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/lit/ - Literature

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15967052 No.15967052[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ BTFO

>> No.15967068

he BTFOd himself in that edit

>> No.15967082

> That absolutely faggot tier edit
/lit/ gets owned a lot but this is not one of those times

>> No.15967084

She/he/it/ is right.

>> No.15967088

Who the fuck speedreads by skipping or uses audiobooks on /lit/? Fuck anyone who does that.

>> No.15967098

>that edit
I can't begin to imagine what part of his post has riled up the mob

>> No.15967100

We got BTFO by /tv/, /lit/ is literally the weak kid with acne that even the bullies are afraid of picking up on because it will damage their reputation
What could possibly be in this image that hasn't been said to death before?

>> No.15967116

I had to be creative to get through some books.

For example, We, I could not get into it just by reading, so I got the audio version and "read" along with the audio.

>> No.15967118

Speedreading is for people who don't actually want to read more.

>> No.15967127
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That fucking edit damn I am glad I am not a fucking redditard

>> No.15967131

All the pseuds claiming they read these 1000 page long books on philosophy in one sitting

>> No.15967134
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What's with Reddit? What is it about the posters that makes it so terrible?

>> No.15967145

>you never hear a cinephile say
There's literally people who "watch" action movies by jumping from action scene to action scene

>> No.15967149
File: 1.05 MB, 1118x1230, Disg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that edit

>> No.15967151

KEK he doesn't read while watching movies and listening to audiobooks on the background. What a brainlet.

>> No.15967152
File: 38 KB, 900x382, 0158c63cbebdce821dc37c072f07f91b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check your prejudice

>> No.15967164

it's the unconscious desire to be accepted by getting likes. On 4chan you can just shit your diarrhea all over the board and jannies have to mop it up if it gets too smelly

>> No.15967168

that faggot is right
listening to audiobooks is not reading

>> No.15967171

Unironically not listening simultaneously to two audiobooks on each ear ngmi

>> No.15967186
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>that pozzed edit

>> No.15967187
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Just saw it lmao wrongthinker rekt by based r*ddit gang

>> No.15967192

>/lit/ BTFO
How? Isn't this exactly the same kind of """"elitism"""" that these pop philosophy retards complain about coming from /lit/? The point of reading a book for content is to develop ideas about life and challenge yourself, if you just zip through the words and aren't thinking about what you're reading, you ARE just reading as a consumptive activity. Consuming books, even speed reading to memorize content, is not an intellectual activity. If you read The Republic and can quote every line but have no original ideas or takes on it, or no personal interaction with the text, you are the pseudiest pseud that ever pseuded.

>"Guys, listening to a book at a fixed pace that you can't easily stop and go over, or can misunderstand, is not the same as running through each word."

>> No.15967194

They are ADHD tards

>> No.15967200

You brainlets don't turn your ebooks into subtitles and put them on your movies? The absolute state of this board.

>> No.15967204

How can he write something so based and immediately throw it all away with that cock gobbling edit?

>> No.15967211

Wasn't there a guy who turned his movies into ebooks using a frame extraction program and then read them on a kindle?

>> No.15967219

Yikes. Ok, enough. This ereader thing has gone too far.

>> No.15967225

>It's almost insulting how threads like this deem my way as a subpar experience and incorrect
God I hate these people. If it's impossible to criticize an experience for BEING subpar and incorrect, because perhaps it is, then how do you ELIMINATE subpar and incorrect methods?
I know I'm preaching to the choir but for fuck's sake, if John is sweeping a floor with the short side of the broom instead of the long side, and Sally says "Hey, it would go faster if you swept with the long side", no one in their right mind would respond "I'M INSULTED THAT YOU'VE DEEMED MY WAY OF SWEEPING A SUBPAR EXPERIENCE AND INCORRECT". And yet when some dude reads so fast and with so little interaction with the text that he retains almost nothing, and you say "Hey, maybe you'd have a better experience with these texts if you engaged in them more and slowed down", they'll shout "FUCK YOU, I'LL READ HOW I WANT!"

>> No.15967226
File: 26 KB, 717x593, Joker_Naik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can quote every line but have no original ideas or takes on it, you are the pseudiest pseud that ever pseuded.

>> No.15967232


>> No.15967245

that's just how leftism works: someone tries to have an independent thought and then the group gangs up on them until they apologize for their thought and gets back in line

>> No.15967249

The edit is more than likely ironic, you fools.

>> No.15967261

It's 100% not you autistic fuck

>> No.15967262

I'll give the Musliolis the benefit of the fact that I count "I agree with it for this reason which I developed myself" as an original idea, so long as it's not just parroting another source, but yeah. In ye olde times when getting a copy of the Quran could be hard simply because printing didn't exist, it made sense to give some honor to a Hafiz, because it is hard to do and it was useful. But my god if it isn't still the cringiest thing ever, when so many people even in the third-world have decent access to books or phones, to still make such a big fucking deal about memorizing the Quran.

>> No.15967265

non, r/eddit follows irony with a /s or something like that

>> No.15967271
File: 8 KB, 220x184, sad_pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y u no tag my comment too

>> No.15967273

As a recovering redditor it is absolutely not ironic and you are incredibly lucky to be so unexposed to this kind of person that you don't realize they are absolutely serious in saying those things.

>> No.15967276

>/lit/ BTFO
But most people on /lit/ agree with this I feel?

>that edit
christ, what a pussy.

>> No.15967277

>The edit is more than likely ironic, you fools.
It's Reddit. It's not ironic.

