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/lit/ - Literature

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15968720 No.15968720 [Reply] [Original]

have you read it?
is it good?

>> No.15968730

>was rejected
>can't even view pdf of edition to see the submissions of the anons that bested me
Luke 16:24-25

>> No.15968921

Punkah-Wallah was really good.

>> No.15969134


>> No.15969135

24 So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.’

25 “But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony.

you can just email km and he'll send you a pdf

i received a copy but haven't read it yet, haaa

i'm a lazy shite, i'm just reading dorohedoro now

gotta write something for the next submission period

>> No.15969576
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reject me already

>> No.15969739

Get you guys next issue inshallah, congrats on the publication, anons

>> No.15969833

Ratline was also very good.


Why not buy a copy then?

>> No.15969853

I'd seen some from the first one, they were good.

>> No.15969868

>sending your work to this literal non-entity journal

Just as bad as a Facebook writing group.

>> No.15969881

I would buy it if there was a kindle version on amazon. But I do like how if you check out "customers also bought..." on the amazon listing it's 100 percent /lit/core

>> No.15969897

It's good

>> No.15969984

>Facebook writing group
Any good ones?

>> No.15969990
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>haven't heard about my submission for the summer edition

not sure if this is good or bad

>> No.15970006

It's all cat ladies and edgelords.
This journal just seems like the pet project of some nerd who needs it on his calling card to impress people and give his life meaning.
And you all ate it up because you lack any patience and discipline to submit to real magazines.

>> No.15970017

spoonfeed me a real magazine to aspire to be published in

>> No.15970018

1) he pays pretty well; 2) >I'm doing this for acclaim rather than the joy of participating in a community; 3) why are you bitterposting instead of writing anything of any merit, or doing literally anything else. coming in these threads to kvetch is pathetic. go make something. shoo.

>> No.15971678


>> No.15972138

How much did you get?

>> No.15972150

Jokes on you, I never complete work!

>> No.15972456

Do people really use their own names here?

>> No.15972513

Chad does.

>> No.15972561


Into the trash it goes

>> No.15972701

What magazines?

The New Yorker? The Atlantic? Story?

Outside of the major ones that have a fraction of a percent submission rate everything else seem to be vanity publications of short stories no one reads.

>> No.15972819

Yes, and?

>> No.15972973

It's definitely a pet project, but I dispute the accusation about trying to impress people. I've told about five people in real life about the project. The reason I'm still doing it is A. after continually seeing tons of potential on the board in crit threads and elsewhere, I thought there were people here who deserved to be printed; some of them people who seemed to have trouble finding the motivation to keep working on their stuff to completion. B. I still really enjoy the work. That's why I put quite a few hours per week into it organizing and editing it (with the help of a few other people). and C. I am deeply concerned about the censorship and culture that has infected seemingly every other literary publication. Since we're an independent magazine, we are beholden to no one and don't have to yield to the touchy anti-free speech crowd--we can print whatever writing we want.

Honest question: what's the difference between this magazine and real magazines? And was that difference pre-existing when the real magazines were founded?

Accepted poetry submissions receive between 50 and 75 CAD, fiction and essays typically receive between 100 and 120CAD.

A few do, but most don't.

You should start a magazine that publishes based on ethnicity.

>> No.15972990

I haven't read any of these, how high are the standards? Like how many submissions do you get and what percentage of them are rejected?

>> No.15973057

Issue 1: Roughly 40 submissions, 15 accepted
Issue 2: Roughly 80 submissions, 24 accepted
Issue 3: Over 100 submissions, 23 accepted
Issue 4: Roughly 280 submissions, 27 accepted (plus an addition 6-10 being accepted for a digital-only edition).
Issue 5: Roughly 200 submissions so far and about two weeks until deadline.

>> No.15973098


In other words, it's getting competitive.

>> No.15973114
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Fuck. I might've had a chance if I'd been there at the start.

>> No.15973268
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Anybody having a pdf link to an edition or some kind of extract?

Kek. Does she really lurk here?

>> No.15973292

If you send KMD a dick pic he will email you the newest pdf

>> No.15973333

are there any "real magazines" left that don't exclusively publish niggers and women who write about LGBTQ and social justice bullshit?

>> No.15973442

KM, you need better communication. What do you mean there's two weeks left for issue 5? People are just now hearing back about their issue 4 submissions and the website's last post about submissions only mentioned issue 4.

>> No.15973519

I didn't have to send a dick pic to get one so I guess KMD already knew my dick is practically nonexistent

>> No.15973538

Submissions are received year-round. If you are before the deadline, you're considered for the current issue. If you miss the deadline, you're considered for the next issue. The deadlines are more or less arbitrary.

If something happens and I have to discontinue the journal, I will be very loud and clear about when the final deadline is.

>> No.15973567

Right. How long can the entries be again?

>> No.15973629

The lengths aren't strictly enforced, but
poems 12-40 lines
short fiction 1000-5000 words
essay 1500-5000 words

>> No.15973668

When the selection for the next edition will end?

>> No.15973679

have sex.

>> No.15973755

weird name for a magazine desu

>> No.15973916

He already said. Can't you morons read a thread?

>> No.15973943

are you coming onto me?

>> No.15974008
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Well I'm writing a story about a mason and I'm using masonry as a metaphor for writing.
I wish things will go well.

>> No.15974063

I meant when he will disclose what pieces he selected for the fourth issue.

>> No.15974507


>> No.15974558

Can you at least post some excerpts? The amazon page doesn't even have a preview.

>> No.15974577
File: 2.06 MB, 1017x964, Masons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is done.

>> No.15974633

i would also like to see some of the magazine. other magazines typically show excerpts online (or only post a certain edition) so that readers get a feel of the genre/writing before submitting or buying

>> No.15974849

>I would buy it if there was a kindle version
I would buy any pdf, or subscribe for a pdf or whatever. Paper model just doesn't suit at all.

>> No.15975325

come on kmd tell me

>> No.15975328


>> No.15976453


>> No.15976932

if I write a 250k word novel can it get published here asking for a friend

>> No.15977087

I'm in the process of communicating with the selected authors now. Most have been contacted. Informing the non-accepted submissions will be a long process (there is about 250 of them). Those wishing for some feedback (and a more timely response) should email me at litquarterly@gmail.com.

We also have a patreon page which is in its early stages.

>> No.15977096

I received a 100k word novel for the second edition. We decided to publish a small excerpt instead.

>> No.15977137
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>Most have been contacted

>> No.15977289

i don't understand why females are allowed to submit. the female works in there are absolute dogshit, and so is all the poetry.

>> No.15977608

You should submit some solid fiction so that you squeeze them out.

>> No.15977687

What does an essay entail? Can you write about literally anything?

>> No.15977702

have sex

>> No.15977705

I want a free pdf to see if I even have a chance of getting in.

