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/lit/ - Literature

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15968278 No.15968278 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15968313

Meh... he's alienated, ok. But then it quickly becomes a parody of itself and an affected alienation. After that point, the novel loses steam.

>> No.15968370

This is literally the self-loathing man of inaction wojak meme.
Gonna read the setting sun now.

>> No.15968371

The Setting Sun is better

>> No.15968391

Effeminate garbage. It ultimately isn't tragic enough. To push this loneliness to the extreme, to wear more and more masks, to lose yourself under them, now that would be interesting. Now that would be more entertaining. The cruelty present at the start of the book shouldve intensified throughout. Can anyone give me a truly tragic novel?

>> No.15970185

>Effeminate garbage.
Exactly how I feel too. It's literally a book meant to impress young women and make them swoon over such a poor tortured soul.

>> No.15970208

>Can anyone give me a truly tragic novel?
Don Quixote

>> No.15970482


>> No.15970513

It actually sucks, though. Even on a purely technical level, Dazai's writing cannot hold a candle to that of the Big Three (Mishima, Tanizaki, and Soseki).

>> No.15970705

I want to give it the benefit of the doubt and atribute it to translation.
I read it on spanish and some sentences felt weird, as in him stating something that he already did a couple of lines before.
The intro is also "too good" if I could say it. You think it will develop on those premises a bit more but he only touches some superficially and then just roles with it. I guess it might be because ideally the one "writing" the diary isn't really a writer but more of an illustrator, and one that is passing thru a really fucked up moment of his life.
Still, it didn't live up to the hype that some of you boasted.

>> No.15970752

>I want to give it the benefit of the doubt and atribute it to translation.
I read it in Japanese. His writing really is technically deficient, at least when compared to his contemporaries and predecessors. He lacks the control that enables Mishima to use very long sentences without grating on the reader.
Like the others in this thread said, check out The Setting Sun.

>> No.15970784


Literally all just mad because the protagonist gets pussy. Urrr not depressing enough for me, he doesn't come close to the depression that is my life. Nobody could know the torture of the Incel. Grow up!

>> No.15970796

I don't think even incels could possibly be jealous of a man who watched his wife cheat on him and was blamed for it by his only "friend."

>> No.15970878

Cry Daizaifag. Your author is good at womanizing and nothing more.

>> No.15970932


>> No.15970972


To us in modern times yes.

But ultra conservative Japan mid 50s this sort of thinking was an extreme thing for people to read about

>> No.15971006

No it wasn't. There is nothing ultra-conservative about Japan in the 1950s, you troglodyte. Don't forget that the LDP was created in 1954 because the conservatives would've otherwise been overwhelmed by the socialists and communists.

>> No.15971008

>Can anyone give me a truly tragic novel?

ermm.. in the near future, as you reflect back on your life?

>> No.15972355

>before finding out it all actually happened

>> No.15972363

The man of La Mancha!

>> No.15972369

>It's literally a book meant to impress young women and make them swoon over such a poor tortured soul.
If so, it failed tremendously. The only people who read it are depressed incels.

>> No.15972627

Shitty book

>> No.15972661
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Please recommend me some more essential self-loathing core like this or Notes from the underground.

>> No.15972791

A fool's life
Bruges la morte
Jakob von Gunten (not sure, I read it a long time ago)
The Maimed
Whatever (Houellebecq)

>> No.15972802

That's one more thing than you've got at least

>> No.15972828

The man without qualities

>> No.15972843

my diary desu

>> No.15972920
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Finally a thread for this shit so I can talk about it.
Well anyway, let me tell you what pissed me off the most about this book since I'm sure all of you really wanna know that.

In the scene at the start the author ponders the purpose of the railway bridge, first assuming that it has the purpose of being a novelty and being quite satisfied with that and then being gravely disappointed when he learns of the utilitarian purpose. I fucking hated that, fuck these sorts of artsy retards who belittle the man made, manufactured world.

Beauty is a fuck, utility rocks, praise be to engineering, thanks for coming to my TED Talk.

