charm, enough flotsam to say:
What have you left? he'll ask
from over the shelf, peering through books.
Her answer is expected, is fruitless
is writhing on the floor
Where is your now? she'll ask,
show it to me! Avast!
Ahoy! And such and such, so and so,
sweet and low, and so forth,
he'll man the fort
so forward leaning, so gleaming, dreaming?
Where are we now?
Well, here. Well, I'd noticed.
Where did I leave the sugar?
In my here, dear.
Over here.

>> No.1597008

you again. I would say you're lit's best poet.

>> No.1597010

first that loughner bullshit
then the rolling stone story about psyops
now an update about sirhan sirhan's hypno programming
somebody is trying too hard

>> No.1597026


Fuck sake. Another moment when you see for yourself that "No matter how good you are at something, there is always someone out there better" is actually true.

That's an excellent poem.

>> No.1597029

Time-locked, I skip over the ice
until the sky slips into the clouds
and every orange speck in the background
plasters the hills.

The road bear empty,
every window retreated behind curtains.
I exhale plumes of smoke,
thickening the cold air,
choking the bites and snaps
of the harsh winds. They gust by,
only to leave me alone again.

This is dead air.
Midnight butterflies flutter,
leaving trails of nothing,
though something is there.

In droves, the snow settles soundly,
except in my hand
where they decay
and fall away between my fingers.

The night is young
but in the blanket of winter,
I feel nothing but old.

>> No.1597033
File: 27 KB, 478x640, CRIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The beetle crawling in the mud
A mere drop in the sea of filth
He lives without fear of the danger above
I, a man who collects these creatures in this bog

The beetle has lived a life of running from animals such as me
He crawls down beneath the dank leaves running so as not to be seen.
Driven by some emotion often mistaken as fear
How does he dare to defy the will of a man, as such a cowardly bug

I slide under leaves in pursuit, my hands in the mud
Driven to catch what lay beneath
His black shell glistening in the dark
Crawling with the fallen leaves as my canopy

I burrow my way through the bile that has become my world
The rotten earth slides past me as I chase
My hope to claim what I deserve
His desire to escape is now my desire to follow

Scrambling through this earthen maze
There is little else I want, but to pursue
My happiness is forever just up ahead; behind the bend
That is where this bug must lay

Do we share a common goal
Is it really me who makes him run
Perhaps it is he who wants to catch the bug around the bend
Does this stupid little beetle know my devotion

Am I so sure that the beetle exists
I am so sure that the glisten I see is of his golden shell
I must press forward, I must have faith he is there
For it is he who drives me so.

It is night, there are no reflections to see
This mud is now warmer than the air I once breathed
What meaning now do I have now, but to live
I have gone nowhere, but deeper into this bed

Out of want to be warmer, I crawl under the leaves
Still the cold air scorches my shell
I need a rock to squeeze beneath
There is only mud and bile, every leaf that falls only becomes part of this filth

I feel sick in this water of waste, every step is a bath in disgust
Every turn is now a haunting of my past obsession
My home is out of this pile of waste, my desire is to chase it.
I leave this god damn beetle who never was

>> No.1597038
File: 30 KB, 294x441, Thom+Yorke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give my the depth, let me feel the girth
Make me cry more more, show me your worth
Creamy cow's utter, you rival my proof
Milk me with your passion, and I'll give you my youth
Dripping with sweat, excreting lust
Ooze your love inside me now, only if you must
Rectum tightening, pain for pleasure
Inject me now, I can feel your pressure
Fire-hose of love, putting out my fire
Two boys in love, you ejaculate the one gift I desire

>> No.1597043

Must we only confess,
When under influence?
Talking straight,
When mind's askew,
You know, I love you.

Must we solely distress,
Holding stark soberness?
Walking straight,
No kind debut,
I know, I love you.

Must we always repress,
These feelings that depress?
This thin blood,
My splitting skull,
I show, brain not dull.

