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15963058 No.15963058 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good books (preferably fictional, but I won't split hairs) that feature samurai and/or shinobi prominently? Pic related has me wanting to read something in that vein

>> No.15963098

Sekiro is better lol

>> No.15963154

I wouldn't compare them much since they're very different games. Still, to each his own, and I certainly can't dispute that Sekiro is a fine game in it's own right

>> No.15963205

The Tale of the Heike might interest you, it is also referenced in the game.

>> No.15963397

>very different games
based consumerist retard

>> No.15963404

Runaway Horses

>> No.15963430


>> No.15963565

While video games are a lesser medium, comparing a soulslike to a third person open world action game is retard tier. Do you believe Tetris is the same as Bejeweled?

>> No.15963571

Eiji Yoshikawa's novels about Musashi and the Taiko are great. The Tale of the Heike is pretty awesome.

>> No.15963574

Shogun is perfect for the typical Gaijin videogamer

>> No.15963621

Shiba Ryotaro wrote lots of novels about the Bakumatsu period. If it's been translated, Shimazaki Toson's Before Dawn is also about the Bakumatsu period, but as it was experienced by his father and their hometown. If any of his stuff has been translated, Tokutomi Soho also wrote books about Yoshida Shoin, who exemplified the samurai spirit of the Tokugawa era.
For older stuff, you're gonna need to read the classics, like >>15963205, The Tale of the Soga Brothers, Eiga Monogatari, and other such tales.

>> No.15963681

>this is your brains on numbers go up

>> No.15963688

Check out the film Yojimbo that has Mifune in it, very similar feeling

>> No.15963698

what did he mean by this

>> No.15963722

All AAA games are equally terrible. All AAA games utilize the same mechanics/concepts to the point your mind equates those mechanics with gaming in general. Same movement, same themes, same combat even (itself a very specific thing). Minor differences are suddenly considered signs of uniqueness.

>> No.15963764
File: 179 KB, 1400x1400, Gris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About video games as art.
Pic related is an example of a game suceeding in a way other mediums couldn't. While it fails as a psychological narrative, it utilizes atmospheric progression in a way that defines mental states in such a manner which elevates it to the level of art.

>> No.15963771

Fuck off, weeb

>> No.15963792

actual autism

>> No.15963841

>Samurai and Shinobi
What's the dif?

>> No.15963843

Go back

>> No.15963848

Generally you are right, but you haven't played sekiro, have you

>> No.15963858

I refuse to play AAA games after The Witcher and God of War turned out to be such complete pieces of shit despite all the hype by leddit

>> No.15963868

Sekiro is really not like other AAA games, it probably barely even qualifies as an AAA game anyway

>> No.15963895

>Combat/stealth game where you control le cool samurai man, almost certainly with a convoluted and sensationalist narrative
Convince me to play it anyway

>> No.15963919

Musashi by Yoshikawa is my favorite novel of all time

>> No.15963923


>> No.15963929

The narrative is fine and it is completely minimalistic like in the souls games, it is really more a gameplay game than a story game, as games should be
The stealth is basically a meme, it is completely combat focused. The swordplay is quite unique and very simple in principle but very difficult to master and as such never gets boring or repetitive, and it is a constant challenge - overall I would say it's FromSoft's most challenging game so far. The environments are all nicely varied and atmospheric and fun to explore, and the level design is almost as good as DS1 and BB
It's just a fun and challenging game with nice visuals, no cinematic narrative quicktime bullshit, but an actual game, and it's really worth playing

>> No.15964117

Why do you equate muscle-memory retardation with "actual game"? Why would anyone want to lose brain cells by playing a button clicker? What is the appeal besides the immediate dopamine flood one feels due to the cheap pretense of progression (aka dealing damage, killing enemies, becoming more powerful, successfully evading danger, etc.)?

>> No.15964222

I dont think this was indicative of any intelligence deficit, they are clearly different games

>> No.15964232

>no cinematic narrative quicktime bullshit
Ghosts allows you to do stand offs, stealth kills, or bull rushes, i dont think your metric disqualifies it as a "real game"

>> No.15964252

Tangerines and oranges are clearly different as well.
Not quite as addictive though

>> No.15964393
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>> No.15965685
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>> No.15966507


>> No.15966982
File: 53 KB, 396x600, original_400_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this book any good? I'd be interested in reading something with an obvious Japanese influence but that comes from an outsiders perspective

>> No.15967075

I don't play many games but baba is you was pretty fun (:

>> No.15967176

Sekiro is very skill based and it has quickly filtered a lot of people, but it still is the better game.

>> No.15967205

With this reasoning, aren't all games anti-art garbage? What could you possibly consider as a good game?

>> No.15967206

shinobi is literally a ninja.
samurai is well not a ninja.

>> No.15967212

Why did you leave your containment board?

>> No.15967215

How is it possible to like this game and not be a onions boy?

>> No.15967221

You guys read The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet?
It was pretty good.
Not really samurai/ninja, but still.

>> No.15967246


>Point crosshair
>Slash sword shoot gun
>Jump over the thing
>Dodge the attack
>Solve the puzzle
>Choose the dialogue option

What else is there lmao?

>> No.15967247

nice bait anon

>> No.15967294

Samurai where the ruling class of feudal Japan's caste system, think medieval knights.
Shinobi is the proper Japanese word for ninja, which I'm guessing you know were essentially spies and assassins that either worked for specific samurai clans or for hire. Some shinobi either formed their own "clans" or were descended from disgraced or fallen samurai clans, if I remember correctly
They hated each other, in case you didn't know. Honour vs Efficiency, Peace vs Discord, Day vs Night, you get the gist

>> No.15967303


>> No.15967374


This is revisionist. In reality, most shinobi were samurai doing clandestine (i.e. dishonorable) missions.
Who else had the training, weaponry and intel to do these kinds of missions?
The samurai vs ninja is a contemporary meme.