>> No.15972952

Is there any way we can meddle with the brains of STEM people to turn them into the philosophical zombies they so obviously want to be. I am absolutely one hundred and ten percent serious about this. It really is worth considering that we should look into some method of removing all the functions of the brain which allow STEMfags to do anything other than whatever they need for their autistic little field. Honestly. Give me a mathematician and an ice cream scoop and half an hour. Love and passion, nope not using it, you don't need it (*SCOOOP*). Desire for meaning and authenticity, don't think you even knew you had this (*SCOOOOOOP*). Basic ethical and aesthetic sensibilities, well known to any well-adjusted three your old, you certainly won't miss this (*SCOOOOOOOOOOP*). Then we screw the top of his head back on and marvel at our creation: the ideal STEMfag, reduced to his essential part, a human calculator in the case of our mathematician. And I genuinely believe that he would thank me if he could. This is all STEMfags want to be, this is all they're really capable of being.

Give them all to me and with an ice cream scoop I'll fix all their problems. They won't have to worry about any of the dastardly, irritating aspects of life, such as beauty, or religious hope, or virtue, or even sensuality (which will be merely sense-data once I'm done with my scoop).

You really do have to understand, noble reader, that this isn't even in the slightest a cruel thing to do. It's removing from them those things which would do nothing but bother and irritate them till the end of their days. They don't want these things which are so valuable to you and I, noble reader. In fact, their every utterance is a plea to the universe to "reduce" and "eliminate" and simplify and I, and my trusted associates at the clinic, with our scoops would do nothing more than give them that freedom from unnecessaries that they so desire.

It's a perfect solution, which frees us from having to listen to their opinions on things outside of objectively measurable phenomena pertaining to their field and their field alone, and it frees them from the distractions, such as moral intuitions and human consciousness, which they are so disturbed by that they need to deny the very existence of these things.

Just picture it, thousands upon thousands of STEMfags walking out the clinic back towards their test tubes or whatever they do. Imagine the grotesque rictus smiles on their chinless anglo faces. "I'm finally free", they would think, were they not indeed finally free from that thing which they felt most keenly to be a burden on them, qualia, human consciousness, and all the beauty, passion, love, emotion, all the duty, the sense of virtues, the religious hunger, the ups and downs and bends and curves of being *human*, all that aesthetic, moral, spiritual... noise, which plagued them like tinnitus until my act of kindness.

>> No.15972955

And you are saying that while posting an anime pic?
Anyway I think that is a really strong metaphor to convey that as soon as sometimes becomes utilitarian the protagonist hates it because he's only interested in novelty object that don't have any kind of meaning. Showing how much he's dehumanised and detached from society. That's a perfect introduction to the main character if you ask me.

>> No.15972979

As a STEMfag I agree with this. Those people don't have any kind of passion or even a soul for that matter.

>> No.15973022
File: 435 KB, 1077x840, why yes i do post anime how did you guess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that the best way to experience this book is not pitying this faggot but learning to hate him for any number of reasons the author so kindly presents you.
Fuck you and your wishy washy ways of superficiality, the GREATEST beauty is in purpose.

>> No.15973026

Thanks m80s.
Turn it into a manga and win all sorts of awards.

>> No.15973028

Only women read it.

>> No.15973042

>Beauty is a fuck, utility rocks
>the GREATEST beauty is in purpose.

Read more, post less.

>> No.15973050
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>> No.15973058

>Only women read
that's because 'muricans think only faggots and girls read books, let alone foreign books

>> No.15973062


>> No.15973078

nice cheeks

>> No.15973104
File: 20 KB, 332x499, dino buzzati.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can anyone give me a truly tragic novel?
The Tartar Steppe by Dino Buzzati, this is probably one of the most depressive and haunting books that I've read because it makes you reflect about wasting your life and wasting your time and not going anywhere, pretty much like this guy >>15971008 said. I don't get it why I rarely see anyone here talking about this book, the book is kinda monotonous and tedious, but this is kinda the main theme.

>> No.15973138

The only reason she read it is because Junji Ito released a manga version of the book. It's shit.