Must you never express,
The seemingly suppressed?
Within flood,
the meanings mulled,
It glows, your breached hull.

>> No.1597054

Gosh, thank you very much.

>> No.1597081

Golly, this is bad. Don't focus on the rhyme scheme to the exclusion of meaning and of rhythm. Poetry is not a bunch of lines which happen to end in the same syllable; for god's sake, your poem should flow, should sound good, should affect the reader through its use of language and affect and its content. Take it back and try again.

>> No.1597083

hangs the saturated air
heavy and uncomfortable
your lips, soft
voice sharply edged
just one last kiss
just one last kiss

>> No.1597094


If this was meant to be funny, I had a good laugh.

>> No.1597103

this is the greatest fucking poem ever, stop writing poetry now everyone

Really good! Kind of Larkin-esque, although with that there's a certain kind of precious pseudo-Victorian anglophilia that I can faintly detect although it's not really a 'problem' and more a neurosis of mine

not bad, not really my thing

kind of emo i guess but not lacking in command of language. shows great promise.

not very good, consistently awkward use of language. right more, think about what you're writing and how it sounds. But there's potential.

>> No.1597114

I like this.
I'm a sucker for simple poems.

>> No.1597116


I have a cat named Snowball.

>> No.1597136

I do not like green eggs and ham, I do not like them Sam I am.

>> No.1597138

Raging a bit at the capitalization at the start of each line. That's old old old fashioned.

>> No.1597143


I'm actually not sure how I feel about this. I do like the lack of capitalization, I'm a sucker for it.

>> No.1597145

water burns on
yet unfixed lips
while through glass the
tealeaf freezes.
manic with the
weather, a moth
flies blind((without
arrows))and safe;
spiders fallen
from rubber webs
to dusty springs.

>> No.1597153

as overlook my empire of concrete and steel
i begin to wonder if its all real
everything seems so fake now that i am king

i go on day by day week by week year by year
siting at my desk without sensation
without happiness sadness or fear
i used to be so joyful i used to sing
now i am just a wary soul waiting for ascension

i just walk in my kingdom wishing for something new
that something will break my damned vanilla life
i am the king not just some common peasant
lies heavy the crown of the king is all to true
but in my case the crown is a itchy suit that i resent
but my one thought on my walk is why i don't hear my wife

we were talking on the phone the entire way
i didnt hear a word
but was strangely able to reply
i then rembered our trip to the bay
when every thing could be heard
she said i will love you till the day i die

the shocking thought came into my mind
my sickness engulfs everyone around
i wonder if i am just insane or just a dream
i have been a good man Ive been kind
why i got stuck with this mess is just profound
to be stuck in a world that nothing is what it seems

to be a pawn again my mind now racing
there is nothing i wouldn't trade
nothing i wouldn't change back
i am going to die this way. my feet are now pacing
a slow and painful death for which i am deathly afraid
today is the day the king is going to crack

then i come back from the blur
that has taken me prisoner all these years
now i see a sea of crop
my fathers. i some how think still in a stir
i am then woken by the smell of old beers
i then realized i was 14. in disbelieve i started to dance
was this all a dream or a second chance?
then i realized finally that it really was lonely at the top

>> No.1597159

The sky a great purple bruise above
Colors bursting at the seams
I am crushed under the weight of
others' unrealized dreams

>> No.1597163

i can count on one hand
how many
fingers i have
take the left for example
there is one and two and eventually five
and on the right
it's not right
i only have five left

I made this up as I was writing it. Trying to bump this bored, I'm more interested in others poems. It's meant to be ~humorous~ but I'm probably the only one who finds it so.

>> No.1597164
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off the mufuckin dome mayne

Kindness of woed oand woer seems shame to their love pure/
O love your eyes lose lure as i behold eyes blinded in my stead/
Thy slender attitude trembles not exquisite like limbs knife skewed, rolling and rolling there where/
God seems not to care/
till the fierce love they bear cramps them in deaths extreme decrepitude.
Your dear voice is not dear, gentle or even clear/
as theirs whom none now hear/
now Earth has stopped their piteous mouths that coughed.