>> No.15977707

Politics, social trends, history, literary criticism, personal.

>> No.15977780

>Issue 4: Roughly 280 submissions, 27 accepted (plus an addition 6-10 being accepted for a digital-only edition).
>27 accepted
>haven't been notified
Not to be a dick Kyle but it doesn't help the perception when you publish two of your own pieces in one issue

>> No.15977878

>most have been contacted
hmmm... odd... my inbox is empty

>> No.15978027

Do you know why I started this project?

>> No.15978037

Just came today.

>> No.15978133

ever read lapham's quarterly?

oh haha i'm sure you're just slow in getting to me ahahaha just waiting checking my inbox daily aaahahaha

>> No.15978158

I don't, but based on this post I would guess to publish your own writing (though you didn't mention that here >>15972973).
I'm not saying you're wrong to do it, or that your writing isn't worthy (I kind of liked The Stars), I'm just saying that publishing both a fiction piece and making yourself the 'featured' nonfiction in a (now) very competitive publication where you are the authority determining what is good enough to get published is bound to make some people think the rag is just a means for you to push your own writing.

>> No.15978176

From the very first post in April 2019:
>"This is a non-profit venture, entirely self-funded. My only goal is to become more disciplined and productive in my writing, and I know there are some talented writers here who aren't inclined towards following the traditional publishing route. This allows us to write with a purpose, to submit our works for editing, etc.

I kept my story out of the second edition because I had already accepted too many works from other people. My story takes place on Christmas Eve and I had it all ready to go for the Winter edition. Instead, it came out in the spring edition.

>> No.15978224

fuck 'em all, i'm proud of you

>> No.15978255
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Easy Kyle, we're just breaking ya balls

>> No.15978274

Only two essays were accepted for publication in the third edition. The other one was too short to be a feature, in my opinion.

>just a means for you to push your own writing
As opposed to what, abandoning my writing?

Sorry, I just can't stand whining like that. He would never have said a word about that if his stuff had been accepted in the third edition. Meanwhile, my fucking Christmas story is printed in May.

>> No.15978348

I think you should read my post again. The one where I said I liked your story. The one where I said you weren't wrong for publishing your own stuff. All I was trying to say is that some people might take it the wrong way. Not sure where I whined.

>> No.15978379
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>Most have been contacted

a-any minute now, surely

>> No.15978380

I'm going to submit a short story and apologize if this was answered elsewhere: do you prefer to receive stories as an attachment or in the body of the e-mail?

>> No.15978406

Liking my story has nothing to do with the criticism you're offering about me printing my own story. In a post in which you lament that you probably weren't accepted for the summer edition, you tacked on the opinion that it looks bad that I printed my own story. I offer you some relevant context about why two of my works are in a single edition and you reiterate the view that it looks bad to print two of my own works in the quarterly. It's not hard to put two and two together.

Attached Word document is preferred.

>> No.15978413

It should be in an attached word document, at least by my experience as a submitter (quite strange phrase haha). A pdf is not ideal as it is more inconvenient for them to edit it.

>> No.15978416

Thank you both.

>> No.15978432

>most of the accepted authors have been contacted
>I couldn’t even get published in a tiny backwater journal with a 10% acceptance rate whose editor can’t even utilise basic grammar correctly (“there is about 250 of them”)
Do you think I should give up on trying to become a writer boys?

>> No.15978469

I get that you've poured a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into Lit Quarterly and your own writing. I was only trying to offer a reason why >>15970006 might feel the way he does.

>> No.15978475
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I'm right there with you bucko. My story was even pretty good this time, I thought.

>> No.15978501

Sometimes you're just not a fit. Would both of you kindly share the first 500 words of your rejected stories?

>> No.15978549

Not the anon you asked, but i will butt in anyways
>what's the difference between this magazine and real magazines?
MFA tards run "real" magazines. It's a circlejerk most of the time.
>And was that difference pre-existing when the real magazines were founded?
Not as many karens maybe? Not sure

>> No.15978552

Do you prefer any genre for fiction?

>> No.15978572

My argument is that every single publication started somewhere...maybe a few were financed by big industrial entities, but most probably started very humbly at the grassroots level, which is where we are.

>> No.15978576

Not really. They are infested.

>> No.15978589

I prefer plausible, literary, and emotive fiction. I don't really have a taste for fantasy, scifi, romance, or things like that, though we've printed things that had some overlap with those genres.

>> No.15978623

Same. Fuckers from my writing Discord hyped me up by telling me it was “really good”, and then I also got a personalised rejection from a very popular magazine, so I thought I’d very likely be accepted.
>would you kindly embarrass yourself

>> No.15978658

>would you kindly embarrass yourself
If you want honest feedback on your writing and a solution to what's holding you back, your best bet would be to provide even a small snippet for review.

>> No.15978667

I know. I was being an ass. Stirring up shit. How'd I do?
Anyways, I appreciate what you're doing.

>> No.15978669

Post your story, you got me excited to read it now.

>> No.15978674

Someone want to post a pdf of the book in this thread?

>> No.15978677

Remember anon, that doesn't mean your piece isn't good or that yoy don't have the talent, just that the editors didn't particularly liked it enough between more than 200 texts. Don't extend this bad feeling of rejection needlessly; this is the perfect time for creation and improvement.

>> No.15978688

or any of the editions, I want to see if this a high level thing or not.

>> No.15978693

I provided its entirety for review to the editor of this here journal, and it got rejected. The thing to do now is to revaluate my ambitions.

>> No.15978719

This is just the beginning for you. As more people submit works to your increasingly popular quarterly, pinning their hopes and dreams of being a published writer, people are going to resent being rejected. This is despite the fact that 90% of submitted works will be rejected. This is just a symptom of people wanting to be creative in a world that has too much literature to consume and too little time.

>> No.15978736

This is a rag with a 10% acceptance rate and semi-literate editor, compared to established magazines with 1%>. If I can’t get published here why would I get published anywhere better?

>> No.15978747

If you dont want to post your story here, can you do it in another thread?

>> No.15978749

How should I send files over 1GB?

>> No.15978782

If ur rejected it must be bad because i got accepted and i didnt even submit by best work

>> No.15978814

the point is that any magazine editor has a certain taste. it doesn't mean that your story is bad or that you cannot improve. the real question is, do you like your own writing? if you don't then it's time to improve and see what can be done about that, because that's the most important part

>> No.15978833

Don't be so vile about it. You take the literary and publishing world too seriosly, I gather you can reckon very well that what is published in these literary journals (even the prestigious ones) don't amount to anything of unfathomable quality. It's just a matter of visibility, marketing, entrenched literary cliques who control these boards. I mean, do you even know what the editors of Lit Quarterly like well enough to publish, the feel, the cadence, the aspect of the writing? Their judgement should be viewed with humbleness and respect, but nothing beyond this. They are not the ultimate arbiters of good writing, the only true arbiter is yourself being honest and reasonable with how you see your writing. Being rejected is part of being accepted; if you're more preoccupied with entering prestigious literary groups through famous lit mags than humbly improving your own craft, you're just lost in your own vainness.