>> No.15973159
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Ha, you sure exposed this black teenage girl! Fuck this makes me feel much better, I got insecure for a second

>> No.15973254

based and reader interaction pilled

>> No.15973528

Yeah. Totally. She didn't read it, like I did, from learning about it from /r9k/ or /a/. Hmfp.

It wasn't the fact it's Japan's second bestselling book of all times.
Or the fact it became public domain last year, which caused a brand new translation to be released as a result.
Or the fact there was a very popular film adaptation released last year (directed by a woman, full of romance, catered to women).
Or the fact there's an even older anime adaptation.
Or the fact it's practically a hymn for le suicidal and le sad modern times zoomers.

>> No.15973757

So only women read it, got it.

>> No.15973786
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>> No.15973873

I actually thought the sex scenes were depicted pretty well. But overall it lacks any subtlety, visual or otherwise. Junji is a primarily gore-hound

>> No.15974052

Based. I'm sick of degenerate STEMFAGS

>> No.15974225

The Underground Man didn't die, he just became a 4channer

>> No.15975221


>> No.15975256

No Longer Human resonates with me deeply
I was especially affected by the scene when Yozo peered into the pure happiness and life that his wife and daughter enjoys being themselves playing with a bunny.

Yozo is someone that is constantly looking inward, he does not see himself as human, but just happen to be in a human body experiencing human life
As such he can never be himself, constantly trying to become human and failing.

Truthfully, I almost cried when he prayed to God to grant him happiness if just for a moment!

>> No.15976143

let me guess, you're an incel? chastity doesn't matter that much in the west. getting cheated on is literally part of the normie life style.

>> No.15976184

She's literally holding the Junji Ito version in the same hand.
It most certainly is not "part of the normie lifestyle", you all-lowercase simpleton. People kill their spouses over it.

>> No.15976216

It's actually really popular in Japan, especially among women.

>> No.15976221

good stuff if you're an edgy insecure teenager, otherwise there's much better pessimistic/negative lit

>> No.15976313

did you read it in english? I'm italian and I'm never sure about recommending it to anons here because I'm worried about its translation

>> No.15976350

>People kill their spouses over it
mostly 80 iq white trash and niggers. are you really trying to deny how prevalent infidelity is today is in the west? its absolutely more common that being faithful.

>> No.15976353

>Truly I am no longer human

Really Weebshits?

>> No.15976393

I'm sorry that you've been raised by a single parent anon, but that doesn't mean that everyone is like that

>> No.15976416

ok incel stay in the basement so you can keep up that delusion

>> No.15976560
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>> No.15976753

no longer wojak

>> No.15977097

That's a miserable, depressing fact though. It's not a "lol being cheated on is normal, if it happens to you it's not that bad" argument. Tons of people get killed in Baltimore weekly, but that doesn't mean randomly dying is acceptable.

>> No.15977128

Made me realise I was wasting my life. Good book.

Did I change anything? No but now I live with the knowledge of what I'm doing wrong.

>> No.15977192

Wasn't it rape?

>> No.15977319

>Tons of people get killed in Baltimore weekly, but that doesn't mean randomly dying is acceptable.
Tons of people on 4chan are virgins, but that doesn't mean me randomly not getting a loli harem is in any way acceptable

>> No.15977345

All the writers that /lit/ talks about seem mentally ill same as me.

>> No.15977548
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/lit/ used to love this book, what happened? Contrarianism?

>> No.15977558

Fellow Italian thanks for the recc, I will read it for sure. Also have you read the Italian translation of Dazai's No longer human? Everyone say it's bad and that I should read the English translation but I'm a bit skeptical. What's your opinion?

Cool picture anon. Saved

>> No.15978016

I have a girlfriend. No, infidelity is neither as common as you think nor is it part of the normie lifestyle.
I don't think so. The details are rather ambiguous even in the original text, but it seems that the man who he worked for somehow tricked his wife into sleeping with him regularly for money.
It's not actually that good. We probably just got better taste.

>> No.15978118
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very based