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15968938 No.15968938[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do women really want?
Suggest books that'd help me understand this.

>> No.15968961
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>> No.15968977

this girls scenes are so fucking hot when she just stays blonde, I dont know why the fuck she goes back to black

>> No.15969032


>> No.15969036
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its not just the hair

>> No.15969045

designer purses and a fat dick

>> No.15969056

a guy who breaks one of their fingers

>> No.15969122

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.15969139

Porn is exclusively for retards.

>> No.15969157

I can't have erections if i'm not watching porn

>> No.15969160

Money, power and its derivatives. Not all are like that, but it definitely puts a lot of weight on their choices.

>> No.15969183

And they unironically don't change as they get older.

>> No.15969296

Women want to be raped and killed. It is the only language they understand. Women enjoy rape. Don't let them tell you otherwise, because they are notorious liars and don't know their own minds. Women want to be held down and fucked hard. They want to be made to cry and scream. Women have a biological imperative to be raped. Did you know that women who are raped are twice as likely to conceive as women who have unprotected consensual sex? It is a fact. Women who are raped often have orgasms as well - some women have never had an orgasm in their lives save for a rape. The desire to be sexually dominated is deeply programmed into the woman. This is a fact of evolution that cannot be denied without women becoming unbalanced. Feminism is really just an outward manifestation of an internal problem with modern women. These 'feminists' desperately want to be put in their place. That's why they act out so much and are so belligerent. Whether they know it or not, subconsciously they want to piss men off and get men to make them submit. Same for those supporting shitskin immigration and rights. They want to be slapped in the face, told to shut the fuck up, and then raped until they can't stand up. This is what women really want. I say we give it to them

>> No.15969315

As a woman, I met my black husband who raped me. I love him.

>> No.15969316


>> No.15969318

That's all the more reason to quit watching porn. Porn is degenerate.

I don't like feminism but this sounds insane. The solution to feminism isn't rape. It's a return to tradition, which is a softer and more cooperative form of domination that benefits both parties.

The part about being more likely to conceive during rape is not something I've heard before. How does that work? Seems very dysgenic.

>> No.15969327

iceberg slim

all you need to understand modern woman

>> No.15969329

um based?

>> No.15969338
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>> No.15969351

This sounds too much like the feminists who claim all men are programmed to rape. I don't have any rape fantasies and I'm a man. I don't want to rape anyone. My desires are wholesome and vanilla. Most people probably would be like that too if it wasn't for the media.

>> No.15969352

They want someone who doesn't wonder what women want.

>> No.15969357

>This sounds too much like the feminists who claim all men are programmed to rape

evolutionarily that makes sense, you'd see a lot more rape if porn wasn't a thing

>> No.15969363
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>> No.15969369

It doesn't, not all monkeys do that.

>> No.15969378

>What do women really want?

They don't even know themselves. I'm serious.

>> No.15969389

Why do you care what women want? Worrying about that will not help you one bit.

>> No.15969394

Take a shower and wash your clothes, comb your hair, learn how to make and carry polite/casual conversation. If you're not a complete sperg or toxic wastepit, most women will respond back at least neutrally.
And if you're going to use any kind of perfume/cologne/scent, don't spray half the bottle all over yourself because you will reek and drive everyone away from you in coughing and/or sneezing fits.

>> No.15969397

many species of monkeys don't have significant gender dimorphism so the females could easily kill or severely wound the rapist

>> No.15969402


The first half it's actually an irrefutable truth, the second part is just edgy bullshit.

>> No.15969412

come on. if you lived in a non governed place and met a fragile beautiful woman on hte middle of nowere, you woudl rape her. If not you are probably gay/broken

>> No.15969415

Even so, it is not that great. Male monkeys usually kill the babies of other monkeys. They need to defend their off spring from other males.

>> No.15969419

>saying women want to be raped id an obvious true, critizing feminists is just edgy bullshit

>> No.15969421

the mother of dragons

>> No.15969425

No, I really wouldn't. My fantasies are all about falling in love and getting married. Maybe that sounds gay/broken to you. To me it seems pure and traditional. Why would I want to hurt someone I love?

>> No.15969433

>mutt's law
you must be american

>> No.15969438

have rape, incel

>> No.15969452

>>saying women want to be raped id an obvious true

Yes. This part it's totally true.

>Women enjoy rape. Don't let them tell you otherwise, because they are notorious liars and don't know their own minds. Women want to be held down and fucked hard. They want to be made to cry and scream. Women have a biological imperative to be raped. Did you know that women who are raped are twice as likely to conceive as women who have unprotected consensual sex? It is a fact. Women who are raped often have orgasms as well - some women have never had an orgasm in their lives save for a rape. The desire to be sexually dominated is deeply programmed into the woman.