>> No.15978858

Yeah, and it's especially baffling because some of the works in previous editions seem of dubious quality. And I recognized my poem was also of dubious quality, but I expected to get in and be given a chance to post some emendations. My boy KM D is sleeping on the next big sensation.

>> No.15978873

To be fair the third edition was a marked improvement over the second. The second had some good stories but some really bad ones. Not so much in the third and I imagine the quality of submissions is only increasing.

>> No.15978891

KM D is casting wider nets, so I imagine the quality would increase. Of course, the subjects matter of the verse and prose is a wholly different matter; we'll end up having more of a lit quarterly than a /lit/ quarterly, but whatever tugs his boat

>> No.15978924

>no acceptance email
Thank you. I was getting worried people would read my shit.

>> No.15979241

why inform the non-accepted? it's implied they didn't get published by not informing them

>> No.15979264

The /lit/ journal from 2010-2012 was much better than this one. Zoomers can't write anything that's not overtly or subtextually political now.

>> No.15979371

Its just professional imo. Stop leaving me hanging and just tell me.

>> No.15979550
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if /lit/ didn't want this story I guess no one ever will.

>> No.15979642

Tell me about your story, Anon.

>> No.15979717 [DELETED] 

A fed up wageslave steals a boat. The meaning/theme is pretty apparent but that was a deliberate choice. The ending implies he drowns himself because he knows his "victory" is entirely hollow, but it is, still, a victory nonetheless.

>> No.15979865
File: 43 KB, 295x475, prelude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the Wordsworthpill.

>> No.15979881

professionals know when they've been passed over

>> No.15980083

Picked up my copy read through part of it. Really liked Out of the Basement and Into the Fire. I also liked Beasts poem We Made Something Together. If you're reading this Beast keep up the good work! I liked your essay in quarterly #2 as well.

>> No.15980146

Can't believe how much childish bitching is going on itt. Rejection is part of the growing process.

>> No.15980183

Right, as if the whole point of the venture is to see if one can get accepted.

>> No.15980190

If you're only willing to submit it to sympathetic eyes, and not even anonymously to non-sympathetic eyes, you're never gonna make it. So will need non-sympathetic criticism is you want to get better.

>> No.15980205

Now, the only question is: is it more delusional to think getting accepted by the lit quarterly is "making it," or that getting rejected by the lit quarterly is a sign you should quit.

>> No.15980286

What format is it in? A Word document over 1GB probably is not within the scope of our journal? But google docs might work.

>> No.15980343

Not really, dates given are vaugue. Is it professional for an employee to ghost an interview with an employer? Shouldnt the employer know when they have been passed over? Of course not, you are just a fucking idiot.

>> No.15980357

>Being rejected is part of being accepted; if you're more preoccupied with entering prestigious literary groups through famous lit mags than humbly improving your own craft, you're just lost in your own vainness.
Uh, are you really this delusional? People dont just create for the satisfaction of doing it. People create in hopes of other people seeing and enjoying the creation. If a person could look into the future and see that almost no one enjoyed or viewed their work, they would almost certainly quit. Almost no one thinks about this the way you think they should.

>> No.15980367

It quite literally is.

>> No.15980428

I'm interested in submitting poetry but can't find how many you will read per submission, any help? (Assuming 3-5 as is the standard amongst other journals)

>> No.15980612

holy based

>> No.15980911

Imagine if a literary agent saw you submitted work to fucking "Lit Quarterly."
A simple Google search brings up 4chan. Literally laughing at you LARPers rn.

>> No.15980954
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To commit writing to paper and have it published is a contribution to the collective culture of all mankind. In doing so we are part of a process larger than ourselves.
It doesn't matter if we are judged. We will live forever.

>> No.15980977
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>coping with far-reaching ideas that aren't even close to being comprehensibly measured

>> No.15980988

Are you upset because you got rejected? Please try again. Don't give up.

>> No.15980993

very based post and picture

>> No.15981010

Can i get a pdf copy someho? Im in Australia and don't feel like waiting for post from Canada.

>> No.15981020

I would never submit anything to this journal.
Why would I want to imbue myself in a culture of smarmy little nerds like yourself who hold onto an obscure 4chan journal publication for a feeling of superiority?

>> No.15981074
File: 371 KB, 757x584, Just what the fuck am I reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because even now, I consider you a friend.

>> No.15981957

Just send the guy an email.

>> No.15981967


>> No.15982040

If you rejects want to be published just stick to the /lit/ works where everything is going to be published: https://4chanlit.fandom.com/wiki/Original_Content


>> No.15982053

So what is this junk supposed to be?

>> No.15982352

>Rejection is part of the growing process.
Yes, for good magazines with low acceptance rates and a lot of eyeballs. Getting rejected by the fucking /lit/ quarterly is like being benched at your local highschool football team, or being denied entry to a backwater community college. If that happens, you may as well quit.

>> No.15982457
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Always ignored these threads, but reading this one now I'm intrigued. If you're still here guy can you answer a few questions?

>Are the issues themed at all? Does this influence what submissions you pick?

>Do you accept work already published elsewhere, even just a small blog with a handful of readers, not another publication?

>Would you accept a relatively self contained first part (short story, barely under 4,000 words) of a larger novel-like work?

>How to submit, you have a website?

>> No.15982462

I don't know about the rest but you can submit to his email, litquarterly@gmail.com

>> No.15982527
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What is the meaning of this cutting cruelty? The thread is strewn with it, like broken glass on cold tiles. I do not expect absolute reverence of the Quarterly, but some remarks are vitriolic. I see masks fall amidst the furious clatter of keys, revealing ugly resentment and tenpenny pessimism.

KMD is doing God's work. He has created a corporeal composition of quality, which only increases as time goes by. He nurtures it with his own will and capital, and seeks your elevation, as well as his. So please, be gentlemanly in your criticism.

To the presently unpublished anons, keep hope. As you can see, the Quarterly was inundated with submissions and has limited space. The wheat had to be seperated from the chaff. Sharpen your nibs, hone your craft and prepare for the next challenge.

Thanks, anon. Fascinating writing. Especially those poems by the Irishman. I wonder who he was.

>> No.15982874
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>He has created a corporeal composition of quality, which only increases as time goes by.
There is no quality in this magazine. Pic related is an excerpt from a story that was highly lauded in one of the earlier editions, and was even one of the 'featured' titles. Here is some anon utterly destroying it: >>/lit/thread/S15576268#p15577657

>> No.15983161

>no quality
because it's run by leftist freaks

>> No.15983172


>> No.15983197

they haven't added Coronameron yet...

