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/lit/ - Literature

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15965229 No.15965229[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I guess that all of us who are not in the 20% who gets the 80% can forget about our dream girls. I'm kinda getting tired of seeing "tall" as the first adjective women use when they describe their perfect men. I'm 5.4 and that shit makes me feel like I don't deserve to be loved. But if I'm here it's because my genes are good enough, right? Millions of years of evolution can't be wrong. The truth is that I never really had a tendency to self-consciousness or insecurity, and life is supposed to be hard anyways. So at least we can be more rational, control our feelings and use our will and intelligence to become successful in life. Stoicism is the way to go.

>> No.15965250

The absolute cope.

>> No.15965268

But there's loads of other dwarfs out there, what are you on about?

>> No.15965271

The Bible is literature. You post isn't.

>> No.15965275
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I feel you my nigga
Just take the funpill

>> No.15965282

You should go trans. Short little fem guys make me hard as a rock dress up nice and I'm sure you could find some dude to breed you

>> No.15965320

The genetically inferior shall perish under mother nature’s heel. Let go of the resentment. Also, not /lit/.

>> No.15965425


My cousin is that way 5'4'' but he is a genius, in the 160 IQ range. I always admired him, he is everything I'd want to be, except his height.

I am 6'2'' and I can see how my height, despite having a lower intellectual capacity than him, has made me able to get a girlfriend while he is almost 28 and still a virgin

>> No.15965429

what's genetically inferior about being 5'4?

>> No.15965440


You are basically unable to physically defend your loved ones, or make your woman feel like a happy little girl wrapped around your grizzly bear arms to snuggle her at night.

Which I promise you, its a big, big deal for women.

>> No.15965446


Then again, you could always date a midget that is 5' and be fine, so its not the end of the world

>> No.15965457

>You are basically unable to physically defend your loved ones
So how did all the manlets do it before modern nutrition?

>> No.15965471

im 5'11" very handsome and brilliant and yeah my life is just the same as anyone elses, no gf, no hope on that front, and very depressed/suicidal. 20% is just a meme.

>> No.15965482
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>isn't rich

>> No.15965488


I'd like to imagine, by either using their intellect, or charisma to form a tribe, or close relationship with stronger men that were willing to help them.

You are not meant to be alone, we are social creatures. and If I like you, you can be sure that'd be willing to risk skin to protect you, and your family.

>> No.15965505

Quit being a little bitch faggot

>> No.15965522

And what's genetically inferior about that?

>> No.15965536

Anyone saying that is definitely being partly disingenuous, because we've all seen lanky bony weakling tall people, and we've also seen people of short or average height but who are really stocky and jacked, and anyone would agree that you'd rather fight the tall guy than the buff second guy. I think general fitness is a better indicator of how attractive you appear than simply height, and of course when you compound the two and get a tall muscular dude, then ofc that will be chosen over the rest. But don't forget, these muscular giants eventually settle down and marry and etc, so really they just get one girl (or more of they divorce and repeat the cycle). Just don't worry about your height, you can't change it unless you wanna get your legs broken to get a couple inches. Instead, focus on your fitness, get very healthy, get muscular and get a 6 pack, dress nicely, and it really shouldn't be too much trouble to find women who are attracted to you.

>> No.15965541

The only thing that truly matters in a human is intellect. We can even say those with superior intellect are the superior humans because it's the thing that allowed us to dominate the earth. Physical strength is complementary

>> No.15965546


What's genetically inferior about being unable to defend your women, and offspring from physical harm by yourself?
Is that not self evident?

>> No.15965563

You deserve to be loved.

>> No.15965574

Danny Devito.

>> No.15965576

No it isn't self-evident because you failed to prove that shorter men are incapable of defending themselves or their families

>> No.15965581

Idk man, I'm incredibly average and been talking to some pretty hot girls as a result of being a passionate /lit/ student in my circles. Confidence and not being afraid to speak your mind might actually be the key after all.

>> No.15965593


Right, I suppose we'll ignore MMA is separated by weight classes. Or the studies showing taller men are naturally put in places of leadership.

Listen, at the end of the day it does not matter what I say. Go, and ask the gatekeepers of the human genome, the pruners so to speak. Observe women.

Who do they want to fuck?

>> No.15965597

You're coping

>> No.15965600

Smaller size means less food required. So that manlet might just leave more for the wife and children. He may be less useful in a fight, but depending on the general socio-cultural condition that may not be a big problem. Less food required = more people = more fighters. In short, people evolve to the optimal size considering the conditions.

In modern times, food is not a problem, so being bigger really is just better in all sorts of ways.

>> No.15965603

As someone who is 6’2 in the 20% percentile, DUDE, tall chicks love shorties, especially the one’s with complexes.

>> No.15965604


I am 6'2'', and have a girlfriend. What exactly am I coping about?

>> No.15965614

>Right, I suppose we'll ignore MMA is separated by weight classes.
What does weight have do with height? More to the point, what do sports have to do with reality where guns are more effective?

>> No.15965635

How should I know? But people who need to insist on the genetic inferiority of others are always lacking themselves

>> No.15965645


Height and weight have been factors our brains have evolved to correlate with power, way more than guns. So, even if logically speaking, someone shorter would be able to defend themselves with a gun from a larger opponent, the initial reaction from women in everyday encounters is to find taller men more sexually attractive.

This is hardcoded in our biology, and no amount of rationalization or thinking about it will change that. You cannot argue attraction, because its not a logical choice.

>> No.15965666


That's not true, that is just cope from genetically inferior people because they feel their sense of justice has been broken. Same thing with Karma.
>''He said something I perceived as mean, so he must be projecting his own insecurities''

The fact you interpreted as mean is prove it relates to you, and thus hurt you because you identify as that which I was talking about, regardless of whether my intent was to hurt or to simply state a pattern I've witnessed in real life.

>> No.15965677

>>''He said something I perceived as mean, so he must be projecting his own insecurities''
yes, I'd wager good money that's exactly what you're doing

>> No.15965690

> I guess that all of us who are not in the 20% who gets the 80%
What the flying fuck are you talking about? Around 90% of men in Western family systems get married.

>> No.15965692
File: 64 KB, 900x750, Le_Goblin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy beat more pussy than an Indian villager. No excuses.

>> No.15965698

>Height and weight have been factors our brains have evolved to correlate with power, way more than guns.
Are you retarded by any chance? I'd be a lot more cautious around someone with a gun than someone who is tall or heavy

>> No.15965709

yeah, looks wise I am maybe 4/10 thanks to a bit of weight, but I'm also educated, have a career going and can hold a conversation, which is how I've found myself in relationships with women I think are quite intelligent and beautiful

>> No.15965711

This response is a cope in it of itself

>> No.15965713

tall people are primarily products of western nations. the average height even in Africa is like 5’5 or some shit. western nations are not breeding therefore dying and therefore not beating evolution. being tall in the West means you’re literally the most worthless phenotype in the present world. You’re also less likely to be comfortable on airplanes.

>> No.15965725
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Remember, it's more like 90/10. Being in the top 20% is what's required for being VISIBLE. Getting a high quality cutie is a different story.

>> No.15965727


I am not interested in making you feel bad about your height, but you'd be incorrect, and poorer.

>> No.15965730

First and foremost: This isn't literature.
And secondly: Dude, being tall isn't dancing on roses. Lot of women I know never describe me other way than saying I'm tall, it gets old very fast. Grass ain't greener other side, you whining faggot.

>> No.15965735

yeah but most of them end up with single mothers and other scrap ends

>> No.15965737

Bottom line
>Women prefer larger than average men (though not freakishly huge ones)
>This does almost certainly have evolutionary reasons that once made this the correct choice
>These reasons are not necessarily applicable at this point in history
Also, modern people make evolutionarily poor choices in general all the fucking time, so we best not take them too seriously.

>> No.15965756
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Height doesn't matter.

>> No.15965770


Are you a woman?

>> No.15965779

>Remember, it's more like 90/10. Being in the top 20% is what's required for being VISIBLE. Getting a high quality cutie is a different story.
...it's over isn't it?

>> No.15965788
File: 53 KB, 548x200, 1593662919742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just be yourself

>> No.15965793

only if you believe it to be so

>> No.15965807
File: 43 KB, 399x600, webcam-toy-photo15 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That so?

>> No.15965844

Only a woman could post something that retarded so I would venture to guess yes

>> No.15965855
File: 88 KB, 461x507, 1571878086117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ugly

>> No.15965874


You are not happy with your height, and you want to lash out against the world because of it, by using logical arguments why your genes are not inferiors to that of taller men.

Its pointless, if you want people to accept you so much, go out into the world, and get a girlfriend. You won't get a gf by arguing with strangers all day long. If anything, this sulking attitude is going to deter any woman that comes close to you.

>> No.15965902

based Tedposter

>> No.15965913

You're projecting again: you're the one who is lashing out, and you're getting btfo at every turn and looking like a fool

>> No.15965924


How so?

>> No.15965944

your small penis told me

>> No.15965954


My penis is above average size, and fully-functional

>> No.15965968

prove it

>> No.15966024

Bro girls who have height requirements for dating are not girls you want to date anyway

>> No.15966042


/lit/ was not made for me to post pictures on my penis, so some seething manlet can jerk off seeing my thick pre leak from my purple cumslit.

>> No.15966047
File: 145 KB, 550x550, 1591446201000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw a dwarf in the gym today, way stronger than most dudes. He looked like he forges his steel with bare hands. Tall guys are rare and rare stuff is sexy, the same with fancy eye colors. But you are a man and 'sexy' isn't the way to go. Being self sufficient and a respected member of society is what you want to be.
If you have trouble with women read some material about them. There was this book "The Red pill" or something along those lines that had good stuff about it (didn't really read tho).
If you need some encouragement, I recently saw a young man of small height with his cute daughter. If he can you can too.

>> No.15966053


>> No.15966059


Will do, manlet

>> No.15966107 [DELETED] 

Haha I'm 6'4 stay fucked

I've never even touched a girls hand either but apparently that doesn't matter. Also off topic thread mods do your only job

>> No.15966127
File: 113 KB, 1288x481, kantlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

become a Kantian

>> No.15966129

I feel bad for you bros unironically, I have a perfect jaw and perfect teeth as per what multiple orthodontists told me

But I say this unironically, women are more attracted to virtue than looks unless you look like a literal troll/dwarf but you wouldn't look at a girl like that either anyway so it works both ways

>> No.15966226


>> No.15966276

not literature

>> No.15966304

>You are basically unable to physically defend your loved ones
You don't know what you're talking about, you may be small but you can pack on muscle more easily than guys taller than you.

>> No.15966319
File: 312 KB, 1446x1786, Mommy Noi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to find the 7 foot tall amazon mommy gf some day, bros. I need her to desperately counteract my manlet genes.

>> No.15966412

>Millions of years of evolution can't be wrong.
Sure they can

>> No.15966456


Yeah, and when you find someone with more muscle, that is taller than you. What do you do?

>> No.15966463

fight him

>> No.15966466

I'd be fucked of course.

>> No.15966468

>Millions of years of evolution can't be wrong

Explain people with down syndrome then

>> No.15966486

Do you even watch Joe Rogan? If a manlet knew jiu-jitsu he could olbiterate any guy taller than him very easily.

>> No.15966497


Yeah, and if a taller man knew Jiu Jitsu, he could always beat the manlet.
Anything a manlet can do, so can a taller man, with an advantage.
Unless we are talking about buying clothing at a children's story.

>> No.15966531

you're just getting salty now after being btfo a hundred times

>> No.15966577

Most men that are taller than average don't learn Jiu Jitsu. I know women in relationships with tall men that are so dimwitted, careless about being active and just generally weak of will that I wouldn't be surprised if the woman would be the first to pull the trigger in a life or death situation.

>> No.15966587

I think that after a decade 4chan is finally starting to exhaust me.

>> No.15966599


Dude, just fuck off. I feel bad making you feel bad about your height, I don't give a shit about your rationalization to cope with being short. Fuck off, and do something of value with your life.

I am out of this thread

>> No.15966684

lmao, you seething nigga

>> No.15966688

test to see if gay mods banned me again

>> No.15966717

what about DC's little manlet protege? if he can cut it in heavyweight there's no reason you can't get pussy. stop whining and using heems as an excuse

>> No.15966742
File: 180 KB, 900x1200, BEB7C19C-0135-430A-B2EA-DDB71F0784AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Height doesn't matter.
I’ll take ‘em both.

>> No.15966777

Both look like utterly recessed subhuman dog shit

>> No.15966797
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, 12F68659-B312-4777-8A66-E569D32F6D18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15966798
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>Both look like utterly recessed subhuman dog shit

>> No.15966866

uh, stop posting my pic on 4chan please

>> No.15966906

Down syndrome didn't used to exist though because all cultures practiced a form of eugenics, it only exists today because we don't and the recessive mutations are able to get expressed and to continue in people's genomes

>> No.15967020

talking is all you gonna do

>> No.15967040

Fuck south east asian girl.

>> No.15967048

Neither is fighting required, and yet, the fighter look is what women are looking for. Intellect means much more in terms of being able to provide for your wife and rise in status, but women only care about the fruits of intellect, not the origin