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15966441 No.15966441 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people enjoy Catcher in the rye?

>> No.15966445

High IQ.

>> No.15966460
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>the heckin catcher in the rye?!

>> No.15966585
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They dumb

>> No.15966597

I teach this book and fucking hate it.

>> No.15966605

>t. low IQ

>> No.15966607

Yeah i read it cause it was so hyped but was total shit
I was even scared of reading catch 22 because it also has „no plot” but 22 is funny as hell. Catcher is just bad

>> No.15966618

Says the dyke who speaks in a nigger dialect TOP KEK

>> No.15966744

I definitely understand when people say it didn’t live up to the hype as being a ridiculously relevant book for any teenager. It certainly didn’t feel that way when I read it at 17.
But people who say that it’s an outright bad novel are obviously plebs who probably don’t like any fiction that isn’t fantasy or YA.

>> No.15966753

>says the manchild reading books assigned to middle schoolers

>> No.15966758

You need to have a patrician taste in order to enjoy it, you fucking kraut.

>> No.15966764

>you can't be a high IQ middle schooler

>> No.15966779

Catch 22 is just a gimmicky meme book; it takes all the bad things about Salinger’s later fiction and cranks them up to 11

>> No.15966788

Oh shit that randos blog post totally illegitimized one of the most popular books of the 20th century!

It was an ok book, I could see the appeal for a young person who feels alienated. Franny and Zooey is one of the best modern books ever.

>> No.15966790

The only middle schoolers who get their IQ tested are little weirdos who take is as part of a whole battery of tests. Often after some neighborhood pet disappears.

>> No.15966804

I didn't ask for your boyfriend's life story

>> No.15966808

Basically NPC's that don't really read walk into book stores and usually around the front or advertised so a decent amount of people can see the book, you will see catcher in the rye and the NPC then thinks to himself:
>Hey i heard that book is kewl!!
and then proceeds to purchase it; in addition, its probably the only thing they have read in ages next to JRR Tolkien and possibly halo books and think they're "readers" now and tell everyone how they like to read

>> No.15966829

It’s usually assigned reading in High Schools; like To Kill a Mockingbird
The people you’re describing pick up Infinite Jest or Vonnegut

>> No.15966843

Awww somebody has a low IQ! Why don't go on a redditesque tirade about how it's a meaningless metric with its roots in colonialism and blah blah blah....

>> No.15966856

Or maybe lots of people just like the book? Does it get tiring constantly projecting your bitter, lonely, loser mindset onto everything to give yourself some shred of feeling superior or interesting?

>> No.15966867

>Or maybe lots of people just like the book
Because they haven't read enough and follow what others tell them. Don't start getting insecure now anon because judging by that post you just made with those adhoms you are.

>> No.15966881

Only book they've read other than Goosebumps. It's a step up from that perspective.

>> No.15966884

>they only like the book because someone told them it was good
Lmao, that can be applied to every book ever written

>> No.15966899

After this reply especially with the "lmao", I can see why you enjoy this book. What I'm trying to say is you don't seem very smart.

>> No.15966909

Again with the projection. You don't think anyone of the millions of people who read the book actually enjoyed it?

Of course all your tastes have developed from the ether of your own immense psyche, kid writing pissy contrarian posts on 4chan. You're definitely special, just like everyone else here!!

>> No.15966910


>> No.15966918

it's an emotionally complex book that portrays a character in a period of change and revelation. The language of a teenager, while seemingly limited, is revelatory of certain obsessions and outside influeces. Holden is conflicted throughtout the book - he despises people because he can feel himself susceptible to the same vices as they are. He is empathetic to the point of dysfunction, his sense of self becomes a mosaic of the damaged people around him.

For an author to portray all that is an achievement in itself. I think Catcher in the Rye is a markedly literary and beautiful book.

>> No.15966922

Did the midwit learn a new word today? Look, it's alright you like highschool tier reading level books, burgerflipper because not everyone can be smart, so it's alright.

>> No.15966923

>i’m so mad that i’m lashing out so quickly I don’t even know who i’m responding to anymore

>> No.15966930

Hey a meme response. You showed me!