>> No.15983208

No. Rejection and criticism is always part of the process. If your logic were accurate, the majority of the 280 submissions should expect to be printed.

1. Not formally, but for the upcoming fourth edition, some common themes emerged somewhat naturally.
2. We only publish unpublished work. The small blog thing would be up to our discretion based on, as you said, readership, and the relationship between the author and the blogger.
3. Excerpts have been accepted in the past, but they must be able to stand alone and be coherent.
4. litquarterly.ca has a submission form, or litquarterly@gmail.com if you have issues and inquiries.

We're not Harper's, we're not The New Yorker. That was the second edition of our magazine that was started from complete scratch. Please forgive stylistic and usage errors like that and try to appreciate the spirit of the project itself.

>> No.15983253

Can you reply to this

>> No.15983264

Thanks, I didn't know about that one, must have missed the threads.

>> No.15983355

I remember. The anon had valid points. Nonetheless, they were his opinions. 'Damned Machine' was a heartrending story sprinkled with flaws, yet none besmirched its shine. It was acclaimed, and deservedly so, for it contained a key attribute of good literature: empathy.

I think it to be an all too common act of the anonage to assail the sweet fruits of sincere effort. Resentment underlies achievement, and it expresses itself on this board in pettifogging, non-existant capitalisation and punctuation, and piddling posts that would make a Chinaman writing aphorisms for fortune cookies look like an essayist.

>> No.15983404

Brb, sending out 253 rejection emails while trying to provide constructive feedback and encouragement to everyone.

>People don't just create for the satisfaction of doing it.
Many people do precisely that.

So you're ashamed that you discuss literature and the writing process anonymously online. I hope you find a way to get over that shame some day.

Most poets contribute more than one poem. So far, they've ranged from 2-8 poems. And if you put these poems in a single file, that's even better.

Currently reading this. Some genuinely funny pieces. Some decently well-written ones too. Enjoying it much more than I expected to.

>> No.15983415
File: 1.23 MB, 684x900, Shadow of the Torturer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sending out 253 rejection emails while trying to provide constructive feedback and encouragement to everyone.
So I await the hour.

>> No.15983419

>Brb, sending out 253 rejection emails while trying to provide constructive feedback and encouragement to everyone.
Spare the time and write
>Git gud
That should be sufficient.

>> No.15983446

It seems my piece is dead, but thanks anyway dude. Will come back better.

>> No.15983457

Any coro pieces i particular?
Do note that the quality drops off significantly in the second and third volumes

>> No.15983458

Please do. Keep reading, writing, and revising.

>> No.15983475

B-but my story was in the 2nd volume...

>> No.15983501

A few I enjoyed so far:
>Appendix 2, or How I stopped worrying and learned to love my appendicitis.
>Inner Machinations
>The Pale Pink Mound of Venus

>> No.15983551

Really? I haven't read vol 3 because no pdf, but volume 2 seemed miles better than vol 1 to me. The opening poem of the first volume is still my general favourite, but 2 had some good realist stories in it and less that was total bobbins.

>> No.15983736

is there a place for writings in foreign languages in the quarterly?

>> No.15983821

You’re not witty

>> No.15983851

Not really. I know my editing partner is fluent in a number of languages, but this is an English language publication

>> No.15983909

This is a good thing

>> No.15983953

Are you stupid? You will never make a literary career out of publishing in small unknown journals like this. Whatever your opinion on established journals is, if you want to become a professional writer it is imperative that you get your name out there by being associated with them. But if you couldn’t even get published in a magazine like this, there is absolutely no chance that you will get published in a serious magazine. This has a 10% acceptance rate and they have 1%>. If you couldn’t get published here, it is time to drop your ambitions about becoming a professional writer.

>> No.15983992

Dw anon, mine were in 2 and 3, but I'm struggling to remember things other than das rite das kapital, porky and catboys being mentioned somewhere

glad you are enjoying it

>> No.15983995

What a bitter piece of shit you are.

>> No.15984022

If someone can’t even get into community college, is it reasonable for them to aspire to be a professional theoretical physicist? If someone can’t get into their high school’s basketball team, is it reasonable for them to dream about being in the NBA? Then why is it reasonable for someone who can’t get into a 10% acceptance literary magazine to expect to become a professional writer, when that requires them to go through much harder challenges?

>> No.15984108

If any of those were remotely analogous, you'd have a point. If a person isn't accepted into community college at age 18, does that preclude them from being a physicist in their thirties? If they don't make the basketball team at age 16, are they necessarily going to be a bad basketball player at age 25? Do either of those things factor into the pleasure and fulfilment one can get from such pursuits? Of course not.

I can name you a hundred professional writers who never contributed to a literary magazine. I can name tens of thousands who've never been published in the illustrious Lit Quarterly. You've set up a faulty standard for what establishes someone as a professional writer. Your timeline on reaching "writer" status is completely skewed; you have almost no information about who was accepted and who was rejected; you appear to have almost no insight into what the editors used to judge what works WERE accepted; and you seem preoccupied with discouraging people as if you, some anon on a lit discussion board, are some kind of authority on what it takes to be a professional writer.

Pull your head out of your ass and do something productive in the world, rather than what you're doing right now, because the world has no shortage of ugly little shit-talkers.

>> No.15984135

>I can name you a hundred professional writers who never contributed to a literary magazine.
Name one decent professional writer who wouldn’t be able get into the lit quarterly.

>> No.15984155

there is always the potential of becoming a better writer, or the possibility that the particular thing you sent in wasn't to the editors liking for whatever reason but would have been accepted at another place. i've written stuff that's been rejected at places and then getting accepted at another myself.
i don't see the point in trying to demoralize someone who got rejected here, but then again if someone gives up writing because of one rejection they're probably not that into writing in the first place

>> No.15984156

What's your definition of professional? And what's your definition of decent?

>> No.15984197

Professional = writes for a living
Decent = not some 50 shades of grey tier supermarket author
I understand, but the point is that this magazine has a 10% acceptance rate, and its main contributors are people on /lit/, so it’s not a very competitive field. If you get rejected at a serious mag, it’s obviously no big deal. If you get rejected here, the bottom of the barrel, you won’t be accepted anywhere else.

>> No.15984210

Now that the dust has settled, perhaps it’s now time to release some free digital content from the 3rd edition.

>> No.15984258

About 85% of the people printed in The Lit Quarterly were paid for their writing, so they're automatically professionals by your definition. Even though it's not enough to live on.
>not some 50 shades of grey tier supermarket author
Wow, your definition managed to clarify nothing.