>> No.1597169

I like this. The heaviness.

>> No.1597193


>> No.1597258


>> No.1597268

in the sense you are
in my I more than eye,
and this is more distressing than
many times the earth moving
under my worn left sole;
a peasant's shoe scuffing
through dirt for his days
of waking.

in moments you're
in my eye more than I,
but that is more bright than
catching sight of a single star
in the city-lit sky shining;
you beaming past the man-made
sphere of lamps casting
through nights for their hope
of glowing.

>> No.1597330


>> No.1597370 [SPOILER] 
File: 120 KB, 348x351, 1293961863443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not very good, consistently awkward use of language. right more, think about what you're writing
>not good, awkward language, right more, think
>right more

>> No.1597418

Life is a sandwich
I'm eating it whole
The world is just money
And from that, I stole
It's all a game
and I am a winner
And it feels so good
Consuming expensive dinners

I am awesome
I am awesome
Suck my dick
I am awesome

>> No.1597439
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 1297910042543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds alot like Janet waking, but I do like what you did there with the Chrysler.

>> No.1597450

Am I getting trolled? Everyone seems to not know that is from The Simpsons.

>> No.1597456


inb4 I saw the best meals of my generation destroyed by the madness of my brother.

>> No.1597469

Rocking Chairs

You and I are the sea
your leatherfur goggles taking measurements
as we float above the wooden relief towns
with ramshackle roofs and redbrick houses
in our fancy little ship that you love so much
if only to escape our dollhouse existence

I envy your ottoman eyebrows
and your tight yellow curls.
For your smile betrays nothing I can't see,
And in our spirited stupor we set out against oblivion.

Together we were the world,
We conquered mountains of deadlines and phone bills
even though I told you I didn’t marry you for your work.
Nothing matters now but the air on your cheeks
and welcome splinters in your toes
If only your gray hairs meant you were cold and we could live forever.

>> No.1597529

(Part 2)
The idd confronted me one evening.
And I saw.
The idd looked starved to death because it was.
The idd’s head looked like teardrop because it could not cry.
The idd’s forehead was wrinkled because it was confused.
The idd had blind eyes because it had blinded itself,
In order to never see what it had done.
The idd had no ears because it tore off its ears,
In order to never hear what it had done.
The idd had no tongue becaue it tore its tongue out,
In order to never speak of what it had done.
The idd had enormous teeth so it could smile,
But the idd never did.
The idd was boney because it wanted to be vulnerable.
The idd had pointy claws because it loved to point.
The idd had dried blood on its claws because the blood reminded it
Of what it had done,
So long ago,
So far away.
But most of all.
The idd’s body was scarred so much worse than I was told.
Its whole body was covered in half healed attempts
To depart itself from the world,
Like it did to its friends long ago.
But it couldn’t leave,
Not yet.
The idd hadn’t apologized.
The idd hadn’t atoned.
And so the idd could not leave.
So that evening,
I embraced the idd.
And I plunged my sword deep into the idd’s chest.
I told the idd I would take its sin.
And even though it had no ears it heard me.
And right then and there,
The idd left this world.
And as its body went limp in my embrace
So did I.

>> No.1597525

My friend wrote this. Wanna see what you think of it.
I was told.
The idd had the anatomy of a man.
The idd was the size of three men stacked on top of one another.
The idd’s whole body was pitch black.
The idd looked as though it had been starved to death.
The idd had leathery wings,
Like a bat.
The idd had a head like a teardrop,
Pointed sharp at the top.
The idd had no ears.
The idd had a wrinkled forehead
And no eyebrows.
The idd’s eyes were gray circles
That showed no emotion.
The idd had no tongue.
The idd’s massive jaws were terrifying,
With razor-sharp teeth,
Five inches long.
The idd would open that maw to an incredible degree
And would clamp it closed in the blink of an eye.
Like a crocodile.
The idd had a boney and scarred torso.
The idd’s ribs were easily visible.
The idd had boney arms and pointy elbows.
The idd’s legs were just as thin and boney as the arms.
The idd slouched over,
Because of the weight of huge claws.
Each claw possessed four fingers,
Lengthy and sleek,
Tinted red with dried blood.
The idd had huge flat feet
With curved talons,
Like a hawk.
(End of part 1)

>> No.1597682

O Doobichu
Is it but true
That King Wang Chu
Once said that you
Looked like a shoe ?