>> No.15967282


Believe me, I would love if the whole website was ironically pathetic, but its unfortunately completely sincere in its pussydom.

>> No.15967292


There was that Speed Reading for Dummies book that explained that slowly reading a sentence or paragraph means you can't really grasp the meaning or what the sentence is trying to say since it comes at you in small bits and pieces. But if you speed read or try and read like 3 or 4 words at a time instead of 1 or 2, then you can grasp the meaning a lot easier. I can't really explain it that well since it's been a few years that I've read the Speed Reading for Dummies book. Also, speed reading doesn't mean you can skip words, you have to read every word, you just do it quickly by reading 3 or 4 or more words in a glance before moving to the next clump of words. If you have a literature professor, watch their eyes when they take a look at your paper, you'll see that they can read real quickly, at least that was how it was with some of the professors at the university I had attended.

Probably the best way to get more out of the text or novel or literature that you are reading is to mark up the books like in that essay of How to Read by the Mortimer J. Adler guy. Okay, looking through a writing book I have, it's actually called How to Mark a Book by Mortimer Adler. Anyway, if you have privacy and you want to get the most out of a book, you can try marking it up, circling or underlining certain words or phrases, putting stars next to important paragraphs or circling the paragraphs, or you can write down your notes on a separate paper or notebook. I think even Edgar Allan Poe has an essay on taking notes when reading literature, I think it was called "Marginalia." The problem with marking up your books is that people can take a look at your notes when they already have their own, especially when you don't want to share your notes with people who don't share theirs.

>> No.15967298

yes, either that oR tHeY wRiTe liKe ThIs.. that edit is not satire at all, I can tell because I used to be one of them reddiors not long ago, before I came to know that there is a literature sub on 4chan too.

>> No.15967305

I'm not talking about people who read quickly. I'm talking about faggots who skip over paragraphs and pages then go on sparknotes and wikipedia.

>> No.15967314

Go back

>> No.15967315

There is a poster saying that he read 30 books in 30 days and he's obviously lying but somehow got 300 points kek

>> No.15967326

Definitely doable, anon. But I dunno if it is worth reading anything like that. You can probably read at least 4 or 5 plays a day.

>> No.15967329
File: 189 KB, 880x628, Screenshot_20200726-171717_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be ashamed bigots

>> No.15967331

Dyslexics shouldn't be allowed to read books

>> No.15967337

I have never seen a site with more legitimately retarded people than Reddit.

>> No.15967338

>insensitive towards certain groups
holy shit reddit is a bigger shithole then i remembered

>> No.15967339

God no, I'd sooner kill myself, they disgust me.

>> No.15967340
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We won't, just like IRL immigrants. Instead we will destroy your culture from within and turn this into just another Leddit.

>> No.15967344

yeah but not fucking dostoievsky in a day

>> No.15967352

people less retarded than you have tried this for many years and autism always won

>> No.15967361

why this redditor is butthurt about speedreading and audiobooks ?

>> No.15967363

So how many pages per day do you faggots read and how many hours does it take you? I try to read 50-60 pages a days, read a few hours and finish a book (300-400 pages) a week

>> No.15967389

no one cares retard

>> No.15967413

You can probably do it. But it is not like you are going to get much out of it. Reading properly requires a bit of your own thought. I'm still reading some books that I have finished reading weeks ago.

>> No.15967424

At 75 words a minute, I try to read as much as I can in a few hours

>> No.15967448
File: 33 KB, 400x582, 1583495254854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>consume my media

>> No.15967473

yeah skimming it

>> No.15967488

Go back

>> No.15967511

based slowreading chad

>> No.15967512

Imagine taking offence to a post that's designed for people that are able to read normally

>> No.15967712
File: 49 KB, 850x400, quote-to-read-too-many-books-is-harmful-mao-zedong-32-45-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15967743

>/lit/ BTFO
The only BTFO would had been if the user was a /lit/izen and s/he went there to troll them, because we had been and always be against all forms of speed reading and/or reading without deep profound understanding.

>> No.15967783

>few hours
give numerical values retard, how much time it takes you to read 50-60 pages

>> No.15967792


>> No.15967795

That edit, amirite guys?

>> No.15967803

Nietzsche said this as well

>> No.15967822

Nietzsche said this as well

EDIT: Thanks for the replies

>> No.15967862

Are redditors right, bros? Are books just entertainment meant to be consoomed to pass the time and it's pretentious to think of them as anything more?

>> No.15967958

If by books you mean any piece of literature produced after 1950 then yes. Most books today are garbage meant to be consumed.

>> No.15967967


Then why did he write so many books?

>> No.15967977

Mao would also benefit that his people be stupid as fuck. Keep the sheep dumb.

>> No.15968023

You may not like the phrasing but it is objectively correct.

>> No.15968026

And Schopenhauer said it too.

>> No.15968030

If you read a lot of books you realize that everything has already been said and you don't write anything.

>> No.15968123

lol that was me

>> No.15968150

the edit doesn't go back on anything he said previously

>> No.15968394

god reddit is such a populist shithole

>> No.15968409

>>15967088 audiobooks and speedreading are exclusively for when i need my genreshit fantasy fix.

>> No.15968441

jumped down to the edit without reading the main post first
this """man""" is clearly a onions and as such has nothing of note to say

>> No.15969179

>that audible shilling

>> No.15969194

>What you think eating my own shit is disgusting? Let people enjoy things!

>> No.15969208

take the meaning from the whole body not just the individual words, if there is meaning at all. the intro to complete works of plato covers this.

>> No.15969838

youre a nigger rape pillow