A 10% acceptance rate means nothing. If I somehow had inside connections and managed to get only established, professional writers to submit works to the quarterly, the acceptance rate would still be 10%. Meaning 90% of the applicants - ALL of them professional, established writers - would be rejected. Do you see how your standard is completely flawed?

>> No.15984298

D-did you like my story litbros?

>> No.15984306

Is anyone scanning and uploading this?

>> No.15984883

Thanks! Didn't get accepted for the present edition, but I panic submitted a couple things that weren't quite appropriate for the quarterly. Hoping to generate something soon to submit to the next edition. I love to hear people enjoy what I write. It's half the reason I write.

>> No.15985154

I didnt say the rejection letters need to go out this moment, just that its professional to do it in the near future.

>> No.15985158

>Many people do precisely that.
Very little do it. Creative types are in it for getting noticed. Just as the rest of my previous post explains. If they knew no one would ever consume their shit, they would stop.

>> No.15985213

I scanned it, but I am waiting on a friend to convincingly edit my story in.

>> No.15985222
File: 6 KB, 250x147, download (4).jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got excepted!!
*happy soungs*

>> No.15985267

How's the ratio for fiction vs. non-fiction submissions? I have exactly zero interest in and penchant for creative writing but I've genuinely wanted to write an introductory Stirner essay specifically for anons for the longest time.

>> No.15985331

err... non-fiction is also fiction because you can’t be 100% accurate.

>> No.15985367

Not true, it actually came to me in a revelation, besides I'm just going off https://litquarterly.ca/submissions/#guidelines

>> No.15985436

>be writer
>want a career in writing
>have little foresight into the future
>get a piece in "Lit Quarterly"
>further on down the line mention it in a CV when you're querying literary agents
>one of them opens it up
>agent googles Lit Quarterly
>/lit/ archive literally pops up on the first page
>agent explores around a bit
>finds a community that hates blacks, jews, women and talks about fetishes constantly
>agent is disgusted
>agent puts your name on a blacklist that is circulated among all major publishing houses
>kiss your dream of being the next Great American Novelist goodbye

I sincerely hope you don't think being attached to 4chan in any professional capacity will actually further anyone's opportunities. I can tell you're some millennial, kinda detached from the Gen Z anxieties of the social Stasi.
I really hope none of you are using your real names, and I hope none of you are gonna put this on your CV.
I know it's "hip" and "cool" to be for free speech at the moment, but don't let blind ideals sink your reputation.

>> No.15985579
File: 24 KB, 476x504, 1595778125699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got published and used my real name and address, and I don't care about being connected to /lit/ or anyone tracking me down. What're they going to do, strip me down and tickle my feet? Suck my dick? Or is the agent going to turn me down because of my ties to an edgy website? The agent can suck a chode, I'll find a different outlet for my work.

>> No.15985607


>> No.15985619

To be fair, we may all be at risk for being 4chan users.

>> No.15985641

Gone are the days where writers can act like aloof rockstars, gramps.
I'm sure you'll impress everyone with your Hunter S. Thompson persona of fuck-it-all. One glance at the 4chan wikipedia page is enough for normies to think you a completely deranged individual.
And god, the publishing industry has become increasingly PC in the last five years.
I hope it was worth it for some 4chan cred.

>> No.15985667

I intend to, but it's relatively low on the priority list. That's why I suggested people who are looking for feedback and a more timely response should email me.

I think this is just plainly incorrect. Everyone who writes as a hobby does this. Sure, submitting to a little journal like this could be a fun, intriguing departure, but it doesn't define the purpose or motivation of every contributor's writing.

Fiction to non-fiction was at least 15-to-1

Here's the thing, dude: if you're not even willing to express your opinions in public to a little, independent journal, why hold them? What are you trying to achieve? If you're ashamed of your own beliefs and think they shouldn't be expressed, what are you concerned about?

>> No.15985668


>What u gonna do, track me down and suck my dick?

Yeah. Thats right.

>> No.15985687

So you're admitting defeat, eh?

>> No.15985691

okay I like my odds then. I'd written it off because all /lit/ productions I've (speed)read like the writing threads or Totalitarianism in a Tundra seemed to do so as well, but now I'll make sure to get around to it.

>> No.15985693

I just know how the publishing industry works. I've been published and won awards before. I don't need some 4chan magazine to feel validated. I'm just issuing a warning to all the young and impressionable people here. Don't use your fucking real name.

>> No.15985704
File: 57 KB, 633x649, 4D9EBFC000000578-5883957-The_National_Museum_of_Antiquities_in_the_Netherlands_has_reveal-m-11_1529946386973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a persona, I really just don't care. Nobody has the energy to "dox" me, and if an agent refuses me because of my connections to this shithole, then I don't care about their rag anyway. If things take a turn for the worst, I'll just take my writings elsewhere. There's always someone who's not so scrupulous when it comes to the material they publish.

>One glance at the 4chan wikipedia page is enough for normies to think you a completely deranged individual.
But I am a deranged individual

>And god, the publishing industry has become increasingly PC in the last five years.
Yeah, they've demolished the taboos and strictures of the past (against promiscuity, violence, anti-Christian things) and erected new taboos. That's not a problem to someone who lives life as if it itself were a work of art

>> No.15985707

Defeat to what?

>> No.15985718

The problem is that, if everyone (or even most people) follow your advice, the world will become a worse place.

>> No.15985728

The anti-free speech, thought-control-types who are actively trying to narrow the scope of discussion, expression, and ideologies that can be printed. If you recommend people hide and feel ashamed about their honest beliefs, then you're actively fighting against those beliefs, whatever they may be.

>> No.15985753

How so?
There are plenty of "literary" magazines that hold onto the tradition of the canon, where fictionalized accounts of the darker sides of human nature are still accepted. Now it becomes different when the primary readership of a magazine is a website like this, where you're actively aligning yourself with a website like this...
>Hide your fucking power level
How new are you fucking idiots? It seriously looks like 4chan is a huge proponent of your whole personality.

>> No.15985798

Not at all. When you see the variety of writing and contributors across the editions of the journals, you'll know that's ridiculous. The point is that, if you tell people to not express or engender their beliefs in any serious or meaningful way, you're saying that we should bend to the will of the bullies who are taking control over more and more areas of everyday life, including the arts. And that's bad advice in my humble opinion.

>> No.15985802

if you want to change the system you do it from within the system you vain, romantic fuck, and you can get on a soap-box for anti PC or NPC or HRT or whatever the fuck while hiding you power level, as was succinctly put, not doing so would easily exclude you from the given system. Realistically I don't see any way associating yourself with an Appalachian bridal canoe-carving board on the internet wouldn't hurt your grand cause. Or whatever.