... The work of a life. Hence this feeling of sheer purity, of bliss and artful innocence, and yet, also, of pervading malaise.

>> No.1597685

What are some god-tier forms of poetry?

>> No.1597686

Booty, booty, you so fine.
I love booty all the time.

>> No.1597688

i walked down my stairs
its not too far of a walk
down to the ground
where the cold floor waits
so cold
life is cold
i ate some cereal
it was pretty good
i met a girl
she had nice breasts
i have no sex drive
i am tao lin

>> No.1597694

Rap. Not that stupid NWA or Outkast shit though. Try Lil Wayne.

>> No.1597698


>> No.1597699

But, i like NWA.

>> No.1597706

this was good

>> No.1597715

can we sit here so lonely
each other.

>> No.1597719


my favorite.

>> No.1597728
File: 37 KB, 479x591, 1298170146996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not look,
But still did see
What was not true
And could not be
I dared not listen,
And yet still did hear
Unspoken words
That found no ear
I could not touch,
Yet still I feel
Where no wound was
It would not heal
I spoke no words
That could not tell
That the Truth that is freedom
Is the prison of Hell

>> No.1597731

Last nights you told me
about the meaning of death and I shrugged it off
in the panels of a bus, where
the last nights are patriotic, and recall themselves.
And this went on, you said, but won't,
but will not if I will it, naught but if the nights
were of themselves, so I lost you there, and
asked where to stop, where
you said the stops were always going,
were they stopping? they were coming.
And that is where i lost you lost me,
turned to the aisle and became it, stretched,
lurching to the front, the teeth
of the driver, the prodding and picking,
I cannot speak. The bus was my lungs
that you left in the hall of the aisle
and emptied the cupboard
and dried up the spill
and lived vicariously,
beautifully, in the nights.

>> No.1597733

I like people
who scream in my presence.
The rich and the peasants.
I know when I see them.
I know what I need.
I peel their skin off
and smirk as they bleed.
I pick my next victim
alone on the street.
I cave his head in
and devour the meat.

>> No.1597741

living inside myself so boldly
trapped from reality by what
by memories
i flourish inside myself
to others i am dead.

>> No.1597753

this inspired me to write my own poem.. thanks :]

>> No.1597830
File: 108 KB, 1452x1800, Frank-Bidart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right on bro. every poet is a broet

unless they suck. don't suck.

>> No.1597867


Excellent work, truly.

>> No.1597876


Stubbed candles smolder hushed words over smoky dining tables,
You and I, free from the universe in our shady corner discussing God and existence,
You’ve removed your heels and acknowledged the terminal nature of our frivolity.

Your audible swish of brandy proves your perceptiveness,
And the tiny flicks of your cigarette are fireworks for your obvious enlightenment
How tiny the world is to us.

I’ll borrow your books,
You’ll read my poems,
We’ll stay intellectuals, I don’t care what anyone says.

>> No.1597891

the first line was great, unfortunately it's downhill from there

your word pairings are very strong. the subject matter and your interpretation of experience is pretty dry though

>> No.1597911

i remember when you had your thread earlier on /lit/ asking for criticism of this poem

it really shows that you put some thought and work into this one!

>> No.1597915

what exactly do you mean by interpretation of experience?

>> No.1597938

Conjoined through a world
Constructed of bedsheets and box springs,
You face heaven
While I face hell.

Three minutes elapse,
Thirty minutes expand
Through the infant night
Preceded by water.