>> No.15966937

>meme dude!!!
Your banter is highschool-tier which would explain your fondness for catcher in the rye

>> No.15966941

I'm responding to the person I responded to. I don't care about their post history, we're not on reddit. Sick burn though, we're having a 'discussion'!!

>> No.15966958

Sorry I'm not up to the standards of the brain trust that is found here. I can tell you're very intelligent because you speak exactly like all the other 'intelligent' people here!

Now say something about high school or some low end field of work, that'll show me. You could throw in a 'COPE' too if you're feeling extra clever and original today, you hollow shell of a person.

>> No.15966970

>everyone is wrong but me!!!

>> No.15966978
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>Catcher in the rye is my favorite book and yes, I did not get farm in college and or did not go!
>What gave it away?

>> No.15966989

Projecting redditor seethes

>> No.15967000

> I respond in short, cliched sentences painted with a tinge of smug superiority. I am not a loser because I 'won' this throwaway internet debate that nobody will read and will disappear forever in a couple of hours


>> No.15967011
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>> No.15967039

cuz try trannies that wanna be mad into grills

>> No.15967074


but the reading level for the book is fairly low.
why would you think this?

>> No.15967111
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this couldn't be more true and what confirms the truth of it is the reaction from all the insecure mongs that are described in that post by that women

>> No.15967135

Because physiological degeneration + snowflakeism = pathological glorification of childhood, i.e. Catcher in the Rye.

>> No.15967139

>popular = good
Literally a brainlet-tier take.
Back to your JRR Tolkien books plebeian!

>> No.15967300

> popular != good

I get it, you're a living caricature.

>> No.15967518

This. Why is everybody so bitter about people liking this book? It's a good story about a teenager struggling to find meaning or purpose.

>> No.15967647
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As a teenager, I liked how Salinger expressed angst, I felt like he was reading my mind. As an adult, I can appreciate it for what it will do for future angsty teenagers. But I probably won't read it again.

>> No.15967671

Except from Master and Margharita that shit is fire

>> No.15967700

Yeah basically that

>> No.15967716

This book literally has no story. It’s devoid of plot, conflict, stakes and all I gotta say to people who like thai book is well I am sorry and I hope things will get better soon

>> No.15967773

>catcher in the rye
Every time I hear that title uttered out of a mouth from someone that I'm speaking to in person, I usually just completely turn my ears off because you already know that they're extremely casual haven't read much and just childish or rather DUMB.

>> No.15967805

Hasn't it always been in /lit/'s top 100?

>> No.15967819

Do even neckbeards wear fedoras anymore? Or are we all just throwing around fedora pictures from 2010 forever?

>> No.15967925


there is in fact a reason why you always see that very book advertised in very conspicuous spots at popular retail book stores just as you would see twilight, harry potter and moronic self help books and that reason is simply: its for braindead NPCs who barely read

>> No.15968053
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Normies can't understand the struggles of robots like Holden.

>> No.15968067

thats called the fiction section and they display popular books just like Walmart or Target displays popular merchandise. Don't be an elitist cunt, cunt.

>> No.15968443

It's really just a book that's about finding your place in the world and it comforts young adults who feel they are growing up at a rapid pace, which is why it holds personal significance to a lot of people. Most of the people who hate the book approached it because of the hype around it and read it like a story, which at best is a messy and boring plot, but you need to look at the bigger picture with an open mind to really understand the true meaning.

>> No.15968451


>> No.15968521

Yes and everything at target and walmart is for poor americans and immensely low quality for people with no education or intelligence, just like the book catcher in the rye, so nice argument there mutt.

>> No.15968530

Oh no Ive seen these books advertised at the very front and not in a particular section

>> No.15968546

Stop holding on to the past.
Also refer to >>15967135

>> No.15968552

Not sure how you could read this book and miss its plot and conflicts...

>> No.15968579

You can tell this thread is filled with consoomer manchildren that hold unhealthy to
nostalgia. Why do they even bother defending
this trashy highschool-tier book otherwise?
Clearly they don't read much.