>> No.15985818

You do it by expressing yourself honestly as much as is humanly possible. I'm not talking about playing dumb to office politics or using the word nigger. I mean, if you are going to take the time, effort, and money needed to print a truly independent literary journal, why would you shy away from honest ideas and creative writing? Why would you encourage people to stick to the same bland, uniform, PC bullshit that infests ALMOST EVERY OTHER publication?

>> No.15985834

You do know that every single human on this planet holds onto beliefs that are too controversial to every speak aloud, right?
Should they all risk social alienation just to stick it to the "bullies?"
What exactly do you hope to accomplish by writing for a magazine that has already found its echo chamber?
It also sounds like the majority of what's in it is just overly political crap.

>> No.15985862

>should they all risk social alienation just to stick it to the bullies?
No, but they also shouldn't be advised generally to hide their honest beliefs, especially in a publication as small as this one. If you can't express your beliefs here, in the quarterly, you can't express them anywhere. Not saying there isn't a scale to consider, but a blanket warning to not associate yourself with anything controversial just increases the banality of modern life.
>What do you hope to accomplish...echo chamber?
The quarterly is far from an echo-chamber. The two editors are constantly debating how best to handle and select certain works, balancing all the things we're talking about without stifling good, if controversial, writing.
>It sounds like it's overly political crap.
There's no way someone who's read even a single edition of the quarterly could come to hold that view.

>> No.15985885

maybe consider doing some kind of free preview?

>> No.15985923

That should be occurring on the website in the next three-ish days.

>> No.15985928

Wondering, are there some good stories?
When I say good, I don't mean stories written about muh melancholy by pretentious hipster faggots. I'm talking good stories that are hyper relevant and relate to imageboard and internet subculture, stories about degenerate incel losers that fall for neo nazi shit and end up shooting a school kinda stories. Stories like that, not normalfaggotry stories.

>> No.15985958

There have been a few that touch upon those themes.
LQ1: Charles' Friend (flash fiction)
LQ2: The Internet is Serious Business (essay)
LQ2: Damned Machine (short story)
LQ2: Countdown to Harvest (short story)
LQ3: Out of the Basement and Into the Fire

>> No.15985973

lit quarterly-based crypto currency when?

>> No.15985984

Get a load of this normalfaggot who's absolutely frightened in his boots of normalfaggots and what they think lol.
The absolute state

>> No.15986052

Imagine starting a literary journal that attracts edgy zoomers who will call anyone a normalfag for disagreeing and speaking of reality outside of 4chan.

Wew Lad
What a bed to have made.

>> No.15986123
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As an adult you should be able stand for who you are, just cause you admit you come from this place doesn't make you a bad person. This place is the popular undercurrent of the web, and everybody can post or lurk there is no ideological requirement. You are literally a coward, this place is more diverse than you make it out to be. And an association with this place can be a good thing, it's disruptive instead of confirming.

>> No.15986146

This is the most pseud shit I've ever read. Stop being a self-aggrandizing faggot over some shitty little magazine.

>> No.15986156

>The small blog thing would be up to our discretion based on, as you said, readership, and the relationship between the author and the blogger.
In my specific case I have a personal blog with a literal handful of readers, almost all anons from this board where I publish my own writing. Technically that is considered published in some capacity, but some publications are flexible when it comes to cases like mine

>> No.15986175

If it's you posting your own work online, I would consider that acceptable to us and not an instance of already published.

>> No.15986182

Just wait until some essay gets published in this magazine that will get cited a gazillion times

>> No.15986186

You're the guy suggesting that people should hide their beliefs for fear of offending the general public. If you think that's an admirable, noble, or worthwhile position to take, you're more fucked up than any of us.

>> No.15986197

Are you actually 15 or something? Go watch some more Gavin McInnes videos.

>> No.15986207


I axed kmd multiple time if he accepts bitcoin but sadly he is quite classical in his financial matters

>> No.15986208
File: 136 KB, 500x377, 1462475769367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're trying to high-road an anon trying to give you legit, honest advice, you clearly are a vain fuck
Pic related, the fucking state of this board

>> No.15986219


Many stories are unironically fucking great its entertaining af.

>> No.15986232

I've come to believe that half of the problem of overcoming this authoritarian, PC nonsense that is pervading our entire social and political landscape is convincing normal people with normal beliefs to not be ashamed of expressing their beliefs. The more people bend and compromise and kowtow, the more they lose. You give an inch, they take a mile. You play nice while they play dirty, you lose. So why in the world would you do either of those things? Honestly.

>> No.15986233

Oh and last question, site doesn't say anything about this
What is your position on contributors using a pseudonym rather than their real name? Acceptable, only real sounding names acceptable (so no online tags, etc.) or only real names accepted and verification required?

>> No.15986249

It's pretty much a tell-tale sign of narcissism.
>Hey, anon! Maybe professionally aligning yourself with an entity that can easily be traced back to 4chan isn't a good idea
>No, fuck you, you're fucked in the head. How dare you, you fucking coward? If you don't stand up for what's RIGHT and JUST, then you lose at life. Now read my story! I'm a writer!

>> No.15986252

Almost no restrictions on pseudonyms. As a matter of fact, I've never encountered an issue with attribution. Many people opt for initials or mononyms, which is fine, even though in my personal opinion it looks tacky on the cover.

>> No.15986258

That's a complete mischaracterization of my argument. Don't be so cheap and simple-minded. I'm saying if people aren't willing to be honest in a more-or-less anonymous, inconsequential publication, the odds that they're willing to be honest in a place that matters is basically zero.

>> No.15986261

Fucking Jordan Peterson has done more for free speech than you ever will. How is your little literary journal gonna actually enact change?

The amount of delusion you hold is laughable.

>> No.15986269

By publishing good writing that would normally be rejected out of hand for being controversial, anti-PC, and in opposition to the establishment publications, which are typically bland and uniform.

Not gonna dispute the Jordan Peterson thing. Not even sure why you're bringing him up as a point of comparison.

>> No.15986280

>this guy
Bro, you are probably such a fake generic person IRL. Of course if you're gonna write some crooked bigoted shit you'll get not accepted in 'pc' publishing. But holy shit who cares, there are literal neo Nazis getting published no problem. Also not everyone here is a right wing edge lord, people here are varied some might even abstain from using f- and n- words in their posts.
Start being authentic and embrace who you are.

>> No.15986283

No it isn't at all. You're probably a clinical narcissist. You hide behind all these noble things, when in reality, you just want people to see you as literary. You fucking nonce.
Smell your own farts some more.

>> No.15986303

>Dude, Bro!
>Bro, man, dude!
>Just tell everyone in your life you post on 4chan!
>They'll look at the wikipedia page and see it's a hive for incel murderers, Tarrants, and CP
>Bro, just embrace who you are, don't be a normie, bro!

Stop samefagging to protect your faggy journal, you blabbering faggot.