Three minutes expire
To where I end.
My supports grow weak
You still face heaven
While I remain facing hell.

Pure shit, I know.

>> No.1597978

well, i can see through your poem your experience of going out for dinner and/or drinks with this girl (or guy, whatever)

the focus of the poem is you, the other person and your shared sense of superiority. i say dry because it reads like a livejournal entry, a legal brief, an AP news report. my imagination is filling in details that could otherwise give that moment color, texture, movement and dynamism.

your memory of that evening. does it include service workers waiting on you? was the tablecloth white? were you out on the sidewalk? was the moon out? was the place busy? is her hair long?

you don't have to necessarily answer all those questions, it's just the type of stuff that really animates poetry, at least for me.

so you talked about god and the nature of man. what else is new, eh? the poem makes me think that you believe your conversation was enlightened and your brains are special. not really seeing it. imo your claim to intellectuality contradicts your willingness to turn a deaf ear to critical voices. if you like this idea about constructing or living in a tiny world between the two of you, fill it with something original instead of just "books and poems". how do you see things? how do you imagine them? what do you remember beyond a sequence of words and events?

i'm just left wanting more from the poem. and what little you give me after a stellar first line is pretentiousness.

>> No.1598008

See, what I was trying to communicate was the ironicness of many intellectuals' self-assuming nature. this wasn't based on a personal experience, I tried to make it more of a broad snapshot of stereotypical "smart people" and communicate an awareness about believing one is intelligent and whether or not that is actually true. I didn't mean for it to be focused on imagery or description, however, I am often a terrible judge of stuff I write.

>> No.1598053

well, i was fooled into believing you were genuine. if you want to satirize or skewer, the delivery of the poem would have a lot of bearing on the poem's meaning

>> No.1598069
File: 309 KB, 650x846, Thomas Paine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is government more than the management of the affairs of the Nation? It is not, and from its nature cannot be, the property of any particular man or family, but of the whole community, at whose expense it is supported.

>> No.1598071

This thread needs moar clippety-clops.

in sip id

This strikes the countertop and rings,
slops around on my chest,
the overflowing bubblyboiling
sentiments of lovelust.
I'm largely lacking in luster, gusto or...
what festers in my belly is
last night's lonely locked lips:
my luck lost in laconic limps.
She's beautiful.
So was the last one,
and the next one too.
Flingfall in lovelust
after two shots slung over one lip,
and half as many sentences spatspoken
over the jukebox melodymash.
I'm largely lacking in luster, gusto or...
what pesters out my brain is
tidbits of babble brimming
over the rim of a glassful teetering.

>> No.1598075

seeing how I am 17 and somewhat reclusive, anyone who knows me would hopefully not think I was genuine. Thanks for your help though, I'm never exactly sure what anyone thinks of anything

>> No.1598085

best prose poem ever?


>> No.1598088

A Nation has at all times an inherent indefeasible right to abolish any form of government it finds inconvenient, and establish such as accords with its interest, disposition, and happiness.

>> No.1598867

Does that really count as a prose poem? I think it's just extremely well-read and weirdly infectious nonsense. It's awesome in any case.
I quite like your poem Behemoth. I think it's a little over the top, but it definitley shows a way with sounds. Perhaps the words you have joined together like "lovelust" make it a little OTT? Did you post one a while ago about some people on a bus or something? I liked that one. I thought the sounds worked really well there. Nice distinctive style though, good stuff.

>> No.1598872
File: 34 KB, 300x300, dead-space-2-300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeping into your veins
Crawling at the back of your mind
Rotting flesh reanimated
The hope lies within the decapitated
Arms and limbs flail; bodies merging
In the darkness, you question your sanity
In the darkness, you cling to your humanity
She screams "Make us whole again"
Disillusioned by the guilt and pain
Show me your true form, monster
Show me what lies beyond those glowing hollowed eyes
Peirce my eyes to improve my sight
Cross my heart and hope to die

>> No.1598878


I lol'd heartily.

>> No.1598889
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