>critizing feminists is just edgy bullshit

Not all feminists are women, so, the generalization of that statement can't be true.

>> No.15969460

my fantasies are those too, but its just an urge. Try not fapping for some weaks and you will understand the urge lmao.

>> No.15969465

Congratulations you have fucked your brain.

>> No.15969469

wait is this that pornstr or the chick from got?

>> No.15969470

>Not all feminists are women
yikes so i am asuming i am talking to a male feminsit? lmao

>> No.15969487

how else are we supposed to get laid

>> No.15969489

Men can't be feminist.

>> No.15969511

> What do women really want?
Women don’t even know what they want.

>Suggest books that'd help me understand this.
Madame Bovary by Flaubert.

>> No.15969522

>This is what women really want. I say we give it to them

Assuming this is true for the sake of argument, what does this actually mean in practical terms? You want to encourage acceptance of violent kinks? You want to legalize rape? I don't like either of those ideas so is there a third option?

This is just some loser posting about his fantasies, not a real woman.

>> No.15969523


This place is low IQ, i'm signing out.

>> No.15969532

Low T.

>> No.15969533

Sometimes I feel a bit of pity. People are clueless and listen to any kind of bs.

>> No.15969535

>signing out.
reddit confirmed
lmao glow harder nigger

>> No.15969544

I don't get why you're dismissing me as a fed. What is it that you actually want?

>> No.15969551

dopamine, as anybody else.

>> No.15969558

What a low IQ thread, guess the /pol/ losers are never gonna stop trying to ruin this board with their twitter posts and race/gender inferiority threads.

I can deal with the christ fanatics, but most of the posters in these types of threads are your typical virgin bugmen

>> No.15969581


>> No.15969587

>What do women really want?
Who cares?
But to answer your question, women desire to be desired, they don't crave money, power, respect or status, they crave envy, they want every man to lust after them and every women to be jealous of them.

>> No.15969589

No one knows, not even women.

>> No.15969634
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Thank you for the support, bros. I posted this post in a dieing thread that tripled replies since only because of your replies.

>> No.15969639

So women that kill themselves after rape enjoyed it too? Wonder how many women you raped to be this knowledgeable you fucking waste of space.

>> No.15969649

women are not welcomed here, lady

>> No.15969659


>> No.15969663

They all do

>> No.15969674

have sex, bugman

>> No.15969685

this, but notice how it gets overlooked favoring of the neckbeards continuing to be neckbeards.

>> No.15969722

Friedan's Feminine Mystique, anon. It is a bit dated, but would probably do.

>> No.15969767

Dilate, tranny.

>> No.15969769

Why Feminists are Siding With Saudi Arabia and Radical Islam

>> No.15969777

It's true. See:>>15969769

>> No.15969784

a narrative

>> No.15969790

I get convinced I’m one of these people so I’ve given up on trying to have a relationship, but then I see something like my coworker’s thong line through her sundress and it’s all I think about the whole work day. Maybe there is hope for me after all

>> No.15969798

reading iceberg slim right now and I can’t help but agree

>> No.15969806

This will go away if you have sex with a girl a few times in a row

>> No.15969926

Safety, comfort and privacy, just like men.

>> No.15969975

attention and validation

>> No.15970045

They're just like men
They want something to worship

>> No.15970048
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They want to get married and give birth to many kids, then take care of them.

If you find a woman that doesn't, that one's broken - keep looking.

If you find a good man, check to see if he has a daughter - there's a direct correlation there.

>> No.15970054

>he believes in evolution
Stopped reading right there

>> No.15970080

yeah, create many new sjw activists, blm warriors, cops, medics, doctors, journalists, trannies, feminists, incels.

>> No.15970083
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Best /lit/ charts? No specific genre/subject, just any kind of beginner's guide or down the rabbit hole content.

>> No.15970122

To add to this, while theyre usually Narssisstic and self-centered they also hate themselves and wish to escape their life
Men do this too but people like to pretend it doesn't apply to women, difference is men do something about it, girls just fuck niggers and go on expensive trips

>> No.15970134

to both fit in and be better than everyone else

>> No.15970136
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>girls just fuck niggers and go on expensive trips

>> No.15970142

yep. they even enjoyed killing themselves. women ask for rape, for salvation, ask the ultimate question why they are here, look how women dress, behave, they want attention, for what? for PIV, that is the end goal. they just cannot handle the ultimate truth.

girls who don't want to be raped don't behave like beauty contest exhibits.