>> No.15986313

Again, throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. If you've read this or any other thread related to it, you'd know that I do not openly promote the quarterly in real life. I've told only a handful of people about it in real life. You've misjudged basically every aspect of this project but you're running with it because one other guy agreed with you, despite every single bit of context I provide to the contrary. But keep swinging, man.

>> No.15986323
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Keep swinging.

>> No.15986324

Now you're just projecting. You're the one literally hiding behind free speech while entrapping writers with your awful public relations and advertising campaign.
You're such a faggot, oh my god.

>> No.15986330

this is pretty pathetic behavior
you have all the protection of 4chan and anonymity, you're on /lit/, and you choose to pitch a tantrum over people publishing their own work in a small scale publication

maybe you should work on your novel, or your literary journal, or your budding career

>> No.15986339

>hiding behind free speech
>entrapping writing with awful public relations and advertising campaign
Are you actually listening to yourself? What in the world are you talking about?

I have two questions for you and I can pretty much guarantee that you won't answer them both honestly.

>> No.15986353

One of these days, a journalist who browses this site for salacious leads on stories will discover this budding journal, and connect it all to 4chan.
"New Literary Magazine Accused of Harboring A Culture of Anti-Semitism, Racism, and Misogyny."
Because, you know, journalists just want to be paid.
Look at what happened to Fantano and that bassist from DIIV.

>> No.15986364

>I have two questions for you and I can pretty much guarantee that you won't answer them both honestly.

Again, another trait of narcissism... telling you what you know, and how you will react.

>> No.15986371

Google docs are fine yeah, should it be editable or view only?

>> No.15986382
File: 729 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20200728-224750_Wikipedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wiki page isn't even that bad, and shit are you dumb? You've got the 'alt-right', trolling, racism, etc. EVERYWHERE. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, even random WordPress sites. Are you fucking blind? Sure, out here you can be a lot more blatant, and on other social media people tend to be a lot more crypto to not get banned. But shit, it's not like they're not there.
I would love to slap you IRL, you're such a soft skinned pussyboy.

>> No.15986415

And guess what happens when they do that?
>I get doxed
What else is new?
>they inform Revenue Canada that I haven't declared my income from the quarterly
I provide all the expense receipts that show I've spent about 10X more than I've earned from this project, while contributing to the artistic community. Not only would I probably be entitled to a tax return, I'd probably also qualify for a number of grants.
>some twitter and facebook fags disparage the journal
I'm not on social media, so who cares?
>they demand I be blackballed
I'm completely independent and am in touch with a number of independent book-binders/printers who couldn't give a shit less about what they think. They just appreciate the business.
>accused of anti-semitism, racism, and misogyny
If this criticism even reaches my ears, I'll point to the jews, blacks, hispanics, and women who've been printed in the journal without prejudice.

Pretty rich coming from the guy who gave me a free psychological profile fifteen minutes ago, lol
1. Did you submit any works to any of the lit quarterlies?
2. Were your works accepted in any of the lit quarterlies?

I don't know. Editable, I guess. What's the word count that got you to 1GB?

>> No.15986424

Do it, faggot. You're the one pissing over your lame little journal. You sound autistic.

Anyway, my work here is done. Anyone with half a brain can see this journal is run by a vain dickhead, and attracts even dumber dickheads. All the kvetching at me just proves I hit a serious nerve. Why would anyone trust an editor who so naively advertises on 4chan?
Fucking hell. You newfags are cancer.

>> No.15986432
File: 38 KB, 699x161, diiv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the bassist from DIIV
As someone who knew him as a /dng/ trip long before his identity became public, he 100% got what he deserved. Dude was an absolute clown.

>> No.15986439

This STARTED on 4chan, you idiot. Your ignorance is truly staggering. Keep swinging, keep whining. And answer the two questions I posed you.

>> No.15986457

You are a normalfag though its extremely obvious from your posts and the fact you said:
and care what they think which is pure normalfaggotry.
Can you been anymore of a normalfaggot from twitter?

>> No.15986462

What is Avantgarde?

>> No.15986490

No, again, I would NEVER submit anything to a fucking 4chan magazine.
And again, your narcissistic ass is just gonna go down the old "well, he's bitter because he was rejected! Haha I am tripping on power right now!" route.
And again, you just admitted you don't care if your whole magazine is jeered at in the eyes of the public, that all the contributors who submitted something and used their real names are going to just go along with all the heat thrown their way. And if that does happen, so you say, you'll parade out all your token blacks and women to virtue signal with? You will say anything to make believe you won, huh?
Fucking hell, you're a vain dickhead with no regard for consequences, huh?

>> No.15986508

i'll be paid at least $500 for this story. thanks for the screenshots too, editor guy!

t. journalist

>> No.15986510

Keep repeating the same bullshit over and over without any information about what the project is about. It's going really well for you so far, that you sound like a total childish faggot who's lashing out at something he claims is stupid and pointless.

Your advice, so far, has been to not associate yourself with anything controversial, even if it's something you honestly believe. Don't contribute to a small-scale project which is trying to curate good, independent creative writing. Do be honest or forthright in any pursuit that might draw the ire of the banal, soulless "mainstream public." This is what you're suggesting. And I'm telling you to go fuck yourself.

>> No.15986521
File: 434 KB, 1328x1488, dark-wojak-light-grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hit a serious nerve
Yeah, because you're acting like associating with this fun project is like exailing yourself from society. Again 4chan is cancer and especially /pol/ is hateful retards spouting shit, but this is 4channel not 4chan, we're believers of free speech and anonimity.
Stories will most likely be judged on their own merit not by the place it gets associated with. Sure maybe some clickbait article gets posted or some retard tweets something idiotic, to think that actually has a real effect on the anons that chose to publish through this fun little project is just delusional.

>> No.15986537

You have to go back, tousit.

>> No.15986541

lol, you can contact my agent at litquarterly@gmail.com and my attorney at https://www.sullcrom.com

>> No.15986564

If I submit something now, how long until acceptance e-mails start being sent out (so I know when I've been rejected lol)

>> No.15986585

>>some twitter and facebook fags disparage the journal
>I'm not on social media, so who cares?
>>they demand I be blackballed
>I'm completely independent and am in touch with a number of independent book-binders/printers who couldn't give a shit less about what they think. They just appreciate the business.
>>accused of anti-semitism, racism, and misogyny
>If this criticism even reaches my ears, I'll point to the jews, blacks, hispanics, and women who've been printed in the journal without prejudice.

lol if i was your boss i'd fire your ass. this is awful PR. how many times did you just say you didn't really care in this post? goddamn lmao

>> No.15986593

Are you mentally ill? Just leave this thread, your opinion is shit and nobody is defending you. The anons that give their real names do not care, they don't need your warning.

>> No.15986601

Probably early September.

It's a good thing you're not my boss. I CARE about the quarterly. I DON'T CARE about some random social media critics who target anti-PC publications.

>> No.15986629
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>> No.15986683


Are you salty cus you got rejected fren?

>> No.15986691
File: 906 KB, 2000x1337, 1595699140248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, the internet is basically an information-collecting trap. You ever do something questionable in the future? They have all of your Youtube comments, subscriptions, and likes. They have your social media posts, your history, your accounts, your posts. Most of us have oodles of dirt on us, just circulating out there in the web. Best thing to do at this point is either try to abandon the internet, or just stop caring. If they don't like me at my worst, they won't like me at my best. They like other people's worst (calling for cop killings, president killing, shame on whites, etcetera), and I abhor those people's opinions, so why care? Find the best way to stick it to them all, and see every failure as a success.

>> No.15986709

Whats the best story in the new quarterly? I havent received mine yet.

>> No.15986711
File: 19 KB, 261x215, 8c24bd80e59bb9398da387218bc9c1e6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WHY dont u care what us normies think!!
>noooo you must care because i care so much!!!!!!!!!!!
>now im going to call u edgy!!!!

>> No.15986718

That reply doesn't make any sense in relation to >>15986691

>> No.15986726
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>That reply doesn't make any sense in relation to >>15986691

>> No.15986734
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>>That reply doesn't make any sense in relation to >>15986691

>> No.15986737

My three favourites were:
>A Marvellous Punkah-Wallah
>The Ratline
>The Siren

>> No.15986745

Doing a good job of saving face, friend.

>> No.15986749
File: 28 KB, 378x378, 835E6DD8-8459-4336-B5E8-9F26991D809B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doing a good job of saving face, friend.

>> No.15986755

Ok, guess I'm a brainlet after all, how does one download a google doc as a file to be shared/ submitted elsewhere?

Can't just share link, site requires a file

>> No.15986767
File: 25 KB, 644x800, c59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha looks like theyre just edgy zoomers
>i cant believe they dont have any feeling for what some normie may think of them

>> No.15986859


Countdown to Harvest gave me chills. Probably one of the best schizo pieces I've ever read.

>> No.15987061

The way this thread has gone has made me sad.

>> No.15987097

>I've won awards before.
No you haven't. Meanwhile, I have, and encourage rebellious writing to make its return. I bought the second issue of Lit Quarterly. "I Love Homework Now" was good enough to be published somewhere else, but it found itself into LQ. Good writing doesn't need good politics.

>> No.15987109

> I have, and encourage rebellious writing to make its return.

No you haven't.

>> No.15987121

The way your parents treated you makes me sad.

>> No.15987132

I like your integrity anons. Unfortunate that coward faggots berate you for having principles and ideals and most of all, guts. If a writer is so concerned about his reputation and career that he finds something wrong in your bravery, rather than something to admire, then he wouldn't be capable of writing anything worth reading to begin with for anyone with a hint of spirit. The literary community is one of the faggiest communities and /lit/ is really a den of cockroaches, I only come here out of habit and the occasional 1 or 2 decent threads on catalog. You have much more value than the lesser men that chastise you. Take care of yourselves anons.
>But before all these, they shall lay their hands on you, and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues, and into prisons, being brought before kings and rulers
>But there shall not an hair of your head perish.

>> No.15987184

cute how the staff of this writing magazine pay for bots to review their journal, and constantly shill their magazine on here with praise for the short stories.
you should just rename the magazine "Cope."

>> No.15987185

Guess neither of us will ever know. But in an age of restricted creativity, LQ can only be seen as good. I supported the journal, I encourage writers continue to submit their work, and I take joy in watching a bitter failure lash out at the thread for his being rejected. Everybody else, good job and keep going.

>> No.15987218

Ok, I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna submit something.

Presumably I just provide a synopsis and brief explanation of who I am in the "your message" section?

>> No.15987300

just resubmit your story homo you might get in the next issue

>> No.15987313

> But in an age of restricted creativity, LQ can only be seen as good.

Come up with a different line. We can all tell you work for this magazine. Who is restricting creativity in the age of the internet where there are so many platforms to actually make money off of it? Stop believing you guys are the harbingers of some sort of Renaissance. That shit already happened.

>> No.15987460

just use a pen name you sperg jesus christ

>> No.15987545

Why get anything published if you're not gonna use it to impress English graduate chicks?

>> No.15987554

>muh dick

>> No.15987667

>the rest of this post
So you're rejected and resentful.

>> No.15987677

stop lording over people with ur gay magazine lmao

>> No.15987775

You fags bitching is going to be the end of this thing

>> No.15987800

lmao wtf did they expect advertising on 4chan anyway???

>> No.15987828

shut up fag

>> No.15987844


>> No.15987864


>> No.15987888
File: 63 KB, 194x185, Lit quarterly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop supporting them. Don't buy their copies. Don't submit to them.

>> No.15987903


>> No.15987925


>> No.15987943


>> No.15987949


>> No.15987953

huh, I remember this guy's first post about this, glad to see that it's grown
I'll throw a few poems their way, see what happens

>> No.15987965
File: 655 KB, 2000x2544, fetish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop supporting this HACK

>> No.15987974


>> No.15987978

just posting to hit bump limit

>> No.15988033

the faggotry in this thread disturbs me

>> No.15988045


>> No.15988051

I hope you all liked my poem in this issue.
Just got my copy in the mail, reading it tonight.
The pay was good, covered one of my expensive ass textbooks.
Thankya kindly.
t. RM

>> No.15988115

do you eventually reply to people who've been unsuccessful or should we just take the hint?

>> No.15988146

>the faggotry in this thread disturbs me
The obsessive sour grapes sperging is unnatural

>> No.15988196

i got published in the 2nd and 3rd and didn't make it into the 4th despite submitting

it's a game of chance, baby. if you're not tenacious you'll make it nowhere.

>> No.15988232

>didn't make it into the 4th despite submitting
is the deadline for that over? why not submit again?

>> No.15988258

fair, i've written a ton since then
i haven't written at all this month though, i've been kind of waiting to generate something absolutely fresh for the quarterly, but i might just submit things i've already written.

i've been tweeting more than i've been writing whole pieces lately, bah

>> No.15988277

What pieces of yours were published?

>> No.15988333


so it was The Internet is Serious Business in ed2 (although I prefer an earlier edit to the final version, the final version does a fair job), and Seasons and We Made Something Together in ed3

>> No.15988363
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>> No.15988384
File: 343 KB, 2650x800, goya witches sabbath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like this

>> No.15989303

I will try, but it will take weeks.

>> No.15989814

Imagine being a paranoid schizophrenic
Nobody is ever going to read your CV no matter what you put on it

>> No.15989836
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>didn't get an acceptance email
>didn't even get a rejection email

>> No.15990041
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>got rejection email
I feel you