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File: 71 KB, 1220x2000, The-Art-of-Warfare-by-Sun-Tzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15960780 No.15960780 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best, easily findable translation/version of Sun Tzu - The Art of War?

>> No.15960859

Is this worth reading?

>> No.15960922

I heard it's very good, am just trying to pickout which one to buy though.
Or if it even really matters?

>> No.15960933

Meme book

>> No.15960987

I have a copy of the Penguin translation that has extensive commentary on the text. I’m no Sinologist but I am satisfied with it.

>> No.15960994

Lionel Giles. First translation, remains most popular.

>> No.15961037

Do you have a source on it being the most popular? I'm not seeing much about Lionel Giles, I keep seeing Thomas Cleary being the recommended translator. Not saying you're wrong, just curious?

>> No.15962589

I have pic related the author literally made it gender neutral

>> No.15962660

Why do you want to read it? Because people told you it was a classic?

>> No.15962752

Favorite part of the book is when he herds two of every animal onto a boat, then proceeds to beat the crap out of every single one of them

>> No.15963198

>Why do you want to read it? Because people told you it was a classic?
This whole sub summed up in one question

>> No.15963249

I listened to the audiobook. It's not a bad or a hard read, also it takes 2 hours to read. If you care about chinese history ofc.

>> No.15963981
File: 12 KB, 432x182, E5BhnpVMU0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding. I'd like a version that also has an introduction, giving some information and history for context. ISBN 9780813319513 (Sawyer) looks like it could be worth getting. I hear their translation is good.

>> No.15963993

Kek 4 totally different recommendations

>> No.15964377


>> No.15964507

I bought the penguin and was thoroughly impressed. The book itself has the original text followed by, as >>15960987
said, a comprehensive commentary from Cao Cao to Giles. I’d recommend it

>> No.15964547
File: 111 KB, 291x450, Xotvpg6x7t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one? Does it also have an introduction of sorts? I'd assume so, judging by the # of pages (300 range).

>> No.15964668
File: 27 KB, 395x320, !.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All right, let's go. Thanks for this thread, OP and anons.

>> No.15964742

Yeah that’s the one. It has an introduction but it’s fairly brief and it mostly discusses the impact of the work, the fact that it may be various bamboo strips put together and the translators choices. It only amounted to 20 pages and I read it fairly quickly and felt that John Minford had a fairly good idea what he was doing

>> No.15964766

>Lionel Giles
I own the copy translated by Thomas Cleary. I would say get that copy. It's very good. His edition of Sun Tzu’s text includes the classic collection of illuminating commentaries/auxiliary texts by several interpreters/distinguished strategists after Sun Tzu passed away. So you get a lot of variation. The book is not that big either, very short. It's just a collection of aphorisms. But it's the interpretations of the book that makes it so big.

>> No.15964804
File: 6 KB, 250x184, 1594035665698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please somebody make it fucking stop

>> No.15964848
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>> No.15964879

art of war is gimped tao te ching

>> No.15965414

Thank you
You're right, it's more about the commentaries/interpretations, so I went into this thread looking for recommendations regarding those

>> No.15965867

art of war fags were repeatedly getting btfo in rotk