>> No.15968070

That would make sense and be really cool. Any source(s)?

>> No.15968109
File: 321 KB, 1725x2560, 818S0gYC4KL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe no one has mentioned this yet...

Read Shogun by James Clavell. One of the best books I ever read. It's long, but when you finish it you'll wish it was longer.

>> No.15968423

Was the show any good?

>> No.15969393

Musui's Story
It's an autobiography, but a pretty fun read
19th century

>> No.15971121

>What could you possibly consider as a good game?
The Beginner's Guide, What Remains of Edith Finch, Journey, etc. etc.

Literally anything which doesn't have these very specific mechanics?

>> No.15971478

It's YA trash but slightly above the rest of YA trash

>> No.15971495

It didn't age very well and can be goofy from time to time, but I personally really like it

>> No.15971559

>Yoshikawa's Musashi


>> No.15971577


>> No.15971591

>Yoshikawa Musashi
Fine but reddit
Even more reddit

Nice, a bitch like OP begs, and retards respond with intro to lit recs that they didn't even read. Good board.

Oh, someone who might actually read. An actual good poster.

>> No.15971721

What do you gain by being such a dick ? Do you have any friends ?

>> No.15971730

Stop trying to turn Japanese culture into fucking Flip or Viet tier shit faggot, thx

>> No.15972023

Man up anon

better still would be the source texts in full themselves, this give you a taste though.

>> No.15972392

What do you mean it didn't age very well?

>> No.15972784

Read Blade of the Immortal

>> No.15973274

So you like walking simulators? Go outside.

>> No.15973303

just look at history. most every big name ninja was a samurai like Hattori Hanzo.

>> No.15973310

go back

>> No.15973332

>hates games because they are professionally made rather than the quality of the work on its own
what kind of nigger tier /v/ autism is this? havent even played any of your gay samurai games, might be shit for all i know, but shouldnt you be critiquing the product not the method of production? sounds like full blown reddit hipsterism to me.

>> No.15973349

start with the greek samurai

>> No.15973354


>> No.15973426

>hates game which are commercialized products for consumerist addicts

>> No.15973446

isnt that 99 percent of games though? name some that arent. even most “passion projects” are in some extent driven by financial interests. in that cause might as well say all “for profit” games then. and if you want to be more reasonable, then you could maybe say its a “spectrum of authenticity” by how much a product is the product of a capital venture rather than an artistic persuit.

unless you only play Nethack and flashgames i suppose. at least then you are sticking to your guns.

>> No.15973466

>isnt that 99 percent of games though?

>name some
I did, scroll up.

>in some extent driven by financial interests
Listen to some interviews by indie guys, their passion is quite apparent. Monetary interests do not precede the art in those cases.

>> No.15973530



>> No.15973537

>Listen to some interviews by indie guys, their passion is quite apparent. Monetary interests do not precede the art in those cases.
yah, like they are going to talk about how they want to make money off of it. its just not that socially acceptable. you really think that they wouldnt have moneyed interests alongside their own passion? there is litterally no reason to not have your cake and eat it to in that case. why not bring in the bucks while doingsomething you like? capital and authenticity are not always mutually exclusive buddy.
> I did, scroll up.

i think you are a faggot. you can apreciate something in itself while also acknowledging that the artistic vision is in part molded by moneyed and logistical concerns (as a big part of larger projects isnt soley about money, but various other developmental aspects).

mgiht as well say i hate cathedrals and state building because they are “AAA” constructions. you can still be a fucking anarchist or a atheist and appreciate the structure on an artistic level while disagreeing with the ideological fundement.

>> No.15973585

Just to reiterate, people who play Witcher and God of War and Skyrim and Assasin's Creed and that kind of garbage are mentally ill.
Video games can be worthwhile, however the standard triple AAA model which requires large corporations to hire thousands of people to make shit for the lowest common denominator (otherwise it is not financially viable to invest millions into muh epik graphics) is just not suitable for anyone with above 120 IQ.

See >>15971121

>you can apreciate something in itself while also acknowledging that the artistic vision is in part molded by moneyed and logistical concerns
I think you are a midwit. It is a question of extents, not absolutes. You are also greatly underestimating the autism some people are capable off with regards to the passion-money dichotomy.

Cathedrals were usually designed by a single architect in societies where consumerism was not a thing, and the artistic/spiritual/divine was held in great esteem by the dominant class, you god damn bonobo. There wasn't a group of marketing specialists and investors researching how best to appeal to the peasants.

Name 1 (one) AAA game which isn't a steaming piece of shit and I will reconsider what I said.

>> No.15973611

Can second this, it was great.

>> No.15973656

It's definitely good, but very much an exaggerated Western understanding of samurai. Also he has to mention how big the foreign main character's dick is, and how tiny the Japanese ladies are...

>> No.15973758

Trying to bonk asian girls can legitimately be an impossible or unpleasant experience when you have a fat dick though.
Speaking from experience

>> No.15973759

>but very much an exaggerated understanding of samurai. Also he has to mention how big the foreign main character's dick is, and how tiny the Japanese ladies are...
idk that sounds pretty authentically japanese to me. they love to exaggerate

>> No.15973764

Defend your game, pussy.

>> No.15973775
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can't beat this

>> No.15973787

How is there not a movie called "Samurai vs Shinobi"?

>> No.15973853

i enjoyed it too.
the whole trading outpost setting of the first part of the book was pretty cool, and i liked the lowkey "paranormal/weird/magic" stuff.

>> No.15974635

No idea. There has to be some Japanese film(s) that has that as a basic concept but